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In many cultures throughout the world, there have been several beings in history who claimed themselves to be gods. In most cases it is a claim based on falsehood, as these pretenders have been mainly mortals who achieved godlike powers. While they have indeed been powerful beings, they pale compared to real gods. Many such false deities obtain their godlike powers and status through blood sacrifices and blood magic, and typically feed upon their worshippers. In many respects they are simply deceptive tyrants.


But sometimes an individual manages to achieve real godhood; possessing deistic powers that are very similar to that of gods; able to gather more Aether through the worship of their peers. They are arguably still not real gods, but people still think of them as Ascended Deities.


The most famous of the Ascended Deities were the Pretender Gods of the Old Imperium on the Avanor continent. During their rule they were just known simply as the Ascended, and the term has now become the common descriptor for any of gods who reached godhood through ascension. While the Imperium Ascended weren't necessarily cruel to their worshippers, and while they had the admiration of those they held power over, the Sacellum would later teach that they had no right to rule since they were false gods. Their reign came to an end during the Divine Rebellion, when Andarien, Paragon of Auros the True Divine, raised an army and defeated the Ascended; bringing down the Imperium they had built. 


The Pretender Gods are believed to be dead, although some claim to have seen some of them wander the lands, centuries after the Divine Rebellion. These sightings are unlikely to be true, as the Andarien Faith's holy book, the Chantrim, states that the Pretender Gods were slain by Andarien herself, which was witnessed by her Exalted, Anoria and Devan.

Outside of the central continents, many kingdoms, especially in Korash, the Reaping Lands, Ryumar, and Ashanor, are ruled or heavily influenced by Ascended Deities. In these lands they are simply known as Living Gods, and some of them lead their subjects as beloved god-kings. In many cases they are recognized as ascended mortals, but their godlike powers often give them a sort of right to rule.


Unlike Creators, Ascended Deities don't usually have their own demi-realms or a "God Kingdom" for which they can travel to (though there are some few cases where they do possess such demi-realms, as was the case with the Pretender Gods). Instead Ascended Deities live among the mortal Kith, as immortal beings of godly powers, and rulers of nations. Ascended Deities can't gather Aether from simple prayer and worship, and while some of them might be able to hear prayers from across long distances, they have to be there personally to be able to help or give grace with their powers.


Most Ascended Deities are commonly allies of the Creators, or at least try not to make enemies of them. Creators are far more powerful than Ascended Deities, but Ascended Deities can at least wander the planet Nym without worrying about Tariel's Soulbind, or the restrictions imposed by the Mortal Soul.


In many ways, Creators are the guardians and curators of the cosmic space in and around Nym's Eye, whilst the Ascended Deities are the guardians and protectors of the local lands, much like the Wildgods. However, there are of course exceptions, as Ascended Deities are often motivated generally by base desires and selfish ambitions. They are, after all, born from Kith and Kin.

Living Gods

Living Gods

Living Gods are mortals who, usually through various obscure rituals or highly magical artefacts, ascended to godhood. They possess deistic powers, sometimes equal to that of Worldgods, but they are still more or less mortal, or so it usually seems. They control vast amounts of Aether within their bodies and souls, which grants them the power to rule over those who would worship them.


When a Living God dies, his or her soul doesn't enter Kelmora's Cycle. Instead their remains are preserved (either from mummification salves and wrappings, or in a jar of ashes) and their souls remain bound to the world. A Living God's soul will usually become a Spectral God, which sleeps in its tomb until a new body can be inhabited, and the soul can become a Living God again through resurrection.


The Living Gods of today mainly exist in the Reaping Lands, where they are rulers of the various southern kingdoms and empires. These rulers maintain repeating lineages of Living God families; where after one god-king dies, another one in its family (presently a Spectral God) will be in line. Living Gods can't naturally produce children; likely because of their predominantly mortal bodies and high amounts of mana, and thus they are effectively sterile.


