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- Kindred Ancestries -
















The Mundi

The Mundi

Of Metal and Stones

The Astra

The Astra

Of Celestial Light

The Elemar

The Elemar

Of Elemental Aether

The Aeseya

The Aeseya

Of Fey Winds

The Umbra

The Umbra

Of Dark Glass

The Basra

The Basra

Of the Wild Hunters

The Alrun

The Alrun

Of the Numen Tree

The Drida

The Drida

Of the Great Herds

The Marean

The Marean

Of the Divided Seas

The Sirine

The Sirine

Of the Divided Seas

The Vhai

The Vhai

Of the Many Veils

The Dusca

The Dusca

Of the Serpentblood

The Ortan

The Ortan

Of the Demonic Blood

The Harepps

The Harepps

Of the Fated Paths

The Aevar

The Aevar

Of the Skyward Tribes


- Shades of the Kindred -

Godkindred, more commonly known now as Kindred, are the mortal descendants of the Celestial Gods.


Specifically, Kindred were created by the Numa Gods in defiance of their own parents, the Nua Gods. According to legend, the Numa stole the Golden Flame from the Glass City so they could learn the power of Creation. They then made the first halfgod Godkindred, which would call themselves the humankin. The Golden Flame then erupted, and scattered the other Godflames and fractured the souls of the humankin, as well as broke apart the Glass City.


Afterwards, the humankin left the Glass City with their Numa Gods, and for a long time they lived in the Shifting Lands alongside them. The humankin built great cities, waged wars, served the Numa, and otherwise thrived throughout the Shifting Lands, and eventually they even joined the Nua as they left for the Numen Shards, where they again would build great cities, wage wars, and so on.


When the Ashen Curse spread throughout Numenua and its Reflections, few were spared of its effects. The memories of the humankin and Numa were erased, and their souls were transformed by the twisting energies and Aether all around Numenua, and the Kindred became mortals. Humankin ceased to exist as how they once were, and they became the many Kindred Ancestries that we know of today.


"When the Ashen Era began, many Kindred wandered; not knowing or understanding the still and silent world around them..."

Eidolons & Demiarchs

Some humankin possessed powerful Godsbrands, granted to them by the Nua. Unlike the Godkindling gifts of the Numa, the Nua Godsbrands granted unique abilities instead of innate knowledge, such as enhanced strength, godlike reflexes and minds, and various imbued Magia, like the power to breathe fire, sprout wings to fly, or petrify with their gaze.


When the Ashen Curse came, many of the humankin possessed of Godsbrands were transformed, and they became the Eidolons and Demiarchs; beings who retained their halfgod status and powers, and were even further empowered by the Ashen Curse.


In the Numen Shards, the Curse turned those humankin who lived there into monstrous creatures, known today as the various demibeasts of harpies, centaurs, minotaurs, and so on. Among them, the Eidolons were those Godsbranded humankin who retained their humankin minds, and their Vessels and Shrouds changed into that of monstrous-like demigods. In many reborn cultures and kingdoms, these Eidolons would mingle with the Numen Kindred as leaders, mix their bloodlines, and grant blessings to their followers. For centuries, many surviving city-states and kingdoms throughout the Shards have done so thanks to the leadership and protection of their Eidolon guardians.


The Demiarchs were likewise Godsbranded humankin become demigods, except they lived in the Shifting Lands when the Ashen Curse struck. Uniquely, they retained most of their humanlike appearances, and gained some specialized traits based on their environment.


While few and rare in numbers, the Demiarchs became regarded as heroes among the Shifted Kindred due to their powers and leadership. Their presence bound and moulded their closest followers, who became the Sundered Clans. Even today, the Demiarchs' descendants continue to lead the Sundered Clans in the Shifting Lands.


In time, some of the Demiarchs decided to leave for the Numen Shards through the Godgates to escape the Numa Godswar, which would lead them and their followers, Sundered and Shifted both, to spread throughout the Shards. However, not all of the Demiarchs have yet to emerge from the Godgates, as they are likely trapped in the temporal chaos of the Godsglass.

Kindred Ancestries & Lineages

All Kindred are humanlike, or rather, they are the descendant Shades of humankin. All humankin transformed with the Ashen Curse, and their Fractured Souls were disturbed and destabilized by the Curse. Soul slivers became infused with all sorts of different energies and Aether sourced from all manner of beings, realities, and lands. Eventually, as the changed Soul slivers began to merge to form new Shrouds, all humankin changed into various new Kindred, of which we now refer to as Ancestries.


Kindred Ancestries are all of humankin, but the changes made by the Ashen Curse transformed these different Ancestries into more unique forms, with their own unique traits, gifts, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Many of these Ancestries can be quite common in certain lands throughout Numenua, some might be rare, and some might mostly only live in either the Shifting Lands or in the Numen Shards.


Each Kindred Ancestry tends to have at least a few Lineages. A Kindred Lineage, in this context, is used to refer to a sub-group within an Ancestry. Some Ancestries have only a few, whilst others have so many, that they haven't all been known yet. Lineages usually define those Kindred who are of the same Ancestry, but who normally have unique traits or appearances of their own.

"As all Kindred share the same humanlike ancestors, there is no issue for most Kindred Ancestries to produce common offspring. Typically, the child will inherit the Ancestry of the parent with the strongest Soul, and sometimes a few of the other parent's traits might persist too."

"Shades refers to all mortals who live in the Ashen Era. These are the descendants of those who were affected by the Ashen Curse, and especially affected by the erasure of memories caused by the Curse. The majority of Shades have no recollection of their humankin pasts."


Kindred Descents

Of the Kindred, there are three distinct 'Descents' which they all derive from. When the Ashen Era began, these three were the dominant lines that persisted, among many others that have since disappeared and been forgotten; possibly by being absorbed by other Descents, or simply just dying out by themselves.


A Descent is defined as a common line from which various Kindred Ancestries hail from. These Descents tend to have origins in specific lands throughout Numenua, where Ancestries belonging to those Descents originate from. This doesn't necessarily mean that these Ancestries can't exist or aren't born outside of their "given lands", but mainly that they are just more likely to be born in those lands.​​​





Shifted Kindred

Shifted are those Kindred descendants of humankin who stayed in the Shifting Lands, and mainly continued to serve the Numa Gods there in their various reclaimed kingdoms and cities. These Ancestries were shaped by the energies present in the Shifting Lands, and this in turn has made them more closely aligned with the Spirits, Numa, and Aether of those ever-changing lands.


This means that Shifted Kindred tend to have denser, more complete Shrouds strong in Aether, and they often have an easier time gaining favour and blessings from both the Spirits and the Numa. Additionally, their Souls are often more likely to be comprised of Celestial-aligned Mana, which also grants them some affinity with otherworldly beings and energies. A Shifted's Vessel, however, is almost non-existent while they remain in the Shifting Lands, and is only formed properly if they enter into the Numen Shards.


One can find Shifted Kindred in both the Shifting Lands and the Numen Shards, though Shifted Kindred do live in greater numbers throughout the Shifting Lands compared to the Shards. They are also more likely to live longer lives due to their strong Shrouds; for several centuries long, in some cases.





Numen Kindred

The Numen Kindred are the descendants of humankin who lived in the Numen Shards when the Ashen Curse struck. Before the Ashen Age began, their humankin ancestors had constructed grand and marvellous cities for their Nua Gods, all throughout the Numen Shards. When the Numen Kindred were transformed by the Ashen Curse, the energies and creatures of the Numen Shards reformed them into their Kindred Ancestries of today.


Numen Kindred are composed of strong Vessels of mainly Primordial-aligned Mana, which has allowed them to survive and endure in the mostly godless lands of the Numen Shards, as well as tailored them to adapt closely to the many diverse climates. In the beginning, many Numen Kindred were guarded and uplifted by various Eidolons, and so many Numen Kindred are likely to inherit Eidolon Blood, which means they might naturally be born with powers akin to Godsbrands. In addition, Numen Kindred are more closely connected to Numenkin races, due to sharing a similar soul-make of Primordial-Aligned Mana.


Ever since the Ashen Era began, all Numen Kindred have always been born in the Numen Shards, and can't be born naturally in the Shifting Lands. However, when a Numen Kindred dies, their Shroud goes to the Shifting Lands like all other Kindred Shrouds do, where they are eventually rejoined with the flow of the Aetherwends.




Sundered Clans

The Sundered Clans are the Kindred Ancestries who became followers of the Demiarchs. They began in the Shifting Lands as Shifted Kindred, who then split away from the worship of the Numa to follow their Demiarch leaders. As they were bound to the Demiarchs, their forms changed and adjusted to that of the Demiarchs' Vessels and Shrouds.


Sundered Ancestries have no definitive preferential origin of home, as they are just as likely found born and living in the Shifting Lands as they are in the Numen Shards. But because they initially broke away from the Numa and the Spirits, and instead were shaped by the Demiarchs, the Sundered Clans don't curry any special Numa favour or enhanced Shrouds or Vessels. Instead, the Sundered Clans belong to very powerful Clanlines inherited from the first Demiarchs.


The Sundered Clans consist of a fair number of different Clanlines, which any Kindred of the Sundered can be born to belong to, as inherited by their strongest-soul parent. A Clanline is a line that defines a Kindred's wills, alignment, and general personality, ingrained deep within their souls. One of the Vhau is more likely to be compelled to travel and explore, one of the Ori places greater value in tradition, or a Kenja has a strong sense of honour embedded in their soul, and so on.


While a Sundered Kindred isn't necessarily destined or magically forced to follow their Clanline's directions, they are nonetheless gifted by that Clanline's ingrained virtues. Though, they are admittedly also cursed by its vices.

- Notable Sundered Clanlines -

"The Vhau are always on the move, and their wanderlust sees them to many distant lands in their lifetimes"

[Nomads, riding, exploration, discovery, sailing, trade, skies]


"Considered perfectionists among the Kindred, of stoic and traditional folk"

[Discipline, martial skill, perfection, artisans, balance, healing]


"Moulded by traditions of civilization-building, and a law-bound folk"

[Tradition, suns, lordship, architecture, city-building, law, stones]


"Fixated on metal-shaping, as well as a love for agriculture and tradecraft"

[Metals, forging, crafting, creation, trade, cultivation, flames]


"Lovers of song and dance, who carry communities with stories and spirited music"

[Art, song, poems, dance, entertainment, joy, tales]


"Knowledge-seekers, whose minds are ever-lit with a spark for learning of past and futures"

[Magia, science, technology, wealth, knowledge, shadows]


"Malum always seem to look up at the night-sky, where the shine of their eyes reflect worlds beyond the stars"

[Moons, stars, serpents, writing, reading, night]


"A hardy folk, who survive the harshest lands with companionship and warm hearths, always"

[Ice, snow, mountains, winds, survival, the hearth, resilience]


"Wild and unpredictable, an Aaezra feels at home in nature, with the spirits, plants, and beasts"

[Nature, the wilds, animals, hunting, spirits, trees, earth]


"Elwaa know hardship, and know a past of noble sacrifice. They must always choose the hardest path"

[Duels, challenges, sacrifice, blood, family, harvest, wheat]


"A Kenja knows not the idea of defeat and surrender. They are strong fighters, with a sense of honour to match"

[War, battle, honour, strength, duty, victory]


"Quick to anger, quicker to retaliate. When words are an option, passions dictate the fist must speak"

[Vengeance, fighting, opportunity, death, power, fire, oaths]


"They are the fewest, but also the most dutiful, heroic, honest, and trustworthy of Kindred"

[Heroism, resilience, loyalty, duty, trust, water, promises]



of Metal and Stones



The Mundi are a Kindred Ancestry with a strong connection to that of various stones and metals. Of all the Kindred Ancestries, Mundi look the most like the Ancient Humankin according to gods and scriptures, with their seemingly average and unremarkable appearances, though save for one very important and distinctive feature.


Their Mundi nature is more obvious when one bears witness to various metallic or mineral-based encrustings upon their skin, most typically noticeable on their face, or as patterns on their limbs, shoulder, or chest. Mundi possess a notable body composition mixed of various earthly metals and minerals.


A typical Mundi will have various small to large metal or mineral flakes or flat shards embedded into their skin, known as their 'Gleam', which can’t be peeled off without causing pain or irritation. These are generally spread out all over the body in small groupings, as most Mundi might at most only have a few visible encrustings.


The most telling feature is the piece embedded upon a Mundi’s forehead, which is larger than the smaller flakes, and more prominently visible, as well as the main indicator of a Mundi’s mineral or metal Lineage. This is known as their ‘Headpiece’.



-Goldskin Mundi-

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Clans

"There is a large majority of this Ancestry found in all the Numen Shards"

Most Common (Numen Shards)

"Mundi bodies can be quite versatile and resilient"

Metal & Stone Attuned

"This Ancestry can survive and live in most natural environments"


"This Ancestry can detect metals and minerals in the earth"



The composition a Mundi's Gleam varies, and is typically inherited from parents. The patterns that their Gleam appears as on a Mundi’s body are also for the most part inherited, as blood relatives tend to have similar patterns shared among them.


While The Mundi are still mainly Humankin-like, their metallic and mineral Lineages can grant them certain traits, depending on the composition. One of Ironskin tends to have tougher skin above the average of Mundi, and one of Goldskin tends to have more prominent patterns and shine of their Gleam, accompanied by arguably more handsome facial features.


Mixing of metals and minerals isn’t entirely understood in Mundi physiology, and it isn’t always a certain occurrence. But, sometimes two different Lineages can create a combined Lineage through their offspring. One example would be a Copperskin and a Tinskin, whose union would usually create a Bronzeskin; a Lineage that is only possible through this union.


The composition a Mundi's Gleam varies, and is typically inherited from parents. The patterns that their Gleam appears as on a Mundi’s body are also for the most part inherited, as blood relatives tend to have similar patterns shared among them.


While The Mundi are still mainly Humankin-like, their metallic and mineral Lineages can grant them certain traits, depending on the composition. One of Ironskin tends to have tougher skin above the average of Mundi, and one of Goldskin tends to have more prominent patterns and shine of their Gleam, accompanied by arguably more handsome facial features.


Mixing of metals and minerals isn’t entirely understood in Mundi physiology, and it isn’t always a certain occurrence, but, sometimes two different Lineages can create a combined Lineage through their offspring. One example would be a Copperskin and a Tinskin, whose union would usually create a Bronzeskin.

“A Mundi’s metal or mineral Lineage is already known as soon as the child is born, as their Headpiece is present upon their forehead already at the moment of birth. However, the rest of their Gleam only start to form in patterns when a child is about 4-5 years old, and come the end of adolescence, their Gleam is fully developed.”

"Clayskin Mundi"

- Noteworthy Mundi Lineages-


Goldskin Mundi are fairly common in the Shifting Lands compared to the Numen Shards. They possess a composition related to that of gold, and are often encrusted with various small patterns of golden flakes and shards as their Gleam. Often-enough, their Mana is aligned with Astral or Fire elements.


Of all the metallic Lineages of Mundi, Goldskin is likely one of the least resilient, though the gold tends to give a sense of wealth, and some say Goldskin Mundi have been blessed with great Godfavour.​




Those of Ironskin Lineage are extremely common throughout the Numen Shards, and especially in Mundi who reside in colder regions or mountainous areas. They possess considerably tough skin, and their Gleam often forms in thicker more condensed patterns; creating a sort of natural, in-born shield or armour which can deflect average-strength strikes.




Copperskin Mundi are most common in warm-favoured Shards. Their Copper Lineage often determines their general skin-colour as well, and gives them a sort of reddish tint ontop. The metal in itself isn’t necessarily very tough, though energies tend to flow through a Copperskin more freely because of it, which makes Copperskin Mundi very decent at manipulating Aether.



Considered one of the physically weaker Lineages, though they're also very versatile. Clayskin Mundi have tightly laid patterns on their skin; and often quite diverse and intricate patterns for their Gleam. Their Gleam is often of hardened, clay-like plates, though sometimes it is more flat and paint-like.


Their Clay can come in many different colours, often dependent on the soil of the land the Mundi was born in. Instead of a Clay Headpiece, they often possess some jewel instead of pure clay, and this often paints them as one of the more beautiful of Mundi Lineages.




Mudskin Mundi are the most well-known of the stone and earth-based Mundi. They tend to possess few patterns, and instead their Gleam covers larger areas of their Vessel and skin; often forming across entire legs or arms in thin, blotch-like layers, and looks more like a natural tattoo.


They lack a distinctive Headpiece, which is often a simple dot on their foreheads rather than an actual embedded shard. A Mudskin’s Gleam comes in many different colours and varieties, and sometimes it is a mixture of two or three colours and shades.


Mundi Roles

“Mundi are quite diverse, and can fit in many various roles in their given societies. Most are commonly either warriors, labourers, or artisans. They typically don’t excel in one field above another, and are quite capable of handling most tasks with given enough training or practice.


If one had to pick specialized roles, Mundi are very fitting for mining work if they are of a metal Lineage, or they can be very handy farmers if they are of a more earthen Lineage.”

- Notable Traits -

Toughness & Resilience:

Mundi can possess exceptionally hard and toughened skin, depending on their metallic or mineral Lineage. Metal Lineages tend to be stronger, though certain mineral-based ones, such as diamond, can also be exceptionally tough, but also very rare.


A Mundi’s natural toughness also grants them high resilience against various energies, and thus, depending on Lineage, they might be very resistant when it comes to being affected by different types of Aether.



As Kindred, Mundi are surprisingly capable of adapting to whatever climate or environment they find themselves in. This inherent trait also makes them very ideal at learning new things and becoming skilled in several jobs. Their bodies are tuned well for being moulded by their environment, either physically or mentally. Unlike many Ancestries, Mundi are capable of altering and improving their musculature much faster, but they likewise also can just as likely add mass and weight much more easily than most Kindred.


Compared to other Ancestries, who tend to become specialized depending on their own Lineages, Mundi are more free to mould themselves to almost any environment and job that they please.




Mundi possess a unique ability to sense earth and soil, meaning that they can gauge the quality by look, smell, or taste more easily compared to other Ancestries. This allows Mundi to locate fertile ground, but even more than that, they can detect metal or mineral veins near them. Usually they know by a tingling sense in their ears or in their skin.


Certain Lineages have different degrees of Earthsense. Ones more aligned with dirt and stones tend have an easier time finding quality land and soil, and those Lineages of metal are better at finding veins of metal ores. However, a Mundi's Earthesense can only detect metals or minerals very near them.



Diverse & Widespread:

The most diverse of all Ancestries, as Mundi are believed to possess appearances ranging of every metal and mineral of Numen. This also means there are many variable types of traits and abilities that are spread out between the Mundi's different Lineages. Some are hard-skinned, some are resistant to fire, some have high Aether, and so on.


Mundi are also quite plentiful compared to other Ancestries, as they often outnumber other Ancestries six to one, in the Numen Shards and the Shifting Lands both. Mundi are generally found anywhere where Kindred settle en-mass, which makes them the most widespread of all the Kindred Ancestries. Mundi also don't generally mind mingling with other Ancestries when it comes to living together in larger settlements or even in mixed tribes.

Mundi Burials & Remains

“Depending on the culture, a Mundi is typically buried with their Gleam intact, except for their Headpiece shard, which is traditionally kept by family members as memorial keepsakes.


Sometimes a Mundi’s grave and Vessel might be desecrated, as looters are interested in “harvesting” the Gleam off their bodies (often left behind long after the Vessel  decomposes). This ‘Gleamlooting’ is greatly looked down upon, and it is a practice done primarily by criminals. Even gods condemn this behaviour, and often curse those who desecrate the dead of their Kindled.


Some families might instead opt to cremate their deceased, in which case the Gleam might melt away, or be kept alongside the ashes. In some cases, if the Lineage was that of a metal, the metallic remains are used to create rings or pendants, as another form of memorial keepsakes.”


of Celestial Light



Among the Kindred, the Astra are of an Ancestry who are often mistaken as gods. Understandably so, because Astra have a very godlike appearance, as they possess many qualities that fit the description of higher deities.


They are of glowing eyes, illuminated skin that overlays on their natural skin-colour, and shining strands of hair or entirely radiant; godlike to behold, by all accounts.


But Astra are not gods. In fact, they are quite mortal in their capabilities. They aren't immortal, they don’t possess divine powers, and they don’t grant blessings or fortune from their own power or will. They are mortal beings.


At most, Astra wield a power that lets them control light and light-sources; strongest and mostly limited to that which their own bodies expel, and also depending on the source of Astral Mana.


An Astra’s light is mainly controlled by their emotions, and as they age they become better at manipulating their own light. Some are even able to negate it completely, to the point where they no longer possess any noticeable glow about them. The only thing they can't, no matter how much practice, is completely hide their auras. At best they can dim their aura to be less noticeable.



-Moon-Kissed Astra-

"This Ancestry is of the Shifted Kindred"

Shifted Kindred

"There are generally few Astra throughout all of Numenua"


"This Ancestry is strong in Astral Mana"

Astral Alignment

"This Ancestry is considered charmingly beautiful"

Divine Beauty

"This Ancestry is favoured by the Numa Gods"

Godmarked (Numa)


Most of all, Astra are related to the various aspects of the Celestial Mantle, which include the suns, the moons, and the stars. Specifically, they align mainly with Astral Mana, sourced primarily from the Celestial Mantle's entities. An Astra's traits and characteristics are often imitations of the suns, moons, and stars, depending on their Lineage. An Astra related to the sun will have warm, golden skin and golden glows, whilst one of the moon will have cold, pale skin and strikingly bright eyes.


Astra are somewhat rare, as the frequency of an Astra being born is down to low probability. Astra parents aren’t guaranteed Astra children, and different Ancestries can see their offspring born as an Astra by seemingly pure chance. It is, however, still a fairly rare occurrence, and as such many Astra are often elevated in their societies; expected to hold higher status roles, or become priests or sorcerers. Those with distinct markings of specific Numa might be compelled to become servants to those deities.


It is rare for Astra to be found living permanently among 'poorer' families and communities, as usually they are sent out to join temples or wealthy orders as early as possible, depending on the culture they grow up in. But, Astra born among tribal communities far away in the wilds  usually have nowhere else to go.


Still, even in those communities, their peers might look at them differently; from envious to worshipping, depending on the culture and religious habits of the tribe.


Those of the Astra who discard their noble elevation or assumed religious or magi duties might choose simpler lives for themselves, though they will often have to hide their true nature, as many will have expectations of their  Godmarked visage.


