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It has been forty years since the War of Independence was fought and won by the Gilded Cities, and the city of Stalward, young and ready to enjoy her unchained freedom, has for forty years been in decline.


What was once a glorious city that inspired Wayfarer adventurers and hopeful settlers to find new homes in a frontier land, and that promised of potential wealth through its thriving Steel industry, has been poisoned by those who sought only to exploit the city for their own gains.


People hunger, people rage, and people fear. This is no longer a city of hope, freedom, and prosperity.

It is a ticking bomb that sits waiting at its last seconds, for the end to finally come.


Yet, somehow Stalward endures still; through rain, storm, and blood, as grey days darken, she holds on. There is a faintly beating heart within the city, that carries the hope that things might yet not be too late.


And so Stalward endures. She must.



the first session has now begun
Act I - A City on Fire

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stalward overview

take a look at the lord stalwart's work, and see how
the city is currently faring


make your voice heard, and help bring stalward back from the brink

Join others in deciding the direction and fate of Stalward, as you vote on laws, review dilemmas, and also help determine many other decisions for the sake of the city's endurance.


Every now and then, various choices must be made for the city and its people; choices that are entirely in the hands of the citizens' Assembly. Factions will propose laws, events will occur that require quick decisions, and so on. It is up to you to help make the right (or wrong) choices through your input.


It is entirely free to join for anyone who wants to take part!


join the assembly

city of stalward | 15A36


The Iron Hearth


"Where one city began, and another ended. The Hearth is the very center of Stalward, where Umberhand set the first stone.


Ever since, the Hearth has remained the seat of power that governs Stalward, and where the majority of Steel Lords reside in their well-to-do estates"



frequently asked questions


What exactly is 'Stalward Endures'?

Stalward Endures is an experimental project, with the intention of creating an interactive experience, where the goal is to see a fictional fantasy city in peril returned to stability.


Is it a game?

Stalward Endures isn't a game in the traditional sense, as there is in actuality very little direct interaction from players, and no active gameplay. It is more like a visual story that tells a wider tale, one day at a time, where every player involved works together (or potentially against each other) towards a common goal.


Who plays?

There are two types of players: the Stalwart, and the Assembly.


The Stalwart is the one who can take actions, like building structures, training squads, appealing to Factions, implementing ideas, etc.

In a sense the Stalwart is the Gamemaster whose main job is to maintain the city based on the Assembly's decisions.


The Assembly, on the other hand, are the voices of the citizens, who can cast votes on various decisions, laws, and dilemmas. By doing this they steer the city in a direction, and affect the various stats, incomes, and overall happiness of the city's population.


How can one join?

By going to the Patreon page, you can vote on any upcoming laws or decisions. It is entirely free to join and you don't even have to become a member to vote.



City Map


District Map


the Assembly


Book of Laws


News & Events



Daniel-André Sørensen

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