As a means to bypass this limitation of their lineages and laws of inheritance, Living Gods elevate mortal servants, the most loyal and worthy of them, to become princes or princesses. Once the ruling god dies, their adopted children will be ritually and ceremonially prepared to take in the soul of the next Living God. The mortal prince or princess's soul and mind will be consumed in the process, and replaced by the soul of the resurrected Living God; meaning that it is usually a sacrificial event, though the sacrificed tend to do so willingly.


These rituals and ceremonies are performed carefully and by skilled necromantic priests, who belong to the Reaping Lands' temples of the Grand Sepulcher. The techniques for Living God resurrection are largely kept secret from most eyes, and only those ranked highest in the Grand Sepulcher are taught the specific rituals. It is through these rituals that the lineages of the Living Gods continue to come back from the dead, and it is also possible to ascend new Living Gods; should conditions be met, or the need for it required.


The Reaping Lands' Living Gods are often seen as benevolent and fair rulers by their peers and worshippers; depending on which god sits on the throne. The various Living Gods all have their own motives, personalities, and methods of ruling. Some might be better suited for ruling during times of peace, others are only interested in intellectual pursuits, some are excellent strategists and warriors, and some are either very kind or cruel to their worshippers. The southern kingdoms in Korash and the Reaping Lands rise, fall or sustain at the will of the Living Gods, and their subjects accept this way of life with love or fear of their godly rulers.


In Ashanor, Living Gods are often referred to as God Emperors or God Kings, or even Animal Kings, as these Living Gods are typically the ascended spirits of Animal Gods. Many rulers in Ashanor are in fact Living Gods who once took the shape of Animal Spirits, but who have become powerful, and elevated to rule over their mortal peers. They now appear in more mortal form, but still possess their Animal Spirit powers.


Living Gods are also found in lands such as Ryumar and even Norne and Aesudarh, but they are far more commonly found in Korash and the Reaping Lands.

Undying Gods

Undying Gods

Not to be confused with Dead Gods (who are the definite deceased beings of true gods, like Creators), the Undying Gods are immortals who, having once been mortal, became Ascended gods. Using various rituals and Aether, a powerful necromancer or other being can become an immortal deity, or an Undying God could refer to a former Living God.


When it comes to the Undying Gods, there are mainly two kinds.

Lich Gods

Lich Gods are necromancers or already powerful liches who use necrotic Aether to become immortal gods. They use the powers of undeath to rule over their worshippers (usually enslaved); living or undead. Lich Gods are mainly found in Ryumar and Aesudarh (Draugr Kings), with some sometimes appearing in the lands of Ashanor, and Korash.


On the latter two continents, there were many Lich Gods after the events of the Confluence of Nagal'or, but most of their empires were destroyed by the living. It is uncertain how many Lich Gods still survive in these lands; hiding in secret cults, or sleeping in faraway tombs until they can awaken anew. So-called Forsaken Cults consistent of necromancers travel the many lands to find these various Lich Gods, and pledge their lives and servitude to them; usually in exchange for power and wealth.


One such Forsaken Cult once saw to the rise of a new Lich God in Avanor's kingdom of Amaranthia. During the Age of Death, Amaranthia was conquered and ruled by a Lich God and his Forsaken cultists, and the lands of Amaranthia suffered to undead and necrotic Aether; of which much still lingers there to this day. The Amaranthian Lich God was only defeated after the heroic return of the nation's prince, who rallied the people and slew the necromantic masters.


In other parts of the world where Lich Gods reside or have resided, the presence of undead creatures is strong and noticeable. The Lichlords of Ryumar's sands once conquered the many human lands of the vast deserts; including Pyram, Heresh, Dhur Faal, Cairak Amon, Al Saqhur, Nerumar, Niramour, and others. The Lichlords took these lands for themselves; consuming their people and burying them beneath the sands, where underground ruins became vast and maze-like tombs for sleeping Liches and mummified, undead warriors.


Korash's Lich Gods, particularly in the Reaping Lands, once ruled the vast jungles of Khult in great and powerful empires. Their reign would eventually end when the kingdoms and empires of the living united against them. Today Khult is a cursed land of necrotic Aether, undead creatures, and ruined, overgrown cities. But every now and then a Lich God reappears, bent on reclaiming their old empire. It was the fall of the Khult Lich Gods that saw to the rise of the Grand Sepulcher, which would, among other responsibilities, trap and store the souls of Lich Gods in their necropolises.


