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"Studying and understanding what makes the universe what it is, is the question of many philosophers. It is especially those who study astronomy and cosmology, who tend to garner the greatest questions on the cosmic, as every answer found only serves to create even more questions.


Since the time of the Asharic, mankind's fascination with the stars and beyond have been one of the most occupying professions and pastimes. The Asharic themselves were quite knowledgable of the stars and celestial bodies of our solar system, and they believed that the Sun, which they knew as Solea, was both the birthplace and final resting-place of souls. To them, it was Heaven.


The Asharic's knowledge of the solar system were highly advanced, and many of the revelations they found are still foundational to today's astronomers. However, much else of what the Asharic knew has been lost, and what little has been recovered are found on faded tablets and excavated pillars in Tavyr and Seharn.


After the Asharic, the civilization who took after them the most in regards to astronomy and astrology, were that of Old Narumad. Narumad's study of the stars are said to have unlocked many astral-based technologies, and of obscure magics previously thought extinct, until their return with the Resurgence. Narumad ruins are often seeped in the mists of Astral Light, which powers ancient astronomical and astrological devices and machines, forgotten in the sands.


The Caidhe too hold great interest in the space and stars beyond the skies, though to them it is the reflection of a nightmare, filled with the eyes of a dream-devouring snake, Natháir. According to Caidhe myths, the darkness of the nightsky was a blanket cast over the world to create a hidden dream-realm by their Mother Goddess, Mac-Tíra, and the stars are the eyes of Natháir, its half-dead soul ever-watching from the outside, which the Caidhe know to be the True World."

Royal Astral Oratory

Royal Astral Oratory

Shortly before his disappearance, the famous philosopher, explorer, engineer, and machinist Calvo Galvan, left behind several pieces of nonsensical writings, insane scribblings, and incomplete schematics; known collectively as Galvan's Code. Among these was a map of the Heavens, or rather, a map of the nearby celestial bodies and stars.


During Galvan's time of the 1100s, astronomic studies were still in a catch-up phase, as the general understanding of universe and cosmos had yet to surpass that of the ancient Asharic's observations of the stars, and the Astral mysteries of Old Narumad were still largely unknown to us. How, then, did Galvan manage to transcend his astronomic knowledge so easily? With no tools or modern studies to assist him, even.


The Royal Astral Oratory has since the discovery of Galvan's Solar Map dedicated their lifetimes in identifying, confirming, and expanding his observations; to the point of obsessive madness, as not even Queen or Ministry can convince them to share all of their findings. The Astrologians covet the secrets they find with insane manic fixation, and any revelations have to be pried from their rambling lips.​


The Royal Oratory is primarily a  group of Caden astrologians, who serve the astrological and astronomical interests of the Blue Crown. In the past, the Royal Oratory's studies were mainly academic and for general astronomical interest and curiosity. But since the Resurgence, various signs across the night-sky, likely as a result of the Darkest Nights, have been observed to hold some relevance for current or future events; somehow rooted in the mystical field of clairvoyance.


There is certainly a supernatural element to the night-sky nowadays, and the focus of the Royal Oratory's astronomers has shifted quite noticeably because of it. The Royal Oratory has changed its focus to try to predict events by studying the numerous new stars; stars that only appeared after the Resurgence, and newer ones continue to appear every now and then. By utilizing Astral Light and ample Absent Hours, the Royal Astrologians can give the Blue Crown an advantage in knowing what the near or distant future brings.

The accuracy of these predictions are at best vague, but Royal Astrologians firmly believe that their findings can be very valuable for the Caden Empire, and as they study the stars they also believe that they are able to see into the Void; the true Void behind the starry veils. In it they apparently witness realities bent and changed; worlds and existences that are our own, but not quite. Future alternate worlds.

It is, however, thought that the astrologians have simply just become too completely obsessed with the stars, trying to make sense of madness and almost actively worshipping the stars they view. In looking to the stars, they hope to unlock the supernatural secrets of the world, universe, and beyond.

