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"Everything within Arkath's Divide is in one way or another connected to the Nymworld. It is a magical boundary that was woven by the Moonsisters, after Arkath awoke them and gave them two intricately beautiful and enchanted shawls to wear. As the Moonsisters playfully chased each other around the Nym planet, threads from their shawls unraveled and began to form the fabrics of the Divide's three rings; the Great Fade, the Veil and Inner Nym.


These three rings, along with the Nymworld at the centre, build up the three World-Planes of Arkath's Divide.


The Nymworld, or Nym, sits at the centre of the Divide within the World-Plane of Inner Nym, where it slowly siphons in the energies gathered by the outer World-Planes. It consists of the Nymplane, the two spirit half-planes (known as Ai-Thera and Endomundo), and the Planeworlds. Connecting these is the Planar Sea.


Just past Inner Nym is the Veil. It consists of two parts: the Weaveglass and the Arcane Sea. The Weaveglass consists of the Weavethreads, where Aether travels through and amasses in-between the Arcane Sea and the Planar Sea.


The Arcane Sea is the Veil's outer ring, where various star constellations form; imitations of stars dreamed by the Moonsisters. The Moonsisters' shawls create these starry reflections, as they gather and disperse Aether throughout the Sea.


In-between The Weaveglass and the Arcane Sea sit the Veilworlds; kept tethered by the Weaveglass's threads.


The third World-Plane is the Great Fade, where most souls gather before they enter the Fadeworlds or the City of Echoes. Souls reborn via the Soulsgate on their journey back to the Nymworld disperse their Aether into the Great Fade, where it collects and further redistributes to Solitude and the Moonsisters.


It is at the outer edge of the Great Fade where the Creators and their Aspected Halls also exist, and where they manage the many worlds and planes, from their godly city of Solitude. Beyond this is the Soulstream; the final boundary that holds the Divide separated from itself and the the rest of Nym's Eye.


The Divide itself was fashioned by Arkath as a solution for one of Nym's greater issues, which was that energies were leaking from the world, and the world was unable to sustain itself properly. By having the Moonsisters spread the Divide, the world's energies were trapped within the rings, and could be fed back to the Worldsoul again, as well as be harvested by the Creators.


Other benefits included having the Divide's threads hold the various Worlds of the Divide in place and stabilize the orbits of surrounding objects within the space. Arkath's Divide essentially ensured that a structure had been set; one that could allow for an order of gravitational balance to take hold.


The Divide's fabrics are able to absorb Aether, even from outside, and in turn it feeds energy and souls back to the world in what is known as the Cycle; which is a process where energy and souls travel to the Great Fade, dissolve there into pure energy in the Soulstream, and is fed back to the Divide's worlds and the Nymworld through the Weaveglass, where it is distributed to where Aether is needed most. The Worldsoul itself controls the flow of Aether within Nym.


Additionally, the Divide helps siphon and distribute specifically Arcane energy, especially chaotic and unrefined Arcane energy through the process known as the Arcane Wheel. As Aether arrives from outside Arkath's Divide, it enters into the Arcane Wheel and will return again as purified energy, and thus help strengthen the Divide's structure. Most of this Arcane energy will accumulate within the Veil's Arcane Sea, where it will slowly tricke to the Weaveglass, or be picked up by the Moonsisters to maintain the Divide's fabrics.


Without Arkath's Divide, it is likely that the Nymworld would have been drained of Aether long ago, and it would have been a barren, lifeless world. Because of this Arkath is often regarded as the wisest Creator and is seen as one of the world's true saviours and fathers. In fact, it is without doubt that many see Arkath as the current Overgod, in Tariel's absence.


As a servant of His wisdom, I can't rightly say that I disagree with the assessment."

'Weaving Worlds'

- Tennor, High Priest of Arkath


Solitude was firstly known as the Solstree, and it was planted by the Overgod Tariel after the Elemental Titans had been defeated on the planet Nym. It is with this tree that they invoked the Soulbind, which bound all the Creators they had brought with them to the Nym Worldsoul. Tariel's is somewhere atop the tree's spiralling citadel, where they have remained ever since the Soulbind; merged into it and become one with the Solstree and bound their Aether to the Worldsoul. Tariel's inactivity and the fact that no one has seen their physical body ever since has earned them the title of "The Absent God", though Tariel has technically manifested several times throughout the worlds as the Worldsoul's Spiritual Entity, the Kal'Mar.


Why Tariel invoked the Soulbind is not fully understood, even by the Creators. One of the effects of the Solstree is its connection with the Worldsoul, which in turn allows Creators a connection with their worshippers, and thus feeds the Creators with deistic energy; something they now require to not only maintain their own powers, but to survive in Nym's Eye. The Solstree itself spreads throughout the streets of Solitude and allows its roots to reach into the Halls of the Creators; where those roots let the Creators more easily connect to it, and through it their worshippers.

While Solitude was originally only the Solstree, over thousands of years the Creators made Solitude their godly realm, and constructed a grand city of the gods around the tree. Its inhabitants are primarily the created and ascended servants of the Creators, lesser deities such as Demigods, or arisen Paragons. The Creators themselves make their homes in their Halls, which are part of Solitude but expand into a Creator's personal domain. The power of the Creators is directly linked to the growth and well-being of the city, as it links the prayers and Aether of all their worshipers through the Solstree.

Solitude itself is a city of pure, white light and sits at the very edge of Arkath's Divide; where it is best suited to allow the Creators to oversee all of Nym's Eye. Solitude is inhabited by the Divines and Archons; the two groups of Creators who once fought each other in the War of Eternity. The lines between the two factions are less noticeable now, but the Creators still identify each other by which side they fought on during the war.

The city is supervised by the Soul Aspects of Tariel; six Divines and one Archon who are considered the most powerful of all the Creators. Since the Archons lost the War of Eternity, only Akama, the Archon who switched sides, is permitted to sit in a seat as one of the Soul Aspects. The Soul Aspects have overseen Solitude's growth ever since the Solstree's planting to the heavenly kingdom it has now become.

