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While there are arguments to be made for various races, sub-races, or what have you, at the end of the day we are all part of the same humankind. There are definitely certain differences in appearance between peoples: like skin-colour or certain physical features like eyes, mouths, height, or hair, and there are even special, unique traits (like enhanced hearing, ability to consume raw meat, or even necrotic stasis). However, at the base level it would seem we all share the same humanlike core; be it functions or our humanoid nature.


Different cultures will view the matter of human race differently, and in some communities and societies one race might even be considered above another. In Caden, the matter of skin-colour isn't outright spoken of outside of hushed circles or some people's bigoted personal grudges. There are scientific categories considered, but outside of that a person's race based on skin or region isn't outright a concern or issue.


However, when it comes to the New Verd, people of the Old Verd tend to have very colourful opinions in regards to the native Caidhe; many opinions of which don't paint the Caidhe in a good light. Additionally, many cultures view Wichts with fear because they think them Outsiders, and many people of the Great Verd have never seen a Narum, and so they don't quite know how to feel when they see a living dead person before them. Then there are cultural differences and different traditions to consider, where one culture's actions might be seen as foul by another. It's all very messy and confusing, for sure.


Racial hatred and bigotry is often rooted in past conflicts, low education, regional strife, or in a natural fear of the unknown, and when a Verdian meets a Narum and sees their decaying skin, it would seem very natural for them to be afraid in that situation, if they don't know any better. Ideally the enlightened should educate and teach about human union in diversity, but we all know that even that won't be enough to convince some people to rid themselves of their rooted hatreds.


Regardless, ours is a world full of different peoples, and all humans definitely have their place here, even if some haven't found it yet, or if some still decide to deny others their seat.

Asharic Ancestries

"It is said that all humans of the Old Verd are descendants of Asharic tribes and clans, who once ruled the central continents of Tavyr, Seharn, and Solmun in a time when those great islands were joined and whole.


Among the Asharic, certain ethnic groups were present distinctly in certain regions, and while the Asharic people as a whole mixed together generally, they divided themselves by the regions of which they hailed from.


These different region-based ethnicities have remained even to this day, and are prominent in the ancestries of Caden and Shandor's Folk. There are little to no 'racial' differences between these ethnicities, save for certain differences in general appearance and skin-colour. In fact, it is rare that anyone uses these terms outside of scientific or historical reasons, or as general means of description.


> Harka tend to have shades of dark brown to darker skin and dark hair, with brown and dark eyes.

> Kirish have brown to light reddish skin, narrow or long eyes, and dark or brown hair.

> Jin have yellowish hues to their skin, dark hair, and brown, yellow, or green narrow or long eyes.

> Tavic are fair-skinned, and can possess brown, yellow, or dark hair, and they have typically large silver or blue eyes.

> Cassians have fair, white skin, brown or blue eyes, and have brown, yellow, white, or dark hair.

> Navino have olive or bronzed skin, have brown or green eyes, and they are typically dark, brown, or golden haired.

​> Ashwa have light to dark brown skin, shades of brown in their eyes, and dark hair.

> Vascans are typically pale-skinned, have brown, yellow, or red hair, and large red, green or blue eyes.


While there are many variations inbetween, these eight ancestries are the most common.


Additionally, some ancestries are more common over others in certain regions, like how there are more Jin, Kirish, Harka, and Ashwa among the people of Shandor's Folk, and more Tavic, Cassians, Vascans, and Navino among Caden's Folk.


Caidhe, uniquely, seem to have no ties to the Asharic, and they have their own ideas of ethnic groups. In general they seem to think of all Caidhe as the same, regardless of differences in skin or hair colour, and they only divide themselves into Chlanns, which are what one might call "super-clans". Of those encountered in Pandora, there are four Chlanns, but it is very likely that there are more further west, beyond the Ashwastes.

Notable People


Notable People

All manner of folks and walks of life can be found in the Verd, from simple peasant workers to immensely powerful wielders of the Void. There are multitudes of various and unique professions, and there are people who are made and categorized by special circumstance.


The Verd is a very diverse world, as there are many cultures and communities throughout, with their own unique traditions, customs, and philosophies. Sometimes such groups spawn even more unique kinds of people, but depending on where one is in the world, they could be people of persecution, or of elevated praise and worship.

Groups of Interest


Groups of Interest

Many groups, organizations, and factions exist in the Verd. Some are small and can seem very insignificant, and some play a game on the highest level; as they might mainpulate nations and entire peoples upfront, or remain hidden in the background.


Most organizations are formed for a distinct purpose by like-minded individuals, such as workers unions, merchant companies, mercenary corps. , adventuring guilds, gangs and criminal groups, and various religious or zealous orders. Many groups also tend to be sponsored or directly affiliated with nations, but in general all organizations within a nation must obey and abide by that nation's laws.


However, some organizations are so large, that they transcend the might of nations. The Alkamists rule the Hagen Republic, the many Guilds maintain the laws and order of the Guilder States, and there are even a few factions within the Caden Empire, that possess enough influence to have a large say in the Empire's decisions.

Noteworthy Persons


Noteworthy Persons

There are those individuals in the Verd, who often stand out, and make a great impact to the people around them, their nation, or to the entire world. These are often leaders, or people of great influence, or icons of worship. Sometimes they have a story that reaches many people, or their legend is spread from heroic or villainous stock.


In The Verd, there have been a few people who have affected the direction of history, be it through their inventions, their leadership, or their sacrifices. Individuals who become history themselves, who are spoken of centuries after their death, continue to make impacts on the people of the Verd.


And then there's those notable individuals who have risen today, whose existence seems to inspire others; be it at inspiring fear, or at inspiring hope. These persons are those elevated by fame, who become celebrities and people of influence, who the masses look far, far up to from way below.

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