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OTHER : Equality in Nym

Ever since the first mortal Kith began taking their place in the world, and their societies became complex and noteworthy civilizations; social laws and rules were set in place to protect and govern the day-to-day of those cultures. It could be argued that such practices have been in place since before the mortal Kith, as is evident in the laws set by the godly Creators, who more or less stand above all and everyone in the matters of the world.


Not all inhabitants of our world stand on equal footing, and laws, rights or expectations relating to equality is an ever-changing yet ancient occurrence. Perhaps it is the fact that not everyone is equal, that keeps the world in a social balance between those who are deemed to be of higher standing, and those who are of lesser.


The Creators, of all creatures, certainly seem to think so, as they rule over and command their creations and worshippers; who in turn imitate their social and hierarchical structure. Creators only answer to each other, and even so they must still answer to those who stand a step over them, such as the Soul Aspects of Tariel, and the Overgod over them, and whatever possible other being that stands above the Overgod.


Mortals are, in truth, merely imitators of the Creators, and further imitations can be plainly seen in the daily ongoings of mortals. Kings, lords, merchants, mages, priests, city-officials, commoners, and slaves; they are all part of a system of unspoken yet perceivable laws of who has the right to what, and whether anyone can or can't rise to those rights. These mortal-made social constructs, meant to supervise social conduct, maintain the status quo of societies.


Whether they are commoners or highborn, men or women, criminals or lawkeepers, or the many different Kith; the laws, conducts and expectations that maintain the many variants of equality, define and maintain the known and unknown societies of Nym. Just like the civilizations of old, the civilizations of new merely continue to turn the forever known wheel; until it either breaks, or is made anew.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Inequality between genders is usually not something that is common, or at least not, broadly speaking, in the general, modern world. It is more or less understood that gender is often not an issue, and a person's gender is usually less important than other aspects of a person's being. There are of course differing thoughts on the subject, and many societies view it uniquely. In some cultures there are more than just the two physical genders, and in some obscure societies they don't see gender as a thing; as such their ideas on gender equality will either not exist or be almost bizarrely different from the usual norm.


In most modern societies, and especially on the central continents, the divide between man and woman is less noticeable, and both genders often share equal opportunities. Several smaller societies and cultures might differ on the matter, where one might be a form of matriarchy or another a patriarchy; or, indeed, a mixture. But overall, in our modern age, men and women stand on more or less equal footing, as opposed to earlier tribal societies or ancient civilizations, where it was more common for one gender to maintain greater rights over the other. There are very few modern laws that restrict rights of different genders, or at least not among commoners.


For most Kith there are physical and biological differences between a male and a female, and so it's often because of this that separations of social conduct and rights between genders have formed and developed. While today there are few restrictions between genders in most modern civilizations, there is still a social expectation that a woman should raise children, cook, and clean at home, while the man is expected to provide for his family, perform hard labour, and go to war. Men are usually the first to be forcibly drafted at the start of wars, although in many societies women are allowed a choice should they too wish to join.


Despite how some might doubt and tell of how certain genders aren't suitable or good enough to stand on equal terms, there have been several times throughout history that proves that both genders can perform equally well; if not sometimes better than the other in certain, socially-perceived gender-specific tasks or situations. There have been many great female rulers and generals, some chosen by the Gods, who in our time inspires many women to break out from the social norms. Similarly, men often excel in female-perceived professions. Gender simply doesn't matter when it comes to skill and proficiency.


In some cultures the presence of a female leader is often preferred over a male one; such as in zjindri culture, where women are favoured as leaders, whilst men might at most aspire to be generals or male concubines. In others, like in most kol'tari tribes, men hold more leadership roles, whilst women are tasked with gathering, hunting and child-rearing. Women in Avinter are entitled to own ships and captain them, whilst Avinter men are more legally suited to own houses rather than sailing vessels. Many cultures and nations possess these types of quirks when it comes to traditional views of gender rights or expectations.


The differences between gender equality are far more evident in highborn societies, where a woman is often expected to support her current or future husband, and raise their children. Alliances and deals are formed through the arranged marriages between two Houses, which limits the freedoms of both genders, although it is most common for men to benefit the most from such dealings, as daughters are traded away from their birth-families. Men will mostly take care of the family as a whole, and act as the head of their House. There are exceptions, but not many.


