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In Nym's Eye, there are many different Kith and Kin. As the Ages passed and Times changed, various Kith would be born, created, or evolve over the thousands upon thousands of years of Nym's existence. Some Kith are very old and ancient, and have been around since the beginning, whilst some are very new, and have only been known to the world for a few centuries. Over the Times and Ages, many Kith and Kin have perished and disappeared, and many might have forgotten of their existence.


Even today, as we enter the End Times, there are still many Kith and Kin yet to be known to the greater world, as there are many who might live isolated lives in distant undiscovered jungles, mountains, or islands. And then there are those Kith and Kin who don't live on the planet Nym, but in Arkath's Divide and beyond.

"When referring to the different sentient races of Nym's Eye, we call them Kith and Kin.


Kith is used in a plural context, whilst Kin in a singular context. For example:


Saying 'Scaleshaped Kith' refers to all the different types in that race, whilst 'Scaleshaped Kin' only refers to one singular race.


Additionally, Kith-Kind or Kin-Kind are terms used to describe sub-groups within a Kin, like Sunverse Elves as a Kin-Kind within the Elven Kin, for example.

The same rules of plural and singular context applies here too.


When wanting to refer to a much larger selection of races of the world at the same time, we say 'Kith and Kin' as a more broad, general term."

'Kith, Kin, and Kinds'

- Justa Miladia, Kith Researcher


The most common of the Kith and Kin, especially orcs and humans, who dominate the majority of the continents, be it in grand kingdoms and empires, or as tribal nomads.


Kindred are somewhat closely related to each other, as they evolved from the same forefather Kith-group, thousands of years ago. It is said that all Kindred hail from giants in one way or another, and some more directly than others. Orcs, while possessed of giantsblood, were in fact moulded by the Creator Skael, who half-created orcs by combining half-giant bones and human flesh. As such orcs aren't evolved from giants in the definite sense, but they are considered Kindred all the same.


It is unknown when exactly Kindred evolved to be their own Kith separate from giants, though some found ancient ruins suggest that Kindred have been around for at least six- to five-thousand or so years. As such, they are the youngest of the Nymborn Kith and Kin. But despite this, they are the most widespread of all Kith due to being able to reproduce relatively quickly compared to other Kith, even if they don't necessarily live for very long.


​Perhaps the greatest strength of Kindred is their talent for adaptability and their diversity as Kith. Wherever they go, they find a way to survive and live there, no matter how inhospitable the land might be. There is definitely a certain charm and envy to their perseverance, that other Kith and Kin often lack.


The Scions were the first Kith and Kin; born from the Aether of the First Spirits, given purpose by the Mortal Soul, and elevated by the Wildgods. They were the first Kith to ever exist, but also the first to fall. Over the thousands of years since their birth in Nym, most of these Kith have gone extinct, leaving only a few Scions remaining.


Scions are often called the "Builders", because they were part of the first Kith who pretty much shaped the earlier world of Nym. The insectoid Vithrid dug out vast caverns for their Under Empires within the Underneaths, the Tengan planted and tended to great and magical woodlands and jungles, and the Sarazhi cared for the seas, oceans, and precious Shardreefs. Today, these Kith are long gone, and what remains of them lie in ruins, or has been erased by time.


However, descendant Kith endure to this day, such as the Zjindri who sail on massive Arks across the seas, and the feathery Anzu who make their home in vast forestlands. ​It is also said that small, very hidden communities of more ancient Scion Kith are still around, just that they are very rare and difficult to find.


Scions are known to be quite magically talented as far as Kith go. This is a trait that is said to have been especially true of the more ancient Scions, though current Scions are also quite magically strong.  Scions are also more aligned in serving the Wildgods and Earthen Gods, and so they are less likely to be part of any Creator circles, and thus don't take part in Kelmora's Cycle of Souls.


