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When grouping magic and spells, they're categorized in what are known as Magic Arts, or Schools of Magic. A Magic Art typically consists of spells that source many different types of Aether, rather than only one, but the way those energies are used for those spells is what defines them in their given school.


The world of Nym is home to many various Magic Arts, some of which have yet to be created or discovered, and there are likely a number of which are only found in obscure places of the world. Some Magic Arts also possess sub-categories that split off from the major Art.


What can be considered to be a Magic Art or not might change between cultures and groups, and some Magic Arts might simply be known under a different name in those cultures. But, generally, at their core the basic principles of their  individual practices and uses remain mostly the same.


The thirteen most recognized schools are officially recorded by Candle Scribes of Candlehold, and practised and studied variably by the major Mage Orders of the world, depending on what Schools are preferred or legal in those Mage Orders or nations.


Most practitioners of magic choose to discipline themselves in the use of maybe one or two Schools of Magic throughout their lifetimes, while others might attempt to gain mastery of as many as they can, or choose to sample and memorize only a few spells from many different ones. It depends on the individual's own training, their chosen path, and which Mage Order they studied under; if they studied under any Order at all.

The Thirteen Arts

The Thirteen Arts

The Thirteen Arts are the most common and well-known of the world's various Magical School Arts. These Schools of Magic are taught in most academies in equal measure, and the Mage Orders take care to at least mention and teach about them, even if they don't necessarily focus on their practical use.


Even outside of the major Mage Orders, these Arts are known by most inhabitants of the civilized world. These Arts cover the most common forms of magical practices throughout the world, and especially those found on the Twin-Continents.

Art of Alteration

Alteration is the art of changing components and properties of an existing object or entity, often to create a new variant of the object/entity in question. Alteration can also allow its wielder the ability to enhance certain bodily senses and functions, such as enhanced sight, strength, speed and reflexes. Similarly, it can also be used to cause negative effects, such as blindness, muscle weakness and paralysis. In some more advanced cases, Alteration is used to transform a person into another; more commonly referred to as polymorphism.


While it is not possible to create new components entirely, Alteration allows one to shift the composition of elements, Aether and minerals within an object (or person) to change not only its appearance, but also its internal structure. This basically means that one can transform rock into gold, though it should be noted that doing so will only allow for a temporary effect, as Alteration magic can’t last indefinitely. When an object’s components are changed it will, in usually a short time, either turn back to its original state, liquefy, or crumble into dust. The after-effects depend on the caster’s level of understanding when using Alteration magic.


After-effects are less so unpredictable or damaging when it comes to interactions with living tissue. Alteration allows for a caster to temporarily expand muscles, enhance sight and hearing, or improve a person’s reflexes. But if one should do it too much within a short time-frame, it is possible that a person’s internal organs will wear out and fail due to the constant stress.


Other applications of Alteration include severe paralysis, where it can halt a targeted person’s motor system and lock a body entirely, or appearance alteration, where a caster of considerable skill can change his or her appearance entirely; known as a more physical form of Glamour Magic. The latter can last for a long duration, at the cost of control and constant reapplication by the caster.

Art of Arcanism

Arcanism is the art of controlling, rearranging and purely manipulating Aether, and utilizing those energies to materialize concentrated forms and effects.


Arcanism is the closest relative Magical Art to the purest definitions of magic. The use of Arcanism allows a caster to ignore and bend the Primal and Cosmic Laws, but under the control of the Arcane Laws. Arcane magic can bend space to shift a caster or object’s position briefly, temporarily alter time, and manipulate gravity. Arcane magic is dominantly used to gain better understanding of the universe and how it works, though it is ultimately the basic form of magic and surrounds most common spells.


Arcanism can be used to reflect or, though difficult, absorb spells to convert them into pure magical Aether. Arcanists can create shields of magical energy, slow down or speed up an object or person’s movement, amplify the effects of spells and magic in general, and project thoughts or physical objects through teleportation, otherwise also known as Telemancy.


However, the act of Telemancy is tricky, and those who can teleport typically find that, although their own conception of time is brief, once they arrive at their destination time will have progressed for as long as the teleported distance would have taken on foot. Additional aid, typically from some sort of Magetech device, stabilizes the Telemantic focus and reduces the travel-time.


Arcanists are constantly unravelling the universe’s arcane mysteries, and as such Arcanism is one of the most progressive and world-changing schools. As the understanding of the arcane grows, so too does Arcanism to the point where it is only becoming more powerful. Even so, Arcanism is considerably dangerous and is to be looked at as an unstable school, since irresponsible casters are more likely to upset the magical balance and fabrics of reality when using Arcanism.

Art of Blood

Blood Magic is the art of stealing and altering a body's Aether through the use of blood Aether; typically empowered by strong emotions or the purity of the blood in question.


It is a common School for directly causing pain and suffering to its victims, by means of sapping a person’s life to feed the wielder with it. Blood magic draws its powers from life and blood, either from the wielder or another person.