It is also by the Soul Aspects' ruling that Creators are forbidden from physically entering the Nymworld; a law which was made in part because of the events of the War of Eternity, when the war between Creators almost destroyed the planet Nym. A second reason for this law is because the Wildgods, who reside on the planet Nym, made all life on the Nymworld mortal through the creation of what was known as the Mortal Soul, which was merged into the Worldsoul. Because of Tariel's planting of the Solstree, Creators who die are reborn from the tree. But now if they should ever die while on the Nymworld, their souls will be more likely consumed by the Worldsoul directly, and can't be reborn again. The Soul Aspects fear entering Nym, as Wildgods, ancient spirits, and Elder Dragons, all powerful enough to kill Creators, don't necessarily view them in much favour.

Instead the Creators are limited to the other worlds of Arkath's Divide, the Tearworlds, and Solitude itself. The only way for a Creator to enter Nym safely is by using Avatars; a form which is merely a cheap imitation of the Creator's true self, and as such is unable to summon forth a Creator's full deistic powers. It is only in Solitude where the Creators' powers are truly and fully effective.


The Soul Aspects are allowed to enter the Nymworld without the use of Avatars, and thus retain their full powers. However it is rare that any of the Seven does; mainly because of the risks they face in setting foot on Nym. Only when it is extremely necessary is it deemed wise for the Soul Aspects to go to Nym directly. An example would be when Tiral entered the Nymplane during the Time of Stars, to cleanse the world of its chaotic Arcane energies, which had been wrought into being because of the War of Eternity.

The Aspected Halls

Solitude's grand streets and massive, sky-tall structures contain the Aspected Halls; the personal domains of the Creators. Each Hall is an extension of a Creator's mind, and is a sort of demi-world in itself. Each Hall is different from another, as it is specifically created to serve as its dominant Creator's home. Mortal souls elevated to serve their gods after death will also reside in these Halls, along with any Demigods or Paragons.

Not all Creators have a Hall to call their own, and some have domains elsewhere in Arkath's Divide; typically much larger than a Hall. Direct children, so-called Lesser Creators, also typically only reside in their parents' Halls instead of their own.

Divinic Halls






























- Astral Halls

- Arcanara

- Searing Throne

- Apotheos

- Emerald Spire

- Chiming Citadel


- Forgefire

- The Dreadspine

- The Silver Court

- Aethenaeum

- Golden Citadel

- Simimis

- Ashenglass

- Skysong

- Hellthrone


- Wildhearth

- Eldshaan

- Valsharan


- Sifirsang

- Nyddheim


- Moonshade

Archonic Halls






























- Shadowsoul


- Hall of Ages

- The Twistfate

- Machinatrum

- Thorned Palace

- Amulette

- Mirthmirror

- Soulrest

- Nightheart

- Murmur

- Hall of Masks






- Aurvaél

- Mùrume

- Tor-Torac


- Signhel



- Sunspring

The Eternal Strife

While Solitude might appear to be a tranquil realm, it is in truth a realm of eternal conflict. The Creators constantly try to gain more power and have several rivals among each other, but are forbidden by the Soul Aspects from personally fighting open wars on the streets of the city. Instead they might use intrigue and trickery to outwit their enemies, and if that is not their strength then they turn to the vast plains of the Eternal Strife.

The Eternal Strife is a creation of Tylmaar, the God of Strategic Warfare and Keeper of the Seat of War, who created it after the War of Eternity. Within the Eternal Strife is a never-ending battlefield, where the legions of the Creators fight for control over Solitude by conquering the ever-expanding lands of the Eternal Strife. In essence the Battle for the Eternal Strife is a game; one with high stakes as victors can usurp territory, and in doing so gain power within Solitude.

Those who fight and die in the Eternal Strife are reborn later, as true death is non-existent there. Even so, defeat in the Eternal Strife is not to be underestimated, as the direct control of power in Solitude holds a lot of influence when determined on this never-ending battlefield. Sometimes mortals, chosen and uplifted by the Creators after their deaths, are given the privilege to fight for their patron deities on the fields of the Eternal Strife.


Lands within the Eternal Strife tend to imitate the domains of those who possess them, and change again once a new Creator conquers them. By design the lands of the Eternal Strife constantly shift and change; growing and shrinking when it needs to. As they change, so too does their perceived value, which only prompts the warring Creators to continue to wage their campaigns against each other.


A mystic realm beneath the Solstree. Apotheos is a reflection of Solitude, of a world of silence, mist, and stillness. There is seemingly nothing, or at least very little in Apotheos, save for the mystical, thick, white mists and occasional, haunting whispers carried by non-existent winds. Apotheos is also Shaar's Aspected Hall, though she doesn't treat it as her own personal Hall, and instead she considers it a "resting place" under her care.


It is said that Apotheos is where Nym's dead Creators rest, or at least what little remains of their fractured and dissolved souls and memories. These remains were brought there by Shaar from when those Creators died on the planet Nym, or if there was nothing to collect Shaar would implant her own memories of them into Apotheos. Despite what lingering echoes of those dead Creators might reverberate throughout Apotheos, those Creators are decidedly no more, and they never will be again. Along with their deaths linger the forgotten and ignored prayers of their worshippers, which forever whisper throughout the mists.


Similarly to dead Creators, dead Aspects will also be collected and sent to Apotheos. However, unlike Dead Creators, Aspects might still try to come back, and often do as manifested echoes of their former selves. These echoes are mostly harmless, but are known to become violent as their fractured and imitated memories continue to deteriorate. Shaar often visits Apotheos to converse with these echoes, which she claims is a task she does to calm them.


Servants and warriors who fall in the Eternal Strife can be reborn in Apotheos, and must be found and collected so that they may rejoin the battles. Sometimes these fallen servants might become lost in the mists, and the strain on their souls and minds could destroy them. The Creators utilize specialized pathfinders who traverse the mists and lure in the lost servants with the use of chimes.


At any outer edge of Apotheos stands the Silent Bastion; the first defense against any would-be escapee spirits who would attempt to gain entry to the Solstree without permission. Its tall, marble-white walls and golden gates are held and watched by an Aspect of Beran, known as Skaln, as well as a legion from each of the Creators' servants. Together they maintain the fortress and Apotheos' boundaries, and stand forever ready for any possible threats; both from outside and from within.

The Soulstream

The Soulstream

The Soulstream is the outer layer of Arkath's Divide, where Aether is at its strongest, as energies are siphoned from outside and within, and fed back to the worlds within Arkath's Divide.