Wildkith came after the Scions, and were mainly the direct servants of the Wildgods. The Wildgods granted higher sentience and intelligence to certain wild animals, and in doing so evolved them into true humanoids. Each Wildgod tended to create their own Wildkith clans to serve them, which would lead to a large diversity of different Wildkith Kith. Not all of these Kith would survive the coming eras and their turmoils, but a fair few are still around to this day.


In general, Wildkith civilization has remained fairly primitive over the thousands of years of their existence, though perhaps it is more fair to say that they have remained stalwartly traditional and loyal to their original beliefs. It has been rare for Wildkith societies to advance technologically beyond what they need, as they have always been provided for by the Wildgods and the wilds themselves. There are, of course, some Wildkith societies that are more advanced than others, but primarily the Wildkith have stayed very true to their caste systems and sometimes tribal societies of Wildgod worship.


Because of their animalistic origins, Wildkith come in many different kinds of Kith. Some are wolfkith, harekith, catkith, or stagkith, and so on. This gives each of them very specific racial traits, that often gives them an advantage out in the wilderness, where the wilds reign above all else. These traits are of the instinctual nature, which helps to sharpen and enhance the Wildkith's different senses.


Earthborn are a group of Kith believed to have come from the Earthen Gods, or at least it is thought that they were the old stone-bound servants of the Earthen Gods, who aided them during the War of Titans. It is possible that these servants, who once slumbered and hibernated along with the Earthen Gods, eventually awoke, and made their way up to the surface. One by one, they surfaced, and as they did, each of them had evolved through their journey.


Earthborn Kith tend to be quite resilient, hard-skinned, and stone- or earthenbound. Their bodies are said to be closely related to clay, dirt, and rock, and some are said to have been borne by plants and funguses. Because of their unique bodies, they possess an attunement to the natural world, and also to the spirits who dwell in the earth.


Most Earthborn Kith are quite short in stature, with the only exception being trolls, who are four times the size of any regular Earthborn Kin. A gnomish theory suggests that most of them are quite small because they first evolved in small caves before coming to the surface.


While most Earthborn are fairly tribal and live in mostly primitive societies, some groups are known to be quite advanced, and build grand, mechanical, machine-driven cities and settlements. Gnomes and goblins especially are known to be very clever and ingenious, and many modern inventions are of their Kith's doing. What many Earthborn lack in physical strength they make up for in numbers and cleverness, though trolls might be the exception, as they are quite rare as far as Earthborn go.


Of the Kith and Kin not of the planet Nym, we tend to refer to as Otherworlders. This includes any Kith who are from one of the Planeworlds, Veilworlds, Fadeworls, or Tearworlds. They could, indeed, even be from beyond Nym's Eye; arrived via Rifts or from other, stranger means.


Otherworlders are divided into mainly six major groups: Innerworlders, Veilworlders, Fadeworlders, Outworlders, Riftworlders, and Beyonders. Innerworlders include either elemental-like or spirit-like Kith like those from the Planeworlds. Veilworlders are from the Veilworlds, like the Hells, Malendii's Dream, or the Ascended City. Fadeworlders are from one of the two Fadeworlds, and are more like after-worlders. Outworlders hail from one of the Tearworlds outside of Arkath's Divide. Then there are Riftworlders and Beyonders; both of which come from worlds far beyond that of Nym's Eye, and in the case of Riftworlders it's from other dimensions and alternate worlds.


The different Otherworlder Kith are so vastly different from each other in terms of appearance, traits, and abilities, that they don't really have any relation to each other except for the fact that they are not Nymborn Kith.


Kith and Kin who were created specifically by the Creators are known as Creatorforged, and they have been around since the Creators first arrived in Nym. These are Kith who could've been made for a specific purpose, or they could've been created by pure unintentional coincidence.


Most Creators don't involve themselves in the creation of life, so Creatorforged Kith are actually quite few in terms of different Kith. It is also common for Creators to abandon any of their creations, as they often view their creations as tools and servants, rather than children. Still, there are exceptions, like with Shaar who loves all her Elven children.


