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When speaking on the subject of dragons, one mainly refers to Worldshaper Dragons, otherwise known as Nymborn Dragons; who are the native dragons of our world. A second, somewhat unrelated type of dragon are known as Celestial Dragons, who exist purely in the Shimmering Shroud surrounding Nym's Eye. Celestial Dragons are dragonlike, but they are technically not the same, as they are far more ancient and mysterious. The Dragonforgers used Celestial Dragons to create the Dragonsoul, and from it were born creatures in the image of Celestial Dragons; namely the Worldshaper Dragons.


The dragons in Nym were created with the purpose of reshaping the world into a paradise, as it had been broken and made barren after the War of Titans. The Creators allowed the dragons to recreate the world, and once their work was done, the Creators used the Dragonsoul to put them to sleep; known as the First Slumber.


Dragons would later return again after the Confluence of Ar-Zhala. The event shattered the Dragonsoul, and awoke the dragons from their deep sleep. But instead of waking up to the paradise they had shaped, they instead witnessed a world destroyed by the War of Eternity; a war which had been started and fought by their masters, the Creators, some thousands of years prior.


After realizing that the Creators were at fault for the world's ruined state, the Elder Dragons turned away from the Creators and swore off their servitude to them. Instead the dragons would govern themselves, and it was they who would rule the new world they intended to rebuild. But since the Dragonsoul was now in pieces, only the five Elder Dragons who each possessed a piece of it could worldshape.


Three of the five Elder Dragons became the Dragon Gods, and they used their shards of the Dragonsoul to create the Scaleshaped Kith. For the next few thousands of years the Dragon Gods would enslave and rule the lesser Kith and Kin in Korash and parts of Ashanor, until the Worldblight was summoned by the Tengan of Tha-Kai.


The Worldblight was intended to destroy the dragon masters, and it did through something known as the Feral Affliction. Dragons inflicted by this mutative effect were corrupted by the Worldblight's unstable Aether, and they lost their sanity and became Feral Dragons; almost entirely mindless beasts.


Many dragons would survive by fleeing to the Crown of the World, the Cradle of the World, or into the Under-Realms. However, their minds were affected by the Feral Affliction, and their sanity slowly diminished. Malendii took them into her Dreamworld to preserve and heal their minds, and protect them while they slept. As they slept, they turned into rocks and trees; glamoured disguises which helped to keep them as hidden as possible while they slumbered. This was known as the Second Slumber, and it would end in the Age of Dragons, when dragons mysteriously awoke once again.


Most will look at dragons and find them to be nothing more than vicious beasts. They are mostly right, since the majority of dragons in the world are feral, and act more like territorial animals than civil creatures; yet still quite intelligent. There are a few exceptions, since there are some High Dragons who weren't too severely affected by the Feral Affliction. These dragons are highly intelligent, civil, and capable of communicating with mortals, though they are often too prideful to acknowledge what they see as inferior creatures, and only view other dragonkin as worthwhile.


After the Age of Dragons, many cities and nations were beset by frequent dragon attacks, and several cities were completely destroyed by them. Mortals have since developed various methods, magic countermeasures or technological weaponry to protect their cities from dragon attacks. The most well-known force in the world who deals with the fighting of dragons are the Dragonslayer Guilds from the Steel Republics, on the Twin-Continents. Their efforts have seen to the near complete eradication of dragons in the central continents, and recently they have begun to look on the other continents to continue their cause.


While dragons are powerful, they are vastly outnumbered by the mortal Kith and Kin, and a properly equipped, trained and organized group of slayers can take on a dragon with at least acceptable losses. That is not to say, however, that dragons are to be underestimated; they are still considered one of the most fearsome and dangerous of all creatures in all of Nym, depending on the Tier of dragon.


Because of the Feral Affliction, dragons can't breed and repopulate, and so they will likely prefer to stay hidden in remote areas, such as in mountains, deep forests, or similar. Dragon sightings are thus much less common than they were a few centuries ago, as they have come to realize that their dominance in the world has ended long ago, and prolonged conflicts with the lesser Kith is probably not feasible or wanted.