Newborn Astra are the most clear in their Ancestry’s nature as soon as they are birthed. They lack a distinct skin glow at first, but their eyes already glow. Over time, various markings and patterns will begin to manifest upon them, and their Auric Signature develops usually around early puberty.

“While it is true that Astra are primarily mortal in their abilities, they do tend to have some natural talent for utilizing Mana, even if it isn't Astral Mana. This makes most Astra ideal as Magi, as their abilities seem tailored for manipulating Mana to create Magia. However, their natural talent at using Astral Mana is ways above any other Mana, and they are usually born with abilities that grant them unique Light Magia.”

"Sun-Kissed Astra"

- Astra Lineages-


Often born with fairly pale skin and pure-white eyes. Moon-Kissed have a strong, pale glow, and are usually born in colder climates. A Moon-Kissed Astra is commonly known to have a subdued eye-glow compared to other Astra Lineages, and it is often more varied in what shapes it manifests in.


Moon-Kissed body-markings and hair-strands usually glow the strongest when the Moon sits on the night-sky. At these times, Moon-Kissed Astra might also find their Lightbending abilities to be more enhanced.


Seemingly more common in warmer climates. Sun-Kissed possess golden skin and golden glow, which gives them a warm and kind-like appearance. Their eye-glow usually takes the shape of a spiral, which rotates gently inwards.

Sun-Kissed can control their light so well, that they are able to extinguish it completely for a while, which can be used to disguise their Astra nature. Additionally, a Sun-Kissed's glow and colour can be very expressive when they become emotional, and it feels warm to touch with varying degrees of intensity depending on mood.



Star-Kissed Astra have blue-like glows and skin, and tend to have more pronounced Auras. Their eye-glow appears as a strong, blazing light, often shaped in a cross, or as strongly visible symmetrical lines. Their body-temperature is fairly cold, and their light is chilled.

Star-Kissed are considered the more common of the Astra Lineages, and they appear throughout most climates of the worlds. They, like most Astra, can control light and light sources, but a Star-Kissed Astra has greater control over those sources, meaning they wield better manipulative power over light that is not their own.


Any Astral-strong source further enhances their abilities, and Star-Kissed can often be nourished by this light to heal themselves or others of minor injuries. I addition, they have some noteworthy attunement with Frost Mana as well.




An extremely rare form of Astra. When an Astra's light is completely extinguished, they are practically dead, as any Astra requires sufficient Astral Mana to live. However, Shadow-Kissed are a type of Astra that have had all their light extinguished, but they still managed to live on.


Many tend to look at Shadow-Kissed Astra as cursed, as they are now more aligned with Umbral Mana rather than Astral Mana. They no longer glow a bright, Astral light, but instead have a dark, colourless shadow-like aura about them. Even their Aura is darkened. In many ways they look more like Umbra Kindred, and they are often mistaken as such.

Astra Roles


“Due to their appearances and traits that manipulate light, many Astra might also become entertainers; most notably as dancers or singers. Some perform as tricksters either on the street or on stage.


But most Astra are often found in roles that involve temples and worship, and in more Aetherological societies, Astra are often magi or elevated astrologists. In these societies, Astra are often given a place in noble families and houses, or they are granted titles, servants, and lands.”

- Notable Traits -

Auric Signature:

Each Astra has their own Aura, known as an Auric Signature. These range from small to large symbols of Astral light, that appear behind or above an Astra’s head as halos, or as trails of light that persist and float around their bodies.


Auras don’t have any special ability related to them, as it is just part of an Astra's natural being. At most, it is mostly controllable by an Astra it via their emotions.

This Auric Signature also extends to an Astra’s eyes and Vessel-patterns to some degree. For eyes, an Astra tends to have eyes that correspond to their Lineage, and for the symbols on their skin, repeat symbols can occur in several different Astra, usually of Numa markings.


Often described as like the gods, Astra are considered the closest mortal relation to Numa. Astra often inherit symbols and patterns on their skin, which connect them to various of the Numa Gods throughout Numenua, and especially those in the Shifting Lands and the Celestial Mantle.

This, however, doesn’t make them gods themselves, and they possess no actual godlike powers. It does, however, mean that Astra are favoured by the Numa, and thus are more likely to receive blessings and fortune from them. Some Numa even refer to some individual Astra as their children, perhaps due to the Astra's Celestial alignment.




Every Astra has a born gift of manipulating light and light sources. This is firstly evident in their control over their own glow and aura, which they can dim and empower at will. Other uses include being able to intensify the light from a source to blind and overpower, or even reform the light into specific shapes, that can further be made more material based on concentrated potency.

When manipulating other light, their ability is less effective, but noticeable still. The act of Lightbending is controlled mainly by an Astra’s emotions. A sorrowful Astra will have dimmer light, whilst a joyous one will be quite radiant. Nervousness and fear and other emotions will often have very noticeable visual cues, unless the Astra has learned to control them properly.


In addition, one can generally tell the health of an Astra based on their glow. A weak shine indicates that they might be in poor health or tired, and a strong radiance means they are in top shape. If the light of an Astra is completely extinguished, they are in most cases at death's door, or they're already dead.



Divine Beauty:

It is accepted by a majority of people, that an Astra is considered one of the most beautiful of the Ancestries. There are, of course, varying definitions of what constitutes beauty or not, but for the most part an Astra’s appearance is that of natural beauty and charm, almost to a deistic quality. They are almost always slim and slender, physically toned, and they possess smooth, glowing hair and alluring eyes.

Essentially this makes many Astra naturally charismatic and quite persuasive, almost like a powerful spell that can compel others to like them. However, because of their beauty, many Astra tend to also become a little vainglorious and self-centred. To further improve on their own beauty, many Astra pursue various enhancers, like make-up, perfume, or extravagant clothing and jewellery; often obsessively.


Astra Godfallen

“When the Numa cast one of their own out from their ranks, that god becomes half-mortal. They are stripped of most of their godlike powers, and they are thrown out of the Shifting Lands and into the Celestial Mantle; where they then fall down to the Numen Shards.


Many Godfallen who survive their rebirth as they fall from the skies tend to take on the form of an Astra. Whether it was a choice or not is unknown; perhaps it was a natural default for a god to take on a form more akin to what they used to have when they become mortal. Regardless, memories are also stripped from a Godfallen, so they can't ever know. At best, their Numa markings are still on their bodies, which grants them some identity of their former godborn lives.


Astra Godfallen are often worshipped by certain tribes, much like common Astra are elevated in various societies, though an Astra Godfallen is seen as more evident proof of their divine nature. However, despite being former gods, these Astra Godfallen possess no true real godlike powers like blessings or creation, though sometimes they are capable of some minor blessings. Still, they are worshipped by many cultures.


Them being worshipped so isn't always a good thing. Sometimes one’s divine nature is seen as potential for godgiven fortune, which is, in some beliefs, obtainable through either enslavement or cannibalism. Keeping a Godfallen trapped as an idol of luck, or consuming their divine flesh is said to grant blessings in certain primitive communities.”


of Elemental Aether



The Elemar are an Ancestry whose beings are very closely related to the Elemental Mana. Their Vessels are part spiritual, part mortal, and they possess Elemental powers. Their Elemental traits and powers depend on the Elemental Mana they are born with. Usually these powers are minimal, but with training, an Elemar can unlock stronger control and potential for their given Element.


While Elemar aren’t exactly rare outside of the Shifting Lands, they are uncommon enough in the Numen Shards that people notice their very distinct Elemental appearance and presence.


Elemar appearances vary depending on their born Element; one of Flame will feature traits of fire and reddish skin, and one of Frost will feature traits of ice and cold-blue tinted skin. The intensity also varies, as some might appear almost inhuman like demi-spirits, whilst others have very toned down features. Generally, though, most Elemar can control their Elemental intensity by themselves, which lets them adjust their Element.


This Ancestry's eyes are also quite noticeable, and perhaps the only part of their appearance they can’t clearly hide. An Elemar of Earth, for example, will usually have glowing, jewel-like eyes, one of wind has wispy, almost cloudy eyes, and so on.



-Elemar of Wind-

"This Ancestry is of the Shifted Kindred"

Shifted Kindred

"Elemar are quite common in the Shifting Lands"

Common (Shifting Lands)

"Elemar bodies are strong in Primordial Mana"

Primordial Alignment

"Elemar have very distinct Elemental Vessels and Shrouds"

Elemental Souls

"This Ancestry more easily communicates with Spirits"



Elemar are exclusively born from Elemar pairings, but they are more likely to be born in places where certain Elemental Mana is abundant, such as outside of cities, in less developed places where the Elements thrive more freely. This will usually mean that Elemar are most commonly found in outlying villages, tribal nomadic settlements, or among the wilds, since births within cities are less likely to succeed. Typically, Elemar choose to live in places where their Element is more prominent, and so it’s more normal to see Elemar of Water near coastlands or on islands, or Elemar of Flame near volcanoes or deserts, and so on.


Despite various Elemental traits and appearances, Elemar usually don’t suffer from residing in an environment not related to their element. One of Frost will, for example, not suffer fatally from staying in warmer climates, and fires of an Elemar of Flame will not extinguish in wind or rain. While an Elemar might be a little weaker (such as feeling a little uncomfortable, or sensing some slight difficulties controlling their own element), they don’t have to be too fearful or worried of the local Elemental Mana.

"Elemar of Earth"

The Elemar Ancestry is tailored quite well for not only Magia pursuits, but also spiritual pursuits. Elemar can be quite talented at utilizing their Mana and Aether for spellcasting, and so many often become Magi. However, Elemar have a unique connection to the Ethereal World too, which allows them to better communicate with various spirits, and especially Elemental spirits.


While there are in total eight Elemental Mana in Numenua, only six of these manifest in an Elemar. These are the Elements of Wind, Flame, Earth, Water, Frost, and Fulma. So far as anyone can tell, there has never been any Elemar of Astral or Umbral Mana.


Additionally, all Elemar have their Elements aligned with Primordial Mana, and can't have their Elements be part of Celestial Mana, apart for some very rare exceptions.

“An Elementa has four distinct “milestones” in life; the first is when they are newborn, and their eyes start to show their Lineage a few days after birth.


The Second is at around five to seven years old, when their first Elemental traits appear on the rest of their Vessel.


The Third is in their early teens, when their Elemental Shroud grows quickly and suddenly.


And the Fourth and last is at around late adolescence, when their Elemental nature is fully developed in both Vessel and Shroud, and they start to take on a more apparent Elemental Phantasm."

- Elemar Lineages-

Of Wind:

Elemar of Wind possess traits of air, sky, wind, gusts, and so on. Potentially, many of the Wind are talented at illusion-based magia. An Elemar of Wind's Vessel generally seems quite normal, almost unremarkably so, aside from their white, cloudy eyes. When they make use of their Elemental Shroud, they appear as very "wispy" and "transparent", and with some training they are capable of passing through certain hindrances as a "body of mist".  As an additional trait, their Vessels are generally quite weightless and light-footed.



Of Flame:

This Lineage is one of the more common, as it is found in most lands featuring warm climates. Elemar of Flame have traits related to fire, heat, and light. Their Vessel is usually partially on fire (arms, legs, hair) but it causes no harm to them or damage to anything their flames touch in normalcy, as it is mostly just their Phantasm. Elemar of Flame tend to have more explosive moods, and their Element is affected and controlled more directly by their emotions.


Those of Flame tend to have more potent Magia, evident most in intensity and overall power.



Of Earth:

Elemar of Earth are associated with metals, minerals, jewels, and the earthly ground itself. Their appearance is usually one of rock-like skin, and their eyes are sometimes made of gems. Unlike some other stone-based Kindred, Elemar of Earth tend to have a rougher texture for their rock-skin. Sometimes hair also corresponds to their earthen Element, and it can take the form of crystals and stone. Elemar of Earth are typically quite physically strong and naturally toned, and they feel less physical pain than others.​

Of Water:

Mostly found near oases, river communities, or in coastlands. Elemar of Water possess traits of water, rain, and the sea and lakes. They tend to have visible, flowing markings on their bodies, that glow gently in blue, and often appear more like tattoos rather than actual water-like features. Hair can form an illusional appearance as “dripping”, or it forms as a visible "wave" on their heads. It is said that Elemar of Water are typically quite cool-headed and mentally flexible.



Of Thunder:

As a dominantly Celestial Mana, Elemar of Thunder are rare are among the Elemar. They possess powers and features of lightning, thunder, celestial energy, and so on. Their body might glow a yellowish or purplish hue, or they have various markings and patterns on their bodies that expel crackling light. Hair and eyes often reflect their Element quite noticeably,  and they have a minor static-field around them and are very perceptive when something or someone enters it.



Of Frost:

Almost exclusively found in the coldest, wintry lands. Elemar of Frost are beings of snow, winter, and ice. They tend to have an aura around them, that, when focused upon, can create a chilled atmosphere around them. Elemar of Frost don’t actually melt in warmer climates, but they might feel some minor discomfort when out of their Element. They are also immune to the ice-cold and they never suffer from common illnesses and sickness caused by low temperatures.


Elemar Roles

“In various cultures and societies, Elemar are often assumed to take on roles as sorcerers, priests, or shamans, since they are very capable at communing with spirits or at reading the flow of Aether.


Sometimes though, an Elemar might instead become a craftsman, such as an Elemar of Flame becoming a smith due to their control over heat and fire. Or, an Elemar of Earth could be quite useful as a labourer or warrior due to their strong bodies and earthen-toned muscles.”

- Notable Traits -

Elemental Shroud:

As beings of Elemental Mana, the majority of Elemar are capable of using the Element of their Vessel at greater control. What this means, is that, for example, an Elemar of Flame can control their flames at great efficiency, and with training they can even make their flames more potent.


They do this by accessing their Shroud, which is unique among Kindred, as it is composed of high amounts of a specific Elemental Mana, rather than just general, balanced Aether. This means that an Elemar's Shroud is more attuned to interacting with specific Elements.


Elemar are generally weak to the Element opposite of their own. For example; an Elemar of Flame would be weak against Water Mana if it used to harm their own Mana.


In such an event where Elements clash, the Elemar with the strongest soul and most abundant Elemental power is more likely to win.

Elemar Offspring

“When it comes to Elemar mixed pairings, their children’s traits will very rarely merge. Elemar offspring will typically inherit the Element of the parent with the strongest Soul and Mana, and the weaker Element tends to be overwritten by the stronger one.


But in cases where two Elements do successfully merge, the child will possess two Elements within itself. This is known as a 'Dual Elemar'; a very rare type of Elemar that takes the appearance and traits of two Elements. They aren’t quite as Aetherically-strong as a usual Elemar, but they can at least create and control two Elements rather than one.


But in general, pposing Elements tend to clash more strongly, and just the general act of conceiving can become difficult. An Elemar of Flame and of Water might try to have a child together, but their Shrouds' Elements come in conflict with each other, and the chance of conception is extremely low. There are cases where they manage to make it work, but it is exceedingly rare.”

Elemental Gift:

In addition to being in control of their own Elemental type, Elemar also have greater control over external elements that correspond to their Shroud’s Element. By utilizing nearby sources, they enhance their abilities and expand their capabilities.


An Elemar of Water near a source of water like a river or a pond, can use that water to empower themselves, or they can easily manipulate that particular water in a variety of ways, like reshaping its form.


Each Elemar Lineage also has its own Element-specific abilities (such as being able to make a barrier around themselves, conjure a ball of their Element, or alter the Elemental balance of a room), though these gifts tend to be quite diverse in how they manifest. Two Elemar of Water might possess two different types of unique abilities.


While an Elemar can usually manipulate other forms of Mana, this manipulation can vary greatly depending on the specific Elemental type. An Elemar of Earth will have greater difficulties taking control over Wind Mana.




Elemar are born with an above-average abundance of Aether, and can already at a young age not only learn to manipulate the Elemental Mana of their Vessel and Shroud, but they are even capable of utilizing other types of Mana more easily, depending on their Lineage.


As a consequence, their Vessels and Shrouds are more susceptible to be influenced, affected, or damaged by Mana-charged energies, unless it is an Element that corresponds to their own. An Elemar of Frost will barely feel the effects of Frost-charged Aether.




As Elemar have high amounts of Aether within their Shroud, they tend to be quite in tune with spirits, especially of the Elemental types. As they grow and get more accustomed to their Elemental Vessel and Shroud, Most Elemar are more likely to understand the feelings and thoughts of spirits or animals who share their Elemental type.




It is common for Elemar to take on the appearance or possess features that are related to their Elemental Mana. Someone of flame will often have fiery hair, someone of frost will have cold-like skin and an aura of ice about them, and someone with Earth Mana will possess thick, stone-like skin.


These are all illusions created by their Vessel, known and it is known as their Phantasm. A Phantasm's Elemental properties aren’t really there and can only be felt at a minimal level, unless the Elemar summons their Element fully through their Elemental Shroud, in which case their Phantasm's Element is made more substantial. Additionally, most Elemar can “hide” or “tone down” their Elemental appearance by adjusting its intensity.


Elemar Charms & Fetishes

“It is typical for most Elemar to make use of various charms, fetishes, and minor trinkets that are used to help access and temper one’s Elemental Shroud. These trinkets are usually given at puberty (when most Elemar’s Elements begin to manifest more clearly); either from a ceremonial ritual, or as a simple coming-of-age gift; it all depends of the culture and societal norms.


An Elemar’s trinket tends to be made from something the person considers quite personal and close to their heart and emotions, to fully strengthen the linked bond between themselves and their trinket. Elemar carry this trinket with them throughout the rest of their lives, and losing their trinket can mean losing control over their Elemental Shroud. It very much functions as like a sort of temper, or sometimes as a catalyst for controlled Magia.


Replacing such a trinket is no easy feat. It is usually put together by an elder shaman, but some craftsmen might specialize in making these trinkets to help Elemar re-attune with their Elemental Shroud… for a price.


Each trinket is infused with a small portion of its owner’s soul and essence. Commonly, these trinkets are quite potent with Aether, and can be used to power various magical spells or Aether-infused items. Of course, if one spends too much of the trinket’s Aether, its powers will eventually fade out entirely; thus, rendering the trinket a husk and useless.”


of Fey Winds



The Aeseya, also known as Feyfolken, Fairyborn, and Mystic Children, belong to a Kindred Ancestry where they are describes as being fairy-like. This is, however, only half-true, as they are by all accounts Kindred, more-so than they are fey. Though it is admittedly easy to make the mistake.


The fairy comparison of Aeseya mainly relates to their winged nature, but other features, such as dark eyes, plant-like hair, various body markings, antennae, and lithe, small bodies also attribute to their fairy-like appearances.


​Most Aeseya are found living in warmer climates, where they prefer to remain in small to large nomadic tribes or settlements, most typically deep within forests and jungles. Generally speaking, Aeseya don't cope well with colder or more barren climates.


Some Aeseya might be found in cities, where they mingle more frequently with other Kindred Ancestries. Usually, though, Aeseya are of a majority very withdrawn and prefer to live among their own Kindred in partial isolation.


"Aeseya are found frequently in all boreal lands throughout Numenua"


"Aeseya are fairly small in height compared to other Kindred"

Small Stature

"This Ancestry has wings, but can only use them to glide"

Winged (Gliders)

"This Ancestry mostly can't digest meat, and prefers plants and fruits"


"Aeseya Shrouds are strong in Fey energies, and also align with Celestial Mana"


"This Ancestry is of the Shifted Kindred"

Shifted Kindred


-Summer-Winged Aeseya-

Other locations where communities of Aeseya might exist are near various overgrown mountains, such as in fungal caves, or in deeper, unknown woodland groves.


Aeseya come in four Lineages, where each tends to have very distinct traits and appearances. Both Summer-Winged and Moon-Winged Aeseya feature very insect-like aspects, such as their thin, floppy wings or their noteworthy antennae, as well as how colourful their wing and body markings are. Night-Winged have very heavy bat-like features, which is most evident in their batwings. Plume-Winged Aeseya are very much bird-like with feathery hair and smaller feathers on their arms and legs, and they only have one singular half-wing on their back.


In all the Lineages, Aeseya are typically short of stature, have thin and light bodies, and slightly long necks. A typical Aeseya is considered fairly small when compared to most other Kindred Ancestries. While they aren't tiny, most Aeseya stop growing taller once they reach their teens, where they might at most reach about 150-160cm in height. In addition, because of their very youthful appearances, Aeseya are often mistaken as children by those who are unfamiliar with their Ancestry.


The Aeseya Lineages don’t merge into any half-breeds for offspring, and the child will inherit the Ancestry or Aeseya Lineage of the parent with the strongest soul. Patterns on the wings, however, tend to mix if both parents are Aeseya, as a sort of amalgamation of both parents' wing patterns and markings. This is a prime way among Aeseya-focused cultures to identify children and parents, since traditional families are non-existent.

Aeseya aren't generally physically strong, and their light bodies doesn't make them very ideal for heavy labour. Their strength lies in their speed and agility, which makes them very nimble, with quick reflexes and equally quick minds to add too.


As they possess partial Feysouls, Aeseya have a knack for manipulating various Mana, and especially Celestial aligned Mana. Even at a young age, most Aeseya learn how to use Mana to create tricks and and games; a playfulness that follows them into adulthood to some capacity.


Aeseya are generally light-hearted and unserious, and they can also be quite insatiably curious about everything around them. Of course, this largely depends on the specific culture and upbringing, but societies where the majority Kindred are Aeseya tend to repeat at least some of these personality traits somewhat frequently.


It is in fact more common for Aeseya to remain more 'cold' and 'serious' towards outsiders, and this has given most Kindred a general impression that Aeseya are quite reticent and curt.

“In most communities where there is a strong Aeseya-centric presence, they don’t usually care to assign themselves a gender, or at least don’t consider themselves part of traditional gender norms and roles.


The case is, often, that Aeseya sexes tend to look very much alike anyway; particularly in their primarily feminine faces and  bodies, and the differences aren’t always so obvious. Aeseya themselves can tell the difference more easily at a quick glance because they can faintly smell the pheromones evident in different sexes, which is said to linger mainly in their wings.