Creatorforged Kith are quite diverse, but each Kin tends to have a sort of "specialization" that makes them very good at one thing, but possibly worse at another. They are also some of the most long-lived Kith of all Kith and Kin, as they are often infused with Creator-like Aether that grants them longer life-cycles.


Most Creatorforged Kith still pay respects and worship their Creator parents, no matter how their Creators view them. In most cases the Creators will be compelled to at least listen to the wants and wishes of their creations, and, besides, their creations are an easy source of worshippers, which likely makes gathering Aether easier for those Creators.


Born from the blood and flesh of dragons, Scaleshaped were given form and life by the Dragon Gods. In the distant past, when the Dragon Gods reigned over Nym, the Scaleshaped Kith were their servants and slaves, and together they built grand empires and sky-reaching cities. Despite being the creations of the Dragon Gods, the Scaleshaped were treated poorly, and sacrificed often to appease their gods. Eventually, come the events of the Worldblight, the Dragon Gods were defeated or fled, and the Scaleshaped were freed from their shackles.


Most Scaleshaped still live in their ancient cities, which they have taken over from the Dragon Gods. They are mainly found on the continent of Korash, such as in the Reaping Lands or on Ter-Khala. There they maintain many kingdoms and vast empires, while shunning the worship of the Dragon Gods, though there are still some few cults and clans who still follow them.


The Scaleshaped are primarily lizard-like or saur-like, and they are adapted to survive in mostly warm climates, due to their cold-blooded bodies. However, the Scaleshaped are of the blood of dragons, and so their bodies possess fast-adaption traits and abilities, that let them alter their own bodies and traits to adapt to their environment temporarily. Some of the Scaleshaped Kith are also very long-lived compared to others, and the strongest amongst them have been known to live up to several thousands of years.


Another unique trait of Scaleshaped is their ability to produce offspring between each other. Most Kith and Kin in the world are incapable of such unions; like how an elf can't have children with a dwarf. Scaleshaped Kith, on the other hand, share a common pool of creation from their Dragon Gods, which makes them more closely related in terms of their biology, hence likely why they can have children together.


Not technically a type of Kith and Kin as much as they are a broader-termed Kith-/Kin-Kind. Soulchanged are a a sort of Demi-Kith variant, one could say.


Soulchanged Kith can be any and all Kith and Kin, except they are modified in some way or another. A human could be a human Godtouched, or there could be an elven Planelike, and so forth. In most cases, the circumstances of Soulchanged is entirely random, though it could also be the cause of certain beings interfering with the soul before birth, or it could be the cause of certain strong Aether affecting the soul. It is also possible that a Soulchanged identity is so ingrained in the specific soul, that it will always be reborn as that Soulchanged no matter what.


The amount of alteration upon both appearance and ability varies greatly. Sometimes it's something as small as minor brandings on one's skin or special eyes, and other times it's major changes, like being completely engulfed in Elemental flames, or possessing wings or tails. It very much depends on the specific Demi-Kin.


Soulchanged Kith are unable to have offspring, they don't have long life-expectancies, and some Demi-Kith might be shunned or feared depending on the type they are. But in return they tend to possess powerful abilities and traits, often special and unique to the individual person.


There are many different types of Soulchanged, and they have no true relation with each other, except for the fact that all Soulchanged have had their souls altered in some way, to make their normal Kith traits misalign.


Halfcasts are various "half-breed" Kith. It is a phenomenon that mainly affects Kindred Kith, though there are some other, rare exceptions to that rule. Since most Kith and Kin can't produce offspring between union with each other, Halfcasts are presented as a clear exception to that limitation.


These are specifically half-breed Kith, who are born from the union of two different Kith. Strangely, the only half-breed pairings that seem to produce Halfcast offspring are those that involve a Kindred father or mother, specifically humans, orcs, or half-giants. Whatever else the other parent is, the child will have Kin-specific traits inherited from both, which also means their appearance will be affected as a merging of both Kith.