Dragon Types

Dragon Types

Elder Dragons

After the Dragonforgers created the Dragonsoul, five dragons were born from it, and they were to become the Elder Dragons. Each Elder Dragon eventually gave birth to its own brood of High Dragons, divided into: Red, Blue, Green, White and Black broods. During the War of Titans, the Elder Dragons assisted in fighting against the Elemental Titans. When the War of Titans ended and the Time of Beginnings was dawning, the Dragonforgers gave the Elder Dragons possession of the Dragonsoul, which allowed them the ability to worldshape.


Of all the dragons, the five Elder Dragons are the most powerful of all dragon-kind, with the exception of the Celestial Guardians, Asgerac and Celphelon. After the Dragonsoul was shattered and the dragons awoke from their First Slumber, three of the five Elder Dragons became the Dragon Gods; who created the Scaleshaped Kith. They would rule over the lesser Kith until the Worldblight began.


The remaining two Elder Dragons resisted their brothers and sisters, and fought to depose them of their godhood. And so, instead of enslaving the Kith of Nym, they assisted them in their war against the three Dragon Gods.


After the Worldblight the Elder Dragons disappeared, having fled underground to survive it, or otherwise hidden elsewhere in the world. They have yet to reappear, even after their children awoke from Malendii's Dream in the Age of Dragons, and it is believed that they are still in hiding, as their souls are no longer present in the Dream.

High Dragons

The spawn born from the Elder Dragons are called High Dragons. They are smaller than Elder Dragons and not nearly as powerful, but they still possessed some ability to worldshape, or at least until the Dragonsoul was shattered after the Confluence of Ar-Zhala. The various broods determine the type of High Dragon, such as Red, Blue, Green, White and Black Dragons. The different broods are spread throughout the world, with the majority being found on Korash, where the three Dragon Gods once ruled along with their respective broods.

Many High Dragons went to Malendii's Dream after the Worldblight occurred, and were spared the most severe effects of the Feral Affliction. Some went to the Crown of the World, the Cradle of the World, or underground; where they slept while their minds were tended to in the Dreamworld.


Upon their awakening in the Age of Dragons, many High Dragons would return to past lairs and find the settlements of mortals there. In some cases these settlements were destroyed by those dragons, and in other cases destruction was avoided through discussion and understanding. High Dragons avoided the worst effects of the Feral Affliction, and can still act civilly and independently, though some of the Feral Affliction still lingers within their souls, and their hatchlings will almost always hatch as feral.

Absent the leadership and guidance of the Elder Dragons, High Dragons form independent lives or establish smaller dragon colonies in remote areas of the world, and sometimes different broods intermingle. They are often very territorial, and some are capable of controlling their feral brethren; using them to protect their own lairs.


Despite most High Dragons originating from Chromatic Broods, over time their kind have also evolved into various other dragon broods, which are more prominent today.

Metallic Dragons

Metallic Dragons are similar to drakes in that they don't have wings, but they are much larger than drakes; almost the full size of a High Dragon. Metallic Dragons were made personally by Golmath, who crafted them with the metals found underground. He placed them within the Under-Realms so that they could help shape those depths. Metallic Dragons are the creatures most responsible for first shaping the caves and tunnels of the Deepdark.


They were also unaffected by the Feral Affliction, and thus never needed to enter Malendii's Dream. Instead they have remained in the Under-Realms, where they continue to shape the ever-changing tunnels and caves.


Unlike regular High Dragons, Metallic Dragons can't procreate and lay eggs, and instead create new Metallic Dragons by reshaping metals and gems that they collect, and then infuse their Aether and soul into them. At first these created children will go through a phase as Lesser Dragons (most commonly as drakes) until they grow large enough to become proper Metallic Dragons.


Most encounters with Metallic Dragons describe them as curious and mostly docile. They rarely interact with lesser Kith, but when they do they show a profound interest in learning what they can from them. Metallic Dragons also have an almost insatiable love and greed for precious metals and minerals; almost more so than some regular High Dragons do. They will be very protective of their hoards, and don't tolerate any thieves and tricksters seeking their riches.