This School of Magic is typically very draining to one’s own Aether, but in return it holds the potential to grant some extremely potent power. In some cases, Blood Magic is used to transform a victim’s blood into temporary, golem-like beings of pure blood and magical Aether; creatures mainly bound in service to the one who created them. Similarly, Blood Magic is used to bind contracts; such as trapping summoned demons or other planar beings to a caster's will by binding them to their blood.


While Blood Magic is very powerful, it will rapidly drain a person of his or her own Aether and will begin to cause harm to one’s body. Most wielders of Blood Magic will avoid using their own Aether and instead use that of their victims whenever possible, or utilize slaves as sacrifice. By doing this the caster can replenish his or her own Aether and mana by siphoning the strength away from his or her target.


The presence of fresh blood empowers the abilities of Blood Magic, and so it is not unheard of that a caster will cut themselves to increase the effectiveness and power of their spells, or, in more sinister circles, perform blood sacrifices to significantly empower rituals.


Blood Magic doesn’t necessarily only cause harm and suffering, as it can be used to revitalize a person’s Aether to some degree. Though in its overall core, Blood Magic is a school which effectively causes a lot of pain and death; with the trade-off being more powerful spells and more potent Aether.


Wielders of Blood Magic often become addicted to the suffering they perform on their victims, depending on their own willpower to resist its sating effects. The strong emotional side-effects of using Blood Magic have proven to be dangerously addictive, and it is ultimately a Magical Art that corrupts body, soul and mind.

Art of Conjuration

Conjuration is the art of creating or re-materializing Aether, and in many cases it's used for summoning purposes. For example, a mage proficient in conjuration can summon creatures from other planes, establish portals or materialize the components of an item and reassemble it elsewhere.


When summoning planar beings, a caster using Conjuration must firstly establish certain rules or laws that the summoned being cannot disobey. However, depending on the strength and power of the summoned creature, these rules can sometimes be broken, or the creature is able to find a loop-hole to free itself from the summoner’s control. Also, the longer a summoned being is being shackled, the more likely it is that it will be able to escape. As such the act of summoning is often taught to be extremely dangerous, and should not be practised too often, if ever.


Conjuration can also be used in conjunction with magical Aether to craft temporary magical armour or weapons. Such magical equipment dissipates depending on the amount of magical Aether used, as well as on the caster’s ability to control said magical Aether. Conjurers also use this school to dismantle and then de-materialize any nourishing residue that hangs in the air; effectively creating food or liquids that, while not as nourishing or tasteful as the real deal, can be consumed to replenish small amounts of Aether.


The general act of materialization allows a conjurer to create temporary, magically infused phenomenon such as rain and fog; depending very much on what available residues that circulate in the surrounding air. Typically Conjuration is most effective in areas strong with magical Aether, and will become less effective as the Aether in that area are dissipates.


The most common uses of Conjuration fall under techniques and methods of gathering and assembling Aether. Conjuration is in this sense a rawer version of Arcanism, where Arcanism is more focused on altering of Aether to shape and reassemble them, whilst Conjuration gathers Aether and uses it in their raw form.

Art of Deitism

Deitism (sometimes referred to as Divine Magic or Holy Magic) is the simple art of prayer to call upon favours from the gods themselves. As far as arts go, Deitism is the most diverse, since its available 'spells' depend on the deity. There are, however, some few Deistic Spells that are considered "standard".


This is a School of Magic that holds a wide variety of different Aether, depending on the deity that grants them; though the majority of Aether is of Deistic origin. Deistic Magic can only be called on through the power of deities, and thus the majority of those wielding deistic magic are priests, cultists or similar.


Deistic Magic can be used to cleanse diseases, heal wounds or remove curses. Sometimes Deistic Magic can allow for resurrection, should the proper conditions be met, meaning that it largely depends on which deity the caster worships, or which deity the person being resurrected worships.


When a person fully devotes his or her life to a deity’s cause, it is likely that his or her prayers will be answered by that deity, and all of that deity’s willing powers will be available to that person. Depending on the deity, the methods of gaining favour is extremely varied. There are gods who grant powers to all their followers, and there are gods who restrict their gifts to only a select few individuals or sometimes even none. It is typically those who prove themselves worthy or those who are strongest in their faith who gain access to Deistic Magic through Deistic Awakening.


Since Deitism is largely dependent on a deity being the source of its powers, it is not possible to teach this School of Magic to the non-devoted. The actual abilities of a worshipper depend on a mix of devotion and skill, meaning that the stronger one’s mind is, the more powerful the Deistic Magic becomes.


Typical powers involve healing and smiting, and, depending on the deity, specialized powers will be available. Someone who devotedly serves the Auros will have powers infused with light and fire, whilst someone who serves Kelmora will have access to necrotic or soul Aether. The full range of powers are unknown, since new ones are granted every so often by the gods themselves, so that their worshippers might serve them better for their purposes.