Physically Aeseya are very similar in general design, which means, outside of certain genitals and mammaries, there’s often no huge difference aside from function. As such the assignment of gender in many Aeseya-centric tribes tends to be up to the individual.“

- Aeseya Lineages-


The Aeseya of the Summer-Winged are one of the more colourful Lineages, rivalled only by the sometimes striking feathers of Plume-Winged Aeseya. The Summer-Winged have various insect-like features, like feelers and antennae, black eyes, and various spaced-out chitinous spots on their limbs and back. Their skin tends to have a sort of warm, natural glow to it.


Summer-Winged are reminiscent of butterflies, especially in their long, thin, slightly translucent wings, which come in very dazzling colours and alluring patterns that glitter and sparkle in the sunlight. It is common for Summer-Winged Aeseya to wear their wings around their necks, like shawls, so their wings don't tangle too much when they move around.




Moon-Winged Aeseya tend to appear as very pale, or, it's more like that they have a pale sheen and almost faint auric, white glow surrounding them. Their skin has a kind of dusty appearance to it, and can be either very pale or have a blue-ish tint to it. Similarly, their wings are usually very bleak, grey, or pale-white, with large circular markings spread in sparse patterns; almost like eyes on their wings. On some rarer occasions, their wings might be black instead of white. Their wings part three-way, and can appear as very tattered, reminiscent of moths.


Much like Sun-Winged, this Lineage has insect-like features, such as very long antennae that grow from the sides of their eyebrows, and black eyes, though they can also have glowing white eyes if they are filled with Aether. Unlike the other Aeseya Lineages, Moon-Winged have a natural magical sense and talent, and they are capable of storing large amounts of Astral Mana within them, usually sourced by exposing themselves to moonlight.​​


The Night-Winged possess very bat-like features, and are often considered somewhat frightening in their appearance by other Kindred. This often makes Night-winged rather reclusive, as they usually don't like any attention focused on them. They have sharp teeth, distinct bat-like ears, and can vary between possessing smaller, flat noses to noticeable noseleaves.  Additionally, A Night-Winged's skin is generally a very dark hue, typically in a blue-ish variant.


On their backs they have small-ish, dark batwings which they can move with ease, but they're too small to gain any lift. a Night-Winged's senses are very heightened, as they possess exceptional hearing and sense of smell, and they can see in the darkness very clearly due to having very well-developed nightsight. Overall, Night-Winged Aeseya are more nocturnal than other Aeseya.


Unlike other Aeseya Lineages, Night-Winged prefer to drink blood instead of consuming plants and fruits.




Plume-Winged Aeseya are defined primarily by their feathers, of which they have many of on their body. They have large plumes in their hair, feathers growing along or near their elbows and knees, and they have a singular large wing on the back of their shoulder, which they can move freely. Their feathers tend to have a very colourful plumage, and can be very striking to look at.


This Lineage possesses strong claws on both hands and feet, which allows them to climb trees quite effortlessly. And, Plume-Winged Aeseya are considered extremely skilled hunters, due to their powerful eye-sight, which allows them to see far away in clear detail, and they have a high sense of perception of everything around them. They can notice even the smallest bit of detailed movement, which also means that they can read faces exceptionally well.

"Moon-Winged Aeseya"

Aeseya Roles

“Aeseya are quite nimble and small, which doesn’t make them very ideal for extensive heavy labour. They do have an above-average talent for manipulating Celestial Mana, and especially so for Moon-Winged, who are exceptional at it.


In Aeseya-centric communities, they tend to prefer gathering or hunting roles, as well as weaving jobs. In cities, Aeseya might work best as artists or as general servants, though some might instead fall to pursuits of thievery instead, where their small stature is an advantage.”

- Notable Traits -

​Feylike Senses:

Aeseya as a whole are capable of seeing in the dark, but Night-Winged especially are adapted to the darkness of night. Night-Winged can through scent and sight sense their way through the darkness, and they experience dark areas as a slight gloom. To other Aeseya, the darkness is still dark, but they are able to make out shapes and can see details more clearly than most other Kindred.


Plume-Winged Aeseya uniquely have exceptional hearing, and they possess long-sight, which allows them to see very far in decent detail. As a trade-off though, Plume-Winged tend to be the ones who have the weakest nightsight.


Additionally, all Aeseya possess heightened senses when it comes to recognizing and finding sources of Celestial Mana. Moon-Winged Aeseya are in particular very attuned to these senses, and especially so when a moon sits on the night-sky.




Sun- and Moon-Winged Aeseya can naturally produce a type of magical 'Feydust' from their wings. This process occurs when they enter mid to late adolescence, and is especially prominent in Sun-Winged Aeseya. An Aeseya's Feydust is an indicator for a young Sun- or Moon-Winged Aeseya's readiness to find a mate, as it does possess some small aphrodisiac effects seemingly meant to attract a partner. This effect is usually stronger in females.


This Feydust when consumed either through mouth or nose has a very low effect on any Aeseya, but it is extremely potent when imbibed by any non-Aeseya. Some individuals, like shamans, make use of Aeseya Feydust to create various potions or charms.

Flightless Wings:

Aeseya, despite featuring wing-like appendages or sprouts on their back, can only really move their wings slightly, and even if they had full control over them, their wings wouldn’t be structured or strong enough to carry their weight for proper flight.


An Aeseya's wings react slightly to  their emotions, and some Aseya's wings can change colour based on mood. Wings are also used as 'accessories', as Aeseya take aesthetic pride in their wings, and might wear them as cloaks or shawls.


Aeseya can more practically use their wings to glide short distances, or to soften their fall at decent heights.



Moon-Winged and Summer-Winged Aeseya have antenna attached to their foreheads or along their eyebrows. To some this is treated more decoratively, to others it is a point of status.


Moon-Winged and Summer-Winged can learn to use their antenna as a form of additional 'sight', where they can sense the world around them through an auric field formed in their mind by their antennae.


It is even possible for their antennae to link with each other, and this allows certain Aeseya to communicate telepathically. The range, however, is fairly short. One would have to be within ear-shot to use it, and they'd have to concentrate for the telepathic connection to work.



Herbivorous Diet:

The Aeseya prefer fruits, nuts, and plants to eat, and generally don’t enjoy meat or fish, which can make them feel nauseous, bordering on being actually unhealthy for them.


The exception lies in the Night-Winged, who consume blood or meat for their dietary needs, though they don’t get really sick from eating fruits and nuts, so they can still consume those. Generally, though, Night-Winged also avoid meat due to taste, as they solely prefer blood, even above plant-based food.


Alternatively, Aeseya can actually consume insects without issue, and they do in fact enjoy them. But certain insects can make an Aeseya slightly buzzed if they over-indulge, akin to alcohol consumption, so it is seen more as a recreational treat.

Aeseya Clothing & Nudity

"Aeseya who live in warm climates tend to normally wear very little clothing, or clothing that is designed to be either very loose and open, or of very thin fabric that it's practically see-through. Aeseya often consider tighter outfits, or too much clothing overall to feel way too stifling and restrictive, and notably so when living in humid climates like on tropical islands or in jungles. Their wings tend to become 'damp' and 'sweaty' when they get too hot, which in itself is a great unpleasantness.


It is only in colder climates that they will endure clothed discomfort, though Aeseya do thrive mainly in warmer lands anyway, so they're rarely found in cold environments.


The greatest reason for wearing less clothing is because of an Aeseya's wings, which are in the way of traditional normal clothing like dresses and tunics. Aeseya take pride in their wings, and even if they can't use them for flight, Aeseya find many other uses for their wings, like for gentle falling, attracting mates, and so on; uses that won't be possible if they're stuck under tight fabric.


Potentially an Aeseya might make specific clothes that fit with their wings, like clothes that expose the upper-body. But, generally this again leads to designing and wearing scant outfits anyway, as there's usually no reason to create intricate apparel when the issue is easily solved by simply using less cloth.


In most Aeseya communities, and especially those where high temperatures and humidity are the norm, they often prefer to go without any clothes at all. As such the concept of nudity is commonplace among many Aeseya and they don't find it unnatural; which is something they might have trouble relenting on when they are confronted by more prudish groups and outsiders, like most Kindred cultures that are based in civilized cities and towns."


of Dark Glass



Shaped by glass and darkness, of Frost and Umbral Mana, the Umbra are a Kindred Ancestry said to be of the shadows personified. They possess souls strong in Umbral Mana, and they are deeply gifted in arcane talent, which makes it easier for an Umbra to wield Magia.


They have an innate power, known as their Third Eye, which lets them see and read the souls of other Kindred, and additionally they possess some small abilities of prescient precognition.


For most Umbra, this Third Eye is also part of their physical body, sitting on their forehead, of which its appearance can differ greatly depending on the Lineage.


An Umbra's general appearance features a kind of subdued or greyish skin-colour, as if there is a thin, shadowy layer that sits on-top. Their eyes are either pitch dark, or bright and glowing, and most Umbra have distinctive markings and symbols all over their bodies.


All Umbra possess an aura described as one made of shadows and darkness, though only two of the Lineages's auras are visible by other Kindred.​ However, other Kindred subconsciously still feel their auras, even if they can't see them.



-Night Umbra-

"This Ancestry is of the Shifted Kindred"

Shifted Kindred

"Umbra are born only in places of strong Umbral Mana"

Rare (Umbral)

"This Ancestry is dense in Umbral Mana"

Umbral Alignment

"Umbra have been marked by the Eldra Gods"

Godcursed (Eldra)

"All Umbra are gifted with Arcane Heritage"

Arcane Souls

"Umbra have a third eye, which allows them to peer into Souls"

Third Eye

"Umbra are capable of consuming souls to empower themselves"

Soul Eaters


​Umbra tend to be very 'cold' in terms of their body temperature, as their bodies and touch are naturally chilled. When it comes to their typical disposition, their coldness comes off in a more eerie way, as if they have weaker emotions to show. Umbra seem to have a hard time expressing themselves properly, and they can be very quiet-spoken. They can be quite stoic, aloof, and dismissive of others, though apparently not intentionally. They still feel emotions and have strong opinions, but they are unable to show them in the same vein as other Kindred do.​​


Umbra are born by chance from all Kindred, and two Umbra parents don't guarantee an Umbra child, though it is sometimes more likely for Umbra to have Umbra children. What does guarantee an Umbral child, however, is if there's strong Umbral Mana in a region. Almost always, when Umbral Mana is the dominant Mana, a Kindred child will be born an Umbra.

​The majority of Umbra are found in the Shifting Lands, where they are more common in the Umbral realms of the Sunless Kingdoms. While they are more likely to be born in the Shifting Lands, Umbra are still fairly rare even there, and one won't find any large settlements or tribes inhabited by mostly Umbra.


Umbra are said to be marked, or rather "cursed" by the Eldra Gods. Many Kindred generally fear Umbra because they believe they are the secret servants of the evil Eldra, which makes Umbra naturally evil too. According to some, it is thought that the Umbra's Arcane talent was given to them by the Eldra.


This Arcane talent grants every Umbra unique sets of various though often minor Magia, that can also be inherited by their children. Their arcane energies do, however, also attract the attention of otherworldy beings, usually of eldritch and demonic stock.

“In some societies where Umbra appear in somewhat greater numbers, they are often compelled by the local culture to wear custom-made 'Glass Masks'. This is commonly a gift given by parents to their Umbra children, to help them adjust their Umbral Mana.


These Glass Masks are made to suppress their umbral aura and hide it, while also tempering the Umbral Mana within their Shroud. In some cultures it's charms, and not masks, but the same principle is still there.


Certain cultures are very strict about having Umbra wear their masks, since it is meant to hide their aura, and thus dispel the air of fear and nervousness that Umbra naturally emit with said aura."


"Shadow Umbra"

- Umbra Lineages-


Shadow Umbra are the most common of this Ancestry, and they are those with Shrouds most powerful in Umbral Mana. They are more frequently born in places of deep shadows, or in nightlands where Umbral Mana is dominant. As they are of Umbral Mana, Shadow Umbra are completely immune to any damaging Aether wrought by such Mana.


Shadow Umbra have faded symbols marked around their bodies, which are sometimes hard to discern without looking closer. On their skin they have a sort of shadow-like sheen attached to them, and they possess a more external shadowy aura similar to that of an Astra's aura of light, which is mostly controlled by their emotions. Additionally, they have a Third Eye, but it is forever closed. Some very rare few Shadow Umbra possess an open Third Eye, which in some cultures elevates them.


Among all the Umbra, those of Shadow are the strongest shadowbenders, as none others can boast of similar mastery over the darkness around them. Shadow Umbra can easily expel shadows in a place, or even engulf it entirely in pitch, blinding darkness. Especially skilled Shadow Umbra can also alter their own aura to hide themselves from visible sight.




With pale to blue-ish skin and glowing, white eyes, Night Umbra have the look of the night-sky about them, as they also posess faint auras which reflect "night" and "stars", and various winding markings on their face and body. This Lineage possesses a Third Eye like most Umbra, except their is open and functional. It is said their Third Eye grants them greater natural vision, along with the usual prescient sight Umbra tend to possess.


Night Umbra are strong in Celestial-aligned Mana, and they possess a greater mastery over Arcane Magia, which makes many of them fitting to fill Magi roles in their societies.


Night Umbra tend to be the most common of the Ancestry to desire souls for consumption. They have a sort of innate hunger that can sometimes be difficult to ignore.



With hardened skin of glass and crystal, Glass Umbra can be quite colourful and reflective in their shards. Their bodies are composed partially of various crystallized minerals, which gives their outer skin a hard exterior, with some harder layers around the arms and shoulders, and sometimes hair and forehead, the latter of which where they have a Third Eye made of a strikingly distinctive gem.


They have a strong natural control over Frost Mana, and they're able mend their own wounds quickly, or even regrow lost eyes, fingers, or toes. Glass Umbra also age much slower than other Kindred due to their highly regenerative bodies. However, Glass Umbra are prone to have their glass-skin more easily "shatter" if it's pierced with a sharp and hard object.




Ash Umbra have a grey to lightish skin colour, with various twisting markings along their body and face, which sometimes also distinctively look like handprints. Somewhat more humanlike compared to other Umbra, as Ash Umbra possess more regular-looking eyes without any glow, and they lack a visible Third Eye; though, there is usually some kind of discernible dot on the forehead instead, typically blue or white.


Ash Umbra are commonly born primarily in lands and regions where Aether is overall weaker, and where Mana has some taint of the Nether about it. This also makes Ash Umbra less naturally talented at shadowbending or manipulating Mana, though they do have a notably higher resistance towards most Magia and Aetheric alteration.


In addition, Ash Umbra are incapable of consuming souls, and can't read the souls of others as easily as other Umbra.

Umbra Roles

“Umbra are often thought of as witches or demons due to their shadowy and unusual appearance. They do excel at manipulating general Aether and Mana, which makes them skilled at creating Magia, and thus many do become Magi.


Because of their natural ability to bend shadows, they can find it easier to remain hidden, which is useful for the less savoury members of civilized societies.”

- Notable Traits -

Dark Presence:

All Umbra are primarily of Umbral Mana, which is reflected in their appearances and abilities. While only Shadow and Night Umbra have visible auras, Ash and Glass Umbra have a sort of invisible yet cold aura surrounding them, which empowers their Umbral Mana.


In all Umbra except Ash, their aura can be somewhat dangerous to other Kindred, as it compels those exposed to it to experience nervousness or fear, and if empowered further it can cause panic or nightmares. Umbra mostly know how to control their aura to avoid causing too much ire, but there is always a small, scratching feeling of discomfort in others' minds regardless. In some extreme cases an Umbra's aura might be too strong, and it won't be possible for the Umbra to weaken or hide it.


It is often that other Kindred describe Umbra as Eldralike, leaning mainly on how Umbra are beings of shadow and darkness. In that sense they do appear very godlike or demonlike as far as their appearances are concerned, though it doesn't make them any less mortal than most Kindred.



Third Eye:

Most Umbra have an ability for prescient visions, which means they can tell the future, usually of themselves, but with training they can also peer into other people's souls to determine their fates. This is also how Umbra can generally read  another Kindred's soul to discern their memories and Soul Heritages.


The intensity of precognition granted by an Umbra's Third Eye can vary. For the most part they can't control how far ahead they look, nor can they choose the fates they witness in others. Usually, however, Umbra can use their Third Eye to see seconds into the future, which is useful for fighters and the like to predict incoming attacks, or to pre-perceive potential threats. For some Lineages, like the Ash Umbra, precognition isn't a seen thing, but a feeling they get.

Glass Memoria:

​Combined with their Third Eye's potential ability to peer into another Kindred's memories, some Umbra can also restore memories, or collect them in crystal shards they make. This power is especially prominent in the Glass Umbra, who have greater control over shaping glass and crystals, which also makes them very skilled at carving Eldglass.


In addition, exceptionally skilled Glass Umbra can open gateways of glass, by piercing and bending the Godsglass to enter into the Veils. These rifts tend to be small and don't stay open for long, and it is rare for such a gateway to be big enough for an average Kindred to enter through. Instead, it might better serve as a way to summon smaller creatures from the Veils, or to transport items over short distances.




Umbra consist primarily of Umbral Mana, which makes them excel at manipulating shadows, and especially in places of strong Umbral Mana. They can alter the shape of a shadow, adjust the intensity of its darkness, and reform it into more concentrated energy. In general, an Umbra's shadowy state is very much controlled by their emotions. If the light suddenly begins to wane and darkness engulfs, it is likely the Umbra is in a terrible mood.


Shadow Umbra are especially strong when it comes to Shadowbending, and they have a greater disposition for altering their own Umbral Mana and shadowy aura. This is also how one can tell the general well-being of a Shadow Umbra, as their aura will weaken if they are poorly.​



Arcane Cursed:

The Umbra are marked by the Eldra Gods, which makes them more likely to hear the dark whispers and allures of the Eldra. These whispers often turn many Umbra to become the Eldra's servants, in which case they receive access to powerful curses only Eldra Gods can grant. However, swearing one's life to the Eldra Gods is a sure-fire way to become irrevocably enslaved by them too.


An Umbra's Arcane talent is said to be part of the Eldra's mark, which gives them a strong arcane alignment, and which makes creating Magia easier for most Umbra. Additionally, this talent gifts each Umbra unique sets of minor Magia, which they gradually obtain and learn to control as they age. Since they are so touched by Arcane matters, Umbra often risk various eldritch and demonic influences, aside from the Eldra.



Soul Eaters:

Umbra have an innate magical ability where they're able to consume souls, usually of the deceased. They are often compared to demons because of this, since a consumed soul is destroyed and wont return to the Aetherwends, so in general it isn't considered a good thing to eat souls. However, a soul doesn't have to be eaten in its entirety, as slivers can be "snacked" on instead.


Consuming soul slivers makes Umbra temporarily stronger, as it has a chance to grant various soul-inherent powers lodged in the slivers. Unfortunately, soul eating also has an addictive downside to it. Some Umbra who consume souls regularly can become very reliant on the taste and feeling. Generally, consuming animal souls is enough, but certain Umbra who desire "tastier" souls become so-called "Soul Vampires", and hunt other Kindred for higher quality souls.


Umbra Souls & Witches

"In many tales even from before the Ashen Era, the stories and whispers of dark witches and eldritch sorcerers, have told of the gifts and dangers of mingling with the powers of shadows and demons.


'Spinsters', as they are known as, are the latest and most real of these tales. Individuals who are known as Spinsters are a type of magi who utilize Aether to look into the souls of Kindred, and manipulate those souls in a variety of ways; from peering into their inner desires, to instilling fears, to crushing the Threads tied to a soul.


These Spinsters become known as Fate-Seers and Curse-Spinners, who read the fate of Kindred or doom their souls in unutterable curses, by reweaving the Threads against them. Witches, as it were.


Umbra and Vhai are Kindred Ancestries that are especially prone to become Spinsters. Not because they are personally inclined to corrupt souls and cast curses, but because their Shrouds are very attuned to the Spinster profession. For the Umbra, their Third Eye and Arcane Souls fit well with the notion of soul-manipulation, and they have better control over such Magia than most Kindred do.


Umbra Spinsters are often feared because of their appearance, as they are covered in Umbral Mana, and other Kindred will look upon them with either disdain or nervous horror because of the darkness surrounding them. Naturally, it is mainly an Umbra's aura that causes this discomfort, but even then Umbra Spinsters to tend to have that air of  witchcraft about them, and their emotionless disposition doesn't help either.


While most people view Spinsters as evil witchfolk, they are in most cases helpful, if a bit reclusive magi, who use their own curses and soul-powers to tame or eliminate various eldritch and demonic influences, as well as exorcise dark spirits or dispel evil curses."


of the Wild Hunters



Said to have been fused with the souls of stalking predators, the Basra are an Ancestry who align with feline beasts. Basra have very striking feline features, such as cat-eyes, strong claws, sharp fangs and teeth, cat-like tails, and prominent but usually thin layers of fur along their bodies.


A Basra's appearance is that of a mixture of feline and humanlike features, and the frequency of certain appearance traits between Basra can be quite varied. Some might look more cat-like with sharp feline ears, more prominent layers of fur, and possess notable manes, whilst some others could more align with their humanlike parts, where their feline features are more toned down.


Basra are found in most parts of both the Shifting Lands and the Numen Shards, though Basra-focused communities tend to be fairly small, and generally Basra live alongside or near other Kindred. Many Basra might prefer to live more solitary lives, but generally they are drawn to live in 'packs'.


Basra are regarded as natural hunters, much due to their own feline instincts and senses. In addition, they are nimble and fast, with noteworthy reflexes and strength. A Basra will often not need a weapon to do their killing, when their claws and fangs make do.​



-Striped Basra-

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Clans

"Basra are common in most lands throughout Numenua"


"Basra are beastlike, and have a natural affinity with feline beasts"

Wild Souls (Feline)

"Basra can only eat meat, and are known to practice cannibalism"


"This Ancestry is driven largely by animal instincts"

Hunter Instincts

"This Ancestry is marked by the Nua of Hunts"

Godmarked (Orishu)


When birthing offspring, Basra usually give birth to 'litters', though not in the same sense as wild cats. Generally a Basra mother will carry two or three children at a time. This has ensured that Basra-specific tribes grow quickly, though it also means more mouths to feed. Since Basra are big eaters, as is part of their often insatiable hunger, feeding a large tribe of Basra would be difficult, so it is common for these communities to send their adult young into the wilds to fend for themselves for a time when food is dire.


When it comes to Aether, it is fairly rare for a Basra to have any proficient talent in utilizing Mana for Magia, though as Godmarked of the Nua Orishu, some Basra might instead become shamans or priests in Orishu's name. Additionally, Basra souls are usually attuned to spirits quite well, and especially to that of ancestral spirits or spirits of the wilds.


