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"Since the fall of the Asharic civilization, and their following Exodus, many clans, tribes, and general peoples from those storm-blighted lands would find themselves spread across all over the Verd, and as they settled down, nations were born. From the fires of great adversity and the hopes of unified peoples, the survival of mankind was assured, at the cost of the Asharic's forgotten legacies.


For over thirteen-hundred years, Caden's and Shandor's Folk have created great nations on the many continents, and only a few centuries ago they also expanded to the newly discovered New Verd of Pandora, where they found the kingdoms of the Caidhe people.


Throughout history, countless cultures would rise and fall, and from conflict, diplomacy, and competition, mighty Empires arose, and some remain even to this day: such as the Grand Caden Empire (largest of the Verd's nations), the clever Guilder States, the mystic Shian-Ti Empire, and the warring Iron Kingdoms."

Great Verd


Grand Caden Empire

The Caden Empire was unified some five-hundred years ago during the 'Unification', when the Kingdom of Cadenia of the Heartlands conquered and united the other kingdoms of the western Noranian peninsula.


At the time it was known as the Blue Empire of Cadenia, until the ruling Blue Queen died without an heir, and a civil conflict known as the Split Banner War began.


Crown loyalists won the war and established a Grand Parliament to rule re-unified provinces, until a worthy new Queen of the Blue Crown could be chosen. Despite finding a new Queen eventually, the Grand Parliament continued to stay in power, and have governed over the Empire ever since from the great imperial capital of Cadence.


Over the next centuries, the Caden Empire continued to grow in power and territory, as it assimilated nearby nations, and until it eventually spread across all the known lands of the Verd, and became the largest nation to have ever existed.


Now it holds colonies, territories, and vassalized states across most of the Verd, and the empire itself is at the forefront of the Etheric Revolution, as its lands and cities are transformed by the progress of industry. Additionally, Caden-held universities and colleges remain at the top in regards to scientific, as well as supernatural studies.


Collectively, the Caden Empire's combined territories are known as the Caden Commonwealth, though it is further divided into West, East, Far, and Grand Commonwealths.

Jewelled East


East Caden Commonwealth

Caden colonies and territories that are primarily on the Sarradian continent are known as the East Caden Commonwealth. This includes territories like the dispirited Waking Lands colonies, the much larger Caden Caliphates, and more isolated east-lying colonies like Osambar, Samarost, and Quarza, as well as any colonial settlements or outposts in Xim built on acquired land purchased from the Shian-Ti Empire.


It is in the Caliphates where East Caden is governed from, specifically from the city of Darqhu in Sakhara, with some administrative bodies also working from the city of Prosperity on the island of Prosper Gale, where the Prince Governor prefers to govern from.


Of all the colonial provinces of the Caden Empire, the East Caden Commonwealth is one of the oldest, as well as the best established. Before the Caden Empire had gained a colonial foothold on Sarrad, the territories belonged to various tribes, small, independent towns, and middling city-states.


Centuries of Caden colonial conquest and rule saw the elevation of the Caden Caliphates, and as its territories expanded, more tribes and city-states ended up joining.


Integration and eventual mixing of many cultures has led to a  very distinct and unique society and culture in the Caden Caliphates, which outsiders might find unusual due to the presence of modern Caden customs, interwoven with more traditional tribal customs.


Unlike in most colonial provinces of the Caden Empire, the majority of citizens part of the East Caden Commonwealth are in fact natives, or they at least have strong native ties as part of Shandor's Folk.

Farthest East


Far Caden Commonwealth

The Caden Far Colonies consist of the newest colonies established on Ishan, in the Leviathan Archipelago, and the even more recent colonies on Kildara.


The Kildaran colonies grew mainly due to the discovery of gold and silver deposits in Nelvan Gale and the Westlodes, but the largest influx of colonists came as starmetal and sources of Lustre were found further inland towards the Elusive Mountain.


The colonies and outposts of the Westlodes, Indorra, and Nelvan Gale were primarily established by private Caden mining companies, and have also grown thanks to them. These companies keep their colonial offices in Kilead, in the city of Sinclair Hollow, from where they oversee their operations.


Despite this, the offiical power and true governance of the Far Caden Commonwealth lies in Galharpe of the island of Newcrown, found in the Leviathan Archipelago. This is where ships carrying mined minerals from Kildara will first converge, as they are homeward bound towards the Caden Imperial Heartlands.


There are, however, many dangers along this route: including storms, seabeasts, and pirates. The truth is that the Far Caden Navy is still heavily undermanned and under-supplied to protect most ships travelling the Black-Water Route, and these colonies being so far away from the homeland means they must find their own solutions to their problems.



West Caden Commonwealth

Officially known as the Caden Colonial States, these territories are primarily maintained of the greater region of Cadonia, but also includes more distant territories like the isle colonies of the Pandoran Sea, and the Nazonian jungle colonies of Wyn-Gai, Blackprince, and Hunterhaven.


The governmental branch is run by the Colonial Congress, who, while they control much in the Pandoran Continent, are still subject to the Blue Crown's rule and the decisions of the Preeminent Parliament of the Imperial Heartlands.


The most developed colonies are found in Cadonia, otherwise known as the Cadonian States. The discovery of Pandora led to a huge influx of colonists and frontiersmen fleeing the Old Verd, which benefitted the growth of the colonial capital of New Victoria, and in turn the surrounding settlements as well. The rapid growth of the West Caden Commonwealth has led to it becoming quite powerful, possibly as strong as the Heartlands themselves.


The expansion of the Caden Colonial States have halted somewhat. In Cadonia the unification of the Confederacy of the Six Kingdoms has ensured that no new settlements can be established further westwards, in the Pandoran Sea the naval conflicts between the New Caden Navy, Hagen Fleets, and the Guilder Armadas bleed the island colonies dry, and the territories in Nazonia like Wyn-Gai struggle to survive against a jungle that actively tries to eat them alive.

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