Some members possess certain obsessions over Astral Light, believing that its correct uses can aid their cause. They gorge on Astral Lustre, use it to power their telescopes, and bathe in an over-abundance of Absent Hours. Starstruck Madness, people have come to call it, and it is a real thing that happens frequently with Royal Astrologians especially. It addles their mind, but even between their maddened ramblings, some truths can be extracted if one listens carefully enough.

What they apparently witness in the stars, beyond Galvan's Notes, is not meant for human eyes, and many of them guard their found secrets warily from innocent, curious eyes; for only -they- , the Royal Astrologians, can truly withstand and know the universe's true cosmic truths and terrors. The stars frighten them and they excite them, to the point of creepily fetishising the Light they perceive in the darkness.

- Solar System -




Elysia is the inner boundary of the solar system, where certain celestial bodies like the sun and a a few planets reside. In addition there are a number of supernal marvels floating within Elysia's confines; strange observations that remain mired in mystery still to this day.


In ancient Asharic mythology, Elysia was known as the After-Life, where souls and spirits went to enjoy eternal rest. It was believed to be a realm far up in the sky, amongst the farthest clouds; a heavenly realm of tranquillity. It was described as a forever-going realm of green and flowery meadows, and of calm and harmonious blue seas. The natural spirits who resided there were known as angels, who watched over the souls of the dead in Elysia.


Today's historians have come to the conclusion that the Asharic people in fact meant Elysia's existence to be more literal, as they might've meant that its place was beyond the confines of our planet's skies, and defined it as an actual region in our solar system. Whether there's spirits and angels there is up for debate between the natural and supernatural science circles, though the majority consensus appears to be that much of the myths of the Asharic are just that: made up stories from an ancient age.


The sun which our solar system is based around is known as Solea. In earlier iterations of Verdian astronomical beliefs, our planet was thought to be the centre of the local universe. Further studies and rediscoveries of Asharic writings led to the more likely theory that the sun is at the centre, and that the greater celestial bodies of our system are bound to the sun as they orbit around it.


According to the myths of the Asharic, Elysia is where souls went to rest eternally, as they would be drawn in by the sun Solea, and become one with her illuminate glow. As such, much of the basis of the Candlers' faith and beliefs in Radiance could possibly stem from Asharic roots, as Radiance might actually refer to the sun. Metaphorically, more-so than factually, of course.


In Elysia, the sun of Solea was meant to be the absolute final resting place, where souls that were ready would go at their very last end. As they entered Solea's embrace, those souls would be burnt up and perish in the flames, then be reborn as mortals all over again. And so, the cycle would continue.


The sun was eventually used to define the centre of our universe, and by that degree it became the basis of the Solar System model. The model was in fact first used by Calvo Galvan and revealed from his coded revelations, though there were similar models found in ruins of Old Narumad, just mostly incomplete compared to more modern versions.



Circe is the planet nearest the sun, and she drifts along the same orbital path as the Crowns. Circe has two moons, Ardeas and Romos, of which Romos has a minor moon of its own, known as Virgil. Observations of Circe suggests that she is a bright orange-red planet, possibly engulfed in eternal flames and lava. Likelihood that anything lives there is extremely low.


Circe is named after the Asharic Paragon of the same name, who was the Paragon of Forges and Hearths. Circe is said to have granted blessings for homes and professions, by smearing her blood or sweat on walls or tools. In the known mythological tales, Circe gave birth to two sons, Ardeas and Romos, who carried on her legacy as legendary smith and carpenter.


Rhea is the second-nearest planet to the sun, and she's also the smallest of the planets in the solar system, if one doesn't count the absent planet of Minerva. Rhea appears to be a grey and broken planet with a large chunk missing, and large celestial debris floats around her, known as the Brass Princes of Erus, Mino, Crono, Ora, and Magna; of which Magna is thought to be an actual moon.


To the Asharic, Rhea is referenced as a Paragon of War, who appeared as a very young warrior. How young varies in some tales, as Rhea either appears to be around eighteen, and in other she's around twelve or thirteen years of age. She wielded a magical bow which she called Magna, but she held only four arrows on her, which were known as Erus, Mino, Crono, and Ora.


