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The Many-Gods : Tariel


Soul Aspects






Very little is known of Tariel, as their origins are shrouded in mystery, and not even the other Creators are certain of their true colours. They demonstrated an unusual amount of power  (even for a Creator) during the War of Titans, and they are possibly the strongest Creator, according to Arkath.


Tariel is often regarded as "Father" by the Creators, and some Creators call Tariel "Mother", implying that it is not entirely known which gender Tariel is. It is possible that Tariel is gender-neutral, or that they change regularly depending on who perceives them. Perhaps Tariel possesses no gender at all.


Whether Tariel is an actual parent of the Creators is also unknown, and some Creators refuse this idea and don't recognize Tariel as their parent. It is more likely that calling Tariel a Father or Mother is a more titular affair. It is mostly Tariel's Soul Aspects who refer to Tariel in a parental title, and it is said that they are Tariel's unrelated Aspects, who took their roles when Tariel disappeared into the Solstree and merged with the Worldsoul.


The fact that Tariel was able to bind the souls of all Creators in Nym's Eye to the Worldsoul speaks greatly of their supposed immense basin of power.


By merging with the Worldsoul, Tariel also became the spiritual embodiment known as the Kal'Mar. What the Kal'Mar is exactly is up for debate, but it is mainly believed that they are meant to bridge the connection between Creator and Spirit in Nym, and Tariel's spiritual form allows them insights into the Worldsoul that Creators otherwise are incapable of.

Tariel was the first Creator to arrive in Nym, and it was they who called other Creators to their aid against the Elemental Titans. After the War of Titans ended, Tariel planted the Solstree and merged themself with it, and in turn the Worldsoul. As they did they created the Soulbind with Nym's Worldsoul, and thus bound all Creators to Nym's Eye; making it impossible for any Creator to leave.


Why Tariel did so isn't known, but it is thought that it is a measure they made to ensure that the Creators remained in Nym as its guardians.


Not all Creators support Tariel's decision, and some might even be secretly plotting to have their absent body removed from the Solstree. However, the Seven Aspects have put their trust in Tariel and forbid anyone from entering the Solstree to find Tariel.


Only Gaerdras truly disobeyed them, which resulted in him convincing other Creators to join him in his quest to sever the Soulbind; a quest which would lead to the the War of Eternity.


- Title(s) -

"The Absent God", "Overgod", "The Godbinder", "Ruler of Solitude", "The First", "Worldmaker", "Guardian of Nym", "Lightfather/Lightmother", "The Kal'Mar"

- Aliases -

Tariel (common), Tel'a (elven), Menay, Ata'osh, Kal'Mar (spiritual entity)

- Aspects -

Soul Aspects of Tariel (Akama, Arkath, Kelmora, Malendii, Shaar, Tiral, Tylmaar)

- Pantheon/Group -

The Many-Gods, Creators, Solitude, Independent

- Portfolio -


- Domain(s) -

Solitude, Solstree, Light

- Influence -

Worship of the Many-Gods, Tarielic Temple

- Personal Realm -

Solstree/Citadel of Solitude

- Family -

None, Unknown

- Allies -

Soul Aspects of Tariel, Divines (some)

- Rivals -

Gaerdras, Archons (some)

Before Tariel entered the Solstree and performed the Soulbind, they revealed their journey to Arkath, which is why we can assume that they visited the other Worldspheres of Nym's Sphere. But other than that, very little is known of Tariel's journey, who they really are or what their true intentions are for Nym's Eye. 


Did Tariel create the other Worldspheres? Is what they are doing in Nym (whatever it might be) the same as what they did in the other Worldspheres? What are Tariel's exact intentions, and are they for good or bad? Questions are all that remain, and Tariel's answers are few and vague. Their soul and mind have become too occupied in becoming the Worldsoul and Kal'Mar; possibly because trying to control the Worldsoul is a task considered impossible by most.


Physical depictions of Tariel vary between male and female forms, although most tend to recognize them in a female, or at least feminine form. No one truly knows what Tariel truly looks like, though common themes around their appearance include white, glowing wings, a silver crown floating above their head, and either a blindingly white robe or shining, mirror-esque armour. Tariel is more popularly depicted as a human or human-like being, though various racial cultures hold their own versions of them. In Tariel's possession is the famed Sildariac; a divine sword said to have summoned the Creators to Nym after Tariel had first arrived. Sildariac itself is believed to have been plunged into the space around Nym, and from it grew the Solstree, and in turn Solitude.


Those who worship Tariel look to worldly guidance, in all matters under their light. Tariel doesn't really actively hold any specific domains, but they are referred to by their worshippers as a Deity of Light. Others might in turn worship Tariel through the Worldsoul, or reverse, or they might worship the Kal'Mar; the Spiritual Entity and extension of the Worldsoul and Tariel.


There are, however, not many temples dedicated to Tariel, and they might usually only have a shrine or altar in their name, sitting in another Creator God's temple. It is commonly known that Tariel doesn't need worshippers to sustain their power and life, and so there has never been a need to actively try to spread their influence by their priests.


In regards to Tariel's priests, none of them have any deistic or paragonic powers. Instead they serve Tariel as common men and women, who haven't been Awoken. Since Tariel is isolated and supposedly primarily absent from the affairs of Nym's Eye, they can't provide their worshippers or dedicated followers with any guidance or divine help. As such their most loyal servants are those who provide guidance to worshippers, which they themselves must often first find on their own.


Most cultures know Tariel's name, even if Tariel's name isn't always the same in various cultures, or as important as other gods. Most cultures will in fact have heard of the Worldsoul, and will know that Tariel is merged with it. Whenever someone might say a general prayer, they sometimes reach out to Tariel or the Worldsoul or the Kal'Mar. It is unknown whether Tariel can actually hear those prayers, and if they can, it's uncertain whether they can act upon them in the same personal capacity other gods and Creators can. Some people insist that Tariel or the Kal'Mar sometimes responds to their prayers, in the form of Aether slightly shifting around them.


Regardless, Tariel is Overgod and God above all Gods, and even the strongest of the other Creators recognise Tariel as such, even if they might secretly oppose the idea. To oppose Tariel is to oppose the Worldsoul, and as such oppose Nym itself.

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