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"Everything in the world and universe is made from Aether, as it can be described as the base essence of tangible existence. So what exactly is Aether? Aether is energy, and there are many types of energies out there.

Energies are generally immaterial and not necessarily visible. They can be made material and visible by applying sufficient force to them, and larger quantities of certain energies produce a greater comprehensive mass, and thus becomes naturally visible.

There are normal energies and there are negative energies: both of which try to counteract each other, much like the Eternal Balance versus the Universal Chaos. Typically negative energies are created from impurity and corruption of normal energies, whilst the normal energies gain growth and existence from each other or the cosmic energies directly.


Aether at its base form is technically unaligned; meaning that it hasn't yet taken a shape and form. We use Aether to explain how energies become what they are, and we use Aether to describe the general life force of living beings. Unaligned Aether will eventually take a form based on its environment influencing it.

Different types of Aether otherwise intermingle frequently, and it is not always so easy to identify or separate them. In Nym's Eye, the Soulstream feeds a union of pure energies into the Weaveglass, where it is separated, sorted and sent through the threads to those planes and realms that need them."

'Aether & Us'

- Kerrendor, Sanctum Archmage


Cosmic Aether consists of energies that are above all other energies. They are the origins that other energies both hail from and finally end in. Cosmic energies feed the universe and exist throughout all of the Dark Beyond, and it is theorized to amass most potently near the Cosmic Wellspring; remnant energies of the Everlasting Light when it first sprung from the Cosmic Wellspring.

Auric Energy

Auric energy benefits the Eternal Balance. It is an energy that is considered flawless and flows cleanly without opposition, and it directly empowers Aether. As it is the purest energy found, it is also the most powerful. It holds the capability of cleansing corrupted energies by removing imperfections in the energy it touches. Auric energy creates Astral Light and is nurtured by such light, and is believed to help sustain the Everlasting Light from fading.

Chaotic Energy

Chaotic energy benefits the Universal Chaos. Aether that has been corrupted and become erratic and unpredictable fall under the description of chaotic energy, as it itself corrupts and defiles the purity of energies it comes in contact with. It directly feeds and transforms other energies into any of the Corruptible Energies, and also grows from those energies. It is believed that Chaotic energy is what dims the Everlasting Light, as it grows from draining the light.

Life Energy

Energies that create living things are known as living energies, or Life energy.  It is the force that compels the creation and birth of living beings, the essence that gave life to the universe and its inhabitants, and the unanswered question that eludes; what exactly is the purpose of life?

Death Energy

As a polar opposite of Life energy, Death energy deconstructs and unmakes life; extinguishing it and consuming it. While it is easy to look upon it as a source of evil in the universe, death energy is just as essential as life energy when it comes to the Eternal Balance. Death gives purchase to decay, and thus paves the way for growth and rebirth.



Astral Aether was first derived from the Astral Light and grows from Auric energy. They are the source of often godlike energies, found typically in beings of great power, but strongest and purest in the Astral Light. Astral energies have many sources, though most come from Celestials or stars, then travel throughout the Dark Beyond until they are sucked in and gravitate towards objects or beings that crave and need them. Astral Light first and foremost comes from the Everlasting Light and is considered the remnant energies of it.

Celestial Energy

Energy that spawns from Celestial beings is known as Celestial energy. All Celestials are built from energies that originate from the Astral Light, and Celestial energy commonly finds it source from stars, with some small exceptions and variations, depending on the Celestial and star's condition. It is the energy that gave life to the Shapers, and in turn the Creators.


Aether derived from the sun is also Celestial energy, as it is energy that spawns from the Celestial Sol'ah. This also includes moonborn Aether, which comes from the Moonsisters. Respectively one can refer to each one as solar and lunar energy, though both are technically sub-types of Celestial energy. Solar-like energy is described as a warm energy, whilst lunar-like energy is essentially cold.

Spiritual Energy

Spiritual Energy finds it source from spirits, usually from the spiritual half-plane of Ai-Thera, or the spiritual entity known as the Kal'Mar (which itself is the spiritual extension of the Worldsoul). Spiritual energy is primarily nurtured and sustained by the Spiritsoul, but also finds energy from the Worldsoul. Darkspirits from the other spiritual half-plane of Endomundo possess some little Spiritual energy, but their denied access to the Spiritsoul and Worldsoul keeps it from growing and starves them.


Spiritual energy is one of the most common energies in the Nymworld, as spirits are found nearly everywhere and in almost anything, but it is especially abundant in the Aetheric Sea. Most living beings of the world are built from and contain Spiritual energy, and it is an energy which can sufficiently contain or even convert other energies, if in large enough quantities.