Art of Elementalism

Elementalism is the art of utilizing the elemental Aether that surround the world and the Elemental Courts.


Elementalists can materialize elemental Aether from the surrounding area into condensed magical Aether, converting that Aether into more focused elemental properties such as flames, ice or wind. If there is a nearby flame from, say, a torch or a pocket of water in a glass or pond, then the Elementalist can either draw even more elemental Aether from these sources, or bend and shape these sources to expand or lash out against their targets. This School of Magic holds a lot of potential to cause harm, though some spells can be used to protect or, indeed, heal injuries and some ailments.


Elementalism is an extremely varied School of Magic due to its potential and tendency to tap into all elemental Aether that help build and sustain the world. But to most Elementalists there are four main elements they draw powers from: fire, earth, water and air.


Fire is mostly focused on causing harm, earth on granting protection, water on rejuvenation and wind on disruption and confusion. Elementalism is one of the most common magic schools, though only a fraction of casters truly learn to master all four main elements. A majority of casters will focus on mastering one or two elements.


While a common School of Magic, Elementalism is also considerably unstable and requires more and more concentration, knowledge and skill as a caster’s elemental abilities develop. In return his or her spells grow considerably more powerful, though the danger of losing control is still present and much more likely to occur. Elementalism is practised by most spellcasters, even those who are not naturally gifted with magic. It is, of the many Magic Arts, the most commonly used one as it's a School that is recognized by shamans, druids, priests and mages alike.


The most typical sub-arts within Elementalism are known as Hydromancy, Pyromancy, Aeromancy, and Geomancy. Since there are also many lesser elements, those minor schools tend to be very obscure due to their less popular nature among casters.

Art of Illumination

Illumination, also known as Light Magic, is the art of using the power of light; most commonly by drawing Aether from sunlight or moonlight. A skilled wielder of Illumination can focus the solar or lunar Aether to strengthen them, alter their properties and create new sources of light; though typically Illumination requires an actual light source to be functional.


Illumination is generally useful for causing extremely damaging burns, blinding of foes, dazing, or even for dispelling. Illumination can use the purity of light to remove the effects of curses, depending on the skills of the caster and the power of the curse in question. It also serves as an excellent counter to Shadow Magic.


Illumination is known to allow for healing, though not for mending wounds. Light can be used, if focused correctly, to purge a body of various ailments, in particular ailments that pertain to curses, but also negative effects such as nausea and blindness, and it is also able to soothe pain. While Illumination can remove blindness, it can also cause brief blindness, and it can be focused to the point where the heat of light can scorch or melt most surfaces through a condensed beam of light. As such Illumination is not necessarily only used for good, and holds the potential to cause serious injuries to targets. Even so, it is in a general sense considerably weaker than other Schools when it comes to causing harm, but it does, however, gain an advantage against creatures that are weak to Light, like those of Shadow.


The strongest aspect of Illumination is its ability to dispel and purge other magic. While it is strongest against Shadow Magic, the School is also quite potent when dispelling against most other magical Schools. For instance, Illumination is quite effective against Illusions, allowing a wielder of light to dissipate most illusions.


Most spellcasters utilize Illumination to battle against foes that revel in darkness, or to revitalize areas that have been cursed or corrupted. The most skilled casters can use light to project imagery similar to illusions, or even gain brief precognition. The latter is considerably difficult to master, though if done correctly it is possible for a light wielder to predict events that are about to occur from within a few minutes to potentially a few hours. Particularly aged and strong seers can look even farther beyond, though it is admittedly very difficult, and thus it requires a lot of focus and ritualistic setup.

Art of Illusionism

Illusionism is the art of bending and manipulating Aether to create false imagery, hide objects or persons, and simply trick minds. Illusionism is a considerably basic School of Magic, often considered weaker than the other schools in terms of power, since it can more or less cause very little physical harm. However, a skilled illusionist can easily create enough tricks and illusions to fool even the strongest minds, to the point where insanity in the victim becomes a factor, or even just manipulation to the point where the caster can willingly control another person to a limited degree.


Additionally, Illusionism is a School which requires very little actual magical knowledge, so even people who are not as gifted as mages in magic can learn to use it fairly easily. Though it should be noted that mages are generally more likely to have greater understanding and control over the school.


Illusions can be anything from a simple, minor trick to creating entire realities that exist both within an individual’s mind and before an individual’s eyes. As such it is possible to trick a person’s senses to either mask the presence of pain, to cause confusion, or anything else similar that affects a person’s thoughts and feelings.


Targets of Illusionism see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist, or they perceive things differently from what they truly are. Illusionism can allow a caster to manipulate several individuals at a time, and to mask not only themselves and others in invisibility, but objects, rooms and, indeed, even larger objects or areas.