A common trait of Basra is their aggressive disposition. They rarely trust strangers, and are quick to anger when they don't get their way. They are also quite prideful and often dignified about themselves, as part of their life-long dedication to suppress their beastlike instincts. They often see themselves as above others, especially in regards to fighting and hunting prowess. Though many Basra can also be very stoic, their tails betray their true emotions, as their tails often move based on a Basra's mood.

Any Basra is constantly wrestling with their inner beast. Instincts largely drive their emotions and wants, something they must curtail whenever they are in civilized places, or even when among their own, as to not cause disrespect to themselves.


It is also a matter of safety, as a Basra who loses themselves to their instincts becomes more beast than man, and they will be unable to control themselves or even know what they are doing.


However, there are some tribes where letting the inner beast free is part of their way of life. In these tribes Basra are allowed to let their instincts take hold whenever, but this also has a tendency to make those Basra tribes very wild, which means that trading or communicating with them is more or less impossible, since they become and behave more like animals.​

"The Basra Ancestry possesses an ingrained and instinctual fear or aversion towards bodies of water. This doesn't mean they can't swim or bathe, but that they find great initial discomfort in it, and can even feel constantly nervous when near or surrounded by large pools of water.


In some cases, however, these aversions can be quite extreme. The Basra's fears will manifest so strongly, that they simply on instinct refuse to go close to any water they deem too deep or too large.


It is even said that rain can cause this fear to trigger, which is why there is an untrue stigma about how Basra hunters won't hunt in the rain because they're afraid of getting wet."


"Maned Basra"

- Basra Lineages -



These are Basra who have very distinct striped patterns for their coats of fur. A Striped Basra is considerably more agile and acrobatic than their other Lineages, and they also possess greater control over their bestial instincts. They generally eat much less than the average Basra too.


They also posses much sharper claws with a much tighter natural grip, which allows them to climb most surfaces quite easily. Striped Basra tend to have some better control over their long tails, which allows them to use them as a sort of third arm, though admittedly an arm without any proper grip.​




Spotted Basra show very prominent spotted patterns along their layers of fur, often appearing in places of bare skin too, and looks very much like tattoos. This Lineage is considered naturally athletic and fast, as  they are some of the fastest and most enduring runners among all Kindred.


Spotted Basra typically have more spread coats of fur along their bodies, but it is also very thin, which makes Spotted Basra better suited for dry and hot climates.




Maned Basra are usually very muscular and physically strong. They can be much more aggressive compared to other Basra Lineages, which makes them more prone to lose control over their instincts. They also possess very powerful jaws accompanied by exceedingly strong fangs and teeth.


Maned Basra feature impressive manes and hair, which flows nicely and densely usually around their shoulders and necks. Depending on the climate and temperature, this Lineage's mane will grow large and thick in places that are cold, and smaller and thinner in warm climates.​​


Half Basra are the most humanlike of the Lineages. They are often mistaken for other Kindred, since they tend to have a much more subtle feline appearance. Their looks are generally quite varied overall, with some common features like smaller cat ears, shorter or no tails, lesser claws and fangs, and less prominent coats of fur absent any striking patterns.


Half Basra also have much more subdued instincts, and they struggle less with controlling their inner beasts. This also makes them on average much weaker than other Lineages in terms of animal senses and general strength. This Lineage is sometimes not even considered Basra by certain members of their fellow Ancestry, who might go so far as to name Half Basra as 'housecats'.

Basra Roles

“Basra are best fit for roles that involve fighting or hunting, and as such they are natural warriors and hunters. In some island- or river-based cultures they might be more inclined to be fishers.


Basra are naturally physically fit and strong, so they can also do most labour-intensive jobs. They tend to be lacking in more artisanal work, and they aren't as valued as entertainers. Sometimes their affinity for feline beasts makes them excellent tamers, though.”

- Notable Traits -

Claws & Fangs:

A typical Basra possesses strong claws and fangs, which are highly durable and exceedingly sharp. Their claws are akin to the strength of iron, and their jaws have a natural tight grip that bites hard and locks on quite powerfully, which is useful for pinning down their prey.


Some Basra have claws and grips that are strong enough to let them climb fairly effortlessly, depending on the surface. The general length of a Basra's claws also depend on the Lineage, as they can range from very short and unnoticeable, to long and blade-like, which forgoes a need for any traditional weapons during fights.

Feline Affinity:

Basra have a very close connection to most catlike beasts; much in their form, which makes them very stealthy and precise in their movements, and careful and calculating in their thinking.


But most of all Basra have an advanced empathy shared between them and catbeasts, as there is a kind of unspoken language shown in behaviour and body; a kind of ingrained "catspeak" that all Basra instinctually know.


This makes it easier for Basra to challenge and calm any wild feline animals, and it also allows them to effortlessly tame any catlike beasts, if they so desire. They can even just be around wild cats without any immediate danger.

"There is a Basra-specific tradition, often seen amongst all Basra regardless of which land or Shard they reside in (perhaps as an ingrained part of their souls), where they inflict 'Clawmarks' upon each other. 


This is a symbol of loss or submission, as it is typically done after a fight or duel between Basra. The victor is allowed to mark their target on their skin, usually on their arm, their back, or their neck, depending on how much shame they wish to inflict. In some extreme cases a Basra's tail might also be cut off entirely.


A Basra with many Clawmarks is often looked at as lesser in Basra communities, as they are proven to be weak fighters."

Hunter Instincts:

Most Basra have a strong sense of smell, which lets them track strong scents. Additionally their hunter instincts make Basra very agile, physically strong, and they possess a high perception of things around them; making them able to detect potential dangers. There's even a sort of "danger sense" which makes a Basra subconsciously judge a person or creature's level of threat, and alerts their mind of this danger.


Basra also have very sharp vision and nightsight, they have better than average hearing, and they possess a sensitive tongue that lets them "test" food or water for discrepancies, like poisons or deep-rot, or the like.


All combined, this makes Basra very formidable among the Kindred, though their weakness is often in their sense-based strengths, as they can't discern a a weaker scent, sound, or taste among stronger ones.



Beast Rage:

Typically, the majority of Basra are very quick to anger, harder to calm down, and generally act much on their instincts over any logic or sense. They are quick to jump to conclusions, and rarely back down if they feel like they are the stronger ones in a situation. In general, Basra aren't very good at talking things out.


There is an inner beast in all Basra, which controls their hunger and their rage, to the point where many Basra lose themselves so much in their bestial nature, that they become more like wild animals. In most cultures, and especially those that consist of Basra living among other Kindred, it is usual for Basra to learn at a very young age to control their emotions and instincts. But even then, the rage might still come out sometimes.


As another effect of their Beast Rage, Basra become enhanced fighters while in this state, as their senses and reflexes become extremely heightened. Sometimes the scent of blood pulls them even deeper into their rage, with the risk of becoming so wildly enraged and instinct-bound, that they are no longer capable of regaining their senses.



Carnivorous Diet:

Basra are able to consume raw meat with their bone-breaking teeth, but they also won't usually eat anything else besides meat. Cooked meat is fine, but raw is just as easily consumed without any negative side-effects for a Basra's digestion. Even meat  that has begun to rot is sill digestible, provided it hasn't been beset by rot for too long. Basra do, however, have a noticeable dislike for plant-based food, to the point where it tastes foul or makes them sick.


Basra are described as an Ancestry that is always hungry, as they need to eat a lot of food to remain satisfied. When they're not hunting or sleeping, they're usually eating. In Basra-centric communities like some villages, there are many moments throughout the day dedicated to snacking and eating.


Starving Basra can be very dangerous, as they start to lose control of their humanlike halves. Instead their inner beast begins to take over, and many Basra have been known to turn to cannibalism to sate their hunger. In general, this is only an occurrence in extreme circumstances, but one should always be careful around an unsatisfied Basra regardless.

Basra Cannibalism

"Basra of many societies have been known to practice cannibalism. There is a sort of deep hunger in all Basra, which tells them that they must always be eating. Sometimes, when meat is scarce, this has led to acts of cannibalism in some Basra communities.


Generally a Basra will manage to control themselves, but the more starved they are, the more likely it is that they can't avoid their beast instincts, and they might even lose control and go into a blind rage.


Usually, Basra grow up and learn to suppress their bestial hunger, and they learn to not look at and treat fellow Kindred as potential meals. Despite this, many do unfortunately succumb to their hunger, and when there's little food to be found, then their victims might be those of Kindred-make.


In some Basra-focused communities, like wild tribes, cannibalism is commonplace, and it is almost expected by them. These are tribes that are considerably hostile, and they consist of Basra who let their beast instincts control them; often to the point where they no longer behave like Kindred."


of the Numen Tree



Alrun are Kindred who are connected to the bloom and growth side of Nature. Specifically, they are of Ethereal Nature, which is more focused on upholding the flow of the life-force of trees and plants, as well as the spirits who dwell in them. Their appearance is very much plantlike, and they possess various flowery features and layers of barkskin along their bodies.


Their general appearance can vary, as it can lean more on a humanlike side where most of their plantlike traits are less prominent and their Alrun nature is quite subdued and hidden.


Or they could be on the other end, where their bodies are covered in flowers, leafs, and petals, and their skin is mostly of bark or more plant-coloured, though primarily they tend to take on more flower-like traits. Some Alrun  tend to look very "dryadic", even.


One can generally tell an Alrun's well-being by the colour and state of the flowers on their bodies, and it is often their petals correspond to their mood as well. Stronger colours are associated with strong and excited emotions, while dampened and greyer colours are of more depressed feelings.​



-Dawnbloom Alrun-

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Kindred

"Alrun are more common in the Shifting Lands, and only in forests, swamps, and jungles"


"Alrun Vessels are primarily plant- and treelike"


"Alrun are closely connected to Ethereal Nature and spirits"


"Alrun have an affinity towards plants, like flowers and trees"

Bloom Souls

"This Ancestry's Vessels absorb nutrients and memories through sun, soil, and water"



Alrun take pride in their flowers, and are very focused on not only their own grown plants, but also just equally enamoured by flowers in general, from the beautiful appearance of flowers to the smell of their nectar. They possess a sort of affinity towards all blooms that is felt in their hearts, which makes Alrun able to somewhat communicate with flowers.


Alrun are found to thrive mostly in woods, marshes, and jungles. Most Alrun Lineages generally don't do well in hot and dry climates, or even cold and barren ones. Most Alrun prefer warm and wet climates, though there are a few Lineage exceptions to the rule.


Most Alrun are omnivores, as they can eat both meat and plants without issue. Some Lineages differ, and might prefer one or the another, but even then it's not impossible for them to consume meat or plants. Some Alrun might take issue with eating flowers though, and even just the act of picking a flower prematurely could cause discomfort for some of the more sensitive Alrun.


​When Alrun Lineages mix in union, they tend to create interesting patterns and blooms in their offspring, as those children take on the traits and colours of both parents. This can also be evident in between an Alrun and a non-Alrun Kindred, where the child, even if not born Alrun, might possess very noticeable Alrun traits, like flower-like patterns, or parts of barkskin. Sometimes Alrun pairings are chosen based just on the potential for making beautiful and strong offspring; common among more pureblood-minded Alrun.

​Most Alrun are connected to Ethereal Nature, which grants them some spiritual-like abilities associated with the natural worlds. Most of all they feel the life-force of living plants and trees, and can more easily ascertain their health, or understand what ails them just by touch alone.


Alrun are also talented cultivators and possess exceedingly green thumbs, which allows them to grow crops of plants, berries, and fruit with ease; much due to them being able to feel their life-force. ​Additionally, they can grow various flowers and plants from their own bodies as well with relative ease, though if it's anything edible, they might conclude to not consume it themselves.


In some Alrun-specific tribes and communities, many Alrun come together to form settlements shaped out of trees, and usually without doing any cutting. Certain Alrun can be very gifted at Treeshaping, which lets them reform various branches and vines into tools, or if they're very skilled, they can reshape entire trees to create elaborate, seamless houses.

​"While Alrun are still Kindred of flesh and blood, they are still largely part-plantlike, with plantlike bodies. When an Alrun baby is born, referred to as a 'seedling', it must be placed in rich soil quickly after, preferably half-burying the baby, so that it forms a strong link to Ethereal Nature.


Without this small process, the child will risk growing up without any connection to Ethereal Nature, and be deemed a 'Stillseed'; a half-dead Alrun, lacking all the gifts of Nature."


"Alrun Sunbloom"

- Alrun Lineages-


Dawnbloom Alrun are often green-skinned, with white and orange petals, or lighter greens, though generally they exhibit the most colourful range of flowers of all Alrun, especially in their patterns and hair. Their Mana is aligned strongly with Wind.


This Lineage is one of the more common Alrun ones throughout Numenua, and they are found living mostly in warm woodlands or thick jungles. Dawnbloom Alrun have a natural affinity towards spirits, and especially those of Wind and trees. They also form more powerful connections with trees; sometimes obsessively so.


Those of the Dawnbloom passively produce a pheromone when alerted, which can in higher potencies confuse and daze those around them; an effect which is even further strengthened via their nectar. Additionally, Dawnblooms can grow flowers and vines much faster than other Alrun, which lets them rappel themselves through the woods, or quickly ensnare potential creatures or Kindred.​​​


This Lineage exhibits darker, more bark-like colours, with fiery red and yellow petals for their bloom. Sunblooms are of Flame Mana, which makes them very resistant to fire and heat. Their Vessels are very strong, and Sunblooms tend to be physically stronger than other Alrun. In general they have much thicker barkskin, which grants them better protection from blows and strikes.


Sunblooms grow flowers from their bodies, whose nectar is regarded as hot, sometimes described as spicy, even, and it is warms up the body when consumed. This nectar's intensity can be further empowered, to be re-utilized to create bomb-like flowers, which can be thrown to explode upon impact.


Additionally, Sunbloom pheromones are passively produced when they feel threatened, which enhances their own senses like sight and hearing, and strengthens their muscles.




Duskbloom Alrun are of usually purple skin with purple and violet petals on their bloom, but also sometimes blood-red, often in the shape of lotuses and lilypad-like. They have very intricate patterns, and their flowers are of dark and strong hues. Their leaves and petals are usually very large to behold, more-so than the norm among the Alrun.


This Lineage's Mana is one mostly aligned with Water, and they prefer to live near rivers or in swamps. They enjoy swimming in water more than most Alrun. Duskbloom nectar has a rejuvenating effect, that restores energy and increases the potency of healing Magia. Duskbloom pheromones also have a rejuvenating effect, which is weaker than nectar, but more passively available.




Nightbloom Alrun have cold blue and white colours, with noticeable light-blue or snow-white petals. Their souls are strong in Frost Mana, which makes them highly resistant to cold environments and climates, where they are often found. Their bloom and colours tend to shine more powerfully during night-time, and especially in the moonlight. Nightbloom possess strong nightsight, which lets them see in the dark.


Nightblooms have a talent for Arcane pursuits, and are often associated with feylike aspects. When growing flowers from themselves, they can produce a kind of nectar that glows a glittering white. This chilled nectar is unique, in that it enhances Celestial Mana when consumed, which makes their Magia very powerful.


A Nightbloom's pheromones can cause drowsiness in those they affect, and if potent enough, the pheromones can even put them completely to sleep.




Alrun of the Darkbloom tend to have more subdued, darker colours, like grey or faintly blueish. However, their colour is most striking in the dark, when it starts to glows luminously, as is most evident in their hair and in their blooms. Unlike other Alrun, Darkblooms often have more myconic features, like various funguses or mushroom growths or head-parts that resemble mushroom hats. Darkblooms are more carnivorous than other Alrun, as they prefer meat over plants and fruit.


Darkblooms are aligned heavily with Umbral Mana of the Celestial kind, and they thrive in darker places; especially if it's wet and damp, like in coastal or swamp caverns.


Alrun of this Lineague utilize spores that they naturally produce from their skin. Their spores spread and expand their senses, and allows them to form a sort of small auric area where they can grow more aware of anything within it. Their spores can also carry toxic components, if the Darkbloom so desires. Additionally, their fungal nature makes them highly resistant to poisons themself.


Alrun Roles

“As Alrun are closely connected to Nature, they tend to fulfil druidic roles, or become shamans to contend with the spirits.


Most Alrun, however, are usually cultivators of some sort, as they are deft at growing plants. In more civilized places they become farmers. Alrun can also become skilled artisans, usually working with wood with their Woodshaping abilities.”

- Notable Traits -


​Alrun are, at birth, close allies of Ethereal Nature, which is the Numen Tree's form in the Shifting Lands. With their connection, Alrun can quickly grow plants from their own bodies and are talented cultivators and growers of plantlife, and they can adjust the intensity of their Vessels' plants, like the growth and colour of their flowers, vines, and so on. They can even adjust their own features and sex even more drastically, by undergoing a process known as a 'Blooming'.


Every Alrun bonded to Ethereal Nature can feel the life-force of trees, and they can "speak" with trees to know their wants and worries, and sense the health of flowers. In the same vein, Alrun are capable of easily communicating with spirits too, though most specifically to spirits that inhabit trees and plants, and to a degree animal spirits, as well.


Generally, most Alrun are of a Primordial alignment when it comes to their Mana, though those of the Darkbloom and Nightbloom Lineages tend to possess more Celestial aligned Mana.




Alrun have a natural ability to reshape wood, and especially of freshly cut branches, instead of having to directly carve the wood. By woodshaping, they can easily make various tools and weapons, or maybe just trinkets. Additionally, Alrun can take large leafs and harden and sharpen them, to make very efficient Leafblades; capable of standing their own even against weapons of iron.​


Especially skilled Woodshapers, known better as Treeshapers, can alter the shape and form of a living tree, to expand into rooms and house-like features, to act as abodes for Alrun.


All Alrun possess harder skin, or have parts of their body be of harder tree-like skin, often appearing as layers of strong, durable bark. This barkskin is quite adequate at fending off simple blows. Additionally, the skin of Alrun can regenerate wounds on its own, faster if supplemented with water or rich soil.


An Alrun's skin is made to endure even certain weaknesses like fire and frost, but only to a degree. Most Alrun are still on average weakened by Flame and Frost Mana, with a few Lineage exceptions, such as the Sunbloom and Nightbloom.



Nectar & Pheromones:

All Alrun can create flowers on their bodies that bloom and produce nectar. The intensity and effects of their nectar greatly depends on the specific Lineage. Usually their nectar has various enhancing aspects that can boost a body's immune system or temporarily strengthen muscles, or their nectar can have detrimental effects, like being volatile or containing toxic substances.


Most Alrun Lineages can also passively produce various types of pheromones from their bodies and flowers, which can have different effects depending on the Lineage. Usually, these pheromones are triggered when the Alrun feels alerted or threatened. For Darkbloom Alrun, they produce spores instead of pheromones.


In general, Alrun pheromones are fairly weak and won't last long on those they affect, as it loses its intensity over time with most Kindred, who just simply get used to it.




There is a known ability and tradition of Alrun to "bind" themselves to a living plant, most commonly a tree. In most Alrun-focused communities, it is common for a young child, around the age of six, to bind their hearts to a tree-sprout, which will be known as their 'Heart-Tree'. By doing this, their Aether is further enhanced and increased, and continues to grow as they age, and an Alrun's connection to Ethereal Nature is made stronger. In addition, an Alrun's age is extended as well, usually to around 100-150 years old.


This tradition isn't widespread, as not every Alrun will have a Heart-Tree attached to them. There is also nothing that says an Alrun must be a child to bind themselves, so they can also do it later in life if they wish, but it is more effective if  the process begins earlier.


However, binding oneself to a Heart-Tree can also have other consequences. Anything that happens to the tree will affect the Alrun too, like if their Heart-Tree is cut on, they feel pain. If the tree is sick, so too will the Alrun be affected by sickness. Incidentally, this works the other way around too, which is a good way to gauge an Alrun's health just by looking at their Heart-Tree.


If their Heart-Tree somehow dies, the Alrun will be greatly weakened and often fall into a coma. Many Alrun with a lesser constitution, especially very young or older Alrun, also just simply die if their Heart-Tree perishes. If the Alrun dies before their Heart-Tree does, the tree will continue to live on without them, and in some Alrun tribes, the deceased is buried beneath their tree, and it acts kind of like their gravestone.




Alrun are able to draw nutrients from soil, sun, and water via their skin, as a minor alternative to actively eating via their mouths. They can still eat actual food, and it is preferable, as their absorption is only somewhat effective, though it does come with some other notable benefits.


Drinking water speeds up an Alrun's natural healing of wounds, depending on how potent the water is, and exceptionally clean and rich water allows for a greater build-up of Aether. This does, however, also makes Alrun somewhat more susceptible to the effects of other liquid substances, like some poisons or alcohol.


Additionally, Alrun can learn of a land's memories by absorbing its soil; memories left by spirits who once or still inhabit the land. This way they sometimes experience the vestiges of memories from even before the Ashen Era. The effects are limited, though, to a very small area, like that of a copse of trees, or a small hilly mound, or similar.


Alrun Blooming

"A Blooming is when an Alrun "remakes" themselves and completely alters their appearance, by entering into a kind of 'chrysalis' state that resemble a closed flower. This naturally occurs thrice during the life-time of an average Alrun, first when they are a young child, second when they are mid-adolescence, and again during early adulthood.


Sometimes the changes are minor and not very noticeable, such as how their colours of their petals or skin might change a little, or the composition of their hair. The changes tend to coincide with the wishes of the Alrun, and might also be a little dependent on the environment.


However, a Blooming can also alter an Alrun's body more drastically, and can also change their personalities completely, alter their Aether and Mana, and even transform them into another Lineage. Their bodies could become thinner, more muscular, or feature less or more plantlike traits. A Blooming even lets an Alrun change their born sex if they desire to.


Alternative to just waiting for a Blooming to occur naturally, there are some among the Alrun who are known as "Bloomtenders". These are specially gifted Alrun who possess an ability to initiate a Blooming in themselves or other Alrun. They are fairly uncommon, though they are sometimes known to "set up shop", as it were, in more civilized places of Numenua, to allow for Alrun to access their services."


of the Great Herds



The Drida are Kindred who are, essentially, deerlike in their form. Their appearance features horns and antlers, long, droopy ears, extended necks, short tail scuts, and coats of fur reminiscent of various horned and lithe animal species.