In many ways Spiritual energy is similar to Arcane Aether, in that it can shape, contain, and convert other energies. However, unlike Arcane Aether, Spiritual energy needs to be in higher quantities and concentrations to control other energies, whereas Arcane Aether can more easily do so. Spiritual energy tries to find a harmonic compromise, while Arcane Aether tend to forcibly circumvent harmony.

Deistic Energy

Energy found in Creators is known as Deistic energy. It is similar to Celestial energy, except with some greater control over the Cosmic Forces, which allows Creators to draw immense amounts of power to create and destroy. For Creators, Deistic energy can be built from most Aether in the universe and often adapts the Aether it touches. It is best restored and enhanced through worship from mortals, thanks to Tariel's Soulbind between Nym's Creators and the Worldsoul. In fact, Deistic energy is what sustains Creators and keeps them alive, as Tariel's Soulbind also created a dependency for Deistic energy.

Creators can grant mortals portions of their power, and can thus empower their devoted worshippers with Deistic energy; typically through prayers and chants. Deistic energy is wholly controlled by itself, and can't be affected by mana manipulation.


Deistic energy is the Aether most similar to the true original energies of the Everlasting Light, as Deistic energy is capable of creation and alteration of reality. It is admittedly a much less powerful version of the Everlasting Light, but still a powerful energy nonetheless. Gods, priests, and all else who wield Deistic energy do so in service to the Everlasting Light.



Aether that is purely magical in nature or more related to the magical forces are of the Arcane. They are often energies that maintain other energies, contain them or shape them; sometimes against the Primal and Cosmic Laws that define them. Unlike many other energies, Arcane Energies make use of other energies and forcibly adapt them, which can sometimes lead to higher chances of corrupting those energies, but also unlock greater power as an extension through the Arcane. Unlike similar energies like aetheric energy, Arcane Energies tend to force other energies to obey.


Arcane Energies first originated from the Arcane Threads, and are strongest in their presence, and thus are at their purest in the Veil, which is built from such Threads.

Mystic Energy

The unknown, hidden and mysterious aspects often correspond to Mystic energy. It is often used in relation to illusory magic, and can cause the procurement of deceptive effects. It is difficult to identify Mystic energy since it bends and shrouds itself from what is real. In some ways one can describe Mystic energy as something that isn't truly real but is presented as real.


Mages credit Mystic energy to the impossible; various events, effects or otherwise magical occurrences that should be incapable of occurring. Often these occurrences defy all logic based on the Arcane Laws, or even the Cosmic Laws as a whole.

Planar Energy

Energy pertaining to Planar energy typically surrounds energy that builds and maintains the structure of Arkath's Divide; such as the Veil, parts of the Weaveglass, the various worlds, the Great Fade, and to some extent the general magical essences that reinforce the planes. It also relates to energy originating from the Worldsea, sometimes called Tidal energy, or the Ebb.


It strongly relates to Tiral's domains and the energies she originally used to further maintain the Divide's World-Planes. Planar energy is most commonly used in manipulating the Divide's energies, often through the opening of portals or the act of bending the fabrics of the Divide to one's will.

Umbral Energy

Umbral energy relates heavily to aspects of shadow. Umbral energy is strongest in the half-plane of Endomundo when it comes to the local sphere, but it also appears elsewhere in the universe where darkness grips tightly, like the Planeworld of Shaz-Kadar.


It is possible to manipulate common shadows (typically through merging and condensing them) to create more potent Umbral energy, but their effects are limited and short. Yet such methods can allow for a brief connection to Endomundo or Shaz-Kadar, in which case a person can draw more Umbral energy directly from the Shadow Realm. Umbral energy is otherwise found anywhere where shadows dwell, but its potency relies on the source's density and magical connection.


In the Spectral Sea, Umbral takes on the form of "Spectral Energy". It is similar to Umbral, but more aligned with Spiritual energy mixed with Soul energy.

Mental Energy

When it comes to the mind, Mental energy is the concept used to explain it and its unknown intricacies.


Dreams are formed from Mental energy, as are thoughts and sentient intelligence of the cerebrum. It is the more natural form of energy among Arcane Aether, and by properly utilizing Mental energy, one can manipulate minds in a psychic capacity; such as telekinesis and telepathy. The general understanding, control and mastery of the mind relates heavily to Mental energy, and aids in a person's capacity to understand and control powers of magic and dreams.


As such Mental energy is an important aspect of mage training, as mastery of it allows a spellcaster to better control their magic.