Fey Dragons

Dragons who remained awake in Malendii's Dream after the Worldblight were known as Fey Dragons, but also sometimes called Dream Dragons. They were those of the unaffected dragons who were entirely untouched by the Feral Affliction. As a result Malendii recruited them to become her allies in the Dreamworld, though it were mainly only the green dragons who willingly joined her.


Fey Dragons watched over the stones and trees that were the sleeping dragons, and made sure that those affected by the Feral Affliction remained under control and received mental healing. After dragons awoke in the Age of Dragons and returned to the Waking World, the Fey Dragons stayed behind.


The Fey Dragons serve the Dreampact and watch over the souls of unhatched dragon eggs in the Dream. When dragons die their souls go to Malendii's Dream, and it is the charge of the Fey Dragons to maintain them, until they are ready to enter the Cycle.


It is rare for Fey Dragons to ever come to the Waking World, choosing instead to act as guardians of Malendii's realm. Sometimes some of them might be forced to enter the Waking World if a Wyldtree is being threatened, as Wyldtrees are often anchors that maintain the dreaming state of unhatched dragon eggs, and also serve as the connection for which dragon souls travel through when they are ready for the afterlife.


If Malendii's Nightmare manages to corrupt a Fey Dragon, that dragon becomes what is known as a Night Dragon, though also sometimes referred to as a Nightmare Dragon. These particular dragons tend to hide in the Nytesoul, or flee to the Waking World where they work to undo the efforts of the Dreampact.

Shadow Dragons

When the Worldblight afflicted the dragons and Malendii brought them into her Dream, some dragons avoided her calls and instead chose to flee to Endomundo and Shaz-Kadar. There the shadow energies changed them and turned them into Shadow Dragons.


Like almost all things in the Shadow Realms, Shadow Dragons crave souls to survive, since they too have lost their own souls from being in the Shadow Realms for too long. Compared to shades and wraiths, Shadow Dragons are much stronger, and as some of them are former Worldshapers, they are able to use the Aether of Endomundo and Shaz-Kadar to shape its landscape. A Shadow Dragon's domain is said to be easily recognized when in Endomundo; when the surrounding lands within the Realm no longer resemble an imitation of the Physical Realm, and becomes a twisted, dark nightmare.


Shadow Dragons are unlikely to escape from the Shadow Realms, but every now and then some traveller will claim to have spotted one; hiding in the dark and shadowy corners of the world. They are considerably dangerous due to their corrupt and hungering nature, and it is likely best to flee when one comes across a Shadow Dragon.

Celestial Dragons

There are two particular Celestial Dragons, known as Asgerac and Celphelon, who surround Nym's Eye and circle it; creating and maintaining the Shimmering Shroud. They are known as the Celestial Guardians, and many refer to them as the first dragons, who were apparently born from the dreams of the Moonsisters, back when Nym's Eye was still young. Astronomers classify them as Cosmic Dragons, though it's uncertain if there are more of their kind in the Dark Beyond.


Beneath them are the lesser Celestial Dragons, who are sometimes known as Star Dragons or Moon Dragons; depending on whether they are found entirely in the Shimmering Shroud (Star) or near the Moonsisters (Moon). They are born from the glittering wake of stardust left behind by the Celestial Guardians. These lesser Celestial Dragons are very similar in appearance to the Celestial Guardians, except not as gargantuan in size.


Unlike the Celestial Guardians, the remaining  Celestial Dragons are considerably smaller in size, and scale at about the same size as an adult Nymborn dragon. These Celestial Dragons were likely the major inspiration for the creation of the Worldshaper Dragons; the Worldshaper Dragons being sort of an imitated idea of the Celestial Dragons. In truth Nymborn Dragons and Celestial Dragons are very different in their appearances; with the main difference being that Celestial Dragons are more translucent and star-like, in contrast to a Nymborn Dragon's body of scale, feather, and flesh.