This Ancestry's bodies are built to be somewhat frail, as they are often fairly lean in their proportions. To make up for this, Drida are also quite nimble, athletic, and possess powerful legs with equally powerful kicks, which lets them jump higher and farther, as well as deliver strong blows to any opponents via their kicks.


Drida-centric societies are known to travel in great nomadic herds, known better as herd-tribes. Drida are generally very social and thrive mostly in the company of groups, and they possess a rather evident herdlike mentality about them.


According to legends, the first Drida were made from humankin who looked upon the great horizon, and wished to know its end. And so those Drida gazed at the Endless Horizon, and kept moving towards it; to one day hopefully find horizon's farthest reaches. Because of this, Drida are generally known as wanderers, as they enjoy travelling.



-Woodfaun Drida-

"This Ancestry possesses deer- and elk-like aspects"

Wild Souls (Deer)

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Clans

"This Ancestry is very common in most lands throughout Numenua"

Very Common

"Drida are closely connected to Primordial Nature"

Nature's Children

"Drida are swiftfooted and can run for very long distances"


"Male Drida are commonly quite tall, whilst female Drida are of average Kindred height"

Tall Stature (Males)

"This Ancestry can survive and live in most natural environments"


"Drida are capable of digesting most plants without difficulty, even rough ones"



Drida have a strong connection to the natural world, or more specifically to the Primordial Nature of the Numen Tree. This means they are often in-tune with the animals of the land, as well as the animal spirits that are also known to roam between the Primordial and Ethereal Worlds. Drida generally don't have any strong connection to the Numa or Nua Gods outside of a few, and most Drida tribes are more likely to worship the spirits.


​Additionally, Drida aren't very Aetherically talented, outside of their communion with spirits and animals. Generally a Drida's Mana can lean in any direction, and it isn't usually naturally substantial in any way, outside of certain Soul Heritages. They are, however, quite adept at athletic efforts, as they are natural-born runners due to their very powerful legs and extensive stamina.


Drida are one of the most common Kindred throughout Numenua, which includes both the Shifting Lands and the Numen Shards. They are found on every known Shard, and where they roam they are often in the thousands; spread throughout the lands in various villages, nomadic herd-tribes, or along island settlements. There are few places where Drida aren't acclimated to survive.


However, Drida societies rarely build cities or truly permanent settlements. There are sort-of exceptions in a few tribes, who tend to establish small to medium-sized, but often temporary settlements. These are villages or larger camp-sites created for the purposes of cultivating soil to sow and farm crops. Some Drida tribes will grow plants for a few years, before they the move on to lands of better, more fertile soil, so they can farm over again there.


Drida who live in multicultural cities filled with all sorts of different Kindred Ancestries are typically found in places where they can remain sociable and still feel a closer sense of community, which could mean anywhere from frequenting cathouses, to temples, or to battlehalls.

"Drida are known as fast breeders. Specifically, this means to say that they spend less time carrying children during pregnancy, as instead of the standard nine months of most Kindred, Drida carry only for six.


It is typical for women in a Drida tribal herd to take care of and rear that herd's children together communally, and so there aren't any traditional ideas of family, or even of specific mothers. All adult women in a herd are all the children's mothers."

"Plainsrunner Drida"

- Noteworthy Mundi Lineages-


Plainsrunners are of temperate plains and savannahs, and they are the most common of all Drida. They prefer warmer and open landscapes, where there's a lot of meadows of tall grass and reeds. Plainsrunners are regarded as the better athletic runners of the Drida, in both speed and stamina.


This Lineage has very varied shapes for their horns and antlers, as they can be either quite intricate or quite simple. Also, after shedding their horns, they often regrow new shapes instead of retaining the same shape of their old ones. Variant shades of brown or black fur are common among the Plainsrunners, and it is fairly short-grown.


Of all the Drida, Plainsrunners are oddly enough the most likely to establish settlements, though mainly for the purposes of cultivation and farming, which they excel at more than most. After a few years of farming, they pick up their villages and move on to find new soil to cultivate. Most Plainsrunners, though, are usually part of large herd-tribes, who often care for large animal herds.




This Lineage hails primarily from mountains, cliffs, and crags, where they excel as skilled climbers and far jumpers. They possess very round-spiralling and thick horns, almost goat-like, that often sit more flatly on the head. Mountainhorns have excellent eye-sight, which lets them see far and deep through the mountainous mist. Grey or dark-yellowish coats of fur, which can be bushy and long, protects these Drida from colder winds and temperatures.


Mountainhorns are often more solitary compared to other Drida, though typically they might at most live and travel in smaller families​, which is unique as far as Drida go. Mountainhorns are also quite muscular and strong, and their bodies aren't as frail.




The Woodfaun Drida are of boreal forests and jungles, as they prefer to hide amongst the brushes. They're the stealthier of the Drida Lineages, as they are better at hiding amongst the bark and trees due to their patterned fur. This also makes Woodfauns very good hunters.


Of all Drida Lineages, Woodfauns have the highest poison immunity from consuming poisonous plants and mushrooms. Also worth nothing, they have an advanced sense of smell, which can help them identify certain substances found in various plants.


Woodfauns  have long and very sharp antlers that split into two or three ends, and their coats of fur are have spotted or very striking patterns. They tend to have darker colours, but it depends on the woods they reside in.


Dunesteppers are Drida who were shaped by drier climates, such as arid landscapes or deserts. Their horns are more reminiscent of antelopes than deer, as they're more spiral-like and don't split into several ends. A Dunestepper is very accustomed to hot weather, and so their fur tends to be much thinner of a reddish hue, and they don't sweat as much.


Dunestepper communities are usually small compared to usual Drida herds, since food and water can be quite sparse in desert-like environments. Instead they might thrive more as distance hunters, which makes Dunesteppers more inclined to consume meat over plants.




Snowfauns are common in the colder regions of Numenua, such as those where it snows year-round, or in places where there's frosty steppes. Snowfauns tend to have thicker fur which lets them endure cold temperatures more readily, and it is usually a pale or a blue-ish colour. Their horns and antlers more elk-like.


Snowfauns appear to have a natural ability to hibernate, which allows them to survive harsher winters. In general, this Lineage seems to require very little sustenance to function, as they can go for several days without food or water and still manage to survive.​



Seatreader Drida are unusual among the Drida Lineages, as they are Drida who prefer to live on islands, where they form island villages or sail ships. They are also better swimmers compared to the other Drida Lineages, as they have an easier time gliding through the water due to their slimmer bodies and more arm-strengthened builds. This Lineage's antlers tend to be very small and of less sharper ends, even for males, and they angle backwards, which makes it easier for these Drida to swim.


Communities of Seatreaders make their living and survive by fishing, and sometimes by diving to collect shells and kelp. In addition, these kinds of island tribes frequent the waters on rafts and small ships, typically in warmer, tropical climates.

Drida Roles

“In Drida communities, their tribes tend to be nomadic, and as such they care for herds of sheep, cattle, or similar herd-animals, which makes most Drida excellent herders.


Other than that, they are also suited as hunters due to their speed and stamina, and they can be quite agile as fighters, despite having fairly fragile bodies.


Drida aren't necessarily great at using Mana, but they do have a druidic or shamanistic connection to the Spirits of Primordial Nature, which makes some Drida fitting spiritualists.”

- Notable Traits -



Drida are connected to the Animal Spirits of deer and elk, who roamed the lands in ancient times. As their Souls are largely attuned to deerlike animals, Drida possess heightened senses, and especially in that of hearing, which allows them to discern direction of sounds better than most. They also have greater reflexes, and they are quite nimble and quick.


Additionally, Drida possess a close affinity to the spirits of Primordial Nature, and feel an innate fondness to the natural world's creatures and plantlife. What they take from nature they don't waste, and what they return they do so gladly when the time comes. Drida tend to have a green-touch when it comes to plants, which in many cases makes them talented cultivators and farmers.


very noticeable and varied horns and antlers, regardless of sexes, though females tend to have smaller ones compared to males. Each Drida tends to have unique sets of horns or antlers of various shapes, sometimes partially inherited from parents. A Drida's antlers are regarded as highly important to them, in a prideful and aesthetic sense, since their antlers are often used as a means of attracting partners or establishing hierarchy.


What a Drida seeks in a partner's antlers depends on both Lineage and culture, as in some Drida-centric communities it might be how many sharp ends a horn possess, and in some it is the colour and shine, or maybe even how intricate the shapes are.


Drida antlers and horns for most Lineages are 'shed' at least twice a Year Cycle, and it takes about a month for them to grow back, usually in the same shape as before, but sometimes they might change, as affected by diet and health.




Drida are not only fast runners,  but they are ​better described as excellent endurance runners. They can sometimes run for days without much rest or food, but even this can be a bit extreme even for an athletic Drida. Those Drida who live in larger herds must often take into account the overall pace of the entire tribe, but there's no denying that Drida excel as scouts and hunters, or even as quick skirmishers if they are fighters.


As natural runners, Drida find enjoyment in moving around, which is why most Drida Lineages prefer open spaces where they can run around more freely. This adds to the common occurrence that Drida prefer nomadic lifestyles, as they don't stay in one place for too long. There are some few Lineages where they are more still-bound, but even then those Lineages won't want to stay in one place for too long.​




Most Drida Lineages prefer plants and fruit, but they aren't averse to meat and fish. They can eat most types of plants (even rough ones), and some Lineages are highly resistant to poisonous plants as well. As an Ancestry of mostly runners and nomads, Drida are often always on the move, which means they need to replenish energy by eating often whenever possible. Sometimes this means eating less tasty things, like grass.


Drida are sometimes referred to as "grazers", as they tend to eat any plants they come across. Or, rather, it is that they 'can' eat any plants they want, without any considerable issues, and still receive sufficient nutrients most of the time. Whether it's raw or poisonous, it doesn't much matter to a Drida's digestion.

Drida of the Herd-Tribes

"Drida have an innate instinct for hierarchy and community. It isn't very strong, as they don't feel uncontrollably forced to follow this instinct. In a natural sense, Drida tend to assign leaders out of either strongest individual, or most attractive (as defined by prominent horns or patterns), and since they prefer to live in groups of other Kindred, it is natural for Drida-focused communities to form as frequently as they do.


This continues down as a sort of herdlike-system, where there are usually a leader or two, their close subordinates, and then everyone else in a herd who follows them. Most Drida instinctively assign themselves a role as followers, and they will prefer to obey the words and actions of a chosen leader, as they more easily disregard their own wishes over their leader's.


The largest Drida herds are said to number in the thousands, like hordes of Drida travelling along and "grazing" the plains and meadows of the greater Numen Shards. Such large herds are fairly rare though, as most herds are at most around a hundred or two-hundred heads or so. Most Drida herds of certain lands do, however, tend to keep animal herds of their own, which can be very large, numbering in the thousands."

Marean & Sirine

of the Divided Seas



Those who divide themselves as the Marean and Sirine are of an Ancestry associated with seas and water, whose souls are strong in Water Mana. Mareans and Sirines thrive anywhere there is an abundance of water, such as on isles, near coasts, or along rivers.


Mareans and Sirines are technically of the same Ancestry, but divided in two by their sexes, mainly because of dealings relating to their patron gods, the Nua Naia and Erysea. It is only in the last few centuries that Mareans and Sirines began to meet again.


Shared by both sexes, there are three Lineages associated with this Ancestry, known as Tidal, Abyssal, and River. In general, the appearances of Mareans and Sirines is mostly the same, though on average Mareans are bulkier and more masculine, and Sirines slimmer and more feminine.


Mareans and Sirines tend to exhibit traits and features associated with water and sea-life, and they come in colours of blue, red, purple, or green, and they often have very distinct patterns and  layers of fish-scales or shells on their skin. Those of the River Lineage tend to lean more towards humanlike appearances, though with still some distinct aquatic features.




-Tidal Marean-

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Kindred

"Most Mareans are found in the Numen Shards"

Common (Numen Shards)

"Mareans consist of only the male sex"

Monosex (Male)

"Mareans are able to shapeshift into aquatic beasts"

Beastshape (Aquatic)

"This Ancestry thrives in water, and can breathe in it"

Tidal Soul

"Mareans are marked by Naia, the Nua of Seabeasts"

Godmarked (Naia)


All Mareans and Sirines possess gills, which allow them to breathe underwater. Additionally, they might have various fin-like appendages, often visualized on their ears or limbs. This Ancestry thrives the most when in or near water, and they need to refresh themselves frequently to keep their bodies from drying up too much.


This is alleviated by taking frequent baths, but most of all they just need to drink a lot of water, of which they are greatly revitalized by, as they can absorb nutrients more effectively via liquids, like in soups or teas. This does, however, also work with alcoholic beverages, of which Mareans and Sirines are more likely to be more heavily affected by. Likewise, various poisons also have greater effect on this Ancestry if it is absorbed in a liquid.


Mareans and Sirines are weakened when away from water, though it doesn't outright kill them beyond from general thirst. When in drier climates, these Kindred feel great discomfort and are very prone to dryness and flaky skin, but they can survive if they hydrate well enough. Being in colder climates and weather, like in snowy-regions, can also be detrimental to Mareans and Sirines, as they're more prone to catch illnesses from chilly climates.


Mareans and Sirines prefer to live in places strong in Water Mana, which makes them settle along coastlines or on islands. Some also live near lakes and rivers, and especially so for those of the River Lineage, as they thrive better with freshwater, as they are incapable of drinking seawater like the other Lineages.


Both Mareans and Sirines existed separately from each other for a long time, mainly because of the two Nua, Naia and Erysea, who separated the sexes. Mareans were found mostly in the Numen Shards, and Sirines were primarily living in the Shifting Lands. It was only very recently that both sexes began to interact again, and have even begun to form mixed Marean/Sirine-specific families or tribes together, though most tribes are still mostly comprised of single-sexes.


This occurrence of their re-mingling is believed to have happened when more of this Ancestry finally re-appeared from the Godgates, after having been temporally trapped for centuries with others of the Sundered Clans. Over the last few centuries, various Mareans and Sirines began to meet again throughout the Numen Shards and the Shifting Lands.

“Mareans are often troubled by an "inner rage", which triggers especially when they detect the scent of blood. Generally, a few drops or so isn't enough to have any effect, but in greater quantities and with stronger smell it becomes more unbearable.


Mareans use various charms to control their urges, but some might even use blood to "entice" their rage, to make them stronger in fights, though with no power to control it.


For most Mareans their rage abates over time as the scent of blood lessens, at which point they slowly begin to regain their Kindred senses."

"Abyssal Sirine"

- Marean & Sirine Lineages-


As mostly related to ocean, islands, and coastal regions. Tidal Mareans and Sirines are are the most common of the Ancestry. They typically feature blue, red, or green skin-colours like most Mareans and Sirines do, though as an addition they are usually born with embedded shells or pearls as part of their skin and bodies, they have fishscale-like layers, and they might possess more plant-like hair; mostly seaweed-like, though it is often more 'normal' in accordance with the average Kindred.


Tidal Mareans and Sirines are rejuvenated in healthy water, and their wounds and illnesses heal faster from Water Mana. They typically possess larger pools of Aether, as well, which makes them better at manipulating other Mana or interacting with spirits, especially those of water and seas. By reading and utilizing the flow of water, those of the Tidal Lineage are faster and more agile swimmers as well; better than the other Lineages.




Mareans and Sirines who are of the Abyssal Lineage are known to look more "monstrous" and animal-like. Their appearances are more noticeably defined, as they tend to carry features that make them look more shark-like, squid-like, crab-like, etc. This manifests mainly in their hair, though sometimes they might be born with more animal-like noses, ears, or even limbs. Sometimes they even have fins or spikes protruding from their backs or on their arms, legs, or head.


Those of the Abyssal Lineage often have sharper teeth, claws on their hands, and they might possess various animal-like abilities, like a greater sense of hearing or smell when in water, or something more specific, like having parts of crab-like, hardened skin, or their hair illuminates and glows in darkness, or they might secrete poisonous slime from their skin.​


Abyssal Mareans have much stronger beastshape powers.


River Mareans and Sirines are quite common in inland regions, where they live next to lakes and rivers. They don't do so much swimming as they do bathing, and often there are associated tales of lurking Sirines that lure men into the water with their songs; mistaken for naiads and nymphs. But like any Mareans and Sirines, water is just generally innately part of them, even if it isn't deep as an ocean. But, unlike other Lineages, those of River can't drink seawater, as they can only refresh themselves fully with freshwater.


This Lineage often features more humanlike skin-colours and hair compared to other Marean and Sirine Lineages, and their aquatic-like features are less prominent. River Mareans and Sirines also possess an ability to 'blend in' with the water they submerge themselves in; almost as if they become one with the water. They are also more likely to endure warmer waters, like those heated from hotsprings, of which they find great pleasure in bathing in; addictively so.


River Mareans and Sirines do have an enhanced sense for detecting water; especially flowing water, even if it is many leagues away from them. It manifests in their hearing, and the closer they are the more compelled they become by the rushing water. Those of River often live in farming communities settled near rivers, since they have a stronger affinity for water-plants, in particular those that grow in freshwater.


Marean & Sirine Roles

“Mareans and Sirines are fast swimmers and thrive well in water, so they can be quite excellent as aquatic hunters or as fishers, or just work as sailors.


Mareans tend to be quite physically-focused, so they work well with labour-intensive roles or as brute warriors, and their shapeshifting ability is often valued by druids.


Sirines are more talented in terms of Aether and Mana, which gives them advantages in Magi pursuits, or for more spiritual roles like priests, druids, or shamans. However, their song-gift also makes them very natural entertainers."

- Notable Traits -

Godmarked (Naia and Erysea):

Both Mareans and Sirines are marked by the Nua Gods. Specifically, they are marked by two Nua, who are known for their domains related to water and seas. Naia, the Nua of Sea Beasts, marked all the males for herself, and Erysea, Nua of Storms, chose all the females. Essentially, what was once a whole, unified Ancestry was split by their sexes by Naia and Erysea's interference.


Essentially, this means that Mareans and Sirines each enjoy unique blessings tailored by their Nua for them specifically. 


For a long time both sexes existed apart from each other, until very recently when Mareans and Sirines began to cross paths again more frequently across all of Numenua.




Kindred of this Ancestry can always sense nearby water, mostly of larger bodies. Smaller sources might tingle their senses (like cups of water, and such), but they start to feel greater sensations when there is something like a flowing river nearby or a lapping ocean. Additionally they can always reasonably tell if the water is safe or not, like if it's tainted or so.


Other abilities they possess because of their Watersense is the power to read the flow of water when they swim, which gives them heightened senses and reflexes while in water. Tidal especially benefit from such ability.



Marean - Beastshape (Aquatic):

As the chosen of the Nua Naia, Mareans are gifted with an ability to quickly and temporarily shapeshift their bodies, often to be more tuned with the looks and traits of an aquatic beast, such as shark-like or dolphin-like, or similar.


Depending on the form, their transformation can make them faster swimmers, or physically stronger with claws and long, sharp teeth.


However, if the transformation lasts for too long, there is a higher risk of 'bestial awakening', where the shapeshifted Marean lose their Kindred selves, and become overtaken by their beast instincts. Usually, this is triggered by strong scents of blood, but by being in a shapeshifted form, the risk is much, much higher.


Each Marean has one beastshape to them, and they can't change their natural forms unless they make use of various types of specific Magia or blessings.

Tidal Soul:

In general, Mareans and Sirines are naturally fast swimmers, and because of their Tidal Souls they exhibit other aquatic and water-like traits, such as a talent for controlling Water Mana (especially for Sirines), and waterspeech, which allows them to speak underwater telepathically with other Kindred.


Additionally, Mareans and Sirines possess an affinity for sea-animals, like fish and water-beasts, which lets this Ancestry detect creatures in the water, and also gives them advanced empathy towards them. Mareans especially have a much stronger affinity for aquatic animals.


And another very important feature unique to Mareans and Sirines is their aquabreath, which lets them breathe underwater indefinitely, thanks to their bodies' gills. Depending on Lineage, some gills appear more subtle than others, but all Kindred of this Ancestry possess them in some form or another.


Mareans and Sirines are also able to drink seawater to hydrate themselves with no consequence, with the exception being those of the River Lineage, who can only, like most Kindred, drink freshwater.


Marean - Raw Diet:

Mareans are capable of digesting raw meat and fish without any noticeable issues. This doesn't mean that they can only eat raw food, but that doing so has no bearing on their health and well-being. Like with most Kindred, cooked and prepared food is considerably more ideal, though there is a small truth that indicates that Mareans build muscle-mass faster and more efficiently if they eat raw meat.



Sirine - Song-Gifted:

Sirine are naturally talented singers, with exceedingly beautiful and magically alluring voices. Their voices, especially when used in song, seem to have a mesmerising quality that pulls any listener in, which attracts the interest of those around them.


Some Sirine voices seem to be so blessed by the Nua Erysea, that they are able to use their voices to manipulate the flow of Aether around them with greater ease. By doing so, they can use their songs to summon localized storms, or bring to bear tall waves. Sirines who are capable of doing so are often referred to as Stormcallers.


The danger, however, lies in how too much summoned Aether can cause them to lose control, and the storm becomes too unmanageable. Additionally, the act of using their voice to draw in Aether can be very taxing to their strength and stamina.



Sirine - Kelp Eaters:

The Sirine have a natural fondness for the taste of kelp, and when it comes to River Sirine, river-reeds or river-flowers are a functional substitute. They don't gain any special power or such from consuming kelp and reeds, it is mostly a quirk of their nature, where the taste of such food is considered above most other alternatives, or at least for most Sirines. However, there is a small proven fact that Sirines regain their Aether and energy faster by consuming kelp and reeds.

Sirine Soul Pearls

"Unusual among Kindred, Sirines release eggs rather than give live births, which they call their Soul Eggs or, more commonly, Soul Pearls. They generally only carry one egg at a time, though there's been cases of up to three.


Conception is much like any other Kindred unions, though because Sirines are all of the female sex, they must seek out either Mareans or other male Kindred for their eggs to be fertilized. Once conception is achieved, the egg will grow from then on. Sirines spend about six months carrying, then another three months watching over the egg while keeping it submerged in fresh, healthy water, to absorb Water Mana.


In Sirine tribes, it is common for all the Soul Pearls to be kept in a communal vat or pool, so it's not always clear who the mother is for each egg. It's only in some more family-focused communities, like those found in cities and consisting of inter-Ancestry relations, where Sirine keep their eggs in their own homes to be raised by their birth-mothers.