In many societies, Halfcasts are shunned due to their sometimes very strange appearances or traits. This is most true in societies where one Kin is dominant over others, which  has often created a racial divide between those Kith.


Like with all Soulchanged, Halfcasts can't have children of their own, so usually the half-breed nature of the individual dies with them. However, some pairings tend to repeat the same appearance traits throughout, so one can define a lot of the different types of Halfcasts out there.


The best known Halfcast Kith-Kind are the half-orc Thrurar, half-giant Vha-kan, and the rare half-snake Seheshi.



Planelike are Kith whose souls have been altered by the various Aether and energies of Arkath's Divide. Specifically, this includes most of the different worlds within the Divide, but can also just be Aether travelling through the Divide in general.


A Soulchanged Planelike has their soul moulded by Aether, which gives them different Aether-specific traits at birth, such as flaming hair, Fade-Eyes, ethereal limbs, etc. There are many kinds of Planelike, but most will have a connection to one of the Divide's worlds. Aside from just appearances, Planelike will also inherit some abilities related to these worlds.


Various Planelike Kith-Kind include Elemental-like, Veil-like, Fadelike, Spirit-like, Shadow-like, and more.


Planelike are generally rare, but they tend to be more common in places of chaotic magic, like on the continent of Ryumar, or parts of Ashanor and Korash.


A Godtouched is someone who has had their soul affected and altered by a deistic entity, like a Creator or Wildgod. The methods are many, but generally it is done before the child is born. Either from direct union between a god and the parent, or from infusing their own Aether into the unborn's growing soul.


There are as many different Godtouched as there are gods. They tend to inherit very specific traits and appearances, that are based on the godly domains of their deistic parents. This includes variants like Deathtouched, Light-touched, Lucktouched, Flametouched, Wartouched, Wildtouched, etc. In other cases they might in fact be more specific, like being called Kelmora-touched, Arkath-touched, Malendii-touched, Shaar-touched, etc.


Godtouched might experience life very differently. In some cases they are worshipped as the direct children of their patron deities, and in others they might be considered Godcursed. Some Godtouched might never hear from their gods, as they are either unwanted by them or simply forgotten. Some gods might also expect much of their Godtouched children, like expecting them to spread their worship, or wage their wars in the Mortal World.


Kith that have dragon-like traits, like scales or horns. Specifically, there must be some sort of dragon influence involved, which is often found in the Kin's blood. Wyrmbound are created, not born, from the direct interaction of a powerful dragon, usually by either infusing its own Aether into an infant baby, or by having a child consume a few drops of the dragon's blood.


Their appearance and traits depend on the dragon-type they inherit from, like how a Blue Dragon's blood will give the individual blue scales and sapphire eyes. Wyrmbound tend to have strong magical talent and affinity, which makes them very capable mages and general spellcasters. This affinity also depends on the dragon-type, as there are some dragons who provide specific magical traits.


 A Wyrmbound Scaleshaped isn't unheard of, but in their case they tend to have wings to show they are an elevated type of dragon-like, since the rest of their bodies are already quite dragon-like in general. Winged Scaleshaped are only possible when they are a Wyrmbound.


Mortals who are half demon, half shade, and so forth.  Basically, their soul is incomplete and tainted by chaotic influences.


Generally, these are souls that have been afflicted and changed by primarily chaotic Aether, like one of the Corruptible Aethers of Void, Blight, and Destruction. However, Half-Souls are mainly created by an entity's interference, like when a demon or shade possesses the soul, but are unable to fully succeed.


Half-Souls often struggle with their other half, trying to maintain control over it. They are also often shunned by their peers, or even abandoned by their parents because of the implication of them being cursed. But even if it is a burden, it has its own benefits too, in the form of various powers that manifest as a result of the shared soul. Depending on the strength of their other half, Half-Soul powers can be quite noteworthy.


The most common Half-Souls are created from demonic interference and known as Half-Demons, but there are also Half-Shades, Half-Death, and Half-Eldritch that often repeat throughout the world.

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