According to the myth, Rhea's arrows each had their own powers. Erus when shot could create an entire city where it landed, Mino landed in the stars and led a wayward clan safely home, Crono created time as it soared through the skies, and Ora gave winds new purpose in a wind-still land. According to the legends, Rhea shot and killed herself with Erus, and from her breaking body arose an entire city whose buildings were made of blood, bones, and flesh.

The Crowns

Three very distinct constructs are visible orbiting the sun, following the same path as Circe. They are thought to be constructs, because they look nothing like any other celestial object, and especially bear no similarities to moons, planets, or meteors. According to the Royal Astral Oratory, they are purely metallic, and appear as if they had been crafted by someone.


What exactly the Crowns are isn't known. They look like hollowed out shapes, hence the naming of Crowns, but despite looking to be made of metal, they glow with very strong light. The theory is that this is a form of Lucent Light, and each of the three Crowns are theorized to emit different types of Lucent Light each.


There's the Immortal Crown, the Divine Crown, and the Devil's Crown. The Immortal Crown is pure white, and is thought to be  a wonder of Astral Light. Radiant Light is likely part of the Divine Crown, which shines in a strong golden, warm colour. The Devil's Crown is dark, almost imperceivable, which means it most likely is made from Umbral Light.


The Asharic made no mentions of the Crowns, or at least there have been no recovered texts that include anything that resembles the Crowns. The theory is then that these celestial objects appeared in the solar system at a later date, but little else can be ascertained for now.

The Voyager Moons

There are three moons that float and orbit around the sun, along the same orbital path as Rhea. No one knew they existed, until Galvan's deciphered observations mentioned them. He named them Poluna, Utrenna, and Vecheya, which were the names of old Stormcoursers Galvan had once designed when he was alive. As such the three moons are often referred to as the Voyager Moons.


They are otherwise quite unremarkable, save for the fact that they aren't chained to any planets like most moons are. They also more or less look completely identical to each other, or as close to each other as is possible to discern via a telescope. They are pure white, almost pearl-like, and supposedly quite smooth-looking.




Empyrea is the middle and largest of the boundaries of the solar system. Many celestial objects and bodies can be found here, including various mysterious clusters and astral regions. In fact, a great deal of cosmic phenomena frequently occur in Empyrea, though some events seem strangely artificial, as if orchestrated by a predetermined design.


The name Empyrea comes from the Asharic word for Imperium, and it was named thus because how it somewhat resembles a sort of supernal empire on the starry-sky. The Royal Astrologians spend a great deal of time studying and scouring Empyrea, due it being where our own planet lies, which makes it easier to espy. However, the greatest reason for observing Empyrea is due to its many still-unknown celestial objects and phenomena, which continue to increase in rarity as the years go by.


There are many empty spaces in Empyrea, hidden behind various clusters and astral mist-clouds, which can easily obscure many unknown objects. Even Galvan's notes are vague on what could be in Empyrea, and while the Royal Astral Oratory has discovered, studied, and catalogued many strange things on the night-sky, the majority of their observations of Empyrea remain hidden and secret, even to the Blue Crown itself.


Named after their Mother-Goddess, Pandora is the name given to our planet by the Asharic. While the more modern name for our world is 'The Verd' (of Hagenite origin), many people still refer to the planet as a whole by its Asharic name.


Pandora is the third planet away from the sun. As far as anyone knows, Pandora is the only planet in the solar system that is inhabitable. Exactly why, no one can say, but no other observed celestial objects have shown any signs of being habitable, nor is there any clear evidence that there is any life elsewhere in the solar system; at least not human life.


Pandora's moon is known as Lunea; a name which in Asharic tales relates to the Goddess' pet wolf. As for the Goddess Pandora herself, she is one of the Three main Goddesses who oversaw the Asharic Pantheon above the other, lesser Paragons. She is mainly known as the Mother-Goddess, who was mother to two daughters, known as Nazonia and Azuna; the remaining two of the Three Goddesses.


