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What we call the Greater Gods are the astral children of the Shapers from very, very, very long ago.


Born from a union between the three Shapers, the Creators are imitations of their parents and their powers. Although they're not as powerful as the Shapers, the Creators still possess great cosmic powers, and are able to remake, shape and, indeed, create; mostly dependent on their own gathered Aether. However, as imitations of the Shapers, the astral children also once inherited differing ideals that inevitably led to a three-way schism between the Creators.

Those who viewed the universe like Malagan, namely that it had to be remade anew for the greater good of the Eternal Balance, sought out the Celestials and waged war on the colossal beings; justifying it as a necessary first step to create a new, stable universe. These Creators would name themselves the Malagani.

Others leaned more towards the views of Aethos, who insisted that the universe could be mended with the Celestials still a part of it. They gathered the broken fragments of stars and the Arcane Threads; reforging them into mighty shards of Aether, and connected them to a renewed network of Threads, which would lead to the creation of the Shard of Origin. These Creators were the Aethosians.

The last group of Creators were called the Ilosians, named after the Shaper Ilo. They often mediated conflicts between the Malagani and Aethosians, but never truly revealed their own motives and plans for the universe. Of all the Creators, the Ilosians were the most secretive and most mysterious.

Creators that reside in Nym's Eye are a mixture of these three groups; having banded together from necessity due to their inability to leave Nym's Eye. This was because of the Overgod Tariel's merging with the Worldsoul, which resulted in the Soulbind that bound all Creators to the Eye.

We recognize the Creators as deities of our world, and accept them as the most powerful beings in our sphere. Their ability to stand above and transcend various Universal Laws, easily bend Aether to their will, and create and control aspects of the world, makes it clear that they are more than just simple beings of the cosmos. They are by all definitions gods, and mortals do well to remember that; as the Creators help and punish whomever they wish.


The Creators each hold a dominion and duty over an aspect of our world; drawing power from their domains and worshippers, and assist in sustaining the world. What their true motives are in Nym's Eye are unknown even by the most revered priestly servant, as the words of the gods are often shrouded in uncertainties and vagueness.

Besides the Creators who remain in Nym's Eye, there is little doubt that there are others out there in the Dark Beyond, possibly hundreds, if not thousands of them.


To mortals, Creators take many shapes and forms. Typically a Creator will appear as how they are perceived by their worshippers, such as how Shaar might appear elven to elves and human to humans. But this doesn't necessarily mean that she might appear as a dwarf to dwarves, meaning that a Creator's perceived manifestation is in some form controlled by the Creator as well, or perhaps the manifestation is predetermined by the Creator, but influenced by the perceptions of worshippers.


Aspects, a kind of independent form and reflection of a Creator, could have differing appearances from their reflected form; where one could appear as an elven woman, and the other as a human male. The variety of forms depend entirely on the Creator in question.

Archons & Divines

Archons & Divines

Before the War of Eternity, the Creators in Nym were more or less fully united. Their various views were always diverse, as they still identified themselves as Malagani, Aethosian, or Ilosian. However, they never revealed to mortals which kind of Creator they were, and it is still largely unknown in regards to the majority of the Creators in Nym's Eye.


The most obvious and recognizable divide between the Creators was made more apparent once the War of Eternity began. Gaerdras had disobeyed his fellow  Soul Aspects of Tariel and entered the Solstree without permission. When he returned, he tried to convince other Creators that Tariel's Soulbind had to be removed.


Those who agreed with him, regardless of their reasons, would become what we refer to as Archons. But those who remained loyal to Tariel stayed firm in their belief that Tariel would one day return, and so they would become the Divines. The resulting war between the Archons and Divines led to the second destruction of the planet Nym (the first one having been during the reign of the Elemental Titans before).