Typical highborn women will hold greater authority over commoners, but highborn men will usually stand first in line when it comes to inheritance of titles and land. Among the highborne, it is the men who will most commonly hold seats of power, depending on the nation and culture in question.


In opposition to highborne societies, genders in caste systems tend to be almost entirely equal. In some caste systems, both men and women are expected to perform the same jobs and tasks, so that all available bodies can help to further the local society. These are typically castes in harsher societies where the dependency on survival is far more noticeable, and other societies that use a caste system might differ either slightly or greatly in terms of gender rights.


There are also more obscure societies that exist in various parts of the uncivilized world, where there might be exclusively only women or only men. Both kinds then depend on outsiders to maintain their populations; by either abducting or enslaving people of opposite genders to be used for labour or breeding, or indeed abducting same-sex individuals to be indoctrinated.


Some organizations or Temples might only allow women or only men. Certain Temples allow only one gender to serve their patron deity, as determined by that specific deity. Most Temples allow both genders to join and serve, though some might put greater value on one gender over the other. 


In some private organizations, especially military ones, men are usually the only ones who are allowed to join. It depends on the organization and its leader or leaders; like the Brotherhood of Blades in Norrhan which is exclusively consistent of men, or the Harlot Clans in Ashanor, that only qualify female prostitutes for their harsh assassination training.


Overall it is difficult to bunch the whole world together and determine the global status of gender equality, since there are so many different cultures and societies, who all hold such differing ideas and traditions for the rights between genders. But to say that different genders can't technically stand equally on the same level and perform the same tasks? That is almost entirely disputable, as there are vast multitudes of examples to pick from that prove such statements wrong.

Kinlike Equality

Kinlike Equality

The topic of Kinlike equality is difficult to stabilize. In many parts of the world, one Kin will usually have taken dominance in that region, and as such that specific Kin often stands above other Kith in terms of legal rights. In some cultures many Kith live together and share rights equally, or certain minority Kith might hold fewer rights as a result of historical events or socially-constructed perceptions. The most common ideas of Kinlike equality tend to favour the majority Kin in that specific nation or culture, and as such the majority Kin holds the most rights.


Civilized, Nymeric races (meaning most Kith, that aren't considered overly aggressive, unintelligent or primally primitive or monstrous) often hold more rights over lesser, beastly races. As to what one might consider to be a beastly race is debatable depending on the culture asked. Purely elven societies distrust any Kith that isn't an elf, and often won't accept other elves who aren't elves of their own Verse.


Many human societies (especially those on the central continents) throughout history also considered any non-humans to be lesser to them. However, in our modern times, the matter of Kinlike equality has mostly found a balance in human-dominated nations, where most humans (usually commoners) don't seem to care what Kin you are, as they've grown accustomed to the presence of many Kith in their Kith & Kin societies. Still, humans tend to be more likely to hold positions of authority in places where humans dominate, and the difference of social status between Kith leads to many confrontations; many of which end violently. Additionally, the so-called beastly races might be viewed as too monstrous for most humans, and from there does more conflict and racism spark.


In some nations and societies Kith are legally equal, while in others a certain Kin or several Kith could be seen as plagues, enemies or be exclusively used as slaves. In cultures where Kith are considered equal, there is often at least some personal racism between Kith; caused by a recent change in the status quo, or personal grudges for past transgressions. Kinlike discrimination is very noticeable; caused by ages of cultural differences and misunderstandings. Some Kith might persecute their own, as one Kin-kind might see itself as superior to another Kin-kind.


Certain cultures or societies sometimes form specific camps or cultures for a Kin or lesser race in their territory; creating laws that limit those races from living or mingling anywhere else, and effectively confining them. Some organizations or Temples also restrict some Kith from joining them, and might consist only of members that belong to one or two Kith.


There is also the issue of Otherworlders, Planeborn and Planelike, who sometimes find their way to the central world. Their alien nature is considered uncomfortable and too strange for most, and most Nymeric Kith will shun them. Planelike, while they are technically Nymeric themselves, are in most societies considered monstrosities and mutants for their appearances, and are either exiled or killed at birth. There are, however, some exceptions. Some cultures see alien beings, and especially Planelike, as chosen creatures, and might give them wealth and power as a result of it.


The greatest mixture of Kith and Kin and beastly race communities is found among the southern empires, kingdoms, and city-states of Korash's Reaping Lands; where many of those races stem from a past where they all more or less served together as slaves to the Dragon Gods, and eventually banded together to rebuild their society. The Scaled Cities are home to a great variety of many Kith and races, and there are no laws that say that one race stands above another.