There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of Celestial Dragons residing in the Shimmering Shroud; the largest and most powerful, of course, being the Celestial Guardians. And all of them are seemingly purely dedicated to protecting Nym's Eye from potential outsider threats.


It is very rare for Celestial Dragons to ever come to the Nym planet; the most notable visits having been recorded by the Celestial Courts in the Two Canthars, which mentions seven dragons named: Dai-Shu, Can-Jin, Xinju-Xu, Yian Te, Shun Laio, Tenu, and Wo. These form the Celestial Calendar of Xiuthan, and are at the center of Xiuthan's and Jade Isles' cultures.

Feral Dragons

Dragons who were infected by the Worldblight's Feral Affliction became wild and beastly; bearing little self-control or sentient thought. Newly-hatched dragon eggs will also be affected by the Feral Affliction, and spawn more Feral Dragons. On rare occasions will an egg hatch an unaffected whelpling, but their survival is slim as they grow up alongside their feral mother and feral siblings.


Most Feral Dragons' minds were forcibly brought into Malendii's Dream, where they were kept under control until they finally awoke in the Age of Dragons. Some Feral Dragons avoided the Dream, and remained on Nym either in the crags of mountains around the world, or in the Under-Realms. The largest population of Feral Dragons is found in Korash and the Reaping Lands, near the expansive mountains of the Scale Peaks, the Charred Desert, or the Dragonfires.


Unlike unaffected dragons, Feral Dragons are impossible to communicate with and will act on wild instincts, and thus they are best treated as wild animals rather than beings that can be reasoned with. The majority of Feral Dragons are of the Lesser Dragon variants, but some few are also those who used to be High Dragons; having been corrupted or overtaken by their Feral Affliction.

Lesser Dragons

Lesser Dragons are very closely related to dragons, but not necessarily classified as pure dragons. Although their origins aren't entirely known, it is assumed that Lesser Dragons first began to appear after the Worldblight, and that they are the result of further mutations caused by the Feral Affliction. Hatchlings spawned from High Dragon eggs have a chance of being hatched as Lesser Dragons, although it's more likely for other Lesser Dragons to lay such eggs themselves.


Lesser Dragons are more reminiscent of animals; more so than feral High Dragons. They are entirely feral, but also less intelligent than a feral High Dragon; more driven by their natural instincts to hunt and devour. In total there are four types of Lesser Dragons, or at least four that are commonly recognized.


Drakes can grow up to the size of a horse, and they are wingless dragons more similar in appearance to various land lizards. They use specialized claws to dig out tunnels, and long tongues allow them a sense of smell and taste that gives them an advantage in low-light situations. They breathe fire, ice or toxic spew; depending on the brood.


Wyverns are a bit larger than drakes, although they possess large, strong wings with two-pronged claws at the end of them. Unlike normal dragons, wyverns only have two legs, and their wings act as arms. Typically a wyvern will walk on all fours when it isn't flying, and they build nests along cliff-sides or along mountain ridges.


Wurms are the largest of the Lesser Dragons, although they don't look much like dragons at all except for their head-area. They are far more serpentine in their appearance, with no legs or arms, but long, scale-covered bodies; designed for speedy digging. Typically they have no wings, although some smaller breeds might exhibit small wings more suited for short gliding. Not to be confused with Seawyrms, although they share some relations due to the Dragonforgers having used Slaa's (one of the fallen Seamothers) body to create the Dragonsoul. Wurms mainly thrive on land or in the underground.


The last noteworthy species of Lesser Dragons are known as whelps. These look almost identical to drakes, and it was first thought that they were drake younglings. Further study and dissection has revealed that they are two different species, with the most notable difference being that drakes possess dragon breath, whilst whelps don't. Another more obvious difference is that some breeds of whelps hatch with wings. Typical whelps are the size of normal domesticated cats or dogs, and often behave very much like them too.