The fabrics woven by the Moonsisters merge at this outer point, and establish the absolute boundary of the Divide. The Soulstream cleanses, sorts and distributes the energies and souls it absorbs back into the Divide, until they reach the Weaveglass, where Aether and souls are directly sorted and fed to the Veilworlds, Planeworlds, and the Nymworld. It is there that the Soulstream's down-going currents are most pure.


The Soulstream's many different currents amass in great numbers, and these currents can be found throughout all of Arkath's Divide as they move to rejoin where they are most needed. Fadewraiths and other similar creatures might steer and herd the Soulstream's currents if necessary. Once a current finds its way to its destination, or when it passes through the Weaveglass, it slowly begins to dissipate as its gathered Aether spreads out.

Souls rising from the Divide's worlds and travelling through the Spectral Sea on their way to the Great Fade might inadvertently  attempt to enter the Soulstream's currents, but its energies are often too condensed and powerful at this point, and might simply disintegrate the souls rather than recycle them as intended. If a soul is disintegrated in the Soulstream, all its memories will be lost, and it won't be added to the Book of Souls in the City of Echoes. Only souls that pass through the Soulsgate can truly be reborn.

Excess energies escape from the Soulstream and into the outer space of Nym's Eye, where it might further travel throughout the Dark Beyond and sustain the cosmos, or be snatched by the Tearworlds.

Great Fade

Great Fade

The outer World-Plane of Arkath's Divide is called the Great Fade. Here souls from the Divide's worlds converge, and it is the larger domain of Kelmora, the Goddess of Death. The Great Fade is the largest of the three rings of the Divide, as it holds an almost countless number of souls and refined Aether. The actual appearance of the Great Fade is variable, but common descriptors make reference to it as a very quiet sea of mists, souls, and stars. As such it is often referred to as the Spectral Sea.

Comparing it to a sea is perhaps the best description for the Great Fade, as it is a green-ish ocean of floating lights of departed souls that seek their final harbour. There are many perils out there in the Great Fade, from violent lashes of the Soulstream to Darkspirits (having escaped Endomundo) that hunger for souls and Aether.  It is the charge of Kelmora's servants, the Fadewraiths, to find and guide souls to the City of Echoes; the resting places of souls. Once a soul enters the City of Echoes it will be judged, recorded into the Book of Souls, and then sent to its next place in the Fade, until it is ready to re-enter the Soulsgate, where the soul is prepared and dissolved into pure Aether and returned to the Soulstream for cleansing.

The tasks of Kelmora and her servants are many and eternal, as there is no shortage of souls that enter the Great Fade, and the shepherding of lost souls is as difficult as it is tiring and without rest for the guardians of the dead.


In addition to Soulsgate and the City of Echoes, there are also Fadeworlds within the Great Fade. These two greater After-Worlds are the domains of the two greatest Creator Pantheons; the Elven Pantheon, and the Sifiran Pantheon. These Fadeworlds are known as Valha and Aesgarn.


The Great Fade also contains the realms of the Creators; such as their Aspected Halls and the greater realm of Solitude itself. While Solitude exists in a seemingly separate realm, it is still considered part of the Great Fade and its energies and magics.


Soulsgate appears as two gigantic pillars of obsidian stone, with glowing runes carved into them. Reckless energy lashes out constantly, like green lightning, and is reigned in by the Soulsgate's gatekeepers.


In essence, Soulsgate is not just the gateway of dead souls, but the very Gates of Solitude itself. All who wish to enter Solitude from outside, must do so through Soulsgate.


Soulsgate is the place where souls first enter to join the City of Echoes, and it is where they will one day leave from to become Aether again.


The Aether released from Soulsgate is fed back into the Soulstream, which then takes it back to the Weaveglass, where it is reassembled into a soul and split from its energy, then distributed separately to the many worlds of Arkath's Divide and the Nymworld.

The process isn't instantaneous, as there are many souls that await their turn, even at the Soulsgate. Particularly corrupted souls, typically belonging to beings that possessed a lot of corruptible or unclean Aether, are kept by the Soulsgate in prisons erected by the gatekeepers, called the Soul Pits.


Within the Soul Pits the corrupted souls are drained and cleansed, yet there is always a risk that these souls might try to escape their torture. By draining these souls, the corrupted Aether is less likely to destabilize the Soulsgate and the Divide.

The gatekeepers ensure that the Soulsgate remains functional and effective, because if the Soulsgate should ever break or close, then the Cycle would stop, and energy and souls would be finite. In many respects the Soulsgate is the most essential piece that keeps Nym's Worldsoul alive, as well as the many other worlds that exist within Arkath's Divide.

City of Echoes

The City of Echoes is where most souls go after death, and new arrivals have their memories recorded, and then their actions in life judged by the three Judgmentors. Souls that are considered unworthy are sent to the Eternal Hells to suffer eternal punishment, or they are forced to remain within the City of Echoes forever, or they are sent into the Soulstream to be completely disintegrated forever; memories and soul all.


An unworthy soul is remarked as someone who broke the laws of their patron deity, lived evil lives, failed to uphold the sacred promises they made, or are otherwise not ready to enter into the Soulsgate yet. The reasons can be many.

The city itself is a sprawling network of streets and tunnels that seemingly go on forever. It is a foreboding place, filled to the brim with hundreds of thousands of waiting souls; all wanting to leave.


Those who are forced to remain there might have to wait for centuries, or even longer, before they are judged again. And so instead they must make themselves comfortable where they are (or as well as they can), and find new purpose in the afterlife.

Those who are proven worthy to continue their journey are given leave to join the Aspected Halls of their patron deities. However, only those who have proven themselves the most dedicated in life can enter into their deity' Halls in death. The rest are sent to Soulsgate, where they will return to the Cycle.

Kelmora herself resides from her Hall in the City of Echoes, atop the tallest spire where she maintains a stern yet motherly watch over the souls in her care.


Fadewraiths guard and herd the souls in the city, ensuring that none may leave before their time. Any souls that aren't herded in are ideally lured and called to the city by Kelmora's spire; where a large, enchanted bell rings, tolls and chimes for all souls of the Great Fade to hear.


