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Soul Aspects




Also referred to as the Worship of the Many-Gods or the All-Gods Pantheons, the worship of the Many-Gods is the most diverse of the general faiths and beliefs, although it is technically not really a unified, organized faith. It is a loose and independent collection of various Temples that worship and serve the Creator Gods, and each of those gods are independently worshipped depending on the local society or culture.


In essence, the Many-Gods are the Creators who dwell in the godly realm of Solitude, and as such one could say that every Creator in Nym's Eye belongs to the All-Gods Pantheon, no matter their feelings on the matter.


The term "Many-Gods" is simply used to define any Creators who hold their own Temples without being solely part of a larger, true pantheon. The All-Gods Pantheon might even extend to the Descended Deities, though most are not represented, and those who are still considered part of the Many-Gods are actively being shunned by the other Temples.


In general, the Many-Gods is a collection of many, smaller pantheons, though one could mainly divide the gods into the continents that they primarily involve themselves in. As such we can define them as the Western Pantheon, Eastern Pantheon, Northern Pantheon, Southern Pantheon, and Central Pantheon. Further, more precise division could be something like the "Darion Pantheon" or the "Reaping Lands Pantheon", etc.


Notably, it should be known that a Creator can belong to several pantheons.


The Seven Soul Aspects of Tariel are the only Creators' temples which consistently appear throughout the largest nations in the world, while representing the Worship of the Many-Gods. Other than them, other Creator Temples tend to be scattered and spread throughout the nations and cities of the world, and they mix variably depending on the local religious communities. In one nation three Creators could be the most influential in that area, and so they are nationally recognized as that nation's official Temples. In others there might be only one official Temple, or maybe none are official, but the presence of several Temples still exists.


The Temples of the Many-Gods are mainly independent from each other, and they each maintain their own identities based on the Creators they serve. The Temples' influence and power in a nation, city, or general area depends on the most influential and most popularly worshipped Creator Gods in the local community. For Temples that hold a lot of influence throughout several nations and areas, a High Temple is built and established in a specific nation, which will govern its smaller Temples in other areas.


In the case where there are several official Temples in a nation or city, there is usually a Many-Gods Assembly consisting of Orators or other Temple representatives from each of the main Temples. Together they govern and maintain the religious relations between their Temples. A larger meeting between a greater number of Temples is known as a Godsmeet, which is mainly a tri-annual meeting of the highest ranked Orators from each of the largest Temples.


The most well-known of such Godsmeets is the Karos Godsmeet, which takes place every five years in the ruins of the former Ascended Temples on the Karos island, on the Ardvent Isles in Avanor. There the official leaders of all the Creator Temples in the world meet to discuss important matters, often pertaining to the relations between the Temples and the Creator Gods, as well as the status, influence and latest developments of the various Temples in their lands of power. Open and secret alliances are formed, friendships renewed, religious intrigues set in motion, or rivalries alighted during the Karos Godsmeet.


For a time the worship of the Many-Gods greatly declined in Avanor; beginning around the time of the rise of the Ascended Gods of the Old Imperium, through the surfacing and establishment of the Andarien Faith, until finally their return in the Age of Gods. The presence of Many-Gods Temples in Avanor is varied and hasn't yet recovered properly due to the Andarien Faith's larger influence. At the height of the Andarien Faith, the Anorian Sacellum banned the open worship of other Temples (save Auros' Temple) in the Age of Black Suns, but newer laws that were written during the Age of Gods has again made the worship of the Many-Gods lawfully acceptable.

The Many-Gods


The title and position of Overgod is given to the Creator who stands atop of all the other Creators, even outside of the Worship of the Many Gods. They are the true ruler of the Creator realm of Solitude, as well as the ruler of all Creators in Nym's Eye. The title and position has been held by Tariel since the planting of the Solstree and the creation of Solitude, though little is actually known of Tariel themself.


While the Overgod is technically the ruler of all Creators, Tariel hasn't been seen for many thousands upon thousands of years. The Seven Soul Aspects of Tariel rule in their stead, which makes the Soul Aspects the reigning deistic powers in Nym's Eye.


In the Worship of the Many Gods, most Temples (especially those belonging to the Seven Aspects) will keep at least an altar to the Overgod, to officially recognize them as the core power of the Creators in Solitude. But in their absence, and due to the secrecy of the Creator Gods, the Overgod's true identity, purpose and domains have been forgotten or abandoned, and no mortal knows anything concrete about the Overgod's story, save for the fact that it was they who summoned the Creators to Nym's Eye in the first place, and bound them to the Worldsoul through their Soulbond; preventing the Creators from ever leaving their domains in the Eye.


Additionally, Tariel merged with the Worldsoul and became part of Nym and the Kal'Mar. In fact, only Tariel's body remains within the Solstree, as their mind and soul now lives between Solitude and the Worldsoul. As the spiritual embodiment of Tariel, the Kal'Mar is seen to work 'in the background', as they never directly interact with anyone, even with Creators.

Soul Aspects of Tariel

The Soul Aspects are the current ruling power in Solitude, and they govern the laws regarding all the Creators of Nym's Eye. The Soul Aspects consist of seven seats, known otherwise as the Seat of the Seven, or the Seats of Solitude. The seven holders are often regarded as the Aspects of Tariel, as they supposedly represent seven pieces of the Overgod's being, as is represented by the seats they hold.