Dragon Broods

Dragon Broods

A dragon's general appearance, biology, abilities, purposes and motivations are usually defined by its brood. Different broods once served to create dragons of specific needs for the world, which is most common in Purebroods. The original Worldshaper Dragons each had a role in how to shape the world, such as Blue for magic and seas, Green for forests and nature, and so on. Because of their roles, they grew to become more attuned to their given aspects, and their abilities, strengths and weaknesses evolved with them.


There are many dragon broods, although it is unknown just how many. There are several references to ancient dragons and their broods in rediscovered texts from long gone civilizations, or indeed from the gathered Arkath's Scrolls. But these mentions likely don't account for every dragon brood or type, and there are assuredly many that have yet to be discovered. Dragons are, after all, very elusive creatures, and especially so for those who reside underground.


Broods might be defined as a sort of family of dragons, and many dragonlike can fall under their categories. One typically speaks of High Dragons when on the subject of dragon broods, but if one wants to be specific, it's also correct to categorize Lesser Dragons into the different broods, when applicable. Celestial and Planarbroods don't have any Lesser Dragons in their numbers, and appear to be strictly consistent of pure Celestial Dragons or High Dragons.


It is possible that several known broods overlap with each other; as is very often the case with Metallic Dragons. Since Metallic Dragon sightings are fairly rare, and someone could easily mistake one metal or gem of being another, it's uncertain whether the known broods of Metallic Dragons are accurate. For example, Iron and Steel Dragons could simply just be from the same brood.

Chromatic Purebroods

The original five Worldshaper broods born from the Elder Dragons are known as the Chromatic Purebroods. They were the first of their kind, and they helped shape Nym into a paradise after the War of Titans had ended. The Dragonsoul would sustain their power and grant them purpose and life, and it would keep them in their First Slumber, until it was shattered by the Confluence of Ar-Zhala.


Most Purebroods would end up serving the Dragon Gods during their reign, but when the Worldblight began, they were hit the hardest by the Feral Affliction.


Even today, the Purebroods are the most commonly found dragons in the world; despite the elusiveness and rarity of certain broods. Most Purebroods are more likely to be feral, with some few having retained their sanity and intellect.

Blue Dragons

Typically found in wet climates, and especially on remote islands or in the deep ocean. Most seem to make their lairs along the Cradle Archipelago or on the outer isles of Ter-Khala.


Blue Dragons are small (for dragons) and highly attuned to magic. When fighting, they prefer to use their magic instead of raw physical power, and they are almost completely addicted to magical energies.


Their dragon breath is a spray of arcane energies; often appearing as boiling water seemingly designed to choke and "drown" their victims with thick vapour.

Red Dragons

Warm and dry climates make the homes of Red Dragons, and they are typically found in volcanic areas or in deserts, although they generally make their lairs all over the world, especially in mountainous regions.


They are the most common of the Purebroods, possessing great physical strength. Red Dragons are far more bloodthirsty and hot-tempered than other dragons, and they prefer to fight rather than talk.


They breathe normal yet extremely hot fire, and they are the standard depiction of what one might call a "normal" dragon.

Green Dragons

Green Dragons prefer environments of thick plant growth like temperate forests or lush jungles. Many are found in either the jungles of the Reaping Lands or the vast woodland realms of Ashala Endelaith in Ashanor.


A large number of Green Dragons serve Malendii and her allies, and aid in preserving the Wyldtrees and the natural world. They have a tendency to be playful yet cunning, and often trick potential victims with harmless or deadly games. Of all the dragons, Green Dragons have a strange fixation with riddles.


Typically their dragon breath is either a sort of concentrated toxic fume, or pure acid.

White Dragons

The majority of White Dragons serve the Sifiran Pantheon along with their Broodmother, Ysmer. They were allies of the Frost Giants during their wars against the Dragon Gods.


It is rare to see a White Dragon outside of the northern continents, and they seem to prefer to make their lairs in glacial crags or cold, white peaks. Unlike most Purebroods, White Dragons are fairly friendly to Kith and Kin, within reason.