There are also the Folc in northern Korash, whose tribes consist of members that are orcs, humans, dwarves and sometimes others equally living together. Generally speaking, the Folc don't see different Kith, and they view all of their people as the same Folc.


This normality is becoming more and more common in other civilized parts of the world, where Kith and Kin communities continue to grow and learn to live together. Admittedly there are still Kinlike issues, where some Kith might be allowed to hold positions of authority while others are omitted, and some Kith might see more liberty in practising their faiths or magic, and others are persecuted for it, as they might be seen as unworthy of the faith, or unfit to wield magic.


But overall, the world, as globalized as it's starting to become after the Age of Seas, is seeing more travellers from distant lands interact with each other. As their interactions grow, so too might their acceptance for each other do; bar any cultural misunderstandings that sometimes occur.

Highborn, Commoners, & Castes

Highborn, Commoners, & Castes

While we are all of Nym, not all of us will be born equal. Our birthrights and blood often determine who we are, and sets the stage for what our lives will be for the rest of our existences. Most societies will function in an hierarchical system, where the individuals on top rule over those below.


A highborn is typically someone who is born into a life of ruling Houses, nobility and authority. They are often defined as someone who has noble blood, passed on to them through generations of careful and planned marriage and conception. They are also expected to govern and protect the lowborn and common people, as part of their benevolent duty.


When speaking of highborn individuals, there are mainly three types: royals, born nobility, and upraised nobility. These three highborn groups are most common in the kingdoms of the central continents.


Royalty are at the very top; leading monarchies or empires. These are often Houses that, through their own power or through divine providence, have risen to rule nations; either from the founding of a nation, through conquest, or through elevation. Royal Houses are long lasting and most reign over their nations for many centuries. In some cases Royal Houses might be overthrown by other noble Houses or even the commonfolk, or their line dies out due to a lack of legal heirs; prompting a race between noble Houses to declare a new royal heir from their own ranks.


Only children born of royal blood become royalty and may inherit the crown, and, depending on the rules of succession, it is mainly the oldest male who will be eligible to inherit. Those born outside of wedlock, so-called illegitimates and bastards, might be taken in as wards due to being of partial royal blood, though they won't typically be able to inherit, unless officially legitimized by a head royal or group of nobles.


Highborn of born nobility, typical aristocratic Lords and Ladies of their lands, hold landed, hereditary titles as first granted by royals. These are the typical nobility, who rule their lands and their people at the grace and behest of a royal monarch. Many noble Houses are old and stem from around the founding of their nations, although there are plenty that also rise and fall.


Some noble Houses might be created from non-nobles due to an elevation of upraised nobility, often as a reward for loyal or exceptional service to the Crown or nation. Other noble Houses might succumb to decline and disappear due to a lack of heirs or because of in-fighting between them, and a noble House could also lose its status of nobility because of treasonous acts; their lands and titles redistributed to other Houses.


As with royals, bastard-born children may not inherit any ruling titles or lands, but they often still serve their Houses. Bastards born to nobles are in most societies somewhat accepted (more so than royal bastards), but it's no less scandalous.


Upraised nobility are usually those of the highborn who weren't first born into nobility, although their children will most likely be of born nobility. They might have been elevated and legitimized by a ruling monarch, or given limited titles by head nobles. A typical example of upraised nobility are mages in certain societies, who, in their nation, are given lands and titles because of their Magical Awakening. Another example are elected officials, who, while not always considered nobility, still hold ruling power and belong in highborn society.


Most upraised nobility are given knighthood and earn the titles of Ser, and while they hold no lands they are recognized as highborn nobility; often serving as captains or generals in a nation's army during times of war, or non-related House-members (advisors, Master-at-Arms, etc.) in noble Houses.


Depending on the society, upraised nobility often don't qualify for laws of inheritance, and their children won't enjoy any titular and landed birthrights. The exception, of course, being upraised nobility who were given official lands and titles to rule, as opposed to elected officials, who typically don't own lands.


Unlike in commoner societies, highborn have more defined rules in regards to Kin and gender. It's generally expected (in some cases obligatory) that a House consists of the same Kin, and that males are first in line for titled inheritance. Women can be at the head of their Houses, but typically only when there are no other legitimate heirs to contest their claims. Highborn daughters in most highborn societies are often traded off to be married to other royal or noble Houses; establishing alliances and such.