Outside of Soulsgate and the City of Echoes, are those After-Realms known as the Fadeworlds. The Fadeworlds are partially separated from the Cycle of Souls, as souls belonging to specific Pantheons are instead sent to the Fadeworlds, rather than the City of Echoes.


The Fadeworlds are large realms of the dead, where those souls might live new lives instead of being reborn again through the Cycle. The reasons vary, but generally these souls are meant to serve specific purposes for their pantheons. Eventually, if they serve well and loyally, they might return to the Cycle if their patron deities allow it, or they might continue to live in the afterlife instead.


Despite being the Goddess of Death, Kelmora has no say over these souls. Fadeworlds exist outside her and her Fadewraiths' jurisdiction, but it is said that Kelmora was the one who originally created the Fadeworlds. As such, she does have the power to control the Fadeworlds, but it seems a pact between her and these greater pantheons stays her hand, or at least for now.


All souls belonging to elves are destined to end up in Valha. It is the manifestation of the Sirdelion's plan; the promise made by Shaar that elves will always be in her care. Even those who serve gods not belonging to the Elven Pantheon must eventually forsake their oaths to them to come to Valha, where they will serve the Sirdelion until they are ready to return to the Cycle.

Elven souls remain for longer than other souls, as their souls are tainted by the Void. Valha will cleanse their souls, but it will only be temporary, as all newborn elves will always have void energies within them. The healing of Valha will at the very least lessen this corruption and ensure it does not manifest itself too greatly when it enters the Stream.

Valha is a realm reminiscent of an eternal, tranquil sky with flowery meadows and peaceful, crystal-clear waterfalls. It is considered the most beautiful of the After-Worlds, and was designed as such by Shaar. It was by her desire that all her children receive the most peaceful rest while they wait for their time to re-enter the Cycle. And since Shaar was loved by Kelmora, Kelmora allowed her this wish.


Shaar visits Valha every time a new elven soul arrives to welcome them personally, as was her promise to them.


As a realm of its own, Valha is protected by a great, white guardian moon, known as Ishna. Additionally, many of the Elven Pantheon's Creators maintain their Aspected Halls within Valha, instead of in Solitude, and so they bind their souls and Aether to this After-World.


Aesgarn is the After-World of the Sifiran Pantheon, otherwise known as the Northern Pantheon. Upon entering the after-life, mortal servants of the Sifiran Pantheon will be sent to Aesgarn by Nydd's Valka daughters. It is in Aesgarn where the goddess Sifir will pass her own judgment on the dead; deciding their place in that realm. Those proven worthy are elevated into Aesgarn's greater halls and live eternally; adding to Sifir's Golden Legions. Their families will typically be reserved a place as well, which leads to long lines of honourable houses in the after-life. Ancient servants of the Sifiran Pantheon also reside in Aesgarn, such as Signis' Arachnyr, the giant Varkur, the winged Valka daughters, and the paragonic Aesnir.

The realm of Aesgarn consists of:


  • Gyldenhorn; the Goldenhall, the highest seat where Sifir rules in her Sifirhal, and the home of the heroic Aesnir from the sagas.


  • Mjodskald; the Songhalls, where proven warriors sing and celebrate of their victories and tales in life, and challenge each other to honourable duels for glory and enjoyment. The Varkur giants inhabit Mjodskald's tall, wintry peaks.


  • Njudervald; the Hunthalls, where hunters and wildwalkers boast and show off their best kills, and druidic branch-tenders mend Njudervald's blooming, almost untamed gardens. Connects to Nydd's Huntheim.


  • Spindeldjup; Threadhalls, where mystics and threadseers share in the secrets they have uncovered, and the spidery Arachnyr continue to serve Signis. It lies below Aesgarn in a cavernous system of spider silk and precious gems; connected to Signis' Signhel at its core.


  • The Greathalls of Glory, where the soldiers of the and Golden Legions reside, and where they will one day amass together again in full to fight for the Sifiran Pantheon.


  • The Gates of Aesgarn, the entrance to Aesgarn guarded by the hero Dvalder and his Valka Guard.


  • Nyder and igni, who are the two Wolf Moons of Aesgarn, and who act as the entire realm's great guardians.


  • Dinnungar; a cold wilderness where the unworthy, oathbreakers and dishonourable souls must wander eternally. The Golden Legions are spread between the unforgiving Dinnungar landscape; where they fight and maintain order from unruly souls, invasive spirits, the land's monstrous beasts, and any other threats to the Sifiran Pantheon.

Sifir commands Aesgarn as its queen, alongside her two sisters, Nydd and Signis. All souls sent to Aesgarn end their journey in Aesgarn, and will not return to the Soulstream and be reborn, meaning that they do not partake in the Cycle.


Kelmora allows Sifir her power in Aesgarn due to an oath she swore to Sifir, although the specific oath is not known to anyone except between the two of them. Their relation is often described as strained and hostile, meaning that the oath taken and given was not one mutually beneficial.

The Moonsisters

The Moonsisters

The Moonsisters are two smaller Celestials that orbit the planet Nym. They came from one of the pieces of our Worldshard when Sol'ah shattered it. When this piece cracked again, it became two distinct shapes that were molded by the Arcane Currents. Drawn in by our world, the shapes lay sleeping, until the arrival of of the Creators and the awakening by Arkath.

The Moonsisters, Celunar and Lucine, are simple Celestials who seem to be driven only by their playful nature. They chase each other around Nym, bringing the cycle of day and night as they pull their enchanted shawls behind them; given to them by Arkath. The Moonsisters look to Arkath as a father, and obey him with affection for his care to them.

It is the Moonsisters who created the Shimmering Shroud from their dreams, and when they awoke they wove Arkath's Divide, and spent particular care on the Veil, where they drew the starry images from their dreams and memories to eternally sit on the night-sky. Later the Veil would find itself decorated with tales of mortals and gods both; possibly woven into it by the Moonsisters themselves, although it is unknown how exactly those tales end up there.

Celunar is known as the Tidebringer, and is associated with seas, healing and new beginnings. Her hue is often golden or blue, but when appearing as entirely golden her rays have been said to heal even the most incurable afflictions through lunar energy. However, a completely golden Celunar only appears once every few centuries. As she travels the night-sky, the Worldsea reaches up to her, as if it was alive and trying to catch her. This means that waves are much more unruly on Celunar's nights.