Leto shares the same orbital path with his smaller twin, Juno, and both are the fourth-nearest planets to the sun. It has a large hole piercing its clouded exterior, which could be the eye of a storm. Lightning surges are also frequently observed around the entirety of the planet.


Leto has two moons, Apollona and Artemion, with a small unidentified object floating between them, named Erydea. It isn't believed to be a minor moon, nor does it seem like a celestial satellite. Erydea appears as a dark smudge through telescopes, with a perfect black ring encircling it.


Leto was the Paragon of Love in Asharic mythology, who apparently made strives to make love to all the mortal women of the world so they could carry all his children.  Of those mortal women, he fell in true love with two, Apollona and Artemion, whom he made his wives. Eventually the three had a child together, who they named Erydea. One half was of Apollona, and the other was of Artemion. When Erydea grew up, she was jealous of her mothers, and she killed them so she could seduce her own father. Leto then apparently killed himself in grief, and Erydea disappeared.​



Juno shares the same orbital path with her larger twin, Leto, and both are the fourth-nearest planets to the sun. She is largely obscured within the Regal Cluster, though there's apparently some sort of outer barrier or shield surrounding her, which protects the planet from the Lucent asteroids. What's behind this reflective barrier isn't known, though part of Juno's moon, Mara, sticks up out of the barrier.


​Said to have been the Asharic Paragon of Royalty. Juno wielded a golden spear, which had an always bloodied tip known as Mara. She would stab kings or queens in their hearts, and if they lived, they were worthy to rule. She was the younger twin of Leto, the Paragon of Love, and she herself was greatly in love with him too. It is said she became so enamoured by Leto, that she ended up piercing her own heart with her spear to test her own worthiness, which it would turn out she wasn't.


Leto, sorrowful of the loss, buried Juno in his own golden cloak.

Regal Cluster

The Regal Cluster is a collection of Lucent Light, taking the form of various asteroids amidst the darkened Empyrean space, otherwise just referred to as Lucent asteroids. The Cluster can be observed as glittering gold in the night-sky, and through a telescope it appears to be a cluster of hardened Lustre, most likely of Astral and Radiant Light.


Much of the Regal Cluster obscures the presence of the planet Juno, who drags the Cluster with her in her orbital path, as if she's wearing an astral robe around her.


Nyx is the largest of observed planets in the solar system, and she is the fifth away from the sun. She appears to be a blue or dark-purplish ringed planet with a noticeable storm's eye, with six moons orbiting her, known as Faye, Rhiannon, Abella, Cain, Skythrone, and Seine. Of the six moons, Abella has two minor moons known as Lena and Eno, and Faye has one minor moon known as Morra. Seine and Skythrone could be considered minor moons too, as they are comparably quite small when measured against Faye, Rhiannon, Abella, and Cain.


Following closely in Nyx's orbital path are three fairly slow-moving comets, known as Albus, Dark Wonder, and Princely Consort. On very rare moments throughout history, as Nyx's orbit lines up with Pandora, the three comets can be seen shining brightly on the night-sky, clearly and in great detail.


Among the Asharic, Nyx was the Paragon of Magic and Night. She was said to have been a powerful witch, who often caused trouble for the Three Goddesses. Nyx once went too far, and created night, in a world that previously only knew tranquil and bright days. As punishment for creating darkness, the Goddess Azuna implanted an eel in Nyx's heart, and it would wrap around and squeeze it at all moments of her life.


Supernal Dark-Zones


These are empty spaces on the night-sky, where not even stars are visible, as if being blocked by a sort of immensely gargantuan screen or blanket. During some nights, when Astral Light is at its strongest, it is possible for particularly well-tuned and strong telescopes to somewhat pierce the obscurity. This is how we know there are things behind these Dark-Zones, though exact details aren't quite so equally defined.


For now only for of these Supernal Dark-Zones have been recorded and observed enough to be put on the map. There are in fact many, many more, but the Royal Astrologians struggle to sort and separate them. Regardless, these four Dark-Zones are known as the Dark Veil, the Astral Dreamscape, the Heavenly Mantle, and the Heaven's Tear.