The rules of highborn men and women also states that marriage can't be of the same-sex, since any children they might procure from out-of-marriage intercourse will be of illegitimate status; thus halting the family line. But, having said this, there are of course exceptions, depending on the nation.


Highborn children are often tied down by familial rules and expectations, and must serve as examples to lowborn commoners. This means that highborn are heavily restricted by highborn traditions and customs, which affords them less freedom than one might think. Regardless, as highborn, they might enjoy more wealth and power, and they are afforded better education and opportunities to rule over the lowborn.


Commoners are those below highborn. These are lowborn individuals who have no bloodrights, can't hold landed titles, and won't rule. Most commoners will range from peasantry, to merchants, to city officials. They serve as soldiers, farmers, miners and other lowborn jobs and tasks; at best they might rise to jobs of some official authority, but never own ruling lands or titles.


Education is often scarce among commoners, depending on the nation. It is mainly due to a lack of wealth or privilege, which affords them little chance in rising beyond what they are born as. Commoners must earn their living, and through their own efforts they must rise if they ever wish to claim any true purpose in life. Many commoners become merchants or join Temples to serve as priests or temple servants.


Unlike the highborn, commoners aren't tied down by strict highborn standards, rules, customs and traditions. There might be commoner traditions and some commoner expectations, but otherwise there is little that restricts commoner freedom; save for those enforced by the local laws of the ruling Houses. Commoners can often be with and love whomever they want, regardless of gender or Kin.


Commoner women are more likely to freely choose their lives, though in some families strict parents and upbringings might force them into certain lifestyles or duties. Men are typically the head of their families, and women are brought up to cook and take care of children.


At most, a commoner could rise to a respectable military rank, or obtain advisory or mayoral positions if possessing sufficient education and influence. But they will rarely rise to nobility. In some exceptions they could become knights, but mostly they will only be considered lesser knights, who have no true rights of nobility.


Commoners who experience Magical Awakening could be sent to a Mage Order, or, in the case of the Darion Imperium, be sent to the Magistarium and be trained then elevated to upraised nobility as magistrates; thus earning ruling titles.


In some nations, like in Thalon, it is far more likely for a commoner to rise to the ranks of upraised nobility, since those who become powerful merchants effectively control the economy of the Merchant Republic. In other nations, religious influence could see pious and dedicated commoners become high priests, who command just as much respect and privilege as individuals of nobility.


Adventurous commoners might join independent organizations, where rules are different. They could be far more likely to rise in the ranks of those organizations, and earning a living will often be more profitable, depending on the organization. Mercenary companies are typically well paid, and give opportunities for advancement without the worry of highborn/lowborn restrictions; with some leeway.


It is the commoners who are most likely to become typical criminals, due to an ever-constant state of poverty for many, if not most. The lure of easy coin makes many turn to lives as highwaymen, bandits, thieves, scammers, gang members or other unsavory types. It is, of course, highly dangerous and exceptionally illegal; and it is a rarity to see a commoner become rich because of criminality.


In tribal societies, there is no such thing as highborn or commoner or such, and tribesfolk more or less share their tribes equally, with a few select leaders like shamans, elders and chieftains garnering first-rights. Chieftains hold power over their tribes and clans for as long as they are allowed to by their peers (typically elders), and new chieftains are often chosen through simple votes or challenges of combat.


Unlike most societies that are divided between commoners and highborn, Caste Systems divide 'everyone' into several specific class groups, and it's very rare for someone of one caste to be able to leave and join another on their own volition. Members of castes are branded at birth to ensure that there is no confusion as to where they belong.


Caste Systems rigidly sort the populations of cities or nations into marked and branded groups, where each caste is given certain expectations, rights and responsibilities. Those who decide and make up these castes are usually the only ones not affected by them, although in most caste societies, even those at the top must often subject themselves to them.


Depending on the society or culture, Kith and genders generally pay no importance in the division of castes, as it is typically very clear cut. Some obscure societies might be hard-pressed to maintain a population, and devise a caste primarily consistent of women to breed and raise children, while some societies could determine that one Kin is more suited for slavery or to be warriors. It really depends on the Caste System and the local society's current stance and situation, but in most caste societies the importance of Kin or gender is non.


