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 News & Events Guide


Book of Laws Guide


 Assembly Guide


City Map Guide


District Map Guide


tutorials & guides

An effort to explain at least some of the various aspects, rules, mechanics, and procedures that are involved in the Stalward Endures game.


News & Events

Book of Laws

The Assembly






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This section deals with the current happenings, reports, and news of the city. This is where you will be able to get a quick glance of anything happening, from Minor Events, to the opinions of the citizens, to the actions of the Lord Stalwart.


In addition to gaining a written overview, various Dilemmas and Events that require input by the players will also be shown here.

the Lord Stalwart has passed away


Major Events

Major Events are usually various announcements, that tell about the most pressing matters in the city. However, sometimes these Major Events could also involve Dilemmas, or have effects attached to them that can affect the entire city either positively or negatively.


Dilemmas are Major Events that require quick action by the Assembly and the Factions.

A problem will be presented, and three Factions will each provide potential solutions. It is then up to the Assembly to vote on the solution they consider to be the best for the problem.

Additionally, sometimes there might be minor Dilemmas that appear, which will present two or more choices, without the input of the Factions. These minor Dilemmas will have to be resolved within a day.

"Lord Stalwart Bhelon has recently passed away of old age and complications.


The Steelmeet Council is currently rigorously going over the choices for the next Lord Stalwart, though rumours have it that they have already got their pick chosen for them; by the final request and vested power of the former Stalwart, no less.

​It remains now to see how the citizens will take to the extremely sudden rise of a new Stalwart, though one might dare say that the troubles that currently plague our city take precedence far above such ceremony."

drakes in the outskirts


Minor Events

Minor Events are various types of events that might pop up for a number of reasons.

They might be random, triggered by other events in the city, or caused by city resources and stats: like having a surplus of Supplies, or low Security in a District.

Most events will go away on their own after a few days, but some might stay permanently unless they are dealt with by the Stalwart, usually by improving the situation that triggered those Events.

"Reports are in that drakes have nested in the outskirts. Travellers are advised to stay clear until the Slayers can deal with them."

+2 to All Unrest

Sometimes an Event could have effects attached to it, that could affect the city positively or negatively.

These effects will go away when the Event does.

Stalwart's Actions


Stalwart's Actions

Every day, the Stalwart has a set number of Actions they can perform. Every time an Action is made, it is reported here for all to see.

The Old Stalwart has died, but he chose an heir before his last breath


Dilemmas and other similar types of events that require input will appear here.

Any actual voting is done on the Patreon, but the visual representation of the problem and its proposed solutions will be displayed on this screen.


Dilemmas are Major Events that require quick action by the Assembly and the Factions.

A problem will be presented, and three Factions will each provide potential solutions. It is then up to the Assembly to vote on the solution they consider to be the best for the problem.

Additionally, sometimes there might be minor Dilemmas that appear, which will present two or more choices, without the input of the Factions. These minor Dilemmas will have to be resolved within a day.


Solutions proposed by Factions will appear here. These will only be displayed during Dilemmas that require them, and only three solutions are ever proposed.

When the solutions are offered, they will only be accompanied by short descriptors that convey the Faction's thoughts. Any possible effects caused by these solutions are kept hidden until the Dilemma has been resolved.

Similarly, choices for Minor Dilemmas will also appear in this section, though they won't be proposed by any Factions. The choices might have consequences for the city, or they might simply not.


Sometimes Dilemmas will have accompanying artwork and illustrations displayed alongside them, shown in this section.

Stalwart & Laws


The Stalwart has no real active role or power when it comes to the proposal and voting of Laws and Policies.


It is all up to the Factions and Assembly.


The Stalwart can, however, use their own Funds to propose Ideas. If a proposed Idea passes, the Stalwart will gain +5 Influence per turn, per Idea they own.


A Stalwart can potentially use Influence to obtain Favours, Resources, Hires, extra Actions, etc.


book of


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The Book of Laws is the collection of all Laws, Policies, and Ideas that the city is currently beholden to.