The Dark Veil is the closest to our planet, and many seem to think that is a sort of portal to the Void. Perhaps it is like a tunnel, that connects the darkness of unreality with our own reality. It is also the largest of the mapped Dark-Zones, even if its contents are mostly speculative.


The Astral Dreamscape was in fact mapped out by Old Narumad, and their ancient findings posit that the Dreamscape is where all dreamers' minds go when the body sleeps. Exactly how isn't understood, but that would suggest that there's Oneiric Light involved in some way. The Caidhe, despite possessing very 'primitive' stargazing tools, also know of the Astral Dreamscape, of which they refer to as the Waking Night.


The Heavenly Mantle lies in the Regal Cluster, where its darkness often overlaps with the glimmering lights of Lucent asteroids. This Dark-Zone was named after the Ximese belief of a heavenly afterlife, specifically of the Endless Heavens which older Ximese astronomers and spiritualists believe in.


The Heaven's Tear is the smallest of the four Dark-Zones. It appears as a torn rip in the night-sky, almost like a piece of wallpaper hanging on a decrepit wall. It is suggested that Astrologians and astronomers not look too long into its darkness, as those who do more easily fall to incurable madness.

The Distant Marvel

Don't look at it for too long, or else the mind is sucked in and replaced by another mind of darkest, most abominably terrifying thoughts.


The Distant Marvel is a cosmic curiosity, a sort of black rift in the darkness. The Royal Astrologians don't know what it is, and in truth they seem to truly fear its existence, and few dare to look at it. Trying to observe it for too long has only yielded madness, as those few daring Astrologians who did went completely insane, and often ended up gouging their eyes out, screaming "HE is there".


What we do know is that the Distant Marvel is some kind of hole, but there's also some Astrologians who believe that here is a structure inside its hole, an artificial satellite of some sort, that illuminates in a metallic, pure white glow. However, any more study would require immense mental fortitude. The current tried and true method is to use newer, unliked Astrologian students, and let them witness the madness until they inevitably are lost in it themselves.

The Threshold

The Threshold

The outermost boundary of the solar system is simply known as the Threshold. It is a region of the system that is covered in thick, unrelenting astral mist, which hides much of what could possibly be out there within this boundary. Royal Astrologians speak of things moving unnaturally, as if those celestial objects have a mind of their own. Sometimes they even say that they feel like those things are looking directly back at them. As to what these 'things' are, the answers are always vague, as if the observer is afraid to utter their true appearance.


The Threshold is the final boundary before the Astral Beyond, and in that sense it could seem almost like the outer wall of the local universe. According to certain astronomers, there is a leading theory that the Threshold is how far the light of the sun Solea is capable of illuminating, before that light fades away completely in the Astral Beyond.


There is little reference of the Threshold by the Asharic. One minor text makes reference to something they called the 'Gateway', which astrologians theorize could be part of the Threshold's outer barrier. So far, no one has managed to observe anything resembling anything that looks like a gateway, though it would be outright impossible because of the thick astral mist of the Threshold.


Minerva is popularly referred to as the Absent World or the Disappeared World. She is an elusive planet, and some argue that she isn't a planet at all. She has a tendency to appear and disappear all the time, and some astronomers and astrologians don't believe that Minerva is there at all, and that she is some kind of astral illusion. Those who believe in more occult studies theorize that Minerva is in fact a world veiled by magics.


In Asharic legends, Minerva was the Paragon of Death and Wealth. She would use coins to determine people's worth and if they were ready to die, and often through a coin-flip. For the most part the wealth of a person determined their likelihood of survival, or so it was said.


Minerva was one day challenged by a mortal, who told her to test her own value. She lost the coin-flip, and as she did, her body evaporated and died; leaving behind only a faint ethereal mist.