Eventually the Archons lost the war when Gaerdras' brother, Akama, betrayed them and captured Gaerdras. Gaerdras was imprisoned inside the planet Nym's core, and the Archons agreed to stand down and end the war. The Archons and Divines have since more or less maintained a peace between them, although it is often very strained. Distrusts and grudges born from the War of Eternity still linger, and Creators who became personal enemies and rivals to each other still remain as so.


The Soul Aspects also decreed after the war, that no Archons could ever be one of the keepers of the Seven Seats of Solitude. The exception being Akama, who took the Seat of Shadows from his brother, Gaerdras. Though some would argue that Akama was no longer an Archon when he betrayed them, but neither does he truly consider himself a Divine.


It is easy to say that Archons are evil and Divines are good, but in reality it isn't as simple as that. There is perceived good and evil in both Archons and Divines, but Archons often garner more distrust and ridicule simply because they lost the War of Eternity. There is also the fact that the Soul Aspects are mostly Divines themselves, which has also made the Divines as a whole more powerful and more influential within Solitude.


The Creators all have their own motivations and motives for what they want; be it good or bad. They are very much like mortals in this regard, and the Creators' motives often change based on new wishes or developments of character. But because of the War of Eternity, the mortals and even the Creators themselves still hold onto the divide; defining one's allegiance as either being an Archon or a Divine.


In simpler terms one could explain that Archons are those who hold doubts about Tariel's intentions in Nym's Eye, and the Divines are those who remain loyal to the Overgod. But, seeing as they are all gods, it's never as simple as it might look. Complicated thoughts and opinions form in every individual Creator's head, regardless of their supposed allegiances.

The Dragonforgers

The Dragonforgers

After the War of Titans, six Creators combined their powers to create the first Worldshaper Dragons; the Elder Dragons. Using the fallen body of the Primordial being known as Slaa, the Elemental Souls, Aether from the Shimmering Shroud, as well as portions of their own powers, they crafted the Dragonsoul.


Tylmaar infused the Dragonsoul with fire and life, Golmath hammered it with strength and form, Skael shaped its bone and gave purpose, Shaar willed steadfastness and flight, Malendii gave it awareness and a connection to nature, and Tiral incorporated magic and intelligence.


Together with Slaa's body and Aether stemming from the Shimmering Shroud, the Dragonsoul created the Elder Dragons. They consisted of five distinct chromatic-based broods, which gave us Dragons we today refer to as Red, Blue, Green, White and Black Dragons. As a whole we call them the Worldshaper Dragons.


The Dragonforgers eventually entrusted the Elder Dragons with the Dragonsoul, which empowered them in helping to heal and and reshape the world; which had been broken because of the War of Titans. The Dragonforgers would later use the Dragonsoul to cast the dragons under the First Slumber, which put all the dragons to restful sleep after their work had been done. The Dragonsoul itself was hidden within the world of Nym, where it would remain for thousands of years; undisturbed.


But when the Dragonsoul was suddenly shattered during the  Confluence of Ar-Zhala, Dragons awoke and found that they had lost the ability to worldshape. They also discovered that the world they had once shaped into a paradise had been destroyed by the War of Eternity, and this discovery set the Elder Dragons on a path of hatred towards the Dragonforgers, and in turn the Creators as a whole.


Before the First Slumber had been induced, Golmath also crafted a specific breed of dragons through the Dragonsoul. These dragons were to become the Metallic Dragons, who once used to guard the Dragonsoul while the other dragons slept. After the Dragonsoul was shattered, the Metallic Dragons would no longer have a purpose, and most chose to remain in the depths of Nym's Under-Realms. They would go off on their own; spreading through the Under-Realms, claiming lairs for themselves, and create personal broods to serve them.


Unlike the Elder Dragons, the Metallic Dragons were never truly connected to the Dragonsoul, and could only create more of their own kind by forging them, like Golmath had done. They are also responsible for having dug out a large portion of the Under-Realms' tunnels and caverns; particularly in the Deepdark.