Each Law, Policy, or Idea will have various effects on the city, and they can affect specific buildings, districts, population and groups, or the city overall.



New Laws and Policies are proposed at (usually) the end of the week by one of the city's Factions (up to 3 each week). These Laws and Policies are then voted on by the Assembly, and the process takes 1 week for the votes to count.


Ideas are similarly proposed by Factions and voted on by the Assembly, but Ideas are first "researched" by the city, and then made available for the Factions to propose at any time.


A Faction is, however, limited to only 1 total Proposal per week, and so if they do propose an Idea, they won't be able to propose any Laws or Policies, and vice versa.

Factions & Influence


Factions use their Influence to propose Laws.


If the Law is approved in the Assembly, that Faction will get +3 Influence per turn, so long as their Law is active.


This also applies to Policies, except active Policies grant +2 Influence per turn instead.


In the case of Ideas, Factions spend their Funds to propose Ideas. If an Idea is approved in the Assembly, the Faction gains +1 Influence per turn, so long as their Idea remains active in the Book of Laws.


Faction Influence can be used by the Faction to make them stronger, or they can use the Influence to propose more Laws/Policies.


The Current Law that's in effect

Flavour text

What areas this Law primarily affects

What effects there are and what they do

The Law's Faction owner, ie. who proposed the Law


Laws are large mainly city-wide Effects. Laws must be proposed by the Factions, and then voted on by the Assembly. Any approved Laws are added to the Book of Laws.

There can only be one active Law per category. Meaning, that there can only be one Manufacturing Law active at a time, etc.


Policies are like minor Laws, but the main difference is that several Policies can be active at the same time. Just like Laws, Policies are proposed by Factions and voted on by the Assembly.

Policies are attached to their respective categories. Some Policies can also conflict with each other, and this is the only time one must be chosen over the other.


Ideas are Effects that are first researched by the city, which can then be proposed by a Faction (or sometimes the Stalwart) to be voted on by the Assembly. There is no set time for when an Idea Vote is proposed.

Ideas are like technological or societal designs and projects, that can often vastly change the direction of the city's communities, technology, economy, etc.

They can unlock technologies, building types, new hires, and even new Laws.

Several Ideas can be active at a time, except for when two Ideas conflict with each other.


"The Assembly is divided into three main groups:


The Outer Assembly takes account of the vote of anyone who is not officially a member of the Assembly, but who are citizens of Stalward all the same.


The Inner Assembly are the various voices and members of the higher citizenry in the city. These are official members.


The Seated Assembly are the representatives of Factions and major community groups, who can propose new Laws or repeal old Laws."




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The Assembly is the collective voice of the city of Stalward. This is where the citizenry will have a chance to vote on proposed Laws, Policies, and Ideas, which can dramatically change the direction of the city.


The Assembly will each week have 3 Laws/Policies proposed by the various Factions or the Stalwart. The Assembly will then have 1 week to vote on one of the Proposals. At the end of the week, the Proposal with the majority of votes will Pass.


Laws, Policies, and Ideas are only proposed by the active Factions in the city. Ideas can also be proposed by the Stalwart, but only Ideas.


Ideas aren't beholden to the weekly Assembly Session, and can be proposed at any time.

Ideas, however, can be either supported or opposed. In other words, voters can decide to vote against Ideas if they want to.


Seat Power

Seat Power translates to the general Assembly power of a Faction, but it more directly translates into Votes. Each Seat Power equals 1 Vote.

Seat Power is attained mainly through a mix of Faction Influence and Total Faction Members.


When Factions reach a certain Tier, they join the Assembly. They are then displayed here as Faction Cards.

Factions take part in either proposing Laws, Policies, Ideas, or in voting on them.

Faction Details

Hovering over a Faction Card will reveal their details, such as their Total Members, their Faction Influence, and their Faction Funds.

Influence and Total Members contribute towards a Faction's Tier. For each Tier, a Faction gains various bonuses, but a Tier rises and falls along with a Faction's Influence and Total Members.