Sirines Soul Pearls always hatch into another Sirine and can't be a Kindred child of another Ancestry, with the only exception being if they mated with a Marean. In this case, the child could be either a Sirine or a Marean.​ There are some tribal beliefs that if you want a higher chance for a Sirine child, you keep the egg wrapped in kelp, and if you want a chance for a Marean, you keep it wrapped in slices of raw meat."


of the Many Veils

​Vhai are Kindred whose Vessels and Shrouds are forever suffused with spectral energies of the Veils. This is made clear in not only their often wraith-like appearances, but in the abilities they possess too. More uniquely, every Vhai shares their Shroud with another 'Half-Soul'.


Vhai possess Myriad Souls, meaning that every Vhai's Shroud consists of the main soul (the one usually in control) and another Half-Soul, and sometimes even other souls as well.


Depending on Lineage, these Half-Souls manifest in various different ways, from actively sharing minds and thoughts, to being minor, insentient extensions of a spiritual body. Sometimes it is also just that they possess memories of another soul, which weren't erased completely when the soul was reborn via the Aetherwends.


Most Kindred of this Ancestry have an appearance better described as "ghostlike". They generally possess very pale or pale-like skin, with a faint spectral glow about them, and a mostly invisible aura that feels cold and discomforting for those who perceive it. Vhai lean more on the side of Umbral and Frost Mana, which also makes their general visage very foreboding at times to most Kindred.





-Fadeveiled Vhai-

"This Ancestry is of the Sundered Clans"

Sundered Kindred

"Vhai are rare in all lands throughout Numenua"


"Vhai have weaker Vessels and stronger Shrouds, which they can switch between"

Ethereal Forms

"Vhai Shrouds contain several combined souls and personalities"

Myriad Souls

"This Ancestry has a strong connection to the Veils"


"Vhai are part spectral, and can interact with dead spirits and souls"



​Vhai souls are infused with spectral and necrotic energy, which grants them various powers related to not only the ethereal, but  also the Veils. It is with these connections that Vhai are able to not only interact with spirits and ghosts, but also manipulate spectral energies and Aether. They are even able to interact with the different Veils to enter into dreams, and their own dreams are often more lucent to them. As Veilbound, Vhai have greater control over the Veils, and are naturally equipped to deal with Veil-like beings and phenomenon. Sometimes various Veil-like features also manifest in a Vhai's appearance, depending on the kind of Veil they are bound to.


The intensity of their energies can also affect how much presence their Half-Soul has. Most times their Half-Soul is dormant or set mainly in the subconscious, but often enough a Vhai can be affected by sudden outbursts from their other Half-Souls, like suddenly losing control of their limbs or body for a moment, or they might utter words spoken by the Half-Soul.


Vhai possess two forms which they can switch between; a Physical Form, and an Ethereal Form. Their aura and form can be very subdued when they're in their Physical Form, where they generally just look more humanlike. But when they enter their Spectral Form, they look every part the wraiths and apparitions they are associated with.


Most Vhai are capable of seeing lingering spirits, and especially the spirits of dead souls, like that of deceased Shades, and sometimes animals as well. This also gives Vhai a certain affinity, like a sort of advanced empathy towards ghosts and lost spirits, which makes Vhai very skilled at dealing with undead and spectres.


Many Kindred are afraid of Vhai, and not only because they look like ghosts, but because there is an innate power bound to their auras, which creates a feeling of unease and fear in others. Most Vhai can control this aura, so that its intensity is less felt, but they can also further empower it to enthral others in terror.​ Their spectral energy is often controlled by their emotions, as well. In many Kindred cultures, Vhai are seen as an ill omen, and might be shunned for it.​


"Shadowveiled Vhai"

Some Vhai undergo so-called "Exorcisms" to rid themselves of their Half-Souls. This is usually forced by others, but sometimes a Vhai might just want to remove any harmful souls they "live" with. If an exorcism succeeds, the Half-Soul is removed, but the Vhai's powers will also weaken considerably because of this. Sometimes they might even lose all their spectral energy completely, which transforms them into a very humanlike though also unremarkable, powerless form.

“Vhai are one of the rarest Ancestries. Most Kindred pregnancies can lead to the birth of a Vhai, and sometimes the Vhai's spectral nature doesn't reveal itself in a baby until a few days after birth. It can even manifest suddenly itself in seemingly 'normal' babies, as their spectral being becomes the dominant Kindred form.


But few Vhai are ever born overall.  As to why or how Vhai are born, it remains a mystery. Some cultures believe that if there are lingering ghosts and spectres in a place, they will try to possess the souls of the unborn and newborn. Instead, they join the other soul in the Shroud, and from this merging is a Vhai made.


In other beliefs, it is thought to be because of otherworldly interference, like that of Fey or demons, who might be playing and tampering with Kindred souls in the Veils, like during dreams.”

- Vhai Lineages-


Soulveiled Vhai are the most common of the Vhai Lineages. They have a blue or green spectral energy, generally more aligned with Water, Wind, or Flame Mana. Most Soulveiled tend to be very pale and glowing.


Those of the Soulveiled possess an additional Half-Soul, which shares their Shroud. Thoughts between them and the primary soul are also shared, and the personality of the Half-Soul has a much more prominent presence compared to other Lineages. It is typically only one additional soul, but sometimes there might be two Half-Souls. Most commonly, their Half-Soul is of a recently deceased Kindred; as in, Kindred souls that didn't return to the Aetherwends, but instead attached to a Vhai's newborn Shroud. It is most common for the Half-Soul to be that of a familial ancestor.


Most of the time the Half-Soul "forgets" its memories, as it is sort of "reborn" when it joins with the Shroud of a newborn Vhai. In essence, this means that the Half-Soul begins anew, but it is often that it will possess remnant memories of its old life. These memories tend to remain hidden and forgotten, and only emerge at rare moments throughout a Vhai's life.


Sometimes the Half-Soul is referred to as a 'Twin-Soul'. This is only if the other soul was that of a twin, but the twin didn't survive in the womb. So instead the twin's soul merged with the surviving one. In these cases there are no lingering memories present from an older soul.




The Shadowveiled are more closely linked to shadows and Umbral Mana, and their energy tends to have a dark or red spectral colour. Their aura is more subdued, and they tend to be less ghostly in their visage. However, they instead have a more dark, shadow-like appearance to them, with tattoo-like markings all over their bodies.


Shadowveiled Vhai are known to share their Shroud with 'several' Half-Souls; generally at least three or more, and there have been cases of up to ten different Half-Souls. Individually, these Half-Souls' strenght and presences are weakened for each other Half-Soul present in the Shroud​. Sometimes the most striking influence that manifest are memories of old, past lives; memories that should've been erased in the Aetherwends, but weren't.


This Lineage's Half-Souls are often formed similarly like the Half-Souls of Soulveiled Vhai; as in that they originate from deceased Kindred souls who haven't returned to the Aetherwends, though usually these souls aren't in any way familially tied, like with Soulveiled. Also similar to Soulveiled, Shadowveiled Half-Souls' memories are very fragmented, and sometimes entirely non-existent when they become one with the Shadowveiled's Shroud.


The presence and personalities of the different Half-Souls is typically very minor, to the point where they have no real influence over the Vhai. Instead, the Vhai can gain control over "spectral limbs", which lets them manipulate their Spectral Form to manifest several arms and hands, of which they are in full control over.


Additionally, Vhai of this Lineage gain some small power from each Half-Soul their Shroud possesses, like gaining various soul traits, enhanced senses, or a general increase in Aether. Sometimes the presence of Half-Souls even allows for the Shadowveiled to possess several strong Mana types at the same time.​



Those of the Fadeveiled Lineage typically have a white or purple spectral energy, of Frost or Fulma Mana. Fadeveiled tend to have more Veil-like and otherworldy appearance traits, such as sometimes having wing-like growths, ethereal feathers, glowing "scars" or markings, and so on.


Fadeveiled share their Shroud with non-Kindred Souls, like various animals, Numenkin, or even Otherworlders like Fey or Demons. These Vhai can often take the form of these beings via their Spectral Form, as like a kind of spectral shapeshifting. Usually, a Fadeveiled only shares their Shroud with one Half-Soul, but there have been cases of sharing their Shroud with as many as three Half-Souls.


A Fadeveiled Half-Soul's personality and strength greatly depends on the soul they are made from. If they are that of an animal, their thoughts and general intelligence can be pretty limited depending on the creature's own sentient nature. But if they're Numenkin or Otherworlders, their personalities are more clearly manifested and sentient. Animal souls are, however, the most common among Fadeveiled.


It is believed that a Fadeveiled is made when one of the Spirit-Mothers, Eae or Aea, directly touch the Vhai's soul when they pass through the Aetherwends. This interaction seems to "imbue" the forming Kindred Shroud with whatever souls the Spirit-Mothers at the time hold nearest to them, regardless of what soul it is.


In some few, uncommon cases, a Fadeveiled has been known to even share their Shroud with the Half-Soul of a former god, which would essentially make them godlike themselves, or at least in possession of some minor godlike powers.

Vhai Roles

“Vhai are often found to take the roles of spiritualists or even necromancers. They are also fairly decent at using their Mana, so they are skilled at creating Magia.


Other than that, they are pretty average at most physical roles like being labourers and craftsmen. Vhai can sometimes be found among rogue-ish characters, as their Spectral Forms are useful to sneak around or remain hidden.”

- Notable Traits -

Myriad Souls:

A Vhai shares their Shroud with several souls (referred to as Half-Souls), among which the stronger soul is the one that is usually in control. The amount of souls, as well as their type, largely depends on the Lineage, but there is always at least one Half-Soul along with the primary one. What this means, in essence, is that there are usually two or more separate personalities present in a Vhai, with each their own memories and thoughts.


As they share Shrouds, the Half-Souls can mainly only influence the primary soul by linking their thoughts with them, but sometimes they can also manifest more physical movements such as taking control of an arm or leg, or they can even in some cases switch places entirely, and the Half-Soul is in control of the Vessel and Shroud for a temporary moment.


As souls in general are built of different Soul Slivers, there is a higher chance for one Vhai and their Half-Soul to to have many different Soul Heritages between them, like having a Shroud that contains more than just one of Arcane Talent, Animal Speech, Crafter's Soul, etc.


This also means that whatever innate skills or instincts a Half-Soul might possess are also shared with the primary soul.


Generally, the main soul is in control of the Vessel consciously, and the Half-Soul has more influence and control over the Shroud subconsciously. When Vhai switch forms, the Half-Soul is more likely to have a greater presence in the Spectral Form.



Ethereal Forms:

Vhai can switch between Vessel and Shroud; appearing as either more physically tangible and solid, or as more ethereal, glowing, and transparent. Essentially they have a Physical Form, and a Spectral Form. Of the two, most Vhai remain in their Physical Form most of the time, as their Spectral Form can be quite taxing to their Aether. When in their Physical Form, Vhai are in possession of weaker Vessels, but they can more easily recuperate any drained Aether from rest and sustenance.


When in their Spectral Form, Vhai become less visible and transparent, and they can pass through certain solid objects with some effort, typically by half-entering the Veils. When in this form, they are also highly vulnerable to various forms of aetheric effects and Magia, though they are more resistant to any physical attacks of solid materials. Their Veilbound powers are also more enhanced in this form.


Some Vhai can exist in a state between these two forms, as they might remain mostly in their Physical Form, but show parts of their Spectral Form too, like having ghostly hair manifested as green-like fire. Essentially by doing this they cancel out any advantages or disadvantages each of the forms have on their own, as they live in more "normal" bodies. Various features, like their spectral fire, can often flare when a Vhai becomes emotional.


While Vhai generally can willingly control when to switch their forms, sometimes their shared souls might take over instead, but usually only for a short while.




Vhai have a strong connection to the many Veils, especially those of Frost and Umbral Mana, but also mainly those that are abundant in necrotic and spectral energies. Each Vhai is born to be "linked" to a type of Veil, which they then are more attuned towards. These Veils could be anything from Nightveils, Fadeveils, Feyveils, Soulveils, Frostveils, etc.


At the majority of times in a Vhai's life, they live in a half-state between the Veils and the Physical World, which means they are able to see many ethereal and celestial creatures or phenomenon of the Veils in their daily lives.


Their Veilbound nature also gives most Vhai an invisible but noticeably chilling aura, which can be described as their ghostly visage. This visage can cause a natural sense of dread in others who perceive them, mostly manifested as discomfort, but if intensified further, it can also cause outright fear in weaker willed subjects. Additionally, A Vhai's touch can also have the power to cause either terror, icy coldness, or even drain life-force from those they touch.


Mostly, though, a Vhai's aura and touch correspond specifically to the energies of their linked Veil.


A Vhai's connection to the Veils is strongest when they are in moonlight, and weakest in sunlight. In fact, especially strong sunlight, or just Astral Mana in general, can often temporarily dispel the bindings between a Vhai and the Veil, which also severs their powers for a brief time.


Spectral Eyes:

Vhai can at all times see any lingering dead souls, as they permanently half-peer into the Veils with a kind of Veilvision. Additionally, they can read the Mana of those they perceive, and they can easily peer into the dreams of others while they sleep, and sometimes even enter into the dreams of others via the Veils. Essentially, Vhai possess a sort of Dreamsight, which also makes them capable of remaining more lucent during their own dreams. Vhai can also usually  see in the dark with their nightsight really well.


Their Spectral Eyes also give them the ability to see the lingering memories of the dead, even those who have moved on. Their memories appear as either living shadows, or as globes of light that can be interacted with by touch, which then triggers a vision. Sometimes they are also able to see Vorpal and Ashen Memories in certain places of deep-seeded power.



Spectral Affinity:

Vhai are gifted with an ability to more clearly understand the feelings and speech of spirits, as well as being capable of communicating with them more plainly. Specifically, this mainly involves spirits of the dead; of souls who linger and remain without a Vessel. This kind of spectral affinity also makes Vhai less likely to attract the ire of ghostly beings and be attacked by them, at least without provocation.


Using this affinity, Vhai can calm and subdue hostile spectres, more easily learn what ails the dead, and know what prevents them from passing on into the Aetherwends.


Vhai & Vestiges

“As Fate and Turmoil continue to cause chaos, and Oblivion closes in ever-more, their presence affects the Veils around Numenua, and in these Veils are formed many strange occurrences and changes.


Vhai, especially, have a innate gift for seeing these changes, most specifically in what are known as Vestiges: powerful remnants, often encased in faint floating slivers, or in various pieces of shard and glass. Vestiges come in many forms, and many Kindred can behold them in some way or another. But only Vhai can naturally see them without effort, and to a Vhai the presence of what are known as 'Vorpal Vestiges' stand out the most.


Vorpal Vestiges often appear in various places, especially those places of great power and mixed Aether, and manifest as moving memories before one's eyes. A Vorpal Vestige shows the memories of unwritten futures, meaning that they reveal Fate. These memories tend to be locked to locations or to specific individuals.


In addition to Vorpal Vestiges, there are also 'Ashen Vestiges'; memories that linger of the past, of the time before the Ashen Curse struck. It is through Ashen Vestiges that most tales and histories of the Forgotten Era have survived into the Ashen Era. In many ways these are the surviving memories lost in Turmoil.


There is one very notable form of Vestiges, known as Godflame Vestiges, which are much, much rarer, but also immensely powerful; rivalling the power of the gods themselves. Such Vestiges aren't meant for mortal minds, even ones as gifted as Vhai. Even so, in the rare few times where a mortal has obtained such a Vestige, entire worlds have changed at their wills."


of the Serpentblood



The Dusca were one of the first Numenborn Ancestries, who grew as a result of being uplifted by Lamia Eidolons; through consuming Lamia blood, and mixing their Bloodlines together. From this union, the Dusca were further shaped by their Serpentblood, and the powers they obtained from it.


Dusca are described as snake- or reptile-like. They possess various reptilian features, though more specifically they are serpentine mixed with that of humankin. They typically possess snake-like eyes, long forked tongues, scales on their skin, and sometimes hair that resembles a bundle of snakes.


With their Serpentblood, Dusca were given special powers from the Lamia, like a heightened sense of taste, tougher bodies, higher immunities towards sickness and poisons, venomous blood, and, not least of all, their Mystic Eyes: with the power to control others with just their gaze.


​Dusca have been described as monstrous because of both their abilities and their appearances. It is true that most of their kind do resemble monstrous creatures; probably because they were shaped by Lamia blood. But this doesn't make them any less Kindred.



-Stoneblood Dusca-

"This Ancestry is of the Numen Kindred"

Numen Kindred

"This Ancestry is fairly common throughout the Numen Shards, but not on all Shards"

Common (Numen Shards)

"Dusca are infused with the power of Lamia blood"


"This Ancestry can regenerate wounds and even regrow limbs"


"Dusca possess powerful, magical eyes"

Mystic Eyes

"This Ancestry produces venom in their blood"



Generally most Dusca prefer to live in warmer climates, and colder ones tend to make them sluggish and weak. Overall Dusca are cold-blooded in some way, so they require a lot of heat to remain energetic and healthy. Direct sunlight especially peps them up to a considerable degree.


Because of their snakelike nature and traits, Dusca tend to be natural swimmers too, though this is less prominent among the Stoneblood Dusca, who prefer drier climates and environments, and can often forego drinking water for longer periods of time.


Dusca offspring often take on the Lineage of one parent, which means that they don't inherit and mix Lineage traits from both parents. It is also more likely for the mother to pass on their traits and Lineage, over that of the father. In Dusca communities, children are raised primarily by a so-called "Broodmother", who, despite the title, doesn't birth any children herself. Instead she is responsible for raising and teaching Dusca children while their parents are off on other jobs and duties.

Dusca-centric communities and societies are more kingdom-focused, with a few tribal exceptions, who live more nomadic lifestyles, which is most common among Stonebloods. Halfbloods tend to be more likely found among other Kindred, whilst Scalebloods prefer to make communities of their own kind.


But as far as Dusca kingdoms go, all Kindred are generally accepted as subjects. The main difference is that the ruler is almost always a Lamia Queen, and Dusca might at most be either royal councillors, advisors, or concubines.​


Most Dusca societies are matriarchal, and males are typically beholden to more warrior-esque roles. That is not to say that women can't be warriors, just that typically Dusca women are more likely to lead from artisanal or priestly roles. Even in families that live in communities more dominated by other Kindred Ancestries, a Dusca female is typically considered to be at the top of the household.

“The Dusca were some of the first kingdom-builders to rise again after the Ashen Era began. Their Lamia leaders led the first of the Dusca-kind, and elevated them to create large and glorious kingdoms.


Most of these kingdoms have since fallen or been swallowed up by jungles or desert, but some few still remain on some of the Numen Shards. On most Shards, however, Dusca have more or less gone extinct along with their kingdoms, as they only remain thriving on a few of the Shards nowadays.”


"Scaleblood Dusca"

- Dusca Lineages-



This Lineage is known for their "cold-blooded" nature, meaning that they tend to be very stoic and blunt, and show subdued emotions most of the time. That is not to say that they don't feel emotion, but rather that it doesn't show as clearly as other Kindred.


Stoneblood Dusca have hardened skin, almost stone-like, and they are much more durable and muscular than other Dusca Lineages. Also unlike other Dusca, Stonebloods have hornlike appendages on their heads, of varying shapes and sizes. There are also a number of different stone-like appendages found along their ears, chins, and general body; sometimes also formed as stone-like scales rather than that of reptilian ones.


Most Stonebloods are found living in dry deserts or various hotlands, especially near volcanoes or such, where they build settlements meant to harness Flame Mana. Stoneblood bodies are naturally quite resistant to heat, and their Shrouds are strong in Flame Mana. Being near scorching temperatures also energizes Stoneblood bodies.


Stoneblood Dusca are known to possess an "iron will", which means they are of strong mental fortitude and willpower. Essentially, this makes it very difficult to sway or magically control Stonebloods, even with persuasive Magia or by utilizing enthralling charms. Mental attacks are generally weaker when used against those of the Stoneblood.


The Mystic Eyes of Stonebloods have the power to "petrify" those their gaze focuses on, by temporarily paralysing them.​​


Scalebloods are soft-skinned with scales; scales that are layered across the body in more coverage compared to other Lineages. These scales tend to be of striking or glimmering colours, and they often have various intricate shapes on them. Of the Dusca, Scalebloods look the most like snakes, and they can also look very monstrously terrifying when in a sour mood. Their fangs are more ferocious, and their eyes more piercing.


Additionally, Scalebloods have "snake-hair", though it is more like tentacular appendages on their heads, that only look like the wriggling of snakes from afar. Scalebloods also have no direct control over the movement of their "snake-hair", though it might sometimes flare or wriggle more when they show various strong emotions.


Most Scalebloods are found in hot and wet climates; especially jungles or swamps, and they are quite adept swimmers.


Some Scaleblood Dusca are born with a unique power to actively change their skin and patterns' colour, and even rearrange the shape of their patterns. This allows them to sort of camouflage themselves with their environment more easily. This power isn't born to every Scaleblood, as only a few tend to possess it. Also, sometimes the ability doesn't manifest until adolescence.


Scalebloods' Mystic Eyes have the power to "terrify". Those they set their piercing gaze on will feel either nervous discomfort, or flee from outright terror if their willpower fails them.



Halfblood Dusca are the Lineage most humanlike in their appearance. They have mixed scale and soft skin, and serpent tongues, but for the most part they have human hair and features, and not many scales to show overall. Their eyes are sometimes serpentine, but not always. A Halfblood Dusca's nature is generally harder to notice outright. 


Halfbloods are also considered quite attractive and alluring, as most of them are gifted with natural, stunning beauty. It is said the purer the Lamia Bloodline, the more 'incomprehensibly' beautiful the Halfblood is. This often affords Halflboods more influence and societal wealth amongst their peers.

This Lineage is suited for living in many climates, and they're able to withstand even colder ones. ​Halfbloods are additionally quite magically talented, and they have strong manipulative control over various Mana, most commonly aligned with Primordial Mana.


A Halfblood's Mystic Eyes hold the power to enthral and charm others, which is useful to generally calm beasts and Kindred, or to persuasively sway others. Their eyes' power tends to last longer than other Dusca, as the hypnotism they place can last even subconsciously for a while in weaker willed victims.