To all dragons the Dragonforgers are regarded as their parents. However, ever since the dragons awoke from the Dragonsoul shattering, and once they learned of the War of Eternity's destruction upon the land they had once shaped into a paradise, most dragons look upon their parents with spite and disappointment. The Dragonforgers more or less claim to still love their dragon children, and despite the hatred they receive, they still watch over them.

Descended Deities

Descended Deities

The Descended Deities, or Descended, are former Creators who cast aside their Creatorhood and abandoned their place in Solitude to enter the Nymworld, where they live "mortal" lives amongst the Nymborn. Because they left, they no longer have access to or any ways to return to Solitude, or even any of their Aspected Halls if they had any. After leaving Solitude, many Seats were left behind, which has caused a great deal of chaos for the remaining Creators, as they work to stabilize the domains the Descended Deities discarded.


The entire event occurred during the Age of Gods, and was to be known as the "Descension". It was started by Yona, one of the Aspects of Creator Auros. In fact, most of the Descended Deities are Aspects of existing Creators, and there are only a few actual, former full Creators among them. To many the event seems more alike children's rebellion against their parents.


Additionally, because of their decision, the Descended Deities have more or less been completely shunned by the remaining Creators of Solitude, as the Creators don't support the Descended's decisions. They receive no help or guidance from their former brethren, and in many regards the Descended are in fact much weaker now than they were before. Descended are, however, still more powerful than a regular Creator's Avatar, but only by a small margin. A Descended's power might at most only be as equally powerful as that of a general Lesser God.


Despite abandoning their old titles and status as Creators, many of the Descended will still try to maintain control of their former Domains. Descended will still faintly hear the prayers of their worshippers, and most will try to answer them or generally respond to the prayers. However, because they no longer have access to Solitude or the Solstree, the Descended will need to be there in person to bestow blessings or aid their praying worshippers. Or, if they are strong enough, they can enter a sort of 'trance' which allows them to spiritually project themselves to where they are called or needed. It is time- and Aether-consuming, and will make the Descended vulnerable.


Unlike Ascended Deities (who were mortals or spirits who Ascended to godhood), the Descended Deities are defined as Gods who Descended into 'Mortalhood'. While they are very similar to Living Gods, they are in fact more powerful than most Living Gods, and can live for unknown centuries by their own powers. Descended are, however, very much mortal now, and Tariel's Soulbind ensures that if they are killed, they will most likely die forever.


Should a Descended's soul manage to find its way back to the Solstree, it is possible it might be reborn as a Creator over the following centuries. So far it hasn't happened yet, though there have been Descended who have died by mortal hands; the most famous of them being Yona, who was stabbed and murdered by Godkiller cultists while trying to spread her Faith in Ashanor. It is no easy task to kill a Descended, because they are still a god, but if they die, they will most likely not return, as they lack any way of easy or quick resurrection.


As to why the Descended decided to abandon their Seats in Solitude is still largely speculative. Few Descended ever speak of their decision to leave Solitude, though it is suggested that each of them had their own reasons, and it was only when Yona first Descended that the others followed after. Perhaps she was the first step that inspired the others to take theirs.


But lacking a true and proper source of deistic Aether (since they can't directly access the Solstree), Descended's powers are constantly waning. There are ways to supplement their needs, such as receiving direct worship from followers, or by accepting ritualistic sacrifices in their names, or many other similar methods of worship. In essence they have to maintain and gather Aether through methods similar to those that Ascended Deities use.


There are still Descended who appear every now and then, as Aspects or Creators still abandon their duties in Solitude. It is, however, rarer now than it was during the Age of Gods. At this point there have likely been near a hundred Descended who have arrived in the Nymworld.


It is hard to identify a Descended if they don't want to be found. They look like any other mortal; blending in with the populous of civilized nations, or hiding away in the wilderness away from prying eyes. By all appearances, they simply look like any other of the Kith and Kin. It is mainly only when they unleash their powers that they can be truly identified as former Creators and Aspects, which is when their true forms are revealed.