Caste Systems are usually devised and used by societies that are focused on survival or preservation, and the many various Caste Systems can be very different between those societies. Dwarven and kafari societies, and the civilizations of southern Korash, are the best known who use extensive Caste Systems. Other places in the world, like in the Two Canthars, Xiuthan, the Darion Imperium, or the general kingdoms of the reaping Lands, use partial Caste Systems.


A typical Caste System is divided into Royal Caste, Elite Caste, Warrior Caste, Worker Caste, Slave Caste, Criminals, and Casteless, or something similar to this system.


In the case of Casteless, these are individuals in a caste society who have been marked as exiles, or who were never part of a caste to begin with. It is also the caste where (along with Slave Caste and Criminals) where members of other castes might be "demoted" to for any transgressions, failures or breaking of laws.


In dwarven castes, the Elite Caste are similar to noble Houses, who elect a proven House to become the Royal Caste. Unlike typical highborn societies, children in a Royal Caste won't inherit any crowns, and might at best become princes or princesses. Instead, once a king or queen is dead, the Elite Caste elect a new one. If the prince or princess is chosen, the former Royal Caste continues, but otherwise the newly elected House becomes the new Royal Caste, and the former one becomes an Elite Caste.


The Royal Caste and the Elite Caste are the true powers in societies that make use of castes, as they decide who belongs where, what the castes' tasks are, and the laws of their society. While it is a sort of birthright or bloodright to be given power in those ruling castes, it is often recognized that weak leaders don't belong there, and they might be sent to a lower caste, whilst someone worthy could be elevated from a lower caste, although only rarely.


In castes, the responsibilities of that caste mean that there is little variation or freedom for those within that caste. Members of Warrior Castes will forever be warriors, as will their children, and those in Worker Castes will continue as they do in their caste, and so on. Abandonment of one's duty to their caste leads them to be branded for execution, slavery, or exile, depending on the specific society and culture.


Overall the Caste System is meant to create a sort of societal machine; whose purpose is to ensure the continuation of that society's existence through its parts, by sorting and assigning everyone to specific tasks and responsibilities. While highly functional, it puts a clear, harsh and noticeable limit to individual freedoms, and those born in their castes will usually live and die in their castes.

Mages, Temples, & Military

Mages, Temples, & Military

In the case of special individuals, such as those who belong to institutions that are semi-independent or control governments, or individuals who possess particular abilities such as magic and divine power, or regular soldiers and officers of an army, there are typically differing rules and rights to placate or restrict them in everyday life.


Depending on the nation or society, mages especially might enjoy more rights than the commoner or even highborn individual. But just as a mage might be highly privileged in one place, a person who uses magic could be unwanted in another part of the world, sometimes to the point of having no rights at all. Mages, especially those considered illegal mages, are hunted down to be imprisoned or killed; either out of fear for what their unsupervised powers could do, or because they are in violation of local mage laws.


In the central nations, most mages find their rights in the Sanctum Orders, with some Freemage exceptions. However, depending on the nation, most mages won't be allowed to take positions as statesmen or similar seats of authority; mainly because they are sworn to serve their Mage Order, or because they are hired as court mages and advisors for highborn Houses.


When a son or daughter is born from highborn parents, and that child experiences Magical Awakening in their teens, their highborn rights of inheritance can be rendered void, depending on the nation. The same is similar to any highborn children who join Temples or similar institutions, as they are expected to be entirely devoted to the deities and faiths that they decide to serve.


The highborn mage will usually retain the family name and some noble status, but they can never be the head of their Houses, nor can they ever rule as kings or queens; especially because Magical Awakening increases the chance of sterility, and thus heirs are less likely to be born. In some societies a newly Awoken mage will be stripped of all titles, and be forced to join a Mage Order with no highborn name.


Mages belonging to Mage Orders tend to stand a step above commoners in authoritative rights, though they don't obtain equal rights to highborn societies; with a few exceptions, such as in the Darion Imperium, Samarauch, Second Canthar or Ter-Khala, where mages tend to be elevated to highborn status and become ruling magistrates. Otherwise it is most common for Order mages to either directly serve their Mage Order or a royal or noble House; with few possibilities of ranking any higher.


Those who join Temples are stripped of all former rights and privilege; depending on the deity they decide to serve. They must freely give up their past lives and welcome a new one of devotion and servitude to their deities, meaning that a highborn individual will no longer be a highborn.


Both a former highborn and a commoner who join a Temple will stand on equal footing, and might at best rise in that Temple's ranks to one day stand slightly above a highborn House; depending on the nation's stance and level of support for religious institutions.