Lucine is known as the Blood Moon, and is associated with change, birth and lust. She is white in colour but sometimes appears in a reddish tint, although very rarely. Lucine is believed to bring on the change in nocturnal creatures such as lycants and vampires, sometimes against their primal wills. Shadows grow darker and thicker when she's out on the night-sky, and sometimes mortals blame her for their sudden sexual urges. The Worldsea is often very silent and calm when she passes over the night sky.

Arcane Aether is collected by the Moonsisters in their shawls, which is trickled on to the surrounding fabric they weave from those shawls. This arcane energy is used to maintain the integrity of Arkath's Divide, and is at its strongest during the Moonwake and the Moontide. Excess arcane energy is pulled in by the Weaveglass, to be redistributed to the Veilworlds, Planeworlds, and Nymworld.


It is rare to see both Moonsisters on the same night, as they seem to mostly alternate their appearances on the sky. When one can see both at the same time, it is called the Moonmeld. What occurs during the Moonmeld is a longer night-time, and the lunar and arcane energies are doubly potent in power.


Other consequences might include higher tides on the seas and sudden births (which result in several miscarriages). Some people even blame the Moonmeld for sudden lustful cravings, or claim the Moonmeld healed their sicknesses.

The Moonmeld ends when the Moons swap places, and the distance between them goes back to normal.  The Veil is weakened severely during a Moonmeld, and the stars on the Veil appear as faded or temporarily disappear; revealing the true cosmic sky of Nym's Eye.


The Moonwake is left behind by Lucine's Shawl, and is the part of dawn when souls are best able to pass through to the outer rings of Arkath's Divide. It is also when Lucine's Shawl gathers chaotic magical energy from outside Arkath's Divide, and sends it down to the Worldsea.


The Moontide is left behind by Celunar's Shawl, and is the part of dusk when energy is at its highest potency, and flows more freely to the worlds. It is also when Celunar's Shawl gathers the remaining purified magical energy from the Worldsea's Ebb, and sends it back into Arkath's Divide.

The Veil

The Veil

The Veil, sometimes called the Star Veil, the Arcane Veil, or the Dream Veil, is the second World-Plane of Arkath's Divide. It acts as a protective shell, that shelters the worlds within it from outer influences, like malevolent wraiths from the Great Fade, or even potential threats from beyond, like the Tearworlds or farther. The Veil was personally woven by the Moonsisters, and in its Arcane Sea they embroidered an imagery of thousands of stars; many of which are believed to be actual projections of existing stars within Nym's Sphere, or possibly from farther outside, in the unknown of the Dark Beyond.


Most of what the Moonsisters put into the Veil were from their memories from when they were asleep, and some astronomers and prophets say that the many of these memories have yet to happen, as the Veil possibly depicts events and characters that the Moonsisters had no way of knowing during their slumber, nor could they have inherited those memories from the Worldshard's essences.


The Moonsisters' memories appear in the Veil as star constellations; woven to appear as figures on the night-sky. There are twenty-four in total, and are typically best seen at the peak of night, when the Veil is at its strongest. In the beginning there were no figures, but they were added later one by one, and as such astronomers are certain that there might be more to come, and so they study the Veil for such discoveries. Some stars in the Veil seem to depict mortals and gods in past events, although it is not entirely understood how or why.


The Veil appears only at night to those on the Nymworld, as it is only then that the Moonsisters cross Nym's skies and cover it in their shawls; thus bringing with them images of the Veil.


When mortals dream, their minds enter the Veil. It is unknown for what reason, but unconscious minds find solace in the Veil, and theories suggest that it might be the soul leaving the body as it rests, or something about the Veil has a mental pull that projects a mortal's mind into it. Perhaps it is an effect inherited from the Moonsisters, who were the first to dream in Nym's Eye. Dreamers within the Veil do not typically see it as how it really is, as their minds might take them to imagined spaces. This might be an effect caused by the Arcane Sea's illusionistic nature, although nothing can be said with certainty. The Creator Malendii has a lot of power over the Veil's dreamers, as she herself is the most powerful dreamer of all because of her Dreamworld, which exists between the Veil and the Weaveglass, like other Veilworlds do.

Souls that travel through the Veil might end up in a dreamer's dreams. Most of the time it is harmless and can perhaps cause nightmares, but particularly violent souls can cause mental trauma to the dreamer. Some cultures use trinkets made of Aethra Stones to protect their minds, although it has variable results. While a dreamer can't technically die in his or her dreams, the mind might falter and perish; leaving behind an insane husk. Luckily it is rare enough for such things to happen, and skilled oneiromancers can remedy most dream-related illnesses. Additionally powerful, enchanted dreamcatchers tend to counteract the possibility of lasting nightmares.

The Creator Tiral, considered the primary goddess of all things arcane, planar and mystical, supervises the Veil's flow of arcane energies and ensures that those energies don't become too unstable or disrupt the Veil. Arcane Energies are particularly potent when they enter the Veil, and as such many mages might draw power from it whenever possible, and especially by drawing Aether from the Weaveglass.


Sitting right at the border between the Veil and the Weaveglass are the Veilworlds. These worlds were created by the Creator Tiral, who used living parts of the Central Planes and merged them together to create the three Veilworlds.

The Veilworlds are relatively small compared to the planet Nym, and feature fewer varied climates. Each Veilworld specifically exists for a purpose, which is Creator-made in origin. Each Veilworld is vastly different from the other, and is inhabited by many beings who originally found their homes on the planet Nym.

Malendii's Dream

Malendii's Dream, also called the Sleeping World, the Dreamworld or the Wyld Realm, is the only Veilworld to have not been created by Tiral. It was created by the Creator Malendii, Guardian of Nature, when she witnessed the corruption of the Worldblight tear the planet Nym apart. Dragons, who had been left on Nym by the Creators and were the new rulers of the world, were afflicted by the Worldblight and most of them became feral. Malendii invoked a deep sleep, where she took in the minds and souls of the dragons into her own dream, where they would be spared of the Worldblight's corruption. This was called the Second Slumber, when dragons disappeared from the planet Nym for a long time.