Aspects refer to the different same variations of Creators; meaning that a deity might have separate personas and personalities, whilst still being the same deity. It is a form of split persona, which is why some Creators might be known by different names and have different domains throughout the world, while also still constructing the same singular Creator. Some examples would be Nir'Kir (separately known as Nir and Kir), Nyth/Nyxné (daughter aspects of Naith), and Bastirith, who has three Aspects (Bast, Tirith, Rhena).


It is not entirely certain if an Aspect is an independent being, or whether a Creator has full control over their various Aspects. Aspects seem to be most common in Creators who hold and supervise many domains as opposed to a few, and their existence appears to alleviate responsibilities over those domains. Each Aspect tends to take on a specific domain each.


It is generally believed that an Aspect is mainly an extension of the Creator it hails from, though the precise conditions of the creation of an Aspect is more difficult to surmise. In some cases Creators separate themselves from a part of their souls, thus creating a new, independent Aspect. Sometimes it appears that Aspects are created by accident, or they somehow find a way to separate from a Creator's soul by themselves.


Most Aspects seem to still maintain the general ideals and powers of the Creators they originate from. They act the same and possess the same abilities, and also draw deistic Aether from the same worshippers. In some cases an Aspect's personality or priorities can be noticeably different, like how Nir is an Aspect of the Night, and Kir an Aspect of the Day. But generally speaking, most Aspects are seen as the same Creator, and only perceived as different parts of the whole.


Sometimes an Aspect won't look the same as the Creator it hails from. It could even be as different as possessing a different gender from the original, or they are of a completely different Kin. It is thought that appearances typically form as a result of a Creator's inner feelings and subconscious thoughts, and as those Aspects are born, they manifest in appearances that match these hidden beliefs, desires, and wishes.



Godspawn are beings who are direct descendants of Creators; either born from loving union between two Creators (Demigods), or they can also spawn from individual Creators who expended large portions of their own Aether (Lesser Godspawn). Sometimes a Godspawn could be created from a Creator meddling with certain amalgamations of different species and races, or they are the spawn of a Creator's divine impregnation of a mortal individual.


Godspawn typically belong in Creator families. They will serve their parents by fighting their battles on the Eternal Strife, managing their territories outside of Solitude, or by performing any other task where a Creator alone can't be everywhere. They are often created with the specific purpose of acting as the direct servants of their parental deities.


Most Godspawn are godlike in nature, but not entirely Creators themselves. Aspects can't be formed from Godspawn, and Godspawn don't necessarily inherit their parents' traits. Most Godspawn are born as fully grown, and inherit the general knowledge of their parents; though they are still largely considered children.


Godspawn born either directly from the fornication between Creators, or from divine impregnation of a mortal, are generally known as Demigods. These direct children of the gods are more powerful than average Godspawn, and are regarded by their parents as true descendants of their being. They generally inherit portions of their parents' powers, and it is often they appear as physically alike to them.


Demigods start their lives as newborns, and most of their kind are born from mortals, when Creators infuse deistic Aether into a mortal woman; typically by using Avatars to engage in intimate, sexual intercourse with them. This is a rare occurrence, but it has been known to happen several times throughout history in various places of the world. Such interactions could spawn from a Creator's unusual and typically forbidden love to a mortal, or as a divine plan devised by that Creator.


Godspawn born from divine impregnation are noticeably recognized as Demigods even at birth. Their powers are usually dormant for most of their juvenile life, until they reach a proper age (which varies) when they are contacted by their Creator parents. Most will join their Creator parents in Solitude, where they will remain in familial houses in their parents' Halls. They will usually become extensions of the Creators; tasked with supervising their parents' domains and territories throughout Nym's Eye.


