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  | CELESTIAL WORLD: Numenua Shards


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"Is it a living thing, a looming storm, a phenomenon of inevitability? No one truly knows what Oblivion is, except that it is the herald of nothingness.

All that exists within the Oblivion is of the unknown, as it is the all-consuming manifestation of monstrous void and forgotten devourers. Oblivion is nothing and there is nothing in it except those beings bound to expand Oblivion, though it should be said that apparently the godly Nua once came from beyond its confines.

It is believed that Fate and Turmoil might have some greater connection to Oblivion. Perhaps their combined actions are part of a cosmic plan; a plan set to unmake all that has been made, if one is to believe the fears of doomspeakers."

Unbound Shards

"The Unbound Shards are countless Shards that for a long time were the massive battlefields on which the Nua and the Primordial Gods fought each other. Come the Ashen Era, these Shards became much more idle and barren, though many creatures and Shades can be found still living there.

Vast seas separate the Unbound Shards, and the cracks that seep into the Underdwells and Netherneaths are more prominent here too. This makes the Unbound Shards some of the wildest and most dangerous realms, as all manner of forgotten monstrosities, demonic hordes, and ancient beings hide on these Shards."

Eternal Shards

"It is said the Eternal Shards were the first realms to form after the Godflames scattered and the Shattering Glass destroyed the Glass City. For a long while the many Numen Shards were ruled by Primordial Gods, though many would later fall in their wars against the Nua of the central Shards.

Most of the Eternal Shards are found up in the skies of the Numen Weave, where they exist as immensely expansive Skyshards home to innumerable creatures and Shades; from strange and advanced civilizations, to nomadic tribals who venture between the Shards on mighty skyfleets."

The Godshards

"After the Numa conquered the Glass City from the Nua, the Nua abandoned the Shifting Lands and came to the Numen Shards, along with their Humankin followers.

Back then, the many Shards were broken, unstable, or lifeless. Eight of the Nua took it upon themselves to bring back order. And from them were shaped eight Shards, and here their reign prospered, as they transformed the barren lands into realms of life and plenty.

Come the Ashen Era and the death of the Nua's Vessels, most of the previous glory of the Godshards have since been lost and forgotten, and remnant Shades now roam these realms; Unkindled from the Gods."

The Shifting Lands

"At the centre of the Numen Shards lie the realms of the Shifting Lands; the home of the Celestial Gods and their Glass City.

After the Shattering Glass broke apart the Numen Egg, the Shifting Lands formed around the Glass City from the waters of the dissipated Aethersea.

From vast amounts of Aether, eight Lands took shape of the eight most prominent Mana known to Numenua, and the ninth Land of the energies of the Glass City.

The Shifting Lands, as the name implies, are forever-changing, as they alter themselves throughout the countless Cycles of time and space, and are reborn anew with known frequency."

The Numen Serpent

"Long before the Nua came to build their Glass City, there was the Numen Serpent and her Numen Egg. Even after its shell broke into many fragments, she keeps by its fractured side.

She has been our first and greatest guardian for all time, as she has fended off all manner of Oblivion's monstrosities, and her starspawned eyes are ever watchful of all threats from beyond and within.

However, when Numea's Gift struck, many of the moons, suns, and stars fell from the Celestial Mantle, and the Dreadwolves came to devour the Shards absent the watchful gaze of the Serpent's eyes.

A vicious battle ensued, and the Serpent was victorious, but also gravely injured. She slumbers now as she recovers from her wounds, and all the while the surviving Dreadwolves nibble at the Shards when the Serpent's eyes are elsewhere."

The Ice Between

"Enwreathing the absolute entirety of the Godshards is a realm of storm and ice known simply as the Ice Between.

The Ice was the Nua Aesorm's Gift, summoned upon his Vessel's death. As his Vessel became the frozen lands, and his Shroud transformed to live on as the wolf-like Woendgarm, the Blighted Beast.