Artful Enigma

​The Artful Enigma is a forbidden observation. It is described to be an artificial construct of some kind, much like the Distant Marvel and the Devil's Eye, but further study is proven too dangerous to confirm its true nature. Anyone who looks too closely finds that they can't look away, and as they're dragged away kicking and screaming, their mouths foaming as they scream "just one last look", the mysteries of the Enigma always remain. Those who are enamoured by its supposed beauty never recover.


It is something beautiful, which is hard to take one's eyes away from, even at the danger of starvation, thirst, or sleep deprivation. According to those who view it, there is a question lingering on the tongue, one that no one can say what is, but to which the answer is heartfelt, comforting, and true: "We are". The answer is why they can't look away, even if they don't understand what the answer means.


As such, the Artful Enigma is simply too dangerous, and even the Royal Astrologians refuse to subject anyone to its beauty.

The Devil's Eye

A propelling celestial object, moving by some unknown force, can sometimes be spotted as it travels the outer rim of the Threshold. It was mistaken as being any other meteor before, but newer observations and revelations have revealed that it is more likely to be some kind of artificial construct due to its unnatural movements, and clearer lenses are able to identify its more metallic exterior. As to who made it is very much up for the most far-fetched theories still.


The Devil's Eye glows a powerful golden red, which unveils the astral mists around it as it travels. It is by following the Devil's Eye via telescope that it is possible to discover what else hides in the cloaked darkness of the Threshold. It is a fairly small celestial object, so it can be rather difficult finding it unless one keeps a telescope constantly pointed at it directly, and even then the Eye can be quite elusive, as it disappears one place and suddenly appears in another.

Astral Beyond

Astral Beyond

The far-flung regions of the universe, far beyond the reach of what even the greatest telescopes can espy, are of the supernal darkness we refer to as the Astral Beyond. While far outside the confines of our solar system, shining, white stars within the Astral Beyond are still visible, even to the naked eye during especially dark but sky-clear nights.


Astronomers nervously and desperately watch for these regions of space, to discover and study the many Obscured Constellations, hidden within the darkest reaches of the universe. As lenses and telescopes only continue to become stronger and more focused, more secrets will continue to be unveiled; many of which might not be secrets and truths meant for human minds.


Even so, those of the Royal Astral Oratory continue to look farther and deeper, until their souls are reflected in the darkest recesses of space.


The Astral Clusters

There are two astral clusters, known as the Aster and Silver Clusters. Both are very large asteroid fields, which cover large zones just outside of the Threshold. As to any initial observations that have been made, the two clusters are very similar in both size and structure, and the only real difference is that the Silver Cluster has a certain glitter to it, as if light from the sun reflects more clearly in a silvery shine.


However, recent revelations have spurred theories that while the two clusters may look very idle and barren, there is in fact a large concentration of Umbral Light present; obscured by astral mist. Additionally, some asteroids have been noted as frequently moving, and not in a natural, celestial way either. This leads to another set of theories, which ponder upon the possibility that these aren't asteroids, but in fact living, cosmic creatures.


No telescopes of today possess the necessary magnitude and quality to manage to pierce the darkness and mist to confirm any theories, but every year better telescopes are made, and the truth is inching ever closer as time goes on.

The Curses

Various star constellations that appear in every corner of the Astral Beyond. They are referred more popularly as the 'Curses', or the 'Cursed Constellations'.


There is belief among the Royal Astrologians, that if you discover one of the Curses and don't strive to name them immediately, great misfortune falls upon you. Additionally, it is said that if the name doesn't fit the shape of the constellations, or if the name is just simply 'unsatisfactory', then misfortune still follows.


There are in fact hundreds of different Curses at this point, and their numbers only keep increasing as they are discovered and catalogued in frequent succession. As to what defines a constellation isn't entirely clear. According to the Astrologians, a constellation is discovered and officially manifested usually by "gut feelings" alone; a sort of nagging scratching behind the eye, that screams for someone to draw the lines between the stars, and make them real.


Astrologians who have discovered constellations speak of recurring fears and nightmares, alleviated only by observing the Curse every now and again. Sometimes they hear voices, asking inane questions.

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