They breathe ice; either as a stream of cold wind or as pure shards. It's also known that they possess some magical abilities pertaining to electricity; gifted to them by Sifir herself.

Black Dragons

The most elusive of the Purebroods, and thus the rarest seen. Little is actually known of Black Dragons, and there are no references to what their role was in shaping the world.


It is believed that there are very few Black Dragons left in the world, and if they are hiding somewhere, it's in deep, mostly inaccessible swamps and bogs, or in hard-to-reach mountain caves.


Some say that Black Dragons hide among mortals by using illusions and glamour to change their appearance to that of the different Kith, and pull the strings behind powerful rulers and councils.

Known Dragon Broods


  • Blue

  • Red

  • Green

  • White

  • Black


  • Copper

  • Bronze

  • Iron

  • Steel

  • Gold

  • Silver


  • Ruby

  • Sapphire

  • Emerald
  • Jade
  • Topaz
  • Diamond
  • Onyx
  • Pearl


  • Fey

  • Night

  • Shadow

  • Arcane


  • Cosmic

  • Star
  • Moon
  • Sun


  • Mana

  • Blood

  • Blight

  • Necrotic

  • Void

Personality & Intelligence

Personality & Intelligence

A dragon's personality is as varied as that of any sentient creature, but since most are either feral or view mortals as inferior creatures, most mortal societies will either fear or hate dragons. Intelligent, non-feral dragons can be cruel, peaceful, cowardly, greedy, and so on. Their only (usually) common personality traits are that they are prideful and arrogant, and would most likely prefer to not have to deal with any of the Kith and Kin at all. But even so, they can be extremely curious, given that they are immortal, and immortal life can often be considered boring to such creatures. Any chance they get to test their intelligence, or to learn new things (whatever little that may be), is an opportunity many dragons can't resist, and if it means interacting with Kith, then so be it.


Those they view as lesser creatures (like the Kith and Kin) are probably seen as insects more than anything else, and since many modern settlements now lie in places that were formerly the territory of dragons, dragons don't hold much love for them. It is especially true for most of the Nymborn Dragons who ruled in Korash during the reign of the Dragon Gods, since the Kith were their slaves once. Encounters with dragons have also proven that dragons generally don't much care for the mortal Kith, though intelligent dragons often enjoy toying with those they come across; proposing riddles, or providing deceitful conversation.


Intelligent dragons might hold some affection lingering towards the Scaleshaped Kith, but in return the Scaleshaped generally dislike dragons, as they no longer see them as their masters, nor do most of them want to return to that way of life. Additionally, dragons appear to tolerate Creatorforged Kith more than any evolved Kith and Kin, since they too were made and born from Creators, like the dragons were. However, dragons still think of themselves as superior beings.


In places like on the northern continents, White Dragons are more accepted by the general population, and they're often viewed as allies or guardians. However, Kith of the northern continents recognize that dragons are powerful, territorial and often temperamental. It is thus in their best interest to not cause any misunderstandings or start any conflicts, unless entirely necessary.


Depending on the continent, a dragon might be more sympathetic or lenient towards the Kith. In most cases they won't recognize mortals as worth wasting their time over, and they will remain in their own hidden lairs. In the event that mortals, such as adventurers, stumble upon a High Dragon's lair, a dragon is far more likely to try to chase them away or kill them. Certain dragons might find entertainment in torturing and playing with potential victims, enslaving mortals, or hunting them for sport. Then again, other dragons could sometimes be more interested in helping mortals, or striking up conversations to learn more about them.


When it comes to feral dragons and lesser dragons, these beasts rarely (if ever) show any signs of personality, civility, or deep intelligence. However, as they're beasts, they can be tamed. Dragontaming is extremely difficult and dangerous, as a tamed dragon won't stay tame for long if it sees an opportunity to escape or gain the upper hand over its masters. An example would be the elven dragonriders of Daln Shaidalac in Avanor, who lost control over their dragons and saw their kingdom burnt to ash within hours.