Faction Voting

When an Assembly Session is over and voting is closed, the Factions' choices  regarding a Proposal will be displayed here.

A Faction can contribute to Voting in three ways:

YEA = They voted for the Proposal to pass

NAY = They voted for the Proposal to fail

ABSTAIN = They don't take part in the voting

Factions can only vote on one Proposal, just like the Assembly. But, unlike the Assembly, when a Faction votes NAY they add negative votes to a Proposal, even if it is a Law or Policy.


Factions can propose Laws, Policies.

Each Assembly Session sees 3 different Factions propose 3 different Laws/Policies.

The rest of the Assembly will have the option to vote for ONE of these 3 options.

The Proposal with the majority of votes will Pass, and the other 2 will Fail.





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The majority of the city will visually be shown on the Stalward Map page. This is where we not only see an overview of the city itself, but its districts too. The Stalwart is the one who will mainly be in charge of supervising the maps, such as altering the maps when changes are made, or undergo decisions based on what the maps show.


For every Act, we will focus on one District at a time.


The goal is to bring stability back to a District, so that it itself can further stabilize the city overall.


The Stalward map is divided into City View and District View. Each of these Views have their own stats and resources and tooltips, that the Stalwart will have closer access to.


The Stalward Map is updated daily.


Stalwart Cards

The Stalwart will each Day draw 2 Stalwart Cards, and they  must then pick one of the two drawn Cards to play.

Stalwart Cards are minor to medium Effect cards, that can enhance certain City Stats (like Production, Trade, etc.) or it can boost certain Factions/Communities.

Stalwart Cards can also  have negative effects to them.

Stalwart Cards only last for one Day, unless otherwise specificed.

Community Cards

The Stalwart will each Day draw 1 Community Card, and play it.

Community Cards are similar to Stalwart Cards, in that they have Effects to them, except that Community Cards only affect Communities and Factions.

For example, a Community Card could see a Community suddenly gain more Members, or see a Faction gain bonus Influence.


Order (shown as a Golden O) is a Major Stat, that supresses Unrest city-wide. Specifically it supresses Mayhem and Cults most of all.

City Stability

The City Stability (the shield crest) is a representative of the current Stability of the city, shown as Tiers.

Lower Tiers have negative Effects over the entire city, and as the city's Stability increases in Tiers, those Effects will become more beneficial.

The city maintains a City Military, represented as Elite Guard, Standing Soldiers, and Levy Soldiers.

Elite Guard aren't part of the main Military, as they are beholden firstly to the Lord Stalwart. This means they only move on the Stalwart's commands.

Standing Soldiers are the professional soldiers of the city.

Levy Soldiers are the irregular recruits that can be drafted during times of crisis.

Overall, the Soldiers contribute to City Stability, but only the Standing Soldiers. If times are dire, the Lord Stalwart can Call to Arms, and assemble the Levy Soldiers to join the Standing Army. This, however, can cause certain Unrest to rise.

District & Factions
This section shows the current District, as well as what Factions are most active in there.

Essentially, this will show how much "Territory" or how much "Property" a Faction owns within a given District.

City Growth
This shows the current Population Growth progress. Once it reaches 100%, the city's population will grow, and some Factions or Communities could also get larger.

City Research
This shows the current Research Progress for the city. When one Research Subject reaches 100%, the city and Assembly will be shown 3 potential Ideas Options to unlock, though the details will be hidden.

Only one of the 3 options can be chosen.

City Upkeep
Every week, the city will be forced to pay its upkeep.

There are 4 types of City Upkeep:

Food Upkeep - Requires weekly Rations
Housing Upkeep - Requires weekly Materials
Trade Upkeep - Requires Weekly Goods
Military Upkeep - Requires weekly Equipment and Wealth

City Income
Every week, the city will gain certain Income.

There are two types of City Income:

Tax Income - A general income of Wealth from the population
Trade Income - Income of Wealth from Trading

City Storage
This shows the city's storage capacity.