Some illusionists can disguise their visual appearances, or alter an entire space to appear differently in one's mind. The greater the magical power of the caster, the stronger the illusions. The most skilled illusionists make use of Glamour Magic that change their own appearances, which has often been popularly used by female mages to appear younger and more attractive, or by male mages to seem more vigorous.

Art of Necromancy

Necromancy is the art of reanimation of deceased bodies and control over undeath by controlling death and necrotic Aether.


Using deceased bodies and trapping souls, a caster proficient in Necromancy can infuse these empty husks with necrotic Aether to grant undead life. These creatures are often without a will of their own, and are controlled solely by the caster and his commands.


The alteration through necrotic Aether is also capable of direct control over souls, which allows casters to utilize a victim’s Aether to drain them of life, to the point where the victim is nothing more but a husk. Using negative Aether, a caster can focus beams of necrotic Aether infused with the power of both death and undeath. 


Necromancy is first and foremost about manipulating the dead and the energies of death. When raising the dead, they infuse necrotic Aether into an empty husk to animate it and bind it to the caster’s will, or by calling forth an apparition from a mortal spirit. The more powerful the caster, the more undead minions he or she can control. There is no limited time-frame when it comes to controlling the undead, and control can last for as long as the caster wishes, or until the connection between caster and undead is severed.


Necromancy can also be used to resurrect the recently deceased, though if the soul is no longer present near the victim’s body, then the resurrected body will have no apparent will of its own, and can thus be manually controlled by the caster.


As a School of Magic which controls undeath, it is also very efficient at dealing with said undeath. Most undead creatures can be destroyed or taken control over by necrotic Aether. There are also many spells that induce pain and act to drain a target of their Aether, cause rotting, cast curses, or simply kill.


In its purest essence and by the judgment of its name, Necromancy is the art of controlling the powers of undeath itself. A caster can also extend their own life by, in the most common term, cheating death. Constantly staving off death should come at relative ease for someone with the necessary and extensive knowledge and skill in how to do it, though it is frowned upon by most mages and priests, and especially those who serve the goddess Kelmora, who sees Necromancy as a clear defiance of her Cycle of Souls.


Even so, Kelmora often grants her chosen worshippers, such as Gravetenders, Reapers and other Death Priests, with Necromantic powers; solely for the purposes of fighting fire with fire. These powers come with the caveat of not being able to use necrotic Aether to create undead minions, and instead is used to dispel such creatures.

Art of Restoration

Restoration is the art of mending wounds, revitalization and curing diseases through accelerating the healing process. This is a fairly popular School of Magic and perhaps the one with the most positive effects.


Healers are able to utilize Aether to heal even the most severe injuries, as well as remove fatal illnesses. Outside of conventional healing and medical aid, Restoration can also be used to remove scars, regenerate Aether, and even reverse ageing to some degree, or at least mask age. Powerful wielders of Restoration can potentially bring people back to life by mending the broken body, as long as the soul of the recipient has yet to leave the vicinity of his or her body.


Restoration draws no power from one source alone, as it can either come from nature, the arcane, the elemental or from deities. Depending on the source of Aether, various Restoration spells can be cast and utilized, but a person's own Aether will always be the core requirement. Restoration can’t cause direct harm as it is solely devoted to revitalization of soul, spirit and health.


While a potent and life-saving School of Magic, the chance of healing someone from fatal illnesses or mortal wounds largely depends on the caster’s own abilities. Small cuts and bruises are more easily mended, as are minor sicknesses such as sore throats and coughs. In fact, most ailments can be cured through Restoration, including blindness and deafness, if one's skill is high enough.


However, severed limbs cannot be reattached or regrown, as Restoration mostly uses existing living tissue to cleanse and mend. Long dead tissue can’t be returned to life or revitalized, and as such Restoration must be applied quickly to most injuries and ailments to ensure that the success and effectiveness of healing is more certain.


Unfortunately Restoration comes at a cost. Most ailments and critical wounds require a lot of Aether and especially Aether of the soul and body. In order to successfully heal someone who is either deeply sick or fatally wounded, the caster must usually draw life Aether from a nearby source. Simply explained, the caster will most likely have to draw this life Aether from themselves, which in turn means that the caster risks killing him/herself. This is a core reason for why medical sciences are more popularly pursued rather than employing healers who wield magic.


Restoration is also very difficult to learn and master, and any mistakes made by the wielder can lead to worse injuries or ailments. The School requires a clear understanding of the mortal body and the effects any painful strain can cause to the mind. Sometimes Restoration might heal an injury or ailment only temporarily, or the length of life is shortened, or healing an ailment might spawn another in its place. Restoration is thusly recommended only for those who more or less dedicate themselves to it entirely.

Art of Shadow

Shadow Magic is the art of utilizing the shadows for concealment, and sometimes illusions and summoning. Shadow magic holds the power to hide a person or object in shadows, often by drawing power from local sources rather than that of planar sources.