Malendii's Dream also served a second purpose. Forming a Dreampact with World Spirits on Nym and the Wildgods, Malendii planted the Wyldtrees; great guardian trees that were planted in the various corners of the world. These trees soaked in the Worldblight's corruption, and over time healed the world with the help of the Kal'Mar's World Spirits, many of which became the Wyld Spirits. So long as Malendii remains in the Dream and her Wyldtrees stand, the Worldblight will be contained.

Malendii gave Wyldseeds to some Kith and Kin of the world, like the elves and Wildkith, to help spread the Wyldtrees through the world. Certain individuals of these Kith would become the first druids. Some of the Wildgods allied themselves with Malendii by becoming Wyldtree guardians.

The Dream itself is a realm of fey, where Wyld Spirits of all kinds gather to serve Malendii in her efforts to maintain the world's natural health. Its landscape and beings are shaped by the thoughts and dreams of Malendii, and nurtured by the Wyldtrees in the Waking World of the planet Nym. Every being within Malendii's Dream is in some form a manifestation of the Waking World's nature and natural spirits, and the existence of the Sleeping World maintains the Waking World's spirits, as natural energies are distributed from Malendii's Dream to the Waking World through the Wyldtrees.

It is also through these Wyldtrees that mortals become druids through a process named the Calling; when Malendii's voice reaches out to mortal men and women to become her chosen servants. All druids can access Malendii's Dream, and through it and the Wyldtrees, the druids gain powers over nature; given to them to help them defend it.


Malendii's Dream imitates the Waking World (or at least the wild, natural idea of the Waking World as Nym should've been), but remains a separate realm. Nymborn who visit Malendii's Dream do so by entering a dreaming state and transfer their soul and mind to the Sleeping World. Typically only druids or especially talented oneiromancers are skilled or gifted enough to induce such a state to an individual. When Dreamwalking, these individuals remain physically in the Waking World, but their souls and mind travel to the Sleeping World. While not physically within the Sleeping World, any dangers within it can still affect the individual's soul or mind.


It is within Wyldsoul that Malendii's own body resides; guarded by her most powerful servants in her Emerald Spire. The Wyldsoul is the largest manifestation of Malendii's thoughts and dreams, and the home of the Wyld Spirits when away from the Waking World. Wyldsoul is where the Wyldtrees form the connection with Malendii's Dream through the Weaveglass, and as such it is here that the natural energies are strongest.

The Wyldsoul is also where the majority of dragons once slept after the Worldblight, but come the Age of Dragons, when the dragons awoke from their slumber due a powerful nightmare, only the Fey Dragons remain within the Wyldsoul. They guard and tend to the souls of dragon eggs not yet hatched, still waiting for the blight corruption to dissipate in Nym. Because for as long as the Worldblight still has a hold on the souls of the unborn dragons, newborn dragons will forever be feral.

Wyldsoul itself is reminiscent of a grand, eternal forest; mired in the enchanting visage of dreamlike imagery. The forest is an emerald green, and its depths continue to grow for as long as the Wyldtrees remain living and Malendii maintains her tranquil slumber. Aiding to maintain the wilder creatures of the Dream is Nalnir, God of the Wilds, who also ensures the safety of the Wyldsoul's vast forestlands with his servants, the Wyldkind.


Malendii's worst nightmares are born and made living within the Nytesoul. It is a realm of eternal night and dusk, where nature's most violent and restless spirits draw their power. It is in Nytesoul that the Worldblight's corruption is contained, but as it grows it slowly corrupts the Dream and disrupts Malendii's tranquillity.

Allies of Malendii, such as Naith and Auriel, help to maintain the Nightsoul and its creatures, and hold great influence within the Nytesoul.  Nocturne holds power over the Nightkind, who swear to protect the Nytesoul from within and without.


Auriel is the self-proclaimed queen the Frostkind, who maintain the decay of the Dream, and all that is cold and dying. Together they all help to calm the nightmares of the Nytesoul.

However, there are Phantasms and Nightwraits, manifestations of Malendii's nightmares, who also roam the Nytesoul without any way to control them, and they work to undo Malendii's realm. They are as much a part of her dreams as anything else, and so they can never truly be banished. Not unless they destroy the Dream, and in doing so free themselves from it. The more uneasy Malendii becomes in her slumber, the more nightmare manifestations are born, and her nightmare grows stronger.

The Eternal Hells

The Eternal Hells contain three specific major Hells, meant to specially punish mortals for whatever sinful deeds they performed in life. There are smaller Hell Halls and minor demi-planes dedicated to very specific kinds of torture and punishment, but the largest Hells are Nemetius, Torment, and Nethervoid.


The forming of the Eternal Hells came from the plans of Kelmora and Tiral, which just happened to coincide with each other. Eventually Molach joined their ambitions, though his involvement likely came from more selfish intentions. Kelmora wished to devise the Cycle of Souls as a means of creating a flow of renewable Aether, and Tiral wished to make a sink for which corrupted Aether could be gathered. She created the Nethervoid; a vortex of gathered Arcane energies and corrupted Aether, and around it were built two other demi-planes: Torment and Nemetius.


Kelmora aided Tiral in exchange for sending unworthy souls to be consumed by the Nethervoid, and Molach created Nemetius as an alternative place to cleanse souls. Torment was created shortly after by Tiral, who used it to punish her creations, the Maaré, who betrayed her will in Nym.


Over time, these three demi-planes expanded, until they became bound to each other. Thus was spawned the Eternal Hells.

All souls that are judged in the Great Fade to be unworthy or unwilling for the Cycle are sent to the Eternal Hells, where they are kept and often tortured; depending on their transgressions in life. The more unworthy the soul, the more it is subjected to harsher punishment.


While most souls are tortured and punished for eternity and their Aether is used to feed the Hells, some souls might eventually be allowed to return to Soulsgate, if their Aether has been properly purified. However, the worst offenders of the Creators' wills and laws will most likely never be able to leave the Eternal Hells' forever-expanding planes, and there is no shortage of souls entering the Hells.


Nemetius is mostly elemental in nature, having been created from the body of a Fire Titan. The Creator Molach, God of Punishment, defeated the Titan Nemetius during the War of Titans. Instead of extinguishing his flames forever, Molach consumed Nemetius and kept him trapped within himself.