While dragons in general might appear as beasts and animals, most are or were originally highly intelligent beings. Many are now feral, but there are several High Dragons who still possess sane minds. One could potentially 'easily' hold civil conversations with a dragon, and these High Dragons are comparable to the typical intelligence and sentience of common, civilized Kith and Kin; though perhaps it's more accurate to say that non-feral dragons are far more intelligent that common mortals, since they have technically lived for much longer and usually become wiser for it. But, on the other hand, such long lives might turn that wisdom into blind stubbornness instead.


Admittedly, a High Dragon might not view a lesser Kith as its equal in any way, and will at best ignore any mortal interactions, or, at worst, try to kill and devour them. While many dragons can be friendly or at the very least neutral towards mortals, one shouldn't assume that they will be. Most dragons will try to kill, eat or capture any of the mortal Kith and Kin that they come across, and especially those who come uninvited into their territories and lairs.

Appearance & Biology

Appearance & Biology

A typical dragon will posses four legs, a long and powerful reptilian tail, scale-covered hide, long necks, usually two or three horns (one on the nose, two above the ears), sets of monstrous teeth, and two mighty wings on their backs. Various scales protrude along their backs all the way down to their tails; usually ending in sharp, bonelike spikes on the ends of the tails. When they aren't flying, they walk on all four legs, and they are capable of breathing fire, though some dragon types might breathe poison clouds, acid, electricity, or ice.


Celestial Dragons differ greatly from their Nymborn relatives, as Celestial Dragons are more incorporeal and translucent in appearance. They more accurately imitate the stars and cosmic space around them, and likely possess abilities related to their surroundings. Astronomers sometimes spot them through the Veil, and note that trails of stardust are left behind in their wake as they fly across through the Shimmering Shroud or in-between the Wakes of the Moonsisters.


Metallic Dragons look very similar to normal dragons, but their scales will often be of a metallic or mineral composite, or just entirely metallic or gem-like altogether. They are smaller than regular High Dragons, and possess no wings. To reproduce they must build new dragons using found metals, gems and their own Aether. Because of their diverse metal or gem composite, there are likely very many types of Metallic Dragons; most of which haven't been discovered yet.


Lesser Dragons are vastly different from normal dragons, in that they are always feral, and they are much smaller in size. Depending on the Lesser Dragon, it might be a wyvern which has two legs and two wings, a drake which has four legs and no wings, or a wurm with no legs or wings, and which is far more snake-like in appearance. Whelps look very much like drakes, except they are far smaller, roughly the size of a normal-sized dog. Their name comes from them looking like the offspring of drakes, but they are an entirely different sub-species.


Aside from their division in main-types, various dragons might be prone to show different physical traits, aside from common traits like horns, tails or other typical reptilian features. It is often based on climate, and dragons in colder climates tend to exhibit some patches of fur instead of scales, or a mixture of the two. Dragons in warmer or wet climates are often smaller in size, with smoother scales and webbed claws and feet. Harsher climates seem to breed much larger dragons, with tougher skin and scales, longer and stronger claws, and more powerful, expansive wings; if wings are applicable to their sub-species. Sometimes a dragon might bear impressive feathers and plumages, often mixed in with their scales.


A dragon's brood seems to determine their dragon's breath; deciding if they spew fire, acid or toxic gas. There is some debate as to if a dragon's breath might be determined by the climate instead. But knowing that some broods, like white dragons, always breathe ice or lightning regardless of climate, it seems to be unlikely that climate is entirely the determining factor, although it could maybe still be an assisting factor in where they draw Aether from. The brood also decides the colour of a dragon's hide and scales. Some dragons are born with a variable number of horns, ranging from the normal three horns (two on top of the head above the ears, and one on top of the nose) to up to nine horns. Horns can be short and stumpy, or long, twirling and sharp.


Dragons (especially feral ones) seem to be highly ravenous, and Feral Dragons appear to be entirely driven by their hunger. Dragons can chew, swallow and consume almost anything, with little noticeable effect on their bodies; meaning that they are highly resistant to various poisons and similar consumable ailments. Of course, intelligent, non-feral dragons tend to show preferences for what they eat, and in many cases a dragon can survive for a very long time (about one or two months) without either solid or liquid sustenance. In the case of hibernation, they can go without any sustenance for centuries; likely kept alive through some form of magic.