Sometimes a Demigod chooses to remain on the planet Nym, where they make independent lives for themselves, without the guardianship of their Creator parents. There have been several Demigods throughout history who found new purpose and motivation in Nym, though mortal races will often either seek to actively worship them or hunt them down for a variety of reasons; such as earning favour with a specific deity, collecting deistically powerful Aether or body parts, or to boast about killing a Demigod, among many things.


Sometimes Demigods who reside in their parents' Halls might return to or visit the Nymworld, and while they are not beholden to the same laws that forbid Creators from entering the Nymworld, Demigods are advised by their parents to not go there, or they might risk dying there and never be reborn in Solitude. Demigods are inherently half-mortal, and are always in danger of experiencing mortal death whenever they are outside of Solitude. But like all children (even those born directly from gods) Demigods can be difficult to control, and defiant in their parents' commands and wishes.


While Demigods are powerful, their deistic abilities will usually be limited or drained while they remain in the Nymworld. It is only in Solitude that they can reliably replenish their powers and energies, or otherwise they have to find other sources on Nym; often in the form of siphoning certain places of power, or consuming mortal souls or Aether. It is because of the possibility of an independent Demigod seeking blood and souls that mortals often fear them, and thus subsequently hunt them down. 


Many Demigods who reside in Nym will hide in places that are far from civilizations and general inhabited regions. Sometimes when they are discovered by tribal societies, they are actively worshipped as Demigods, and they create a sort of personal system and place of worship for themselves; taking advantage of the gifts and wealth mortals present to them.

Lesser Godspawn

Some Godspawn are created with a specific purpose, and they might even be created in large numbers; fit to be defined as an entirely new race. Godspawn races are not to be confused with Creatorforged races; who are the mortal, non-related, Nymborn races in Nym's Eye. The exception being the Aaezur, who were once Godspawn, but became mortals. Instead a Godspawn race is made from Aether directly spawned from their Creator parents and makers.


These so-called Lesser Godspawn are the thousands of godchildren who act as warriors and personal servants to the gods; usually residing in their parents' Halls, in or near Solitude, or in other territories where their Creator masters assign them to. The most common of the Lesser Godspawn are known as the Starborn.


The Starborn are the angelic children created by Arkath to fight for the Divines during the War of Eternity. Made from essences originating from the Shimmering Shroud, as well as Aether spawned directly from Arkath himself, the Starborn were infused with both celestial and deistic Aether. Their efforts during the War of Eternity proved them to be very efficient and loyal warriors, which earned them a place in Solitude; where they could continue to serve not only Arkath alone, but all the other Creators.


While Arkath is the Star Father who birthed the first Starborn, most Starborn don't refer to him or recognize him as anything else except the one who first made them. They generally serve whichever Creator they are sworn to, and will often refer to their masters as their parents. When they are sworn to a Creator, they tend to inherit or change slightly in their appearances (physically and in terms of armour or clothing) by imitating their master Creators' domains or physical appearances.


There are many different kinds of Lesser Godspawn who reside in Solitude or in their master Creators' Halls. They inherit some appearances of their makers, but often appear as changed versions of creatures found on Nym, the other worlds of Arkath's Divide, or on the Tearworlds. Their purposes are also often very specific, such as tending to a Hall, acting as bodyguards, a Creator's legions, or a number of different reasons depending on the Creator's wishes and needs.


Lesser Godspawn are generally weaker than Demigods, and they don't inherit many deistic powers from their Creator parents. But there are usually greater numbers of a given Godspawn race in comparison to Demigods, who are individual children. Lesser Godspawn are rarely recognized as individuals except when between themselves. Demigods earn more favour and love from their Creator parents, whilst Lesser Godspawn are seen by most Creators as nothing more but expendable servants.


Most of the Lesser Godspawn will remain in their Creators' Halls to maintain those realms, or fight in large legions and armies for their Creators on the fields of the Eternal Strife. Sometimes, depending on a Creator's wishes, some of the Lesser Godspawn are sent to Nym, where they perform various divine tasks given to them by their Creators.

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