Depending on the Temple and the deity, certain priests and Temple-servants might be forbidden from pursuing love, married life and the right to have children. Most Temples are fairly liberal on such decrees, and Temples like those that serve Malendii's aspect of Love, or the Lusts of Bastirith, or other similar gods encourage the pursuit of carnal pleasures.


In some Temples there might be restrictions to gender and Kin, and even different Temples across the world that serve the same deity might not share equal views on the matter.


Temple laws often stand above the rights of commoners and sometimes highborn societies; again depending on the local rule's position regarding Temple rights and support. It is very common for certain nations to adopt theocratic rule, where Temples reign over the nation. In nations that are religious but still maintain highborn hierarchies, Temple representatives from the highest influential Temple or Temples will often hold considerable power, and will be the final authority for the crowning of new royal kings and queens, and priests will have the commanding word and ceremony that ties two people into marriage.


Those who join or are drafted into military service also give up their former freedoms and rights. They will face harsh training and discipline, to ensure that they will serve their nations or Houses without question, and their liberties will be greatly limited. Military members often hold more authority over similar institutions like City Guards or independent organizations (or at least their superiors' orders will carry more weight), but their freedoms and rights are restricted when on the line of duty in times of war.


During times of war, the military will possess even greater authority over its nation, although it will still be expected to answer to royal or noble commands. In some nations where there are no highborn or ruling Houses, the local military and its generals serve as rulers, or at least share power with other non-highborn lords.


Most members of the military in a nation will consist of commoners, with a few saturated ranks of highborn who will possess higher officer titles; with lower officer titles being reserved for the lowborn. Those who lead a nation's official armies will always be someone of royalty or nobility, or at least in monarchic societies.


It differs to societal structures. In Thalon the Merchant Princes appoint Shipmasters and Generals from high-ranking officers in their fleets, while among the orcs and Folc, warchiefs personally lead their armies with lesser chieftains following them.


Most mages are restricted from joining the military (with some exceptions), and Temples are almost entirely forbidden, depending on the Temple, or the nation's laws regarding Temple-servants during war.


It isn't illegal for military members to love or engage in sex with each other, except for when it could become a concern for military authority. A higher officer can't be romantically or sexually involved with an individual of lower rank, and so forth. Military members who become pregnant and expect children during times of war are also removed from the line of duty, and might face various forms of light punishment at a later date.


Those who question or disobey orders are typically either imprisoned or executed; depending on the nation, as some places in the world hold harsher punishments for military disobedience.


In most societies, gender and Kin aren't restricted from joining a military force, although certain Kith might be sorted into particular Kinlike groups within that military to serve as irregular forces; often fuelling thoughts and actions of racism between soldiers, if there are already substantial Kinlike tensions in the local nation.


There are usually fewer women serving as soldiers, but it isn't necessarily as uncommon as one might think, as many nations on the central continents allow women to militarily serve (though they don't typically require it, as they do with men), and some societies in the world favour female warriors over males. The clear exception to female war service lies in most highborn societies, where highborn women aren't typically allowed to take up arms, due to familial duties and expectations, even if they should wish to.


In ancient civilizations a military would consist of mainly one Kin, but in our modern, more globalized and Kith and Kin cultures (especially so on the central continents), the inclusion of other Kith is less restrictive. As far as a nation might be concerned, all who live in it are part of that nation, and they all deserve to have the right to protect their homes.



Slavery is a very common aspect of Nym, and it has been a practice that has continued ever since the first Kith began to appear on the planet. Different societies hold different definitions and views on slavery; in some cases slavery is a form of paid or temporary servitude, whilst in another slaves are stripped of all rights for as long as they live. While there are those who vouch and fight for slave rights, most societies where there are slaves won't think too much or care about their slaves.


Generally speaking, a typical slave will have no or very limited rights, and live to serve their owners. They might be used for heavy labour, house-servants, sexual-service, to act as slave warriors and guards, or anything else one could think of. If anything, there are no limits to what a slave owner can do to their slave; since the slave is nothing more but property to most masters.


Some slaves could remain at the bottom for their entire lives, whilst other slaves can sometimes rise to a position of noteworthiness for their master; serving as trusted keepers of the household, or keepers of books and finance. As such there are often even different levels of rights between slaves in certain nations and cultures.