Shadow magic is considered to be a dangerous School of Magic because of its dark and negative effects on both beings and environments, and should see limited use due to the damage it can cause to the caster’s own body. Some wielders of this School use the shadows to shift their form into pure shadow, and also utilize Shadow Magic to teleport themselves for limited distances between existing shadows.


When a caster calls upon Shadow Magic, they draw Aether from local sources rather than reach to another plane or beings. This basically means that a Shadow wielder can utilize any shadows in his vicinity to cast spells, merge with existing shadows or simply disappear into the darkness. As such Illumination has proven to be an effective counter to this School, though a skilled and highly experienced Shadow wielder can overpower even Light itself.


Shadow Magic mainly focuses upon stealth and darkness, and only a few spells in its school have the actual capability to cause serious harm. Shadows can in excessive amounts disrupt the environment and corrupt it by robbing it of all of its light. Doing the same to a living body will have the same effect, unless that body is built purely on shadow Aether. Beings of death and undeath are not quite so affected by Shadow Magic either.


Additionally, Shadow Magic can be used to establish a connection with the Shadow Realms of Endomundo and Shaz-Kadar by creating a portal or summoning a Shade or other shadow demons from those realms. It is, however, not recommended, since the caster would have little to no control over the summoned being.

Art of Spiritism

Spiritism is the art of studying and utilizing the spiritual Aether of the spirits themselves. It also draws power from souls and soul Aether, and allows the caster to manipulate a target's soul; either by twisting it or by manipulating memories.


Someone adept at Spiritism is able to call upon the aid of spirits; both kind and malevolent ones. This allows the caster the ability to provide spells of healing as well as harm. The actual type of Aether depends on the spirit that binds itself with the caster. Spiritism is typically used to summon spirits for aid, assemble spiritual Aether, or by channelling or binding a spirit to a body and soul to grant both mind and physical enhancements; though the cost of control often varies and can be difficult to maintain.


This School is commonly associated with shamanism and druidism, although not exclusively. Monks and Palmwriters tend to employ Spiritism to gain access to their inner mortal spirit, and mages use it to study and manipulate soul Aether.


Spiritism is not always used to gain power from spirits, but to simply just commune with them. Actual communication with spirits is difficult, since they are less likely to respond in an understandable way. What Spiritualists will more likely be able to do is gain favour with the various spirits and temporarily gain their abilities. There are many types of different spirits in the world and planes, so these abilities can be very varied. Some powers can be achieved without spirits, and instead by utilizing spiritual Aether, which circulates the Natural World and the Spirit Realms.


Summoned spirits must comply with rules set by the Spiritualist, and the Spiritualist must comply with the rules set by the spirits. It is an agreement more than it is a command, and both sides must work together in compliance. As such it is difficult to force a summoned spirit to do what one says, and instead it acts on gaining favours.


Spiritism itself isn’t particularly difficult to learn, but the actual communion and control of spirits is a different matter. Shamans use Spiritism to commune with the ancestral spirits and the elemental spirits, whilst priests or seers might use Spiritism to commune with souls in the afterlife.

Art of the Wyld

Wyld Magic is the art of controlling naturistic Aether, often in the form of animal empathy, alteration of weather and plant-life, and general druidism.


Wyld Magic allows the wielder to communicate with the Natural World and land, thus it is mainly practised by shamans and druids. Through communion with nature itself, the caster asks the natural and fey spirits for power, and, if granted, the caster is then allowed to control the aspects of nature; for a time. This includes giving the caster the power to heal wounds and rejuvenate an individual’s Aether.


Wyld Magic largely depends on an individual’s connection to the Natural World and the natural Aether that surrounds it. As such it is not necessary for the caster to be adept at magic, as long as there is at least some magical Aether within the individual’s body, which is the case for most mortals. What seems to be most important is the caster’s respect and sincerity towards nature and the natural spirits, as a lack of any will likely not see the spirits return any favours. By establishing a connection with the Natural World or Malendii's Dream, someone adept at Wyld Magic can manipulate anything from roots to animals to fey spirits, as long as what they are manipulating has a connection with nature.


Actual manipulating of existing natural vegetation and wildlife is one thing, but the other benefits of Wyld Magic involve creating nature-borne effects from seemingly nothing. Enhancing one’s own skin to become hardened with rock or bark, or transforming oneself into animals or gaining their strengths and abilities are but a few examples of several benefits. Wyld Magic is also used to call upon nature’s wrath in the form of storms, earthquakes and floods. Someone truly blessed by nature can effectively transform a landscape to suit nature’s needs.


Oneiromancers and other Dreamers also sometimes use Wyld Magic to enter Malendii's Dream, or to just draw power from it. Wyld Magic was first devised by druids and wyld spirits, and thus it holds a strong connection to powers and Aether concerning dreams.