Eggs are laid by female dragons in large batches, although they will most likely be unfertilized, and won't hatch. Even if the eggs have been fertilized, the hatchlings will always be hatched as Feral Dragons, despite having been laid by a non-feral dragon. The Feral Affliction caused by the Worldblight has ensured that dragons can't produce any more intelligent dragons.


A dragon's claws and teeth are extremely durable and sharp; able to cut and penetrate most metals with relative ease. Their scales are equally strong, with variable ranges of durability; some hard as steel, others as impenetrable as duraritium. However, the hide itself is usually not as tough (unless it is a Metallic Dragon), although it can be very thick. Dragons are also highly resistant to magic, with some able to lessen magical effects or entirely neutralize them through magical auras that surround their bodies.


Most greater dragons possess very large and expansive wings that allows them to fly with relative ease. The wind and force created by a large dragon taking off can cause noticeable damage to the surrounding area, and sometimes one might come across such a site, where one can spot uprooted trees having fallen in a circle.

Dragon Magic

Dragon Magic

Dragons were some of the first true magic users in Nym, aside from gods and spirits. The Dragonsoul empowered the Worldshaper Dragons and allowed them to use worldshaping magic, and in time they developed and learned various abilities that are commonly specific to dragons and dragonlike. Different broods are better attuned to various types of magic and Aether, although some broods (like Metallic ones) are incapable of using magic (except for creating new Metallic dragons), but they are also highly impervious to magical effects, or entirely immune.


Feral dragons rarely possess any magical talent, or at least they aren't able to use magic properly, due to their feral minds. Non-feral dragons can easily use magic, though an over-use seems to speed up the process of decay caused by their lingering Feral Affliction. Lesser dragons are entirely unable to use magic, although they might sometimes be infused with concentrated magical energies, which creates tainted Mana Dragons. Particularly corrupted Aether could lead to the creation of Blood Dragons.


Various Aether or a lack of certain types of Aether can affect a dragon in different ways; good or bad. Most Planarbroods are usually made from being denied Aether over long periods of time, such as how a soul-starved dragon becomes a Shadow Dragon, or an Aether-deprived Blue Dragon becomes a Void Dragon. In the case of Fey Dragons, naturistic Aether granted from Malendii made them into what they are, and it wasn't an after effect of tainted or corrupted energies. Instead it was a willing transformation.


As creatures made from Primordials, dragons don't possess mana-basins, or they at least don't use magic and Aether in the same way as mortals do. Most dragons seem to naturally absorb Aether that surround them, and they basically soak in Aether rather than accumulate and store them. Dragons are often dependent on the Aether around them to use magic, and it is typical for dragons who require specific Aether to move and settle in areas strong with their needed Aether. Deprivation speeds up the process of Feral Affliction, or transforms them into a Tainted Brood.


Non-feral dragons are trapped in an internal, constant battle to stave off their Feral Afflictions, and are wary with the use of magic. The Worldblight was made to specifically target dragons, and as it was spawned from magic, it possibly best feeds off of magical Aether.


Of all the dragons, the Elder Dragons are the most powerful, and they are almost completely godlike in their magical capabilities. Most High Dragons come close, although their magic is apparently far more limited; unable to perform various spells of creation and shaping, like their Elders could. It is thought that Elder Dragons completely avoided the corruption of the Feral Affliction, although no one has seen an Elder Dragon since they went into hiding, so it's impossible to know for certain.


It is believed that many non-feral High Dragons hide among mortals, disguised as one of the Kith. To do this they use various polymorph or glamour spells, to completely physically alter their bodies, or create highly convincing illusions. When in their pure forms, their magic will be more potent and powerful, depending on their brood. Even a powerful mortal mage, like an archmage, would struggle in a fight against a particularly magically talented dragon.

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