For a time, the Ice Between engulfed most of the Unbound Shards and the Godshards, which heralded the Frozen Era. It has since been repelled and contained, though the Blighted Beast continues to attempt to break free."

The Aetherwends

"At the very centre of Numenua sits the Aetherwends; pulled from top and bottom by the Spirit-Mothers, Aea and Eae.

It is here that the energies of Numenua gather and redistribute across the many Shards and Reflections, as well as where the Fractured Souls of mortals and gods return to, to be reforged into new souls.

The Aetherwends lie just above and below the Glass City, where their spiralling energies travel to the ethereal realms of Aea (above) and Eae (below)."
"Izwa is the Nua of Healing and Light. It is said she ruled over her Shard as a benevolent and peaceful goddess, and all her worshippers loved her.

It is strange, then, that the Ashen Curse was of Izwa's make; made of her Gift when her Vessel was killed.

As the Shard where the Ashen Curse began, little is actually known of Izwa's Shard. The Ashen Demise is strong here, as it swallows most of the northern regions of the Shard.

Additionally, strange storms and phenomenon that befuddle minds and memory frequently affect the lands and inhabitants of Izwa, and a miasma of the Ashen Demise hangs strongly in many regions; seemingly obfuscating the true visage of the lands."

Structure of Numenua

"The realms of Numenua consist of two parts: the Numen Shards and the Reflections.

The Numen Shards sit on a gargantuan plate, of which there are two sides; the Numen Weave above, and the destroyed, demonic Netherneaths below. The Shards are essentially the Primordial World, where the discarded fragments of the Glass City have been lodged firmly, and realms grown around them.

The Reflections are less simply defined, as they are various Shifting Lands, Shroudscapes, Veils, Wends, and planar existences that exist within and around Numenua. One could say the Reflections are what's inbetween.

Surrounding all of Numenua is the Celestial Mantle, where the suns, moons, and stars act on the behalf of the Numen Serpent to contain all within the greater Numenua sphere."

Planar Circles

"It is better to say that Numenua is part of three existences, which we refer to as Planar Circles.

The Primordial Circle encompasses Numen, and all of its Shards. Sometimes the planes of the Veils merge and mix with that of the Primordial Circle, but for the most part the Primordial is separate, and includes mainly the physical and material.

The Celestial Circle deals with the cosmic realms of gods and celestials, which are merged between the material and immaterial. Specifically to Numenua, it refers to the Reflections and the Celestial Mantle, of which are made and maintained from the cosmic energies of celestial beings.

The Ethereal Circle involves the affairs and immaterial realms of aether and spirits. It is by far the greatest of the Circles, but also the least understood. It is comprised of many Shroudscapes and Wends, but most of all it is connected to the Fades Beyond; the afterlife beyond afterlives."
"For a time, there was Numen. Then the Nua came, and from Numen they crafted a city of Glass, and soon all was Numenua to them. But then the Shattering Glass struck, and Numenua was no longer one, but now many countless Shards.

While it is true that most has been forgotten of our Numenua because of the Ashen Curse, the Shards themselves never forgot, despite the changes wrought upon them by it. On these many, many Shards are worlds of their own; filled with peoples, creatures, lands, and kingdoms reborn.

Their histories might not be remembered, but the Shards' wear is visible to all. These are lands and realms that have been harrowed by the battles of gods, shaped by the hands of ancient beings, and branded by the ruined marks of mortal-kind.

Still, these are also worlds of great wonder, of forgotten and majestic landscapes, of rich and varied cultures, and of lost legacies waiting to be rediscovered and retaken."

Kindred of Numenua

"Of all the Shades that live in Numenua, those who are known as Kindred are those who most closely relate to and resemble the Celestial Gods.

When they were created by the Numa, they knew themselves as Humankin, but the Ashen Curse Unkindled them of their divine powers, and transformed their humanlike selves into new forms.

Now they are Kindred, and there are many unique and varied Kindred Ancestries throughout Numenua."
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