Ever since the dawn of magical study, those who practice them have sought out ways to learn, master or reach beyond the Arcane Laws, and harness the Aether of the world and universe for the benefit of magical science. The attempted study and understanding of Cosmic and Primal Laws also motivate the Magicrafts, by approaching them with a combination of magical and scientific experimentation and theories.


Magicrafts are generally scientific pursuits that deal with fields of magical study, or the study of Aether and objects through magical implementation or tools. Magicrafts are typically pursued by mages, but most Magicraft fields don't require magically attuned individuals, although it is often a benefit if magic is more easily involved.


Different cultures have developed many variable types of Magicrafts throughout history; some which have been forgotten or later rediscovered by other cultures; often as an improvement. In truth, there are likely thousands of different kinds of Magicraft throughout the world, so long as there are scientifically-minded mages out there.


The rise of different Magicrafts came from studies in magic, but many changed or evolved into various crafts or scientific study that aren't necessarily only conducted by mages any more. Artisans, researchers and scribes make daily efforts and discoveries in the many Magicraft fields for the sake of advancing the common knowledge of how the world functions, as well as  how Aether reacts under various circumstances from a scientific standpoint.


In some cultures it's not the pursuit of science that motivated the creation of some Magicrafts, and instead they evolved simply from tradition or superstition, until they would eventually develop into recognized sciences.


Many Magicrafts also relate heavily to Magetech, either to create magical contraptions or to use Magetech components to power or maintain a specific Magicraft. Magetech, while not too different from Magicraft in terms of definition, focuses more clearly with the invention and building of magic machines and structures, specifically in a more engineering capacity.


The art of growing, crafting and restructuring flesh or plants, typically through the general study of biology.


Biografters use various tools of precision and at times magic to alter organics, sometimes to create new experimental species of animals or plants, or surgically mend wounds. It is very common for chirurgeons and medical menders to use Biografting techniques to perform medical processes that magic alone often can't solve.


This Magicraft is one of the prime subjects for the study and progress of medical science, and covers the research of the anatomy of animals and the different races of the world. It is a very delicate Magicraft that requires steady hands and understandable amounts of patience.


Biografting dabbles in cellular research and the study of how the microscopic interacts with each other and the world's Aether. But because of how difficult and considerably unethical it would be to study and experiment on living specimens, Biografters must often contend with corpses. This, to some cultures, offers another set of ethical questions, but most Biografters won't care anyway.


The creation of semi-living constructs using Soulcrafting techniques to imbue souls or Aether into crafted, humanoid vessels, typically through Magetech shaping and utilization of metals, Wendglass, and soul Aether.


The Magnir used Soulforges to craft and infuse their constructs, whilst the Maéc used Manafusion techniques to create their Maegstructs and Maegwichts. Ter-Khalan mages create constructs made almost purely from shaped crystals and Wendglass, which has later been adopted by Caldum Golemancers.


Caldum Golemancy (which is regarded as the most modern and more recent addition) was first rediscovered by Stone and Dark Dwarves during the height of the Under-Kingdoms, then adopted by mages of the First Darion Imperium, and then the general groups of Avanorian mages later saw interest in Golemancy.


Gnomes from Luthrern Vosh and the cities of Azora are especially particular to Golemantic studies and development, and have developed their own versions. Constructs come in different types and variations; the most common types being  Imps, Animatrons, or regular Golem constructs.


The use of a soul isn't always necessary, though it is required if one wants a construct capable of more independent thinking. Most constructs are made to be simple with one or two main directive tasks, so the need for a soul isn't required in those cases.


The use of potent reagents and ingredients derived from plants, minerals, and animals to create various potions, salves, tinctures and medicines, some of which are magical depending on the ingredients, alchemical tools and techniques used.


The most advanced processes in regards to Alchemy are found on Ashanor, where it is believed that Alchemy is as equally capable as magic to create and alter anything in the world and universe. This version of Alchemy is in those parts of the world better known as Animistry, or Spiritual Alchemy.


Alchemists study the composition of objects, elements and Aether, and experiment with their splitting or merged reactions in minerals, metals and organics. Unlike Awoken magic-wielders, Alchemy is more accessible for the general populace, as one doesn't need to be Magically Awoken to practice it.


Typically used in relation to or as an extension to general Magetech, Arctology is the study and utilization of harvested and tempered electrical Aether. It is the process of wiring, transferring and merging arcs and currents of electricity, typically by harvesting raw lightning from specially made weather rods to capture electrical energy from storms, then store them in specialized containers made from Wendglass or Aethra Stones.


Arctology helps to power machines and contraptions as a supplement to using general magical Aether, by instead using pure electricity. It was first used by religious sects to harvest the raw powers of gods and nature, but later developed into a more scientific field of study.


Arctologists believe the further research of electricity might unlock the secrets to true creation of artificial life, or the basis for reliant, renewable energy powered by pure electricity to sustain wider networks of machinery.


The imbuing of items, typically weapons and armour, with magical effects and spells.