When the Eternal Hells were taking form and Kelmora was devising the beginnings of the Cycle, Molach offered his service as a keeper of unworthy souls. He spewed the fires of Nemetius into the Arcane Sea, and used his heart to forge the fires of the demi-plane of the Eternal Hells.


It is a realm of molten stone, toxic black ash and bone-searing heat. Its skies are consumed by flame; offering no escape from the demi-plane's confines. At its core is Nemetius' Heart, which is surrounded by a spiralling city, Nemathar, of blackest obsidian; filled with the wails of tortured souls. Molach sits atop Nemathar's highest spire, where he oversees everything within his realm.


With him is Melissana, lover of the Undergod Gaerdras. She is the Goddess of the Faithless, and was made Molach's prisoner after Gaerdras lost the War of Eternity. After Nemetius was created as part of the Eternal Hells, Molach moved his domain there, Melissana was forced to come with him. There she is kept far away from Gaerdras' prison on the planet Nym, and she is doomed to only hear the prayers of those who do not wish to be heard. Some say her imprisonment was unfair to her, while others believe she was the one who instigated Gaerdras to start the War of Eternity, having once been the Queen of Whispers and Deceit.


Souls sent to Nemetius are subject to harsh, physical torture and enslavement. In time, their suffering will end, as they are fed into Nemetius' Heart to expand the demi-plane; making way and space for more souls to be kept and punished there. There is no shortage of souls awaiting punishment, and each one sent to Nemetius serves to make Molach stronger, and his influence has grown to extend to Torment as well.


Reminiscent of a chain of islands on an arcane sea, Torment is a demi-plane of twisting madness where the void warps and bends constantly. The actual city of Torment, sitting on the largest island of the chain, is a safe haven from the arcane and void storms that clash against its walls without any respite. The city towers high into the star-specked skies, and a purplish hue colours it like a magically enchanted dawn was forever stuck in rising.

Torment is where the Maaré, the Tidewoven, reside. They were originally created from the magically potent Worldsea on the planet Nym, when Tiral wove Arcane Threads into humanoid shapes and infused them with the arcane energies of the Worldsea. As the Arcane Mistress, Tiral's Tidewoven would serve her loyally, until their lust for the arcane grew too strong.

Come the Time of Stars, Tiral had contained the mana of all living mortals within a Tome, which she intended to open only when mortals were ready to use magic again, and only to give it to the Kith and Kin that deserved it. Until then no mortal Kith in Nym would be able to use magic, and Tiral intended to give it back to them once she had cleansed the world of all its void energies, which had been caused by the War of Stars.

This Tome was entrusted to the Tidewoven, but in their magical greed their leaders opened the Tome to try to contain the mana for themselves. Instead they unleashed all the mana into Nym, and infused mana into absolutely all the living things of the world instead of only the mortal Kith, or, indeed, the mortal Kith and Kin who were supposed to prove themselves ready for magic.

In her anger, Tiral banished the Maaré from the planet Nym and imprisoned them in Torment. After this, any mages or other magical transgressors who break Tiral's laws or mockingly defy her authority are sent to Torment, where their soul will be tortured mentally rather than physically.

Of all the demi-planes in the Planar Seas, Torment appears to be the one strongest in arcane energy. It is described as a plane of insanity, as the arcane storms outside of the city mentally corrupts the mind and tears it down. The protective barriers of the city keep the storms at bay, and the Maaré within still practice magic almost frivolously.


Since they are the Tidewoven, and they were the ones who opened Tiral's Tome, they are the most magically talented of all the known Kith and Kin. However, Torment will slowly begin to affect even the most mentally strong mind, and in time all Maaré will be torn apart by insanity, though not before most other imprisoned mage souls.


The Nethervoid is the deepest known demi-plane of the Eternal Hells, where the most potent void energies gather. At its center is a swirling Void Vortex where the void energies are pulled in, along with most corrupt Aether that flows in the Arcane Sea. It is said Tiral created a Rift at the centre of the Nethervoid, where the energies are slowly siphoned out into.

Time seems to almost stand still within the Nethervoid and the emptiness of its space is only highlighted by distant, flashing stars that aren't really there. The Nethervoid is the very centre of the Eternal Hells, as it separates the fiery demi-plane of Nemetius from the magically besieged demi-plane of Torment.

Elven Arcanists on Eldareth tapped into the Nethervoid in the past to gain highly potent magical power, eventually causing the Voidsurge on the Eldareth Isles, which resulted in the Voidcurse that forever afflicted all elves with void energies within their souls.


The Nethervoid is meant as a place of punishment mainly for the soulless, such as demons. Many demons who were denied rebirth in the Ascended City are instead sent to the Nethervoid, where they are usually trapped eternally.


Other than them, there are few other inhabitants of this demi-plane, as the Nethervoid was never meant to be a place of punishment for common souls. As such no mortal souls are ever sent here to be tortured, though sometimes various expeditions intent on gathering potent Aether are sent from Torment or Nemetius; expeditions usually manned by enslaved souls.


Additionally, the only way to cross between Torment and Nemetius is to go through the Nethervoid, so any travel between these demi-planes can become quite perilous, due to the presence of maddened demons, and also because of the unstable energies common in the Nethervoid. In the past, wars have been fought between Torment and Nemetius, and the majority of their battles were fought on the "seas" of the Nethervoid.

The Ascended City

At the distant edge between the Arcane Sea and the Weaveglass sits Baat'Xanar; the Ascended City. It is the home of Nymborn demons; banished there by the Creator Tiral after the War of Stars, near the end of the Time of Stars.


Before the war, exiled Starborn who had abandoned their Creators lived peacefully alongside each other in the empires of Netharan and Serapthice. Ancient tales gathered from equally ancient ruins speak of how the being known only as the Giftbearer tricked the two empires' kings and turned them against each other; thus beginning the War of Stars.


Eventually the war deteriorated into violent displays of arcane blood magic, which only served to destabilize the magical balance of the world, and attract void energies. This corrupted Aether twisted and cursed the exiled Starborn; turning them into the demonic Netharime and Seraphime respectively. After the war had nearly brought the Void of All to the planet Nym, Tiral tore and pulled up the lands of the central continent, and ascended them far away from the Nymworld, to the Arcane Sea, where the lands twisted and formed to become the floating Ascended City.