While the Soul Aspects are technically not the true rulers of Solitude and the Creators (the true one being the Overgod), the absence of Tariel has led to the Seven Aspects to supervise and enforce the Laws of Solitude. Additionally, the Seven Aspects possess great power from their large domains, combined with the powers they receive for possessing the Seats of the Seven. It is their task to guide the Creators in Nym's Eye, keep them from causing major disturbances to Tariel's plan (a plan unknown to all but the Seven), and otherwise protect the Solstree; the heart and soul of Solitude, and where the Overgod resides.



The Seat of Seven are as follows:


  • The Seat of Stars, which is held by Arkath; granting him dominion over the celestial and astral powers in Nym's Eye. With the powers given to him he holds a greater understanding of the motivations and views of his fellow Creators, which gives him his title as God of Wisdom.


  • The Seat of Souls is held by Kelmora, who uses it to maintain the Cycle of Souls, and control the flow of souls through the Eye. The Seat of Souls holds great sway over the Fadeworlds, and it allows her to shape the Aether of the Great Fade to her own purposes.


  • The Seat of Dreams is kept by Malendii. It allows her to closely attune to the forces of Nym's lands, animals and nature, and through it she has overseen the dreams of mortals in the Veil and her own Dreamworld. Her Seat also allows her to maintain communion with the Kal'Mar, and in turn all the spirits of Nym and Ai-Thera.


  • The Seat of War is Tylmaar's possession, and as the god of strategic warfare and conflict, his powers only continue to grow as battles on Nym and in Solitude's Eternal Strife continue. The fires of his being are empowered by the Seat of War, and he uses them to contain the ever-growing flames that rage in Flamecrown.


  • The Seat of Magic is Tiral's, and she has used it well to cleanse the world of the majority of its impure magical Aether, and created the Veilworlds, the Weaveglass, and the Arcane Sea. With the Seat of Magic, she can oversee the flow of magic and Aether through the Weaveglass and the Veil, and she also uses it to maintain the Arcane Laws that she has established in Nym's Eye.


  • The Seat of Memories is held by Shaar. She keeps the memories of all that have lived ever since Solitude was created; all their sorrows, hatreds, loves and joys. The Seat of Memories is a conduit for which Shaar can reach out to mortals and Creators alike, and see all that has or can happen. She is essentially a guardian of Fate.


  • The Seat of Shadows is kept by Akama, who took it from his brother, Gaerdras, after the War of Eternity ended. The Seat of Shadows holds a tight grasp over the Shadow Realms of Endomundo and Shaz-Kadar, which allows Akama to keep the Darkspirits under control, and ensure that they don't ever become too powerful again, like the Elemental Titans before them did.


Those who fought on the side of Solitude during the War of Eternity, are known as the Divines. These Creators also consist of the Seven Aspects, making them the largest group of Creators in Solitude.


In truth "Divine" is merely a way of identifying those who were loyal to Tariel during the War of Eternity, and there is generally very little difference between Divines and Archons in terms of domains and powers.


The only true difference is that Divines are the only ones who could ever be allowed to sit on one of the Seven Seats of Solitude, if such an opportunity should ever show itself again.


The exception lies in Akama, who is an Archon who turned sides to join the Divines, and he is the only Soul Aspect who isn't a Divine.


Archons are the numerous Creators who fought alongside the Undergod Gaerdras during the War of Eternity.


While they lost the War, they were allowed to retain their positions and domains, as well as the permission to remain in Solitude. Archons are often looked down upon by their Divines brethren, and the opinions of Archons often hold less value in Solitude.


But there is little actual difference between Archons and Divines. Archons can't be members of the Seven Aspects, and they are likely to be more scrutinized for any of their perceived ill actions.


But overall, Archons are still Creators, and their place in Nym's Eye remains as equally vital to that of Divines.


The position and title of Undergod was made after the War of Eternity, though it is only ever referred to as a title by mortals; suggesting that it came much later. The Creators themselves rarely ever make mention of an Undergod, but it's mostly out of cautiousness. To mortals the title and position refers specifically to Gaerdras, who is the Creator who was imprisoned within the core of Nym.


The Undergod has no perceivable power, and he is used in the Worship of the Many-Gods as a cautionary tale. Creators who dare to openly go against the Overgod or the Seven Aspects might eventually suffer the same fate as Gaerdras, and become a god of powerlessness. Despite the fact that Archons fought alongside Gaerdras during the War of Eternity, only Gaerdras was made Undergod and severely punished after the War was won by the Divines.


There are still mortals who worship Gaerdras, though they must usually do so in secrecy. The Undercults are the largest of the hidden organizations who worship Gaerdras, though it is unclear whether he can actually hear or feel their worship. They make mention of the Undergod rising; speaking of prophecies that tell of how he will one day return, and reveal to his worshippers the true face of the gods.


The Undergod has remained within the core of Nym since the end of the War of Eternity, and few supposedly know anything about him, or whether his chains actually still hold him down.

Divines & Archons
Soul Aspects
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