Depending on the skill of the enchanter and the quality of the components used, an enchantment's durability and longevity can vary between a few minutes to several years.


Enchantment is similar to Scriptology by carving runes and symbols into the desired objects to entrap and preserve the Aether, but Enchanting is additionally reliant on forced integration through mental power or skilled craftsmanship. Infusion of magical Aether into an object is tempered by the runes and symbols as a means of containing those energies within the object.


Typically, Enchanting works by implementing a magic spell into an object, though not all spells can be so easily implemented. The measurement of success depends on the general power of the spell, the ingredients used, and the magical capacity of the object in question.


Scriptology deals with the creation of magical ink used to etch and inscribe magically powered runes upon surfaces. It is most popularly used in the creation of spellbooks and magical scrolls, and can be applied to skin in the form of tattoos.


It acts very similarly to how some spellcasters utilize methods of Spellweaving, Sigilism and Runology by drawing symbols to attract and rearrange Aether. In the case of Scriptology, symbols are almost always drawn with magical ink to preserve the gathered Aether, and to contain the desired effects of the written text.


Scriptology works well with Powdertech and Alchemy, as the reagents created from those two Magicrafts benefit the creation of various kinds of inks, each with their own magical properties.


Developed and mostly used by inhabitants of Luthrern Vosh and Azora, Gemtech is a field that makes use of gems and crystals in conjunction with modern Magetech technology to create contraptions and machinery powered by magical Aether.


It is similar in many ways to Artificing, Wendcarving and Manafusing, but creates its own identity by combining those three Magicrafts. Gemtech is mostly used by Lantern Mages in the creation of their magical hand-carried lanterns, but is also used in Golemancy in the form of empowered gems used as energy sources that can be tweaked and altered to specify detailed commands to golems.


Discoveries made by explorers and archaeologists reveal that versions of Gemtech were used by several ancient civilizations like those of the Magni on Ryumar, although the leading fields are studied primarily by gnomes and halflings from Luthrern Vosh.


There are lesser variations in Korash and Ryumar that use primarily crystals, known respectively as Shardology and Crystalcutting.


The crafting and tinkering of magical items, usually jewellery, through the use of magical components, crystal vessels and energy potent shards. Wendglass and Aethra Stones are most commonly used to retain the energies, and can be formed into crafted gems that allow for implementation into armour and weapons.


It mixes well with Enchantment or Manafusing, and processes requiring magic can be substituted through specialized tools or machinery. Artificing creates magical tools such as wands, staffs, orbs and more; specifically for the use as magic tempers to help a mage control and wield their magic.


More advanced forms of Artificing deals with the creation of magic-based firearms, hand-held bombs, or various gadgets.


The art of infusing and merging mana; most commonly used to combine mana essences into one greater essence.


Manafusing has been used to infuse living creatures with mana as a way of triggering magical mutations. It is known that Manafusing could be used to infuse a living person with mana to cause an Arcane Awakening, thus create individuals capable of wielding advanced magic. However, the process is highly unpredictable for now, and techniques are being researched to stabilize the chances of success.


Manafusing has led to many breakthroughs, but also many disasters. The forced infusion of mana into living beings, such as animals or plants, has led to the creation of unnatural, magical monsters, more commonly known as Magespawns, which includes beings such as Living Slimes, Mana Wisps, and Arclings.


Related to metallurgy but not to be confused with it, Runesmithing (also known as Manasmithing or Manaforging) is the study of scientific and magical techniques of extracting magical and Aether-dense metals from magical ores, or the utilization of magic-resistant ores such as Duraritium.


The heating and shaping of special metals, often by further infusing or tempering them with mana or energized coals, provides the basis for creating magically strong weapons or armour, or durable construction components for Magetech contraptions. Runes are commonly carved afterwards to contain the Aether within the object, or left inactive to allow for easily implemented enchantments by an Enchanter.


Runesmithing is popular with blacksmiths who specialize in forging and crafting exceptional armour and weaponry, though not every smith can handle the process, since it typically involves having sparks of wild Aether escaping during the forging if one isn't exceptionally skilled or careful enough.


Techniques for Runesmithing were likely first used by elves, but dwarves (highly resistant and impervious to the spewing magical Aether before they are cooled and tempered) perfected the art and popularized the term of Runesmithing.


Soulcrafting, also called Soulgrafting, is the art of extracting, storing, transferring and altering souls. It is often used in relation to Golemancy, and can be used to unlock memories of past lives or alter them.


Soulcrafters use Wendglass and Aethra Stones to contain soul Aether. Soulcrafting is also a leading field in the study of the mind; especially concerning memories and mental illnesses. The study of Soulcrafting is motivated by a desire to discover the hidden powers of souls, as well as the uncovering of what souls truly are and how to fix serious ailments that often plague a person's soul and mind.