In some societies slaves can earn their freedom either from buying their way out, be personally freed from their masters, or slaving long enough to be given freedom by the local government; all depending on the nation, culture, and local laws. Most slaves are noticeably marked and branded, to show who owns them, and to ensure that escapees won't get far. Such brands can be removed; either as simply as removing a slave collar around their necks, or rebranding a new mark ontop of the old one to cross out their slave status.


The obtaining and creation of slaves differ between cultures. Some might send raiding parties to capture members of enemy lands, Kith, or similar. In other cultures the acquisition of slaves comes from conquests and war, and in some lands slaves are born as slaves, or people freely enter into slavery for either personal reasons or to pay off debts.


Sometimes slaves are created as a form of criminal punishment, as is very common in societies that make use of Caste Systems. Individuals born into Slave Castes are usually forever branded as slaves and can't ever leave their caste, and their children will be born as slaves as well. In the case of dwarven castes, members of a Slave Caste are made from criminals, oathbreakers and debtors, and in kafari castes, slaves could be anyone (not just other kafari) who are forced to submit from conquests or clan disobedience.


There have been quite a few notable slave rebellions throughout history; the most noteworthy one in recent memory being Andarien's Rebellion. Although Andarien wasn't a slave herself, the prophetess freed and led many slaves against the Old Imperium, and their efforts eventually toppled it.


Today slaves on the Twin-Continents are far less common, and in most central nations slavery is abolished and illegal, since many of their original founders were former slaves or liberators of slaves. On the Twin-Continents, it is only in Avanor's western and southern lands and cities or in Norrhan's northern jarldoms that slaves are still legally used, though in the case of Norrhan's jarldoms, slaves (called serfs and thralls) hold at least some better basic rights.


Other than slaves, the nations on the central continents might employ paid servants, who are somewhat considered slaves due to poor wages and terrible working conditions. Highborn Houses also take in commoners into their homes and families to be used for servitude; granting them some minor pay, food and beds to sleep in.


Societies that use slaves find a way to strike a balance to maintain their slaves; be it from violence or reward. Through doing so, they control the status quo between master and slave, and ensure that their nations can still benefit from legal slavery. If one scale tips too much, slaves could become scarce due to mistreatment, or on the other tip the slaves could rise up against their masters.


In lands beyond the central continents, slavery is far more common and noticeable. The southern empires and cities of Korash's Reaping Lands possess and maintain very large numbers of slaves; possibly the largest in the entire world, as there are some cities that seem to be inhabited almost entirely by slaves. Slaves in the Reaping Lands are used for almost everything, and in in the lands of the Charred Desert, where the arenas of the great Cities of Blood sit, slaves are made into fighters and gladiators for excessive gladiatorial entertainment.


Dwarven and kafari societies are very likely to possess slaves, as is the elven Moon Kingdoms, who are the only elven society to largely deal in slave trade and legal slavery (though never slaves of their own Verse). In kafari society, slaves belong to great Slave Clans, whose members are traded between the other kafari Clan Castes.


Slavery is also very common in Ryumar (especially among the kafari to the north and south), where the dominantly human city-states, sultanates and other nations of the continent hold long and ancient traditions regarding the use of slaves; often calling it a birthright to own slaves. In Ashanor, specifically in Xiuthan and the Jade Isles, slaves are less common but still exist, as they tend to be created as a form of punishment for criminals. The further into Ashanor one travels, such as to the tengan lands of the far west, and the human khanates before them, the use of slaves becomes more of a norm.


Slaves in Aesudarh, known as serfs and thralls, possess basic rights, which allows them to live somewhat normal lives, though they still have no true freedom. Aesudarhian slaves may own homes, earn fairer wages and their children won't typically be born as slaves, but serfs and thralls can't ever join armies and military service, and they are omitted from entering the Aesgarn High Temples.


Male slaves are mainly used for gladiatorial battles or hard labour, whilst female slaves become house servants or sex-slaves. Though admittedly, it is often enough that both genders are treated indiscriminately in what slave work they are forced to endure, as their general quality as slaves largely determine their place in the world of slavery.


Most slave-holding nations and cultures don't much care what Kin their slaves are, although in some nations one Kin might be protected from becoming slaves, whilst another might be guaranteed for slavery. Personal choices could also pay some consideration for a slave owner, as certain Kith might be better suited slaves or seen as more attractive for specific tasks; be it hard labour, fighting, cleaning, cooking, or sex.

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