There are two types:


Production Storage - Determines how much many of any given resource can be produced per turn.


Storage Capacity - The overall max storage of each resource type in the city.

City Resources
This shows the overall amount of resources currently in the city's storage.

City Stats
This shows the overall stats of the city.

Each City Stat contributes in a variety of ways (extra resources, less Unrest, etc.) to all Districts in the city.


Stalwart Assets
This shows the Lord Stalwart's available wealth Assets, specifically their current Property and Funds.


Map Events & Squads

Events & Squads are shown on the District Map, and can be hovered over for more details.

Map Events tend to spawn weekly, and can be both beneficial or detrimental towards the District.

Squads, on the other hand, are deployed either by the Lord Stalwart or by a Faction.

When there is a number next to the Map Event or Squad, it shows how much longer (how many more Days) they will remain on the map.

For a Stalwart's deployed Squads specifically, it means how long until their Mission is complete.

Stalwart Squads & Hires
This shows the available types of Squads and Hires the Stalwart can deploy, as well as how many they have of each.

The Stalwart can only have 3 different types at a time, and if they lose any Squads or Hires, they must hire/train new ones.

Each Squad or Hire will usually have a variety of Stats and effects.

The most common stats are STR (their strength and general health), PWR (their power), and DUR (Duration or Durability)

Stalwart Actions
This shows how many Actions the Stalwart can perform per Day.

An example of an active Map Event

Houses & Plots

There will be several different Structures, Buildings, and Plots on the District Map.

Aside from providing certain effects like Stat gains or Resource generation, Plots can also be owned by various Factions or the Stalwart.

Most plots will have no affiliation, or they will be owned by the city directly, but these plots can be purchased by the Factions or the Stalwart, to increase their territory and Funds.

Additionally, the Stalwart can build on any Plot, and even redevelop a Plot, even if it is owned by another Faction. This will, of course, anger the Faction.

However, the Stalwart, when building on Plots, doesn't automatically gain ownership of it. They must buy it with their own Funds afterwards, if they desire to.


Certain events, laws, structures, etc. can cause Unrest to rise in the city, represented as different types of Tiers (low Tiers being less Unrest, and higher being more Unrest)

The main types of Unrest are:

Crime - Criminal gangs and elements
Squalor - General poverty, filth, and poor maintenance
Corruption - Illegal actions for political and financial gain
Monsters - Various monstrous beings and creatures that hide in the city
Undeath - Undead creatures that haunt the city's streets and houses
Sickness - Issues of health, plague, and well-being
Cults - Underground groups who worship evil gods, demons, or other evil beings
Mayhem - Unrest in the vein of wild magic and magical disturbances

Major Unrest: Major Unrest is a combination of the others, and has much worse negative effects. It is, however, much rarer, as long as the general Unrest Tier remains low.

The lesser types of Unrest are more likely to occur per week the higher their numbers are.


District  Stability
The District Stability is a representative of the current Stability of the District, shown as Tiers.

Lower Tiers have negative Effects over the entire District and its buildings, and as the District's Stability increases in Tiers, those Effects will become more beneficial.

In addition, the higher the District Stability, the more it will contribute to City Stability as well.


District Stats
This shows the overall stats of the district.

Each District Stat contributes in a variety of ways (extra resources, less Unrest, etc.) to the current District.

In addition, Districts Stats will also contribute in a small way to the City Stats.


District Resources
This shows the Resources that are produced in the District per Day. These Resources contribute directly towards any District Upkeep first, and are then added to the City Resources.

District Upkeep
This shows the District's current upkeep requirements, and also the current happiness level in the District.

Hunger shows how many Rations are needed per Day.

Maintenance shows how many Materials are needed per Day.

Failure to provide for these Upkeeps will increase Unrest in the District.

Happiness is shown as either Happy (+) or Unhappy (-).

For each Happy+, there is a higher chance of a good Boon to spawn as a Map Event.

Similarly, Unhappy- instead increases the chances of a bad Bane to spawn as a Map Event.


Daniel-André Sørensen

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