Many cultures take issue with the study and alteration of souls, especially those who have a more religious view on souls. Certain deities ill-like when mortals mess around with souls, especially Kelmora.


Similar to Alchemy in many ways, but pertains mainly to the creation of magical food and brews. Gastromagic is the fusion of cuisine and mana to awaken magical Aether within ingredients and a person upon consumption. It is a Magicraft that details cooking, baking, grilling, brewing, frying, roasting, broiling and whatever other ways one can prepare food, along with the inclusion of magically strong ingredients.


Unlike common foods, the energy restored in Gastromagic food is far greater, and such meals can also be specialized for specific traits, such as restoring weariness, healing certain injuries, regenerating Aether or mana, temporarily enhancing senses or muscles, and so forth.


Typically Gastromagic makes use of magical ingredients gathered and processed from monsters, or collected from plants grown in Aether-rich soil. The most usual creations of this Magicraft are things like cookies, bread or beverages, and sometimes properly cooked meals too.


The study of stars, planetoids and the general outer universe beyond the Nymworld and Nym's Eye. Astromancers look at and through the Veil to uncover the mysteries of the constellations, and wait for those brief moments when the Veil weakens and reveals the universe beyond it.


Astromancy also covers the collection of astral Aether through specially crafted gems and machinery, as well as the study of meteoroids and alien objects. A popular field of study for Celestial Mages especially.


Various types of glass, usually Aetherically enhanced, are also used to create specialized lenses, that can magically project and pierce into the Dark Beyond.


The art of building structures that benefit from an increased flow of Aether. Temples are planned and built from Magitecture to allow for Aether to traverse and enter through them with better ease, giving those temples greater access to the gods and beings they are dedicated to.


Mage towers are made with a similar purpose, except instead focus more on attracting and conserving magical Aether. Materials strong in Aether are essential for proper Magitecture, as are the placements of those materials and the aesthetic implementations for a structure's purposes.


In both case of Temples and Mage Towers, the location is the most important part. The building should preferably be on Aether-strong land, where magical currents convene more readily.


In certain cultures the process of Magitecture is conducted solely through the use of magic rather than common labour. This is done by magically shaping materials into structures; something which is often found in druidic societies, where houses are shaped from within a tree by using the tree's existing structure rather than being built from the ground up. In Scaleshaped society (especially mage-dominated ones), Magitecture is used in relation to Worldshaping; the special art of magic that the Ter-Khalan Assembly have access to thanks to their possession of a piece of the Dragonsoul.


Magitecture also extends to other forms of crafts, like Telemancy and Arctology, where the purpose is to create components and structures where Aether can flow properly with the least amount of resistance possible.


A term first used by Wendfolc (and by extension Folc in general) when carving Wendglass into sculptures, statuettes, icons or weapons. The term was popularized by Thalonian explorers and has earned a broader use for any form of carving and shaping that aims to preserve the Aether of an object; usually of a large chunk of mineral or wood.


By avoiding cutting off and damaging certain veins within a natural log or stone or similar, the object's Aether is retained and even enhanced. Useful for jewelcrafters, fletchers and sculptors. Similar techniques were also developed throughout the world over history, and it is believed that elves were the first to make use of it, long before the Folc did.


Wendcarving finds a lot of use in modern scientific engineering, as the creation of Wend-cables and Wend-cells is very useful for the transference and storage of Aether to, from, and between Magetech machinery.


Relates heavily to the discovery and processing of black powder, and in turn gunpowder. Implementation of various powders, some magical and strong in Aether, experiments with the power of black powder when used in explosives and firearms. The general idea of this field is to expand upon the technological marvel of processed mineral powders in the pursuit of power and energy combustion.


While black powder is a central motivator and base for Powdertech, other discoveries and pursuits have lead to the rise in various magically and energy strong powders through methods of grinding and refining minerals into useful fine reagents, that react 'interestingly' when exposed to different elements.


Such refined dust is often used in alchemy or scroll-making. Mana Dust is especially popular as a base for various experiments in practices beyond just Powdertech.


The creation, stabilization, and use of various portals and gateways that connect over great distances to other similar gateways; sometimes as far as to other worlds. Telemancy involves careful calibration and maintenance of the magic of teleportation, usually through magic devices and structures, rather than by spellwork alone.


The are many various forms of Telemantic machines; some project voices over great distances, some might only work on small objects or specific objects as a form of post delivery. The most well-known Telemantic machines, however, are gateways, which are created with the purpose of transporting full individuals over great distances.


It is a tricky, unstable, and very dangerous form of Magitech. Telemancy only works by magically disassembling what it intends to teleport, and reassembles it on the other side. If any calculations are wrong, or there are too many surges in the power supply, the person entering a portal might not come out the same person after. The larger the object to be teleported, the greater the risks.


Telemancy is a craft most common in Ter-Khala and throughout Korash, where there are many ancient gateways that need constant maintenance and calibration by skilled Telemancers.

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