Additionally, Halfbloods possess strong telepathic powers, which allows them to communicate telepathically, or compel others more easily with their Mystic Eyes.

Dusca Roles

“Depending on Lineage, various Dusca have different strengths. Those of the Stoneblood are better warriors, Scalebloods stronger hunters, and Halfbloods better Magi and priests. A Dusca's overall snake affinity also makes them excellent snake-tamers.


In mixed-Ancestry communities, most Dusca tend to be various artisans, or they become entertainers. Scalebloods, with their camouflage ability, can be quite capable thieves, as well.”

- Notable Traits -


Dusca blood is mixed with that of the powerful Lamia Eidolons, which grants them Lamia-like powers. This mainly manifests as a Dusca's reptilian-like bodies, like their fangs, claws, and scales, as well as in their more advanced sense of taste. Additionally, their Serpentblood enhances a Dusca's affinity and advanced empathy for most reptiles, especially in that of various snakes.


Depending on the purity of their Lamia Bloodline, a Dusca's powers can vary a lot in their overall potency; from the strength of their venom, to the intensity of their Mystic Eyes.


Additionally, all Dusca have an innate power to gain power from any blood that they consume, and not just that of Lamia. The potency and strength depends on the purity of the being's blood, and most of the time it isn't worth the effort, because Lamia blood is far more efficient overall, since it simply has a more permanent effect. Still, Dusca possess this "bloodstealing" ability, and it could be useful in temporarily obtaining certain senses and powers, such as enhanced sight, Aether, Mana talents, enhancement of their Serpentlike powers, and so on.



Venomous Blood:

This Ancestry produces venom through their blood, which they can inject into others via their fangs or claws. This makes Dusca on average fairly resistant to poisons, though not completely immune, even against each other's venoms. Each of the Dusca more or less has their own unique venom, which can be infused with various types of Mana depending on the Dusca.


Even just consuming Dusca blood can be hazardous to most creatures, which also makes Dusca less of an appetizing target to beasts who are aware enough. However, some Dusca might find the taste somewhat enticing, almost psychedelic, and their overall resistance towards poisons makes it less dangerous to consume in smaller quantities.


Scalebloods have especially potent venom, which is about five times stronger than the venom of the other Lineages.




Dusca have advanced regenerative abilities, which lets them heal wounds very quickly and efficiently. They can even  regenerate lost appendages, or even regrow entire limbs, albeit usually at a slow pace. Regrowth takes time, and it can be quite painful over its duration.


Their regeneration also makes them able to recover faster from sickness and poisons. However, certain acidic poisons and venoms can slow down the regenerative process, and it can even be temporarily halted by fire. Stoneblood Dusca, on the other hand, can see their regeneration sped up from fire, specifically from Flame Mana.


Halfblood Dusca have the fastest and strongest regenerative power among all the Dusca Lineages. A wound inflicted upon them can be decently healed within minutes. Their high regeneration also keeps them youthful for much longer than other Dusca.

Tough scale-skin:

All Dusca have tough skin or layers of protective scales, which helps them resist or acclimate to the elements of their climates, as well as shrug off average attacks. Stoneblood Dusca have the strongest skin, as it is often stonelike in texture and durability, whilst Scalebloods have more layers of scales along their bodies, which are often rich in patterns and colour, with a smooth, reflective sheen. Halfbloods, on the other hand, have the weakest skin of the Dusca and the most humanlike, but the trade-off is that they have the fastest regeneration.



Mystic Eyes:

This Ancestry possesses what is known as "Mystic Eyes", which are empowered eyes (inherited from Lamia Godsbrands), with various hypnotic or commanding abilities. These abilities range from petrification, to trepidation, and to enthralment. However, these powers are usually limited by requiring direct eye-contact, and the likelihood of success is very dependent on the target's own willpower.


Essentially, Dusca Mystic Eyes make them able to somewhat mentally control others with their gaze through hypnotism, though usually only temporarily. Intensity depends on the Dusca, but the power can last between a few seconds to a few minutes, or so.​ The specific powers also largely depend on  the Lineage, as each of the Lineages have their own unique Mystic Eye traits.


Dusca and Lamia Bloodlines

“The first Dusca were uplifted by Lamia Eidolons. Ever since then, both kinds have often been found to live together in the same communities. In certain Dusca-dominated kingdoms, Lamia are always elevated as leaders, like rulers or high priests, or in some they're even worshipped as the Demigods they are, living in usually very elaborate and opulent temples.


It is relatively uncommon to find more than one or two Lamia in any given Dusca community, and Lamia are overall rare in most Shards. To ensure their Bloodline's survival, Lamia take Kindred concubines, most typically of the Dusca, and lay with them so their Bloodlines can continue on. Most Lamia are female, and they only lay one or two eggs at a time, and only at rare times every few centuries.


Lamia generally live for as long as a thousand years, compared to Dusca, who at most might reach one-hundred.


Lamia Bloodlines are very important to them, as it is said that their bloodlines give them power, and the memories of all Lamia before them are deeply ingrained in their blood. Dusca are empowered by drinking Lamia blood, which further strengthens the Lamia Bloodlines present in their own blood. Blood, overall, is equally important to Dusca, since they can draw power from it.


The first Dusca were uplifted similarly by Lamia blood, and so it is often part of most Dusca-dominated communities to gather around and serve a (usually) Lamia Queen. And if there isn't a Lamia Queen to serve, they go out to find one."


of the Demonic Blood



Ortans are believed to have firstly descended from mixed unions between various types of Giants and early Ortan Kindred. Later, at some unknown point in time, all Ortans were afflicted by a demonic corruption, which essentially made them half-demonic as well.


Ortans are more or less half-giants in a sense, but also partially demonic. They possess giantlike strength, and have blood that consists of demonlike traits like blood that burns hot and is volatile, and their blood can alight in flames where it lands when spilled.


The most notable feature of Ortans, though, is that they are born with four arms, rather than just two. They possess full control over all their arms, and they are even naturally very ambidextrous and skilled at multitasking.


Those of this Ancestry are few in numbers and solitary, and it is rare to see large communities of Ortans. Instead they might mingle with other Shades, whether they're Kindred or Numenkin, though it's more likely they'll reside with other Kindred in Kindred-centric cities and settlements. The majority of Ortans, though, are more commonly found wandering the wilds or living in isolated domiciles in less-trod places.​



-Flamedweller Ortan-

"This Ancestry is of the Numen Kindred"

Numen Kindred

"There are relatively few Ortans, and on some Shards they are non-existent"

Uncommon (Numen Shards)

"A majority of Ortans tend to be born as the male sex"

Male Dominated

"Ortans are marked by Maika, the Nua of Crafts and Forges"

Godmarked (Maika)

"Ortans possess 4 Arms which they can control fully"

Dextrous (4-Armed)

"Ortan souls are cursed with demonic energies and aspects"


"This Ancestry is considerably taller and more muscular than other Kindred"



Ortans are generally very tall compared to other Kindred, they have a physical super-strength about their upper-body, and they have very thick hides that dulls their sense of pain very effectively. They generally look very humanlike, aside from some demonic features that are also more apparent in some specific Lineages. Ortans can also be born with cyclopean features, such as possessing only one eye.


There are relatively few Ortans living throughout the Numen Shards, ​as their Demonblood makes them less likely to conceive offspring, especially because of a lower rate of virility among Ortan males. There also tends to be born more male Ortans than female, and the general sex-drive of all Ortans is just very low as well. This makes Ortans fairly rare as far as Kindred go, and they are non-existent on several Shards. Ortans do, however, tend to live for very long, like a few centuries at least, which makes them the Kindred with the longest average lifespan; likely because of their Giantsblood.​​


"Hilldweller Ortan"

Ortans are known to possess what is referred to as a "bloodrage". This bloodrage is part of their Demonblood, and it is a sort of accumulating sense that grows with certain actions and emotions. Once it reaches its "peak", a bloodrage occurs, and the Ortan goes berserk in a blind, highly aggressive and wrathful rage. This makes many Ortans very conscious about their emotions, and they try to stifle any high-pressure feelings to avoid any unneeded incidents.​

The Radiant Empire was destroyed by the Ashen Curse, but humankin who once were part of it became Ortans. These Ortans rebuilt the Radiant Empire, known more casually as the New Empire.


Details are scarce, but the New Empire eventually also fell shortly after, as it was apparently split between the Radiants and the Sullen Ortans. No Ortans seem to know what happened, as all memories of the New Empire appear to have disappeared, as if a second Ashen Curse had ocurred.


It is said that Radiant Ortans were of the Old Radiant Empire, and the Sullen Ortans were of the New Empire. This difference between them seems to have triggered a short war, which according to some stories somehow led to the corruption of demonic blood in all Ortans across Numenua."

- Ortan Lineages-

“Essentially there are three types of Ortan: Gigants, Radiants, and Sullen. This distinction determines their general alignment between their giantlike, humanlike, and their demonlike selves.


Radiants tend to be of brighter, warmer colours, whilst Sullen are of more dark or faded colours. Radiants tend to have more Astral Mana in their Shrouds, whilst Sullen have Umbral Mana. Radiants are more humanlike, and Sullen more demonlike.


Gigants, however, are more aligned with their Giantsblood, even if they are still largely humanlike and demonlike as well. They have no distinguishable Mana alignment, and their skin-colour or general features aren't typically affected by their Gigant-side. Gigants do, however, tend to be taller than most, and they are often much more physically stronger than Radiants or Sullen."


Hilldwellers are some of the more common Ortans. They tend to look more humanlike or giantlike rather demonlike, as their demonic aspects are much less noticeable, which also includes the intensity of their Demonblood. They typically have more "normal" skin-colours, and of a much greater range. They do, however, seem to have a higher chance of being born with cyclopean features, like possessing only one eye.​

This Lineage has thicker skin than other Ortans, and they are usually much more muscular and overall physically stronger. Additionally, Hilldwellers have been known to grow small metal-like plates on their body; usually composed of iron. Sometimes these metallic protrusions appear more like horns along their heads or on their shoulders or backs.


Most Hilldwellers are found in rocky areas, such as hilly regions or living in mountainous lands.


The majority of Hilldwellers tend to be of a purer Gigant descent, rather than either Radiants or Sullen.​




Frostdwellers are typically found wandering cold ice-wastes or residing in frosty mountains, as they have a much greater natural resistance to cold temperatures and frozen climates compared to other Ortans, likely because of their more Frost Mana aligned Vessels and Shrouds.


Their skin-colour is typically either very pale or blue-ish, and  they are born with various runic symbols on parts of their bodies, that sometimes glow if the Frostdweller shifts their Aether.


This Lineage's general appearance is also more on the giantlike side, and their demonic traits are much more subdued, which also includes their bloodrage, which they are able to control much better than other Ortans.​


Frostdwellers are often born as Gigants, but they're equally also born as Sullen.



Ortans of this Lineage often reside on mostly warm, tropical isles, or along coastal regions, where they have an above-average affinity towards Water Mana due to their bodies' more aquatic alignment. Tidedwellers are also more likely to possess more Aether, and they're better able to manipulate Water Mana. Tidedwellers are often green- or blue-skinned.


Tidedwellers are regarded as the shortest of the Ortan Lineages, and also the leanest, though that only makes them more agile and athletic rather than physically strong. A Tidedweller's demonic aspects are also fairly weak, as they are more humanlike overall.


Radiants or Sullen Tidedwellers are equally likely to exist in this Lineage, though there are generally more Gigants among Tidedwellers.​



Flamedwellers usually roam deserts and live in arid or even volcanic landscapes. They have a greater resistance to heat and fire, to the point where flames don't even hurt their skin in lower intensities. Sometimes their scars glow a scorching red, like as if their molten blood is showing through.


Their skin is usually of a very reddish hue, and they often possess horns on their heads, and they show just generally more demonic traits, including the intensity of their Demonblood. A Flamedweller's bloodrage is more intense and frenzied, and it can occur more often than in other Lineages.


Ortans of this Lineage are more likely to be Radiants, more so than other Lineages, and Sullen Flamedwellers are fairly rare, and Gigants even rarer.




Those of the Underdwellers are found living primarily in various cavernous systems, tunnels, and general subterranean realms in the Underdwells. They are usually the shortest statured of the Ortan Lineages, and they possess very demonlike features over most of their bodies, including various spike-like growths along their arms and legs, and much more dark, soulless-looking eyes. Underdwellers are usually born with more purplish or grey skin colours.


Underdwellers lean more on the Sullen side, and very few of this Lineage have been known to be born as Radiants or Gigants.


Demonic influences and taint is more likely to take hold of Underdwellers, and they see fewer children overall because of this taint. Underdweller children, if left to it, very often become Demonborn, and especially so if they live underground.

Ortan Roles

“Because of being Godmarked by the Nua of Crafts and Forges, Ortans are often found in jobs of craftsmen and smiths. Their strong bodies and dextrous hands also make them ideal  diggers, miners, labourers, and in no small way excellent brutish warriors.


Ortans possess somewhat lesser Mana than most Kindred, which makes them poor priests or Magi, but their general Aether can be very potent, which makes them better as spiritualists.”

- Notable Traits -


All Ortans seem to have their souls and blood tainted in that of demonic influences and energies, and in that sense they're seen as half-demons. Exactly how or when Ortans were afflicted is unknown, though it is believed to have happened when the Radiant Empire was rebuilt in the Underdwells; during its second fall.


Demonblood has first of all made Ortans gain some resistance and even empathic affinity towards demons and their influences, as the two are less likely to be outright hostile towards each other at first. The Demonblood also makes it so that Ortans possess very "hot" and "volatile" blood, which is set ablaze when spilled, and it burns with fire for a short while. Their overall body heat is also always warm, and they're highly resistant to changes in temperature, even in hotter climates.


Their Demonblood is also blamed for their low birthrates, especially in a male's virility, as their blood and seed is regarded as tainted. Even when conception is successful and a child is born, there is always a risk that the child's blood is too heavily tainted by the Demonblood.


Ortans do lack the thirst or hunger for consuming souls that most demons are possessed with, but on the other hand Ortans are more likely to fall to bloodrage. An Ortan's bloodrage is best described as a glass that is slowly filled by a drop of demonic blood. Certain actions and emotions will make the drip increase, and if the glass reaches full, a bloodrage ensues. The blood in the glass is "spent", and starts over again.


From a young age, most Ortans learn to suppress their Demonblood, and there are various ways to reduce its influence, though most effectively it is by subduing one's emotions to a degree. Ortans are generally somewhat composed and stoic, but when their bloodrage reaches its top, they tend to lose control over themselves, and go blind to their senses. Sometimes, during their bloodrage, the chance of demonic possession is considerably higher.



Godmarked (Maika):

Maika, Nua of Crafts and Forges, has marked all Ortans to her cause. To them she has blessed them in the arts of craftwork; most commonly in the art of smithing. Every Ortan seems to have an innate talent for quickly learning and mastering various crafts, as if it's all just natural sense to them when they are trained in craftwork. They especially shine as smiths and metalworkers.


Added on with their four arms and natural strength, they are not only skilled crafters, but also quick ones too. Maika's blessings additionally has the power to inspire Ortans, which can make them quite inventive with their creations, or let them find ways to improve upon their work.



Ortans are born with four arms, which they have fully conscious and natural control over. This makes Ortans very good at handling several things at the same time, and they have very dextrous hands as well as natural ambidexterity.


Ortans can wield tools and weapons with ease, and their natural strength allows them to carry more than most. They can also be surprisingly agile with their four arms, and they're quick to get back on their feet if they should fall or be knocked down.


I addition, their four arms make it very easy for Ortans to climb and gain grip, and they can be very efficient grapplers if needs be.


On extremely rare occasions, there have been six-armed Ortans. Though, typically these Ortans have been demi-touched in some way, which would make them more godlike than most.




Ortans are one of the tallest Kindred Ancestries. They share blood with giants, meaning that the two once mixed together at some time after the Ashen Era began. In this sense Ortans are regarded as Half-Giants, not only because of their tall stature, but because of their almost inhuman strength, and their naturally muscular bodies.


Some Lineages are taller than others, such as how Hilldwellers, Frostdwellers, and Flamedwellers are overall visibly taller than Tidedwellers and Underdwellers; the latter two of which tend to be at most a head or two taller than the average Kindred, whilst the former three are about two or three heads taller.


This Ancestry possesses literal thick skin, as even weapons of metal might have a hard time cutting their hides, though their skin is more vulnerable if pierced. Ortans are also resistant to most diseases, and they can endure most climates with no difficulty, since they barely feel any cold or heat.


Even should they be directly injured, Ortans have a dulled sense of pain, and especially so if they are in their bloodrage, and not even fatigue will stop them from raging through their adrenaline. However, after a bloodrage, they tend to be fully drained to the point of losing consciousness.


In addition, Ortans have a high resistance to any Mana manipulation, but this also means that they are ill-equipped to wield it too, which makes them very poor as far as using their Mana goes. At best they could use their Aether for more spiritual purposes and meditations, but even then they are better fit for more physical matters.

Ortan Demonborn

“Sometimes the demonic taint is too strong, and some Ortan newborns are born more demon than Kindred. In these cases the baby is often killed, as the likelihood of demonic influences and possession are too great. Essentially, there is no way the Ortan baby will survive growing up.


But still some do manage to. These Ortan Demonborn are very rare, and rarer still do they possess their own free minds. Most Demonborn become aggressive and hungering demonic creatures, with no Kindred sense to rein them in.


At first they might start out fairly normal, as they're raised by parents who couldn't bear to kill their own child. The demonic effects are minor and more like quirks, but as the Demonborn gets older, their demonic tendencies grow in intensity, and eventually they lose themselves completely. A demon presence, that once lingered in the back of their minds, will take over.


They will kill the people they love and care about, as they simply just can't control their demonic side any longer, and in this they finalize their ascension to demonhood. Some Demonborn might sound sane and can even converse normally, but deep down this is simply a trick, as their demonic side is in control, and there is no Kindred soul left in them to stop them."


of the Fated Paths



Harepps are Kindred who resemble hares and rabbits. They are known to be an overly abundant Ancestry, as they are found in all Shards across Numenua. Most of all, they're renowned for their fighting prowess, and many Harepps communities are that of warrior societies.


A Harepps's most striking appearance traits are their ears and their noses, which are by all means harelike. Their ears are long with exceptional directional hearing, and their noses let them sniff out most scents with ease.


In addition, they are agile acrobats, fast sprinters, and they have strong kicks that allow them to jump high and far.


Most Harepps are born of the female sex, and males, while not technically so rare, are generally quite outnumbered overall. Though, in some Lineages the female to male ratio could be twenty to one.​


The Majority of Harepps live in various tribes found in isolated settlements in forests or vales, or as wandering nomads travelling deserts, steppes, and plains.​ Some few Lineages are found in Kindred-mixed cities or settlements, though they are of a minority.



-Moonpath Harepps-

"This Ancestry is of the Numen Kindred"

Numen Kindred

"Harepps are very common throughout the Numen Shards"

Very Common (Numen Shards)

"A large majority of Harepps tend to be born as the female sex"

Female Dominated

"This Ancestry is marked by Hast, Nua of Hares"

Godmarked (Hast)

"Harepps possess harelike aspects, and have an affinity for small animals"

Wild Souls (Hares)

"This Ancestry is very closely connected to Fated Luck"


"This Ancestry can survive and live in most natural environments"


"This Ancestry has quick reflexes, nimble bodies, and strong kicks"



Most Harepps Lineages prefer to live with only other Harepps, and Harepps-centric communities are often heavily matriarchal, since the majority of their kind are of the female sex. Though, some few tribes make their chieftains male for various reasons of tradition, or even just as a means of survival. It is common for certain tribes to appoint ideal males as breeders, to ensure that the tribe survives with strong offspring. Of course, the father doesn't have to be a Harepps so long as they are  a Kindred of the male sex, which has created many stories of all-women tribes who kidnap men to be enslaved in their supposed harems. This is, of course, mostly just stories.


Kindred of this Ancestry are compelled by Fate to wander certain Fated Paths, as they are a Fatebound Kindred. This means that Fate's weave and threads are tightly wound around the souls of Harepps, and they are at the mercy of Fate's mysterious whims. Each Harepps tends to be given a Fated Path of which they are meant to discover and follow, until they achieve their fate and are then given a new one. Often these paths are minor, but they can also be more grand and epic. They could also be fates of Misfortune, as not all Fated Paths are Fortunate.

Harepps are renowned warriors and grow up in warrior societies. From a young age Harepps learn to fight: be it with spear, or bow, or fists. It is often Harepps tribes fight each other more than anyone else, and this tends to make many Harepps tribes generally quite hostile towards all outsiders; sometimes violently so.


Harepps tribes can be extremely territorial, and even minor offences can be blown up much more seriously. Harepps are typically quite temperamental, and their emotions often control their instincts. Material possessions are seemingly a huge thing among Harepps, as they value their perceived treasures highly.


When it comes to most animals, however, Harepps are much more tolerant and understanding, and they often bond closely with certain animals, because of their natural affinity towards them. Nature in general is something more in tune with a Harepps's soul, as they are better aligned with the flow of spirits and the energies of both Primordial and Ethereal Nature.

“According to legend, all the Harepps once looked the same, with the same fur and skin. This was until Hast, Nua of Kings and Chiefs, gave them new coats so he could tell them apart.


To most Harepps, Hast is their main deity, even if he hasn't Godmarked them, and he has in more recent times been known as a Nua of Hares. There are even some Harepps who are openly infatuated with Hast, and obsessively so.


Sunpath Harepps especially pay tribute to and worship Hast, mainly because he is also the Nua of Civilizations and Law, of which Sunpaths are very attuned towards.”


"Plainspath Harepps"

- Noteworthy Harepps Lineages-


Moonpath Harepps are known to prefer either environments of higher altitudes or of colder climates, like mountains or night forests; mainly because Moonpaths feel a connection to the Celestial Mantle, and desire to reside in places where they are closest to the stars. Their tribes are often smaller, and they live in permanent but also fairly small and often hard-to-reach settlements. Moonpath villages are usually independent and their people are very isolated, though they're open to trade with outsiders most of the time, and curious about the world outside.


Moonspath fur is described as thick and silvery or white, though it can also be a dark grey-blueish colour too.


Harepps of this Lineage are decent warriors, but because of their primarily Celestial leaning Mana, they're best aligned for magical pursuits, and so many Moonpath Harepps learn from a young age to wield Magia. Many Moonpath possess Arcane Talent, which is often stronger as well when a moon is out.