Primal Aether originated and evolved from the Worldsoul, and most are controlled and sustained by it. They are energies that were stored and changed from the Shard of Origin, and later carried throughout the Dark Beyond by the Worldshards. Over time those energies grew distinctive and unique, and generally refer to energies that find their sources from the world rather than the outside universe.

Elemental Energy

Energy that involves the flow and power of the elements, and is most commonly associated with the four major elements of Flame, Water, Wind and Earth, although it is also related to lesser and hybrid elements. Elemental Energy is strongest in the Elemental Courts, where it maintains the form of the Elementals such as the Djinn.


Elemental energy is otherwise found in most realms, as it is essentially creates the building blocks that form the natural elements of the land, sea, and sky. It is often somewhat related to Spiritual energy, as the two are similar in nature and almost as equally commonly found.

Soul Energy

Memory is the most common associate of Soul energy, as it is Soul energy that stores and guards a being's memories. Most living beings possess souls, and the Soul energy is what maintains it, even after a soul has left its host body. It is an energy that often attracts other energies, especially Spiritual energy, and can be very vulnerable to invasive forces. Use of Soul energy can include applications of directly affecting other souls, or the extraction of Life energy from the soul.


Even after a soul has gone through the Cycle, Soul energy can preserve its memories, although generally it is kept deep within a soul. Through skilled manipulation of Soul energy, a soul's memories can be unlocked and revealed. Additional effects of utilizing Soul energy is its potency, as it is closely related to Life energy. Pure Soul energy has been found to be quite potent at enhancing spells, enchants, or powering Magicraft machinery.

Blood Energy

While Soul energy holds memory, Blood energy mainly involves identity, instinct and emotion. Blood energy is powerful, and persists through particularly strong individuals down through inheritance of kin and blood. Certain bloodlines, especially those of royalty, can contain extremely potent Blood energies. Purity of blood affects the amount of power, which can be enhanced or preserved through selective breeding.


It is through such powerful bonds of Bloood energy that innate talents, skills, and mana can carry on over to descendants.


Blood energy surrounds instinctual tendencies and also aspects of strong emotion such as lust, anger and love. Of all the energies, Blood energy can be very potent and is possibly one of the more powerful energies, depending on an individual's purity of blood.


A particularly notable aspect of Blood energy, is that it doesn't require someone to be Magically Awakened to be utilized. As such Blood Magic is often used by non-magically talented individuals, but it is considered extremely dangerous, since such individuals typically lack training and mental willpower. However, the purer the blood, the stronger the magic, and thus the stronger the lure and desire to wield such magic.

Naturistic Energy

Energy that is composed of the natural world. Naturistic energy surrounds all things that relate to Nature and the Wilds, and often encompasses aspects pertaining to the Primal Laws, such as spirits and sonic energies. Naturistic energy most commonly refers to the forces of Nature, such as the magical and biological nurturing of flora and fauna, and their evolution.


While it is easy to mistake Naturistic energy to be about life, it is also equal amounts aligned with the forces of death. Growth and nurture are important parts of the natural cycle, as is rot and decay. Birth, growth, death and rebirth are processes often linked by Naturistic energy.

Primordial Energy

Very similar to Deistic energy, in that it is sourced from a godlike being, Primordial energy is the energy used by Primordials, although more specifically Wildgods and Earthen Gods. Primordial energy is maintained through other energies; especially Spiritual and Naturistic, and to some degree Elemental energy. Unlike Deistic energy, primordial energy isn't enhanced by powers of faith and worship, but also isn't dependent on such means. Primordial energy is similarly powerful like deistic, by allowing a wielder of it immense control and adaption of various other energies.


Primordial energy also can't be controlled by mortal mana manipulation, omitting the need for Primordials to contain basins of mana within themselves.



Void Aether are energies that are born and grown from corrupted Arcane Aether. When magical energies become too unstable and chaotic, Void Energies are attracted to them or evolve from them. These energies are the prime energies that build up the Void of All, and large quantities of Void Energies lead to madness and disruptions of reality. In general, Void affects things like magic, the mind, and laws of reality.


Void Aether is one of the Corruptible Energies, and thus relates closely to Chaotic Aether.

Eldritch Energy

Eldritch energy corrupts the mind and changes it. It is usually through painful bending of a being's will, to the point of madness or mental submission, that Eldritch energy finds its most common use. It is a nightmarish type of energy that is commonly found in corruptible beings, and gains purchase and growth through faltering Mental energy. It surfaces fear, lacking judgment, and insanity, and will break down a being's willpower until no independent thought remains.