In Aesudarh, Lich Gods are known as Draugr Kings; risen to undead life for largely unknown reasons. They primarily reside in the ruined lands of the former Asvard Kingdoms, where the Harrowfrost's cold winds have swallowed the lands and dominate. Sometimes large barrows become cursed or taken over by a newly awakened Draugr King, who uses the many dead of those barrows to expand their kingdoms of undeath towards the living.


Lich Gods are rare in Ashanor, though they used to be many. The clans of Xiuthan, Shanthar and Tanthar banded together and saw to the end of the Lich Gods who arose after the Confluence of Nagal'or; finally seeing peace and victory after some 300 years of fighting. Today the Crystallized Tombs of the Ashanori Lich Gods are sealed or empty; hidden away from public knowledge by the ruling nations. Sometimes those of the Forsaken Cults learn of the location of these tombs, and try to reawaken the Lich Gods who slumber there.


Lich Gods, like with most Undying Gods, can't truly die. They are effectively immortal, and some could argue that they are more immortal than the Creators themselves. To actually kill a Lich God is considered impossible, as they, like all Liches, use powerful phylacteries to sustain their physical forms. Even if the phylactery is destroyed, the Lich's soul and ethereal body still survives, which is why mortals will instead use certain rituals or magical devices to eternally trap a Lich's soul; containing it and keeping it from ever growing powerful again.

Spectral Gods

Spectral Gods are the deceased and ethereal forms of the Living Gods in Korash and the Reaping Lands. Their souls won't enter Kelmora's Cycle or any of the other After-Worlds, and so instead they linger near their ritually preserved remains; often resting and slumbering until a worthy body is prepared for them, and allows them to resurrect as Living Gods.


Unlike when they were Living Gods, Spectral Gods possess very little deistic power in comparison. They will wait and rest in prepared familial tombs that have hosted their various remains for hundreds of years; most of which are kept and maintained by the Grand Sepulcher. As a Spectral God is resurrected into a Living God, the powers that bound them to their old remains cease to exist.


When a Living God dies, his or her remains are brought to one of the Grand Sepulcher's necropolises; the largest being the Spectral Necropolis of Nehekka, in the Scaled Cities. Smaller necropolises can be found throughout the lands of southern Korash, but only lesser remains, like fingers, teeth, nails or toes, are safekept in them.


It is in the Spectral Necropolis that the Grand Sepulcher's deathpriests will safekeep and maintain the icons and remains (usually ashes or heads) of all the past Living Gods, as well as any worldly riches they may have amassed in life. Among the many tombs of the necropolis (old or new, rich or poor), the tombs of the Living Gods are the most elaborate and decorated. They are also the best guarded of the tombs; watched over by dedicated servants or clever traps and other puzzling contraptions.


While the Grand Sepulcher mainly serves Kelmora, they recognize that Spectral Gods can't return to her Cycle in the afterlife, and so they take it upon themselves to watch over the souls of the Spectral Gods, as it is something that Kelmora cannot do. Kelmora dislikes any beings of undeath, including the Spectral Gods, but she more or less tolerates their existence.


The Spectral Gods mainly sleep and wait in or near their tombs; bound to their remains. Those who disturb them before they are ready for resurrection might awaken an angered Spectral God, who will either swallow the souls of the disturbers, curse them with incurable necrotic afflictions, or possess their bodies.


Like with Lich Gods, a Spectral God can't truly die. They are without host bodies, but their souls and ethereal forms still linger in the world. Spectral Gods are bound to their remains, like how a Lich God is bound to their phylactery. But if a Spectral God's remains were to be somehow destroyed, their grip in the world would lessen.


At most this still won't actually kill them, but it will weaken them and destroy any mental connection they had to living life. A disconnected Spectral God will lose their memories and powers, and can no longer be resurrected as a Living God. Instead they might become vengeful specters; often eternally cursing and haunting those who destroyed their remains, going as far as cursing entire future lineages of an individual's family.

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