Most of the Ascended City's corrupt Aether was expunged by Tiral, and used to create the Nethervoid. What remained became Baat'Xanar, which would become the prison realm of the demonic Starborn, as determined by Tiral herself.

Now the Netharime and Seraphime share Baat'Xanar between each other, able to tolerate each other only on a very precarious common-ground of agreement; that Baat belongs to the Netharime, and Xanar to the Seraphime. The city is a mirror of itself, with Baat at its half-top and Xanar at its half-bottom. Together the Netharime and Seraphime maintain a sort of peace as they work together to keep the city from deteriorating from the Arcane energies around them.


All demons who reside in the Ascended City are bound to it not only physically, but through their own Aether. Should a demon manage to escape, yet die outside of the Ascended City, they are reborn again within the city's confines, and the invisible shackles that bind them strengthens.


Thousands of demons inhabit the Ascended City, and despite their differences, they more or less try to live with each other, in a society of their own rules and laws.

There are seven Nether Kings who rule the Netharime, and seven Archlords who rule the Seraphime. Each of them represent a Netharan perceived sin or a Seraphtic virtue that had been the cause of the Giftbearer's curse, which transformed them into what they are today.

A Nether Prince for every sin: Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Lust.

And an Archlord for every virtue: Valour, Chastity, Justice, Might, Hope, Wisdom, and Patience.

The Nether Princes and Archlords constantly try to outplay each other through schemes and trickery, while also trying not to start any outright wars in their streets.


The Archlords await the return of the Vigilant King; an ancient Serapthic who was the first of the Seraphime, and who they see as their saviour who will release them from the Nethervoid.


The Nether Princes, on the other hand, seek to find a way to amass more corrupt yet potent Aether, so that they can conquer the Ascended City for themselves, with the last one standing becoming the true Nether King.


Baat is the Upper City, and it consists of labyrinthine streets and mystifying structures; many of which are covered in spikes and hard metals, and ominously create a feeling of sharp discomfort.


There appears to be a constant, bloodied dawn over Baat, accentuated by demonic flames on every corner of the City. The streets themselves are well-tread, as there are a great number of shops and pubs in Baat, and many are hidden away in secret and unknown alleys.


Baat is home mainly to Blood and Elemental Demons, who often take on more primal and physical aspects and forms. Their urges are generally much more instinctual, as if they are more beastlike in their nature, and also more hedonistic.


When mortal mages and warlocks contact and bind themselves to demons, it is usually with Baatic Demons, who can be quite diverse in their forms, but also quite physically powerful.


This primal nature is often reflected in Baat's very image, as the City lights up in the hues of warm and alluring red and purple colours.


Xanar is the Under City, and while it is technically upside-down, its sharp, star-covered spires, streets, and inhabitants are bound with magic so they never fall. The City feels cold and dark, and very silent.


Various portals, gateways, and moving platforms dot the many corners of the City, where they connect distant roads and hallways to floating and otherwise inaccessible buildings.


The demons of Xanar are mentally powerful, which makes them able to traverse the "falling" streets and structures easily through their use of telemantic and flying magics.


Most of the demons inhabiting Xanar are Shadow or Void Demons, who prefer more magical pursuits over purely martial and physical. These demons consider themselves more disciplined and refined, and prefer a lifestyle of focus.


This is reflected in their leaders, the Archlords, who rule the Under City with an iron grip and strict laws. Unlike Baatic demons, Xanaric demons tend to be more conserved and militarily minded in how they live. 

The Weaveglass

The Weaveglass

The inner space of the Veil is called the Weaveglass (sometimes also known as the Aetheric Weave, or just The Weave), and it connects the Veil to Inner Nym via its threads.


Energies brought from the Stream travel to the Weaveglass, and souls rising from the planet Nym enter into the Weaveglass' Weavethreads as they travel outwards to the Arcane Sea. The Weaveglass is a web of magical threads woven by the Moonsisters, and supervised by the Creator Tiral. The Soulstream's travelling currents are strongest when they enter the Weaveglass, and the Soulstream's energies are transferred into the Weavehreads to be sorted and reassembled, and afterwards sent to the realms of Inner Nym. It is in the Weaveglass that souls are reassembled after having been broken down in the Soulsgate of the Great Fade, and cleansed in the Soulstream along with the Aether that gathered there.


It is the Weaveglass that holds the Veilworlds in place together between it and the Arcane Sea. It also anchors the planet Nym to Arkath's Divide as a whole, as well as the Half-Planes of Ai-Thera and Endomundo, and the Planeworlds besides.


Aether gathered and leaving the Weaveglass as it travels towards Inner Nym gathers in and maintains the Planar Sea, where energies are more naturally siphoned by the Planeworlds within it.


The Weaveglass is the general domain of Tiral, who oversees most of the Veil and the flow of Aether through its threads. Mages learn to project their minds to the Weaveglass in order to draw potent Aether from it by mentally plucking at its strings and threads (otherwise referred to as the Threads of Magic), which in turn allows them to cast spells more efficiently and more effectively. While anyone with high traces of mana in their soul can draw Aether from themselves or their surroundings, it is the Weave that holds the purest forms of those energies, which is why its powers are more desirable to mages. More powerful mages can extend their minds to the Arcane Sea, where arcane energies are more potent.


The Weaveglass' strings reach down into the Nymworld, Half-planes, and the Planeworlds, where they transfer energy directly to where it is most needed. Those with high mana can see these strings, which are otherwise invisible to an individual possessing low mana. Weavethreads often converge in areas strong in Aether, which is why mages have a tendency to build colleges, schools, towers and even magocratic cities in these areas. A common term for these areas is a Weavesource, and they are connection points that reach directly to the Weaveglass. Some Weavesources form on Wyldtrees, Nymshards or similarly powerful connection points, and some Weavesources are only temporary, as they reappear in locations that most require Aether. With the right knowledge and tools mages can nurture Weavesources and maintain their connection indefinitely.


Souls travelling from the Aetheric Sea on their way to the Great Fade go through the Weaveglass' threads, and it is also where souls will return once they are on their way back from Soulsgate. Since the Weaveglass can be very dense and intricate, it is quite common for souls and Aether to get stuck. There are various methods to "unstick" them, but mostly it is a matter of allowing time to pass for the threads to unravel themselves naturally.

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