Warp Energy

Time and space changes and is misshapen when exposed to large amounts of Warp energy. It is a form of energy that disrupts the Arcane, Primal and Cosmic Laws, and reshapes them in its own twisted and often unpredictable ways. Warp energy is above all else chaotic and typically uncontrollable, and mastery over it is filled with a sense of impossibility. The contortion of Warp energy easily corrupts and it will refuse to bend to anything that tries to avoid its contortion.

Dark Energy

Dark energy relates to nothing. More specifically it relates to the absolute nothingness; those spaces where existence ceases and only pure darkness remains. Emotions stand still, energies freeze and become absent; leaving only Dark energy to remain in what some would say is the true, cold void.


Umbral energy is somewhat closely related to Dark energy, as it is often the first energy to bend and transform when Dark energy takes hold. It results in a form of Umbral energy that is highly chaotic and volatile; sucking in other energies around it to expand its nothingness.



Ruinous energies that deconstruct, weaken and otherwise obliterate are known as Destructive Aether. These are energies present in many other energies and are often created from the effects of those energies. But in a separate form, Destructive Aether can exist solely on its own energies if concentrated enough and if the energies are potent.


Destructive Aether is one of the Corruptible Energies, and thus relates closely to Chaotic Aether.

Corrosive Energy

Corrosive energy is most commonly associated with aspects of rust, acid, rot and general decay. It is an energy that deteriorates the material, breaking it down into either a lesser form or dust. Unlike other Destructive Aether, Corrosive energy separates and returns the material into lesser particles, and can affect almost anything in the world, including immaterial things such as energy.

Atrophic Energy

Atrophic energy acts similarly to Corrosive energy, except it specifically targets organic tissue on a cellular level; deteriorating biological tissue from within and outwards. Atrophic energy cripples and debilitates energy and living beings, reducing the purity and structure of what it interacts with. It leads to failure in energy transference, and creates a reduction of vigour and muscular atrophy. Aging and over-use is deeply affected by Atrophic energy.


The complete destruction and disintegration of anything, immaterial and material, involves Cataclysmic energy. It completely breaks down anything it touches until absolutely nothing remains, like removing it from existence. It is one of the most powerful energies in the universe, and in large, concentrated amounts it can lead to absolute annihilation of the things it interacts with. No residue is left behind as all particles are consumed, erased or converted into more Cataclysmic energy.



Blight energies relate mainly to the organic, and affects beings and energy on a deep biological level, but also corrupts the Natural World quite plainly. The perversion of the natural is most evident in Blight Aether, which corrupts with unnatural defiance and breaks down living essences of body and soul to create organic disfiguration and flaws. It mutates, violently alters, and breaks down living tissue. It disobeys Nature's laws and careful evolutions.


Blight Aether is one of the Corruptible Energies, and thus relates closely to Chaotic Aether.

Necrotic Energy

The avoidance of life and death to create unliving life, namely necromancy, is born from Necrotic energy. The absolute defiance of laws pertaining to death are broken to create energy that allows life to persist where it shouldn't; usually through an invasion and overtaking of the soul, and occupancy of a withering, empty body.


Necrotic energy is strongest on the Tearworld of Nagal'or, where the being known as Naghulé maintains the Necrotic Soul, which originally created Necrotic energy in the world from a corrupted fusion of Primordial and Spiritual energies. Endomundo also consists of large amounts of Necrotic energy, as it is frequently used by wraiths to sustain their soulless bodies.

Mutative Energy

Mutative Energy directly affects organic life on a deep biological level; becoming more visible the stronger it grows. Flesh is morphed unnaturally, as a sort of sped up form of evolution that creates unwanted and unwilling irrevocable mutations and abominations.


Mutative energy attacks and changes the structure of the cells of a living being and can also make clear effort to corrupt the mind; breaking it down to a more primitive and feral state. This type of energy is often sustained and grown from corrupted magical energies, as well as impure Naturistic and Blood energies that have been tainted.

Noxious Energy

Poisons, venoms, and all things pertaining to an active dissolution of living tissue, both to mind and body, relates to Noxious energy. Toxicity leads to decay that tears away organics, and can be seen affecting a living being in a strong, clearly visible form that degrades and dissolves skin, flesh and bone, or on an internal level that corrupts blood and organs.


Noxious energy naturally grows from Primal Aether as a more impure state of those energies; most specifically from Naturistic energy. It is a highly potent and acidic energy, and it is probably a more natural form of energy than most of the other energies of Blight Aether.

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