Those of the Sunpath are Harepps who are most commonly found among other Kindred Ancestries, and mingle in mixed tribes, villages, or cities. Sunpath Harepps are very sociable compared to other Harepps Lineages, which makes it easier for them to be part of mixed-Ancestry societies. Sunpaths tend to be more on the 'civilized' aspect of life, as they often fit into roles of civilization-building, like construction, architecture, law, and craftsmanship.


Sunpaths tend to have very warm-coloured fur, and often of a more golden hue, though of fewer intricate patterns. It's also usually much thinner than other Lineages.


Sunpath Harepps are less likely to be infected by sickness and disease, and they possess  high pools of Aether. They're often better fit for priestly roles, and many Sunpaths tend to worship Hast, the Nua of Kings and Chiefs. Still, there are also quite a few Sunpaths who choose to become soldiers, and serve in disciplined legions and armies of their given city or kingdom.


There are also strangely more males born among Sunpath Harepps, to the point where the divide between the male and female sex is barely noticeable.




Woodspath Harepps are typically found living in vast woodlands and jungles. Woodspath tribes tend to either wander through the forests between various resting spots for each season, or they build villages hidden up high in the trees. Of all the Harepps, Woodspath are the most hostile towards outsiders, and barely tolerate other Harepps of other tribes.


This Lineage's fur tends to be very dark, with many round-ish patterns that blend in with foresty backgrounds. They tend to have more patches of fur along their bodies.


Most Harepps of this Lineage are known to be excellent hunters and trackers, and their bond with animals is much stronger than other Harepps, and especially to that of animal or woodland spirits. They are also quite a lot more agile than other Lineages, and they're capable climbers.


Male Woodspath Harepps are extremely rare. It is said that a single male is born for every twenty female Harepps in most Woodspath tribes.



Possibly the most common and plentiful of all Harepps. Plainspaths travel in fairly large nomadic tribes across vast plains, meadows, savannahs, steppes, or tundras. Sometimes the many tribes join together to form great tribal, Horde Empires, though only at times of great war. Plainspath Harepps are heavily tribal, and they lean hard on their warrior culture. Every Plainspath is expected to know how to fight and hunt, often from a very young age. A first kill is celebrated with much wild merriment.


Plainspaths are more likely to worship spirits over either the Nua or the Numa, though it depends on the tribe. Plainspath tribes can be very diverse culturally, and each one has very unique traditions that others might not even have heard of. As such Plainspath can be very aggressive and hostile to outsiders who fail to understand their traditions, but very welcoming to those who do understand.


This Lineage's Harepps are physically fit, athletic, and they are skilled warriors. Their fur can be very diverse in both colour and patterns, and their hair grows very quickly, so many have very long head-hair that they might braid to keep in line.




Hillspath Harepps are very likely to be found in settled villages of smaller tribes or large families. They tend to be found in hot or temperate climates, preferably in hilly, fertile regions near bountiful rivers. Hillspaths are typically cultivators, farmers, or herbalists, and many Hillspaths hold some small fascination for pursuits in regards to alchemy or cooking. It is said that  Hillspath Harepps are masters at preparing various dishes. As a more homemaking Lineage, many Harepps are found living in various large and impressive Burrow-Homes dug into the hills, that connect to each other via intricate tunnels.


This Lineage often gets along with other Kindred Ancestries, but most Hillspath settlements tend to be of their own kind, and often of one large family altogether. All members of these families share the same colour of fur, which is usually a reddish or brownish hue.


Hillspath Harepps are mainly a settled sort, but they're known to be very adventurous, especially when younger. They feel more attached to their Fated Paths more than any other Harepps do, and so it is common for many Hillspath to set out on journeys to achieve their fates, and then come back to settle down permanently years later. Sometimes this is how new Hillspath villages and Burrows are made, if the adventuring soul is fated to establish a new home.

Harepps Roles

“The majority of Harepps across almost all Lineages are at least in some way fighters or warriors, even if they are personally more inclined towards other roles. A warrior's instinct is simply in their nature.


Other than that, Harepps are often found to be hunters, or they're priest and druids. For Moonpaths, their Arcane Talent makes them more likely to become Magi.


Hillspath Harepps are usually farmers, fishers, or herbalists, who then are more likely to develop an interest in alchemy or cooking."

- Notable Traits -


Harepps are extremely adaptive, as they are found living in practically all known climates and environments throughout the Numen Shards, so long as these aren't otherwordly or extreme environments.


A Harepps body adjusts and acclimates itself to various weather and temperatures, which only takes them a few days, or at most a week. Their body does this by quickly growing thicker fur, shedding fur, slightly rearranging the Aether and Mana to better fit with the environment's, and even changes their senses somewhat; like if it is constantly dark their eyesight will eventually adjust to see better in it.


Usually a Harepps will feel discomfort while their body adapts to their environment, and describe it as a numbing and tingling ​cramp that permeates constantly while the body acclimates. ​It is during this time, however, that a Harepps is also more susceptible to gain any diseases or be afflicted by sickness, which, despite their adaptive bodies, most Harepps are much weaker to in general once they get infected.



This Ancestry is known as Fatebound, meaning that their souls are very closely tied to Fate, though more specifically they are connected to that of the Fated Paths. Every Harepps is governed in some way by the Fated Paths, whether it be for great Fortune or Misfortune. Fate has, at the heart of things, marked every Harepps to her wills.


In essence, a Harepps' Path is more or less determined early on. Most Harepps gain a jumbled vision at an early age which will reveal their Fated Path, and if it is an undesired one, they will have to pretty much defy Fate to change it, which is no easy task, as Fated Futures are rarely rewritten.


Generally a Path leans either on the side of Fortune, or the side of Misfortune. There are varying degrees of Fortune or Misfortune, and not all Fated Paths are as severe or all-determining. Sometimes a Path is something simple, like gaining renown for a hunting kill, or inheriting something of either great or low value. Specifics are generally very vague as to what a Harepps Fated Future will end as, as Fate herself is ever-cloaked in mystery, and her ways are only hers to know.


Certain good or selfless deeds will increase the chance of greater Fortune in a Harepps life, and ill and selfish deeds make Misfortune more likely to grow in their soul. This karmic balance functions more or less the same for all Fated Paths.


There are many Fated Paths, which all might determine a Harepps future, depending on which Fated Path they are given. One of Fated War might see themselves rise through battle, or be slain miserably by it. Someone of Fated Wealth might make it large as merchants or treasure hunters, or find themselves in eternal debt or poverty. Fated Love could be a Path to happiness, or great sorrow.


Fated Luck is the most common and largest among Harepps, as it affects all Harepps regardless of what other Fated Paths they are bound to. Someone whose soul is strong in selfless deeds and Fortune will see Fated Luck reward them, or punish them for misdeeds. These are often minor effects of Fate, which are part of Harepps life besides their bound Fated Paths.


All Harepps feel compelled to achieve their Fated Path, and if it's an undesired fate, they might instead feel the strong desire to change it or defy it completely, so as to avoid any ill futures assigned to them. Achieving a Fated Path doesn't necessarily mean that it is the end for their journey, as Harepps can have many Fated Paths over their lifetimes, though usually only one at a time.​


Because of being so woven into Fate's threads, Harepps can be quite more susceptible to certain curses, as curses are generally designed to unravel or tangle fates.


As their souls are closely connected to that of hares, every Harepps is in some form or another harelike or rabbit-like. This determines their general appearance by giving them hare-ears with a heightened sense of hearing, strong noses for an advanced sense of smell, keen eyes that let them see far and in perceptive detail, and parts of patterned fur along their bodies that often blend in with their environments.


Additionally, Harepps possess powerful legs, with strong kicks, which lets them jump high and far. Harepps are naturally athletic as they are decent sprinters, and they're agile and acrobatic, with excellent footwork. Their reflexes are also very fast, which generally makes most Harepps very skilled at hunting and fighting. Many Harepps also have claws, which are well-suited mainly for digging, but can also be a boon when fighting barehanded.


The greatest detriment for a Harepps is that most Harepps live to only see fifty or sixty years of age, and as such they are on average one of the shortest-lived among the Kindred Ancestries in terms of lifespan. They are also generally weaker when it comes to sicknesses, and injuries can often heal very slowly, when unaided by healing Magia or advanced medicine.



Animal Affinity:

Harepps have an affinity for most animals, especially mammals, and typically small ones. However, they also tend to share a high empathy with various hound breeds. One in particular, known as a Ashun hound, is said to be half-hare itself, which makes many Harepps choose Ashuns for their companions.


Depending on the community and culture, certain Harepps tribes or families might hold traditions of gifting animal pets to their children, with the purpose of binding their souls together in a sort of Fate-Pact. This pact is often extended to various animal spirits as well.​


Because of their affinity, Harepps bonds with animals is much stronger than most Kindred.


Harepps Burrows

“Harepps have claws fit for digging; specifically for burrowing. It might be partially instinctual, but most Harepps prefer to traditionally live underground, or at least in houses built into hills, dirt, or cliff-sides; so long as it is surrounded by earth.


Sometimes more advanced Burrows are dug, where there might be intricate tunnel systems that connect the various Burrow-Homes together. This is most common among Hillspath Harepps, who are the most likely to create Burrow settlements, since other Lineages, like the Plainspath, tend to be more nomadic.


Not every Harepps will live in Burrow-Homes, and sometimes a very small Burrow is dug out to serve as a storage of sorts, often of valuables meant to be hidden away.


One thing that is very common among all Harepps societies, however, is the fact that a 'Burrow Grave' is often dug in most communities, for their deceased bodies to be interred in. These often have the appearance of a crypt, though less structured and less stonebound, as Burrow Graves are more earthen. In Harepps communities where it is common for families to be buried in the same place, entire Burrow Graves could be dedicated to one family instead of being a public crypt, and these could be incredibly large; of complex tunnels that lead to individual rooms.


Depending on some Harepps, their valuables and wealth might also be buried with them, which can attract the attention of grave-robbers and tomb-looters. Most Burrow Graves, especially of wealthier families, are thus guarded; be it by bound spirits, animals, or dedicated Harepps guardians. Most of the time Burrow Graves are simply just hidden away in difficult to reach places.”


of the Skyward Tribes



It is said that the first Aevar were carried to the Skyshards by powerful winged Eidolons of unknown description. Up there, where one can walk among the clouds, the Aevar sprouted wings and learned to fly. They would be known as the Skyward Tribes.


It has been a long time since the first of the Skyward Tribes settled in the many Skyshards across Numen. They have become a diverse Kindred Ancestry, most noteworthy for their winged, avian appearances.


Aevar are closely aligned with the appearance and traits of various birds, and each Aevar tends to be of a specific type of bird. Their most striking aspects are their rich, long feathers, which come in a variety of different plumages. ​Aevar typically have piercing eyes from which they can see far with, strong claws and talons, and they are often enough born with wings.


​Aevar bodies are typically quite thin and lean, and of a shorter stature compared to other Kindred Ancestries. Aevar are of light-weight, which makes it easier for them to lift off to fly, so long as they're not dragged down by too much other weight like heavy clothes or equipment.



-Songfeather Aevar-

"Some Aevar are born with wings, which makes them capable of flight"


"This Ancestry is of the Numen Kindred"

Numen Kindred

"Wingless Aevar are found on most Numen Shards, but winged Aevar reside mainly on the Skyshards"

Somewhat Common (Numen Shards)

"Aevar possess very bird-like features and aspects"

Avian Souls

"Aevar are marked by Aeila, the Nua of Birds and Song"

Godmarked (Aeila)

"Some Aevar are born with exceptionally strong Wind Mana"


"Aevar are often of shorter stature and lighter builds compared to other Kindred"

Small Stature


However, not all Aevar are winged. Overall the Aevar are separated as either Wingborn or Windborn; the former of  which are born with wings, and the latter without, but instead Windborn are gifted with a natural talent for manipulating Wind Mana. Wingless Aevar are more common on the Shards, whilst those with wings are found almost only on the Skyshards. The legends tell that the first wingless Windborn Aevar fell down from the Skyshards, and lost their wings as a result of the fall.


It is rare for Wingborn Aevar to come down from the clouds, but it does happen sometimes. In many cases they are simply stuck, as they can't get back up to the Skyshards because it is too far to fly up, and there are far fewer powerful wind-currents outside of the Skyshards. Instead they might try to find other ways to find a passage back to their skybound homes, or they simply just decide to remain on the Numen Shards.


Wingborn Aevar are more likely to have winged offspring, and the same goes for the Windborn, who are more likely to have wingless offspring. Between a pairing of Wingborn and Windborn, the one with the strongest soul tends to have their wings and features inherited. Inter-Ancestry unions follow the same general rule, though it is common for a primarily non-Aevar child to inherit some Aevar features, like sets of feathers growing from their head or limbs.

Aeila, the Nua of Birds, has marked the Aevar, and she regards them as her children. Aevar are very likely to obtain blessings from her, as she is a more eccentric and free-living Nua compared to her other siblings. Equally, though, Aeila can be very tempestuous if she feels crossed.


Aevar Windborn are the most common of the Aevar, and they're the most likely to be found living in communities of mixed Kindred Ancestries. Wingborn on the other hand are rare in the Numen Shards, though if they do live in the Shards, they're also usually found with other Kindred. However, most Wingborn live in the clouded lands of the Skyshards, where they roam in various tribes, or live in tightly-knit villages.

"Aevar generally don't lay eggs, and the idea is rather discomforting to most Aevar. However, there have been some few cases, said to be the work of curses, where an Aevar mother has laid eggs instead of birthing normally.


According to the tales, if an Aevar lays eggs, those eggs will hatch into monsters who become creatures like harpies or cockatrices. This is said to be how most birdlike monsters were first created.


However, there are also stories that tell of how a single egg was laid, and as it hatched, it revealed a seemingly normal Aevar baby. But as the child grew, its monstrous aspects would begin to show, as it would be an Aevar of half-Kindred features and half-monstrous traits; including the fiendish hunger and bloodlust that many monsters possess.”


"Huntfeather Aevar"

- Aevar Lineages-

“Aside from referring to an Aevar by their Lineage, sometimes certain communities (especially Aevar-dominant ones) might call each other by the specific avian bird they share traits with. These are often regarded as sort of "sub-Lineages", since differences aren't only evident in general appearance, but also in minor quirks and traits.


In essence, they might call each other Owlbirds, Hawkbirds, Eaglebirds, Crowbirds, Rheabirds, and so on."


Songfeather Aevar are regarded as naturally beautiful, or rather it is that their plumages are considered very stunning and colourful. In fact, certain Songfeathers who possess very alluring patterns are known to have what are referred to as "hypnotic feathers", which can daze and confuse some, or just outright charm those who behold them.


Songfeathers are also gifted with very enchanting voices, which are sirenlike in their appeal, especially when used in song or poetry. These Aevar's songs tend to easily attract the attention of smaller birds, which makes it easier for Songfeathers to bond with most avian species. As far as bird affinity goes, Songfeathers have an advantage over other Aevar.


This Lineage tends to have strong Mana and Aether, which makes Songfeathers capable Magi or spiritualists.


Songfeathers usually share traits with peacocks, songbirds, parrots, and any other birds that are typically of more colourful plumage and who are more naturally sociable.



Huntfeathers are described as possessing very sharp talons and claws, powerful wings (if Wingborn), and a general plumage that fits well with most natural environments as camouflage. They also have extremely good eye-sight, which lets them not only see very far, but also accurately notice small details.


Huntfeather Aevar are known to be more aggressive and warrior-like compared to other Aevar Lineages. They have a natural instinct for hunting, and their bodies are very durable. Depending on which bird they most align with, they can be very physically strong, or very agile and stalker-like.


This Lineage shares traits with hawks, crows, eagles, and falcons, etc. Typically any bird that is associated as being raptor-like and aggressive hunters.




Sprintfeather Aevar are renowned as being very fast and athletic runners. They also possess very fast reflexes, with dulled feathers contrasted by usually a few plumes that stand out in striking colours or patterns. Sprintfeathers generally have very powerful legs, which lets them run fast and far due to their excellent stamina, and they can jump decent distances as well, even from a standing start.


Sprintfeathers often suffer from some claustrophobia in tight spaces, as they feel the most free and content in more open areas. They are more likely to faint or be subjected to immense stress from small rooms or tunnels.


There are usually more Windborn among Sprintfeathers, as most Aevar of this Lineage are born without wings. Instead they possess stronger Wind Mana in their Vessels and Shrouds, which further boosts their speed and stamina. They also heal much faster than other Aevar Lineages, and are more resistant to common diseases.


Sprintfeather Aevar typically share traits with emus, ostriches, rheas, and other more land-based and typically sprinter-like birds.​​

Aevar Roles

"In Aevar-centric communities, most survive by being either gatherers, hunters, or scavengers.


Despite what some might consider frail bodies, Aevar are in fact potentially very skilled fighters, as they rely more on their quickness and precision. Their natural attunement towards Wind Mana also makes them very capable Magi.


In most Kindred communities, Aevar often gravitate towards artisanal jobs that require precision, like weaving or jewelcrafting, or they might become entertainers. Because they are rather sneaky at times and small of stature, many Aevar also might fall into more skulking roles."


- Notable Traits -

Avian Soul:

All Aevar are, essentially, birdlike. They possess features and traits related to that of avians, and it is especially evident in their plumage. Aevar, even those born without wings, have bodies that are filled with feathers, and their hair is often mixed with that of long feathers too. The colour or intensity of wings often correspond to the Mana alignment of an Aevar's soul.


Other birdlike traits include claws and talons, sharp eyes capable of seeing far, and an affinity for birds. Aevar Songfeathers are gifted with beautiful singing voices, which attracts smaller birds to their sides. Huntfeathers and Sprintfeathers possess faster reflexes, and they are much more nimble and quicker on their feet.


Aevar, of both Wingborn and Windborn kind, are capable of falling slowly from shorter heights, and they can jump high. An Aevar's body is fairly light and they are of a shorter stature compared to other Kindred Ancestries. Their bones, however, are a bit more fragile too, and much more susceptible to blunt trauma. Their bones do heal fairly quickly, though.


Aevar don't need much nourishment in terms of food and drink. They need to eat fairly regularly, but they don't need to eat much to be fulfilled. Essentially, they're described as "snackers". They are even able to digest raw meat without issue, granted it hasn't started rotting. But overall, they require very little to sustain their bodies.



Godmarked (Aeila):

Because of their birdlike nature, the Aevar were chosen very quickly by Aeila, Nua of Birds. There seems to be no special reason outside of the fact that Aevar are birdlike, and Aeila is known to be rather scatter-brained in regards to her decisions and reasons. As far as Aevar are concerned, Aeila is worshipped as their main deistic patron, and though she calls them her children, they refer to her as Grand Aunt.


Being Godmarked by Aeila, Aevar are more likely to receive her blessings, and all Aevar more or less maintain a sort of connection to her through their soul, which means their own prayers are the first to reach her. It is said when Aeila is in a good mood, she spoils the Aevar by making their feathers' colours shine much "prettier", or their claws and talons more durable.


Aeila is known to be a mostly benevolent and free-spirited Nua, but when she feels betrayed or insulted, she is just as likely to curse those who have crossed her, with little hope of redemption.



Wingborn Aevar possess wings that make them capable of flight. There are some certain limitations, such as energy consumption and weight. By using Wind Mana they can stay afloat for longer, despite if they are pulled down by weight (such as heavy equipment, armour, clothing, etc.), but it only lasts for so long. Flying is generally better suited for shorter sprints or to glide along wind-currents. Even just an hour or so in the air would be straining to a Wingborn's stamina.


Wings combined with Wind Mana make a Wingborn very nimble in the air. They can be pretty fast, and if they're hunters or fighters they're able to strike quick, and get out just as quickly. Lighter bodies and less carried weight makes them even faster, and they can fly for much longer. In a fight, their wings can even be useful as a sort of second set of arms or weapons; not strong enough to hold items or kill, but decent for distraction.


Wings make Wingborn capable of manoeuvring around much easier, as their wings can give them decent lift when jumping, they fall slowly, are able to glide, and so on. Winged Aevar hold many advantages when it comes to navigating mostly impassable terrain.




Windborn Aevar are strong in Wind Mana, and they have much greater control over not only their own Mana, but any other sources near them. Unlike the Wingborn, those of the Windborn don't possess wings for flying. They do, however, control wind and storms with greater expertise, and exceptionally gifted Windborn could learn to realign their Mana to fly, though usually only temporarily, as it would be extremely taxing on their Vessel and Shroud's Aether.


Windborn can use their Mana to enhance their own bodies, such as increasing their energy and stamina recovery, improve their flow of Aether, quicken their reflexes, increase the process of healing injuries and mending bones, and so on. Windborn are also generally sturdier as far as their bodies and bones go, compared to the Wingborn.


While Windborn don't have wings, they are often born with extended rows of long feathers around their necks or shoulders that resemble a feathery "cloak". This allows them to at least glide or fall softly from decent heights.

Aevar Glitterbrain

"Aevar are very likely to be affected by a specific sort of mania, that often makes them lose themselves in their obsession. Aevar hold a strong infatuation and fascination for things that shine, glow, glimmer, sparkle, or glitter. These things might include things like various metals such as gold and silver, or precious stones like jewels and gemstones. Even just seeing things they deem valuable and shining might impair their senses or stun them, and especially if there's a lot to behold at once.


This condition is known as Glitterbrain, and it is most common in Aevar, and in particular Songfeather Aevar. All Aevar more or less have some fixation over valuable metals or trinkets, and Songfeathers especially love to decorate themselves and their feathers with various shiny, reflective things.


But those who are extremely Glitterbrained can be so infatuated, that they become a danger to themselves and others. Their greed and jealousy of others' wealth can lead to manic moments of stealing, or even involve more violent crimes. Glitterbrain dulls and blinds their sense and judgment.


Sometimes their love for glittering things could make Aevar more attracted to other Kindred Ancestries, like the Mundi for example, whose bodies are often partially made of precious or shiny metals.


It is believed that an Aevar's love for all things that shine and sparkle was a "gift" from Aeila, the Nua of Birds. As one of the more excentric Nua, Aeila is said to have one day wanted to share her own love for jewels and shining stones by making all her 'children' feel the same way as her. Whether it's true or not, it is more or less agreed that Glitterbrain is